El clamor por el escandaloso y dramático fenómeno de los siete millones 300 mil “ninis”, la urgencia de elevar la cobertura en educación superior (meta alcanzada para el gobierno federal pero cuestionada por investigadores serios) y la reforma que hace obligatorio el bachillerato, inducían a pensar que en 2012 habría un presupuesto para educación a la altura de las necesidades. Los analistas del tema y la prensa no confirman tal suposición, por lo menos en el proyecto del Ejecutivo. La Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior, Anuies, ha dicho que no está de acuerdo con el presupuesto y el propio Subsecretario de Educación Superior aceptó, ante ese organismo, que no es suficiente lo programado por la Secretaría de Hacienda.
¿Será la misma historia de cada año? El guión es sencillo: un proyecto de presupuesto de egresos con incrementos en algunas partidas, disminuciones en otras vitales y un monto global que crece en proporciones ínfimas, cuando no inferior al año previo. El Congreso recibe, revisa, escucha, cabildea y ajusta, sometiendo el presupuesto a la lógica de los pesos y contrapesos, a las negociaciones y al poder de cada fracción parlamentaria. Luego de los acuerdos y desacuerdos el Congreso resarce parcialmente daños. Al año siguiente se repite. Así ha sido y en 2011 la historia parece cantada con la misma letra y música.
¿Debe ser así? Por lo menos encuentro dos razones para afirmar que no. Por un lado, está en la mesa la propuesta, la vieja propuesta de los presupuestos multianuales, sometidos a evaluación y rendición, basada también en el respeto a la autonomía –en el caso de las universidades- y la exigencia de responsabilidad social. La segunda razón es que no se puede sustentar carencia de recursos para educación; eso es falso: sin voluntad no hay, porque existen partidas presupuestales que crecieron considerablemente en el proyecto del Ejecutivo; por supuesto, ligadas al aparato de seguridad. Cierto, la inversión es enorme en educación con respecto al gasto, la más alta entre los países de la OCDE, pero nuestro sistema educativo tiene atrasos e ineficiencias también desmesuradas.
Pronto se desvelará el final, pero el inicio es semejante. El problema sigue, incluso, más candente, porque hoy vivimos en un contexto internacional peligrosamente contagioso, con movimientos sociales de estudiantes en Chile protestando por las políticas educativas y sociales y, más recientemente, de maestros en España y Francia reclamando por recortes de plazas. Ese contexto distinto podría marcar la diferencia en el calendario de 2012 con resultados, esos sí, insospechados.
salvador hernandez francisco 1°A
It can not be …!!!!! this true ..? What have we done to see the education of mexico so the results are fatal even feroses like a tiger that joke but it paresca good. I can not even believe I have no idea how I stayed comentaqr like a Mexican but without words and a blind eye. Just try and put I think part of me still that I’m just a granite and sand between all MEXICO but that just begins.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Salvador, es una triste verdad, una triste realidad. Hay una gran incongruencia entre lo que se dice y lo que se hace.
salvador hernandez francisco 1 A
It can not be …!!!!! this true ..? What have we done to see the education of mexico so the results are fatal even feroses like a tiger that joke but it paresca good. I can not even believe I have no idea how I stayed comentaqr like a Mexican but without words and a blind eye. Just try and put I think part of me still that I’m just a granite and sand between all MEXICO but that just begins
salvador hernandez francisco 1 A
It can not be …!!!!! this true ..? What have we done to see the education of mexico so the results are fatal even feroses like a tiger that joke but it paresca good. I can not even believe I have no idea how I stayed comentaqr like a Mexican but without words and a blind eye. Just try and put I think part of me still that I’m just a granite and sand between all MEXICO but that just begins
Dr. JC
Hace unos días leí una nota que hacía referencia a los 7 millones de ninis en realidad deberíamos llamarlos jóvenes sinsin, pues son personas sin oportunidades de trabajar y sin oportunidades de estudiar, es otra forma de ver el problema social que hoy tenemos y la cual me parece más justa para no tratar un tanto “despectivamente” a los jóvenes que de una u otra manera hemos excluido del sistema educativo.
El tema del financiamiento como bien lo señala usted es un problema candente y parece que las universidades no tienen voz y voto en cómo se reparten los recursos y lo peor cada vez son menos los asignados y más los informes que deben rendirse, de ahí la preocupación de las instituciones por conseguir recursos, hacer planeación y gestión de todo tipo, elevar indicadores, etc. Pero el alumno parece tomar un tema secundario.
Y creo que como cada año, el presupuesto será quizás menor para algunos rubros y la misma gata aunque un poco más revolcada!!
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Sandra, gracias. Tienes razón, lo que propones es una mejor denominación; es verdad también que en general hay un tratamiento superficial del tema.
Ojalá en lo del financiamiento nos equivoquemos.
Salvador Hernandez Francisco 1-"A"
Dr. JC is right doctor. Maybe I did not know that much of the material but certainly not as much concerned to know the naked eye but I do play well, we know that we all go through issues and negative Posiva. but I wonder the fact to study or not study less as a person grabs you? pole right now because I conosco jente not studied so that even in a position this high degree of work. That has been hungry and sleepless nights studying to be someone else in life besides what it already is. A if there will be many minds that challenge or perhaps repent of view, as people not prepared this study and not in a position larger than the study being killed.
Alicia Soto 1°A
In my opinion the budget educational should be element priority in the allocation resources and be the height of the needs of our country.
Education is seen as the pillar fundamental to the development economic and social.
However the delay and inequality of the levels of cobertuta and position of different levels educational are making seriously the designation of resources.
There are data of OCDE in 2001 that says Mexico is the third the greatest number of youth inactive.
Alicia Soto 1°A
In my opinion the budget educational should be element priority in the allocation resources and be the height of the needs of our country.
Education is seen as the pillar fundamental to the development economic and social.
However the delay and inequality of the levels of cobertuta and position of different levels educational are making seriously the designation of resources.
There are data of OCDE in 2001 that says Mexico is the third the greatest number of youth inactive..
Rodriguez Niebla Manuela 1B
Education is broad topic criterion in Mexico. Students have less scholarship that last year and always to lack resources. “Ninis” maybe are a result of lack resources and motivation of family. I think that the same history, but different situations.
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B
You are right, all years it’s the same problem, we need it changes, and then, government think that they are wrong. Money for education must be just for education like its planned. It’s a shame that other countries can administrate well their money and Mexico can’t. Why don’t we have people that make from administration an advance for Mexico?
Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B
Well I´m agree with you Juan Carlos, but just in some things.
It is true that we have here in Mexico one of the worst economic administration of the world. The government doesn´t invest very much in education and there are maybe lots of good students who really want to take advantage of the opportunities that they are receiving. In other way, we have a really bad educational system and even teachers and students look for the most spent time in school than really looking for special and real time to learn and study in the classroom.
Mr. Edwards told us once “You young people, have a privilege, you have the opportunity to take formal classes here, I’m sure that you have even more hours of formal classes in this first month than me in my whole life, take advantage of that”. We have to recognize the efforts of our parents to pay our school, and do what we have to do, it is true that the government doesn´t give really much resources for education but it is true that we have to make our part, and teachers have to take responsibility of their work… we need one to each other.
Arthur Edwards
Que chingonería de trabajo!
Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B
Thanks a lot Mr. Edwards, it is really motivating to read this comment about mine, I really appreciate it.
1A Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro
I am in accordance with the Sandra comment. more people without work, without estudy, showing ours terrible reality. I think will be the same story of always and we without do everythink nothing. I wonder if there positive or will something changue in the opportunities for the youngers.
Ivan Alejandro Novela Macias. 1°B
I think although reform made to the school required can help to have best employees, I also believe which may leave more unemployment. If you had people not studied high school, believe that to study preparatory school?
Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 1B
How is it possible that no budget increase for Mexico’s education?
Mexican youth are the future for Mexico and that Mexico has a good future, young people should have a good education.
How is it possible that Mexico’s education system has delays and inefficiencies?
Not only must support education, education also have to be quality.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 1-B
My opinion is that their loss opportunity to improve their live, but does not take account the study is preferred not to take action in case it’s just that society wants till these nightmares.
diego alejandro 1b
it’s a very good comment Juan Carlos. But very realistic.I question ¿know that education?.I Mexican youth are the future for Mexico and that Mexico has a good future, young people should have a good education.
Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Morán 1B
We cannot allow that it is not taken to them into account. Often these young people are not given the opportunity to study; sometimes the situation is not them allowed. The support of the government and our dedication to education and learning are indispensable so that we have to people of good in the future society. We must raise the voice, is hour of which they listen to us, by the good of all.
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B
In my opinion personal always it’s the same story,up that someone of good will,someone that really is interested for education and decide really INVEST, because it uses more money on other things of less importance than education, knowing that it is for the good of the young, for the good of Mexico.
1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
The first problem of all the country is the education, because is the base of the society. Of course another problem is the money, economy in the world is bad to worst but the cause of this problems is and i repeat Education.
Ismael Perez Avalos 1B
It seems tan we have lots of problems. First of all, every one wants to see Mexico like a big important country and I think the best way to get there, is to improve the education. To make a good progress in education it’s necessary to have resources to work with, then a good administration of it. At last a good education system, able to translate the resources in knowledge and professionals well prepared.
aldo david hernandez castañeda 1-B
It`s amazing how many people ninis, Which are in our country. This indicates that the education of our country. Not very good we need change in our country. Do not allow to happen year after year. Try to find a solution to this problem
Pedro Madrigal Velasco 1°B
I’m tired listening of the nini or the sinsin if opportunities there.
But the people that name ninis or sinin not to look for.
Because opportunities of work own enough to see the section of him search but these people wants jobs managers.
The schools there and many perhaps of low prestige but if there places where study.
J. Enrique Madrigal Dia 1A
I read this article, and some questions come to my mind. Why if every year, if there budget for universities and students, has become bigger this problem? Could it be the most serious problem is in those who make to budget? or, Could it be that the objective is lost in personal interests or some?
I believe that the results of education in Mexico are fatal, as education is considered fundamental for the development of economic and social, Mexicans have some of the worst economic administrations.
Miguel rosales ochoa 1A
My opinión is that the demonstrations are to improve the stuff and government
I think every day there are more Ninis should spend more money in education and work.
Promises are good hopefully that are met.
Education Help the development of the Mexico by merit.
1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
The first problem of all the country is the education, because is the base of the society. Of course another problem is the money, economy in the world is bad to worst but the cause of this problems is and i repeat Education.
Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 1°B
Dr. Juan Carlos a question…. Really everything that is destined to the education covers all the marked educational environment?..Or perhaps the thousands of dollars allocated to promote third or even half only education is used properly, and rest is pocketed by the so-called “organizers”.
Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B
My opinion is although the seven million 300 thousand “ninis” be the outcry for outrageous and dramatic. Have the urge of raise coverage of higher education and reform makes it mandatory the high school. Although the reform was for the school requires help for have good staff in future of Mexico.
Jose CArlos Hernandez Hernandez 1B
We should thank the Teachers Union and Human Rights for put anormous obstacles for education. The Union doesn’t fight to provide a better education, all the teachers want is complaining and get paid millions. Are actually few teachers who really teach because they love it, besides ourselves cause their lazy because many parent hate that the teachers require to their poor childrens.
Axel orozco 1B
that is a very good opinion, I somehow find it stupid that there isn’t an incresement in mexico’s education budget. how do we expect to be noticed upon other countries when talented students can’t continue with their studies because there’s no money. i have friends in the same situation, very good students but they cant continue because of their economic problems.
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A
I think. That always has been the same sonnet. It always has been the same story they say us that education has improved and I think that is not true we are still in the same. I think education is the foundation of your knowledge, your attitude, your ethics, if your everything. But as there is unequal levels of education are making resource designation. I think OECD I do not remember what year? conducted a survey that Mexico is among the top of inactive youth.
Arthur Edwards
La question aquí es de sustentabilidad. ¿Puede la educación existir en su estado actual? ¿Qué cambios se requieren? ¿Qué necesitan hacer los diferentes actores que participan en el proceso de formación (o deformación) de los jóvenes mexicanos? ¿Cómo construimos un país a base de personas apropiadamente educadas y que puedan contribuir al desarrollo que tanto anhelamos? Parece que el gobierno no quiere/puede con la carga de educar a su pueblo y que busca un modelo chileno para excluir a muchos pero privilegiar a los pocos que pueden educarse en instituciones privadas “de excelencia”. Me preocupa mucho!
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Arthur, un excelente apunte, con preguntas punzantes para la reflexión.
alvaro arellano galvez 1"A"
In my opinion, education is considered as fundamental for social and economic development of any country. The education budget has to be implemented for better quality of study and have more professionals. To have more functioning in the country and have higher productivity.
José Carlos Llerenas Montes 1-A
The budget is vital part to have a better education.
If the budget is insufficient the obligatory baccalaureate will be useless.
I hope this year they can do a good job in the field of education.
Only then our country will progress.
Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 1ºD
I think is a link of a lot of people. One person needs the money or the approval of other person, and this other person needs the approval of other one. At the end, I don’t know who is the one who has to do the things to make this link work. Those who are not doing his job are the responsables of all this inconsistencies.
Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A
In my opinion Mexico does not manage money as you should do.
Maybe if the budget were higher not take advantage to one hundred percent.
It would also be better to increase the budget so that you have to pay teachers with graduates.
And at the same time to use it in more facilities and technology.
Jose Nicanor Ruiz Lopez 1.D
in my opinion., the prosupuesto education should be the priority so you can get by Mexico.
i Singani not wasting money on the trail of light.
that this is not good for anything, leading hesos 1000 spent billion ,could aver served for the study, or for apollo low-income people..
Rubèn Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 1A
In my opinion, I think it’s a sad fact but very true because the truth all the investment in higher education for my point of view I think is outrageous the figures used for the truth but I am not the person who administers or coordinated so that if truth is not what actually is spent and used well in education.
osdy gersaid fletes arreola 1 "A"
When Mexico will make their ideas work for better country?
I think it’s responsible for creating ideas for education would have to implement new things to make the country prosper in the future and are no longer simple desire to change.
Spend less and making more effective their ideas.
Irving De La Mora 1B
Sincerely, education in México is a shame, have wondered what would happen if university education depended completely on government? Quality, we only ask quality.
Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 1A
Same story, same problem, more money throwing away. It is true that countries like Spain, France and Chile have make some changes or they are trying to make some changes in their education system. But I think that our real problem like Mexicans is our culture. We work for convenience and as confortable as posible and the “ninis” don’t work and don’t study because they excuse them with “but there are no jobs” “I can pay the school” and mostly of them are just being lazy.
Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez 1B
Generation “nini” is very serious problem, especially because most of the guys who are without work and looking for opportunity to study some productive activity that allows them to develop their skills, but not find it.
Julio Daniel Rodriguez Puga 1A
In my opinion and that of many if not is that all, our government needs to invest more in education in our country. Our reality is harsh and is also very very noticeable even what we say is “we have a third world country”?. The Ninis is a sample of this educational reality we have today. I hope our rulers do something next year for the education budget
Manuel ALejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D
I can not believe what results they are given, but we must ask, what do we do? and how we can implement the solutions?
luis humberto urzua araiza 1b
I think as long as we wasting time on people who do no value the efforts made by their parents to study theam.Who still dore to take the famous “sabbatical year” as this continue to happen is going to continue to increase the population of “Ninis”.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 1 B
In my opinion, the 7 million 300 thousand “ninis”, most are “sinsin”, this “sinsin” are the ones that need more support, ‘cause some “ninis” are idle people that are just wasting their time, otherwise the ”sinsin”, they would be the ones that need that government support and from the educational institutions, they could be great people in their lives, but without this opportunity they will just be “sinsin”.
Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 1D
In my opinion, three more important things to invest in the youngs it is in health, education and nutrition of them.
See that the changes in budget designed for education don’t change, it’s a problem . Because the inflation of the costs constantly in increment and adding the intentions to make high school obligatory and other things, government need to increase the budget for this year.
Miguel Leòn Bautista 1º "A"
In my opinion, education has been, is and will always be the most important issue anywhere.
However even there are still many problems that prevent young scholars.
Unfortunately all these proprietary parts and throwing the institutions is not nothing but the harsh reality.
Besides probablente is sad that this problem will not be solved at all.
Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 1.-D
In my opinion this is so important because we have the advantage of seeing what we want to spend.
See everything you need to do a budget and we can see also invest in a safe manner.
And everything is better, debemor look to the future and education we can achieve