Hace 11 años, en la capital de Jalisco, las Universidades de Guadalajara, Autónoma de Nuevo León y Colima decidimos unir esfuerzos y recursos para organizar, en el marco de la Red Nacional del Nivel Medio Superior Universitario (creada por el Consejo de Universidades Públicas e Instituciones Afines, de la ANUIES), un coloquio de profesores que permitiera agrupar, durante dos días, a los maestros de los bachilleratos universitarios para intercambiar experiencias y aprender juntos, con base en talleres impartidos por docentes elegidos por las instituciones y sesiones de presentación de sus ponencias.
Desde el primer coloquio la respuesta de los docentes fue estimulante en cantidad y calidad. Además de los propósitos académicos, los encuentros servían para la integración entre profesores de cada universidad y con los colegas de otras. Conocerse y reconocerse es un ventaja no menor en una profesión que se ejerce en solitario pero requiere del previo y posterior trabajo colegiado. Especialmente en un nivel educativo olvidado por las políticas y convertido en nido de oportunistas, demagogos e irresponsables.
El éxito de las primeras experiencias se replicó en los años siguientes a lo largo y ancho del país, en las universidades que tienen bachillerato. La segunda sede fue la Universidad de Colima, con resultados mejores que luego crecieron en la tercera, Nuevo León. A las instituciones fundadoras nos correspondía el privilegio de ser los primeros en la sede, pues a partir de entonces ya se habían sumado otras instituciones con el mismo entusiasmo, como Yucatán, la UNAM y Sinaloa.
Asistí a los primeros coloquios como organizador y coordinador de la Red Nacional que lo auspiciaba. Lo que allí viví, personalmente, está en sitio especial. Luego de dejar la responsabilidad de conducir la Red, la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, sede del evento en 2007, me invitó a presentar una conferencia en el octavo coloquio. Fue mi última asistencia y desde entonces no regresé. No sé qué ha sucedido y qué ha cambiado, pero me complace que la semana anterior se llevara a cabo una nueva edición, ahora en la Universidad de Guadalajara, donde nacieron.
Junto a la complacencia porque se siga efectuando “el coloquio”, como le llamábamos, quiero imaginar que la convocatoria es un buen motivo para cumplir, por los menos, los objetivos con que lo concebimos, especialmente ahora frente a dos circunstancias inéditas: una partida cuantiosa de recursos financieros para cubrir los costos de un diplomado nacional en capacitación de profesores y una reforma constitucional que hace obligatorio el bachillerato, circunstancias ambas, sobre todo la segunda, que requieren un enorme esfuerzo en ese nivel educativo, mayor al que jamás hemos hecho para dotar a la educación media superior de la dignidad que no conoce.
Ojalá así sea, porque son ellos, las profesoras y profesores quienes tienen la enorme responsabilidad de educar a los miles de adolescentes y jóvenes que asisten a las aulas universitarias, y millones en el conjunto del sistema de educación media superior. Y eso hay que ponerlo en su justa dimensión, más allá de limitaciones económicas en la enorme mayoría de las escuelas preparatorias, de políticas erráticas, de miopías en las autoridades, para ponderar su esfuerzo pero también para no dar un paso atrás. No tengo duda: son los profesores del bachillerato la posibilidad y la esperanza de una transformación a fondo en ese nivel educativo.
Juan Mimbela
Estimado Juan Carlos, gracias por compartir esta reflexión acerca de los “Coloquios” como le llamamos comúnmente los profesores de educación media superior, gracias por haber sido el partícipe y motor de cambio de tan aletargado Nivel Medio Nacional. Personalmente mi crecimiento profesional, académico y sobre todo humano ha sido altamente catalizado por dichos eventos de formación docente. Sin duda, los Coloquios han y siguen siendo el lugar de confluencia de todas las inquietudes, esperanzas, frustraciones, orgullos de nuestro Nivel Medio Superior. Enhorabuena y de seguro que todos y todas recordamos y agradecemos tus inolvidables charlas oficiales y entre pasillos. Muchas gracias Juan Carlos.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Muchas gracias Juan, un abrazo.
aldo david hernandez castañeda 1-B
I think a good. That all teachers meet to discuss. New ways of learning for students, teacher and thus demonstrate what they learned from other. Except that teachers know and exchange ideal between them.
Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 1.-D
I think it is very important because this conference was an initiative to see, know, experience various forms of education of teachers.
It’s nice that even being of different institutions, but for the same purpose to assist and train students to meet and already has over eleven years is done.
exchanged several things not just teaching time for each of the activities are good for us and teach us what we put into practice.
J. Enrique Madrigal Dia 1A
A greeting for all involved and responsible that national network of media superior, who cares about improving the educational level, and see the progress of this initiative, for since in the course of the years. more states is joined, congratulations
Maribel Perallta Larios 1°D
I liked know that upper secondary education took a step important development good professional.
I my opinion unity and cooperation of institution education took Aguascalientes, Jalisco and Colima timely grasped inside framework of education.
I like teachers share their experience and manner teaching classes of student.
I my opinion say that two head think better that one hence a wise thing is that hundreds professor share their experiences.
Miguel rosales ochoa 1A
Mi opinion is that there techniques of the teachers that facilitate the learning student.
I think that some teachers not have a vocation.
I think that the vices are some of the distractions of the students.
Hopefully and these colloquia ayuden to that improve to have better country.
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B
I think, when people of a respective labor camp but in different environment, among they, emerge ideas very interesting. As well as phrase says “Union makes strength”, it’s something that should be applied to exchange kinds of teaching. Each teacher has his way of give knowledge, if each one applies kinds of knowledge from other teachers with different points of view, we will find an improved and strengthened education.
Alicia Soto ♥ 1ºA
I think the reflection on the practice teaching allows the sharing of experiences and information, learn, analyze and appropriate new knowledge.
Teaching is not a recipe, but a guide that allows objectify the process teaching
And that through work collaborative enriches and helps foster a new mission and vision of what education level superior
As as well says is the teacher one of the actors most important in the system educational and transformation that this level is required.
The most important is that really these reflections have results. ♥
Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 1B
I like the idea that teachers from different universities gather to share ideas.
So they share ideas that can improve the education of high school students.
This is very important, because if the high school students don’t have a good formation, they could make it difficult the next step of study, “University”.
I hope that this symposium will perform each year.
Alicia Soto ♥ 1ºA
I think the reflection on the practice teaching allows the sharing of experiences and information, learn, analyze and appropriate new knowledge.
Teaching is not a recipe, but a guide that allows objectify the process teaching
And that through work collaborative enriches and helps foster a new mission and vision of what education level superior
As as well says is the teacher one of the actors most important in the system educational and transformation that this level is required.
The most important is that really these reflections have results. ♥
Ivan Alejandro Novela Macias. 1°B
I thought it was a good idea to bring together the universities of the country to help improve the methods of teaching thereby improving the education in the country. I hope to there are still further ideas and how are you because these kinds of are the things falling good to Mexico.
Jose CArlos Hernandez Hernandez 1B
I’m agree with you. Today what I see more hope for a positive change is to the teacher of the every different high schools. They have to put insterest for trsnamit insterst to the students.
To meet many professors from various universities is easier to detect problem in the teaching style because they can evaluate problems wich could be national problems.
Axel orozco 1B
It’s actually a very good idea, get together with other teachers to share expierences and make an effort to use other teachers experiences or skills wwith their students. It makes it look like they actually care for their country and want to make a difference.
1A Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro
It is good, the said is clear the junction doing the force. I am faithful believer of what the universities doing the students. I think that not everythink the blame is the teachers, but influence in the quality of the students. Just me remain say that success is obtained of ourselves.
cesar castro carrillo 1*D
Thanks for sharing all his experience of the talks and let us know about past events that have taken place with teachers of high schools.
Salvador Hernandez Francisco 1-"A"
In this respect my opinion on this commentary, it’s good for one’s education is in many cases to rapecto by teachers today and learn more than well prepared and know loq ue no doubt our house we have to thank, commends them to committees or boards or celebrations how are you are giving today hester in different universities.
Arthur Edwards
La educación es muy difícil precisamente porque existen tantos imponderables. Uno pudiera volverse loco pensando en tantos modelos, materiales, técnicas, metologías, formas de administrar, financiar, comprometer a todos de trabajar por bien propio y de la sociedad, de conseguir concesos, de ser pertinentes a las necesidades de la sociedad, etc. En fin, agrupaciones como esta sirven para que haya reflexiones serias con propuestas factibles. La preparatoria debe ser obligatoria, la entrada a carreras profesionales debe ser garantizado para personas que cumplan con los requisitos. Catedráticos deben favorecer más la enseñanza y desarrollo de sus estudiantes. Hay tanto que hacer, tanto que ninguno de nosotros viviremos para ver todos los cambios necesarios. Esto porque los cambios son constantes y nunca se acabarán. Por es invito a que todos seamos maestros de nosotros y de nuestros prójimos. Disfrutan siempre de aprender…el aprender, en si, es una cultura, un hábito, una forma de vivir. Mi deseo es que todas sepan vivir como gente de bien y que sean capaces de producir bienes para tu bienestar propio y para todos los menos afortunados.
Pedro Madrigal Velasco 1°B
I think this meeting or Colloquia are good when is take seriously if it is not so useless.
That goes for growth and school Institutions. Also to growth since Experiences and Knowledge Knowledge Also Benefit These students us.
Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1°D
I agree with you, if the teachers talk about their experiences, they could be better. This type of events only help that education be better. The teachers that don’t go to this events should try to attend, because only sharing their experiences education will be better.
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B
In my opinion personal for have a good level academic in all levels professional, the first that need is a good train teachers,there begins a good education when performed this type of things, because between more trained better education.
José Carlos Llerenas Montes 1-A
I think this is an excellent way of feedback for teachers.
At these meetings they surely learn a lot from the teaching methods of his colleagues.
As the post says, teachers have the great responsibility of educate the country.
Therefore, I think that these activities will increase and will improve their teaching tools.
1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
The union of the high schools is a great idea.
One advantage of this is support themselves.
We appreciate this, by teachers who have taught and still teach us.
But there can also say that teachers who don`t do their job well, and therefore students don`t meet the expectations of the same school.
Teachers who do a good job at that moment noted for the quality of education of their students.
Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A
I think it’s a good technique together teachers from different universities in workshops. So share ideas, experiences and work.
It’s even better to keep doing these workshops for new high school students can know what their teachers learned in the course.
Jose Nicanor Ruiz Lopez 1.D
i like to it is a good improve.espero comienso to continue doing but they can ofresemos foryour a good education.
Ismael Perez Avalos 1B
I think that this kind of meetings are very productive and a very good idea. Teachers can share years of experiences and knowledge so they can improve their work. If teachers are well prepared the students will have more interest and motivation. I hope this event keep performing for many years.
Ramón Fco. Martínez Velázquez 1 "D"
In my opinion I think this very good the teachers of level higher average will continued to prepare to follow teaching to the students and of this way collaborate best people.
Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 1ºD
I think this way to share knowledge, meet other teachers is a form of improve the way to teach. I agree with Jose Carlos a problem in the teaching could be a problem in many schools. I think the same that Alicia Soto, teachers are one of the most important actors in educational system. With initiatives like this the teachers are doing a lot for the country.
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A
In my opinion, I am pleased that joined these institutions is to exchange experience and above all to exchange new ideas of each teacher. I am pleased to continue to make “el coloquio” as they call you. If teachers have a great responsibility to teach students and not too bad to exchange ideas with other institutions.
Rubèn Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 1A
In my opinion, this group formed seemed very important, because the system took in high schools was well below what came to be used in these times, I hope all these changes and continue blending for the sake of the students and teaching to express themselves in a better way.
In my point of view I am very pleased that there people responsible in charge of these groups to improve the teaching and is a well being for young people pursuing for high schools. Greetings ..
In my opinion I say that is good to see that different institutions have the same purpose, to improve student life is good to know that higher education is a better way and good professional development.
osdy gersaid fletes arreola 1 "A"
My opinion is that this very well that this emplemente because it makes the education provided to assist teachers is of better quality.
This is very good for all universities that are involved.
I wish to continue doing these things to improve teachers
Irving De La Mora 1B
It’s good know that at least teachers, care about the education of students, because the education authorities, handled by politics, seem to have better things to do than discuss educational issues. Thank you for sharing this information professor. More trust in teachers.
alvaro arellano galvez 1"A"
my opinión of the reflection, teaching must be the main thing in these in these times and must be priority. And through collaborative work enrich and help promote a misión to be better in this life and improve the quality of living. To make Mexico a better country.
Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 1A
It’s amazing, teachers getting together to share and coment each others experiences. The profesors at level colege are great people, cult people, really smart people and I feel really glad to be a student in the University of Colima. There’re high quality teachers and the treatment that they give us it’s great.
Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez 1B
I think it’s very good that the “National Network of Upper-Middle Level University,” and that through this we will find improvements in education and learning. Best of the National Network of Upper-Middle Level University is, is showing better results every year.
Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 1°B
This is excellent,deploy new forms to reflect on the educational environment and so be aware that all levels of education are important without excluding any,that this “coloquios” associate much more teachers with students to better training.
Julio Daniel Rodriguez Puga 1A
I think it’s good the decision to meet several teachers from different places this shows the interest there is for education. In addition, these meetings are so they can learn and share with others and better ways of learning. This is also motivating for the students that we could learn a different way than usual and break the routine a little learning. I hope more teachers continue to attend these meetings to further strengthen their knowledge in education and educating.
Manuel ALejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D
May we all make that effort, so that education can take that level that many desire.
I really liked the idea of bringing together universities and legs to address those issues about their experiences.
Manuel ALejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D
May we all make that effort, so that education can take that level that many desire.
I really liked the project of bringing together universities and legs to address those issues about their experiences.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 1 B
It’s a great idea this of “the colloquium”, because gathering the teachers of a variety of different institutions is good ‘cause they share their ideas, comments, and their knowledge, this will do that the Mexican education improve, ‘cause as the saying goes “two heads think better than one”, now imagine a lot of thoughts. I hope this continue like this to be a better country and probably to be one of the “First world” countries.
Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B
I think that is good, that gather the teachers for that will help and can in the problems that have with the students. It’s good that gather the teachers because can go improving it’s educational form, for the students and that have a good education.
luis humberto urzua araiza 1b
Sounds good to me.That as mentioned in its Teachers meet to discuss their experiences and are useful for which start. To learn from the mistakes of athers and be better every day
Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B
Absolutely agree with you Juan Carlos, high school teachers have the huge responsibility to educate our future leaders even more tan university professors, just because high school is the great base of that, good education in high school guaranties the goal reaching and the great success of our students in a future.
This idea of creating the “coloquios” as you name them was a really good idea, congratulations for you Juan Carlos for being one of the precursors of this events, my only question, comparing this article with some other posted before is: is it really helping education to increase its quality and be better day by day? Why do we have this sad numbers in Mexico about deficient education, bad teachers and spent time?
Comparing this with numbers in past articles it seems that education is in progress and our teachers are really investing great time improving their educational level, so the numbers must be good numbers if it is really helping but, what about the sad numbers, those that tells us the reality about education in Mexico?
Ernesto Alcaraz Andrade 1*D
I think is a very good idea that the teachers of differents universities make a opportunity to get together to exchange experiences and in that way they can see differents points of view of the education in others states and differents teaching techniques than they can apply to theirs classes.
In that way the education in mexico can make better, with the better teachers.
Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Moran 1B
I agree in which meetings of great magnitude are organized to treat subjects that to all interest to us. I congratulate and I am thankful to all the universities that work to improve the education of the country. We have to take the example of those who long have worked to improve education. To help the education of Mexico is an obligation of all and we must act now.
diego alejandro 1b
it’s something that should be applied to exchange kinds of teaching. Each teacher has his way of give knowledge, if each one applies kinds of knowledge from other teachers with different points of view, we will find an improved and strengthened education.
Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 1D
In my own experience in high school. I had such good and bad teachers, but i think the teachers don’t make the students to get worse than they were in secondary.
It´s the own student and influences that get from another students that make the change.
It’s in my opinion when we are confused, about what we want to do with our lives. It’s the moment when you can get lost in stupid things, like alcohol or drugs. It’s when we need to have a good guide through the change of a teenager to an adult.
Because if you don’t have a good guide, a good example to become. It’s when you get lost, and it’s difficult to get back to have a good way of life.
Arthur Edwards
Wonderful work!
Miguel Leòn Bautista 1º "A"
In my opinion I think the exchange of ideas among teachers fosters much education as they are together new and innovative ideas.
Has always been better when they think of three people to think one nomas and better yet if it is greatly in improving education.
In my opinion I feel that these symposia Deveria be done with all the universities in Mexico as it would be a way to put an end to many problems on this issue.
Rodríguez Niebla Manuela 1B
I believe that it is good idea, share experiences of teachers to improve. I am very grateful that the colloquy is an example for people we study because it is an initiative for the development of education.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 1-B
My opinion is that there a good topi to talk about, if it were madee binding the would be much better because it is the period realize what you really want one to in life but still teachers that you begin to give the tracks to follow him.
Arthur Edwards
No hay garantías en la vida. La violencia nos asecha,la impunidad nos acompaña y personas que aprovechan de su próximo son nuestors vecinos. Como mencionas Juan Carlos, todos tenemos algo que ver con lo que sucede. Lo más triste es que esto vamos a dejar a nuestras creaturas. Lo más triste para mi es como nosotros los padres somos culpables de un doble discurso cuando condenamos acontecimientos pero pagamos mordida, cuando vemos el narcomenudeo y volteamos para no involucramos, cuando queremos responsabilizar a la escuela para enseñar valores en vez de hacerlo nosotros mismos, pregonamos la ecología pero no practicamos las sustentabilidad, predicamos una sociedad unidad pero vivimos en una cultura del”aprovechamiento de quien se deja”. Lo que me duele mucho es que tengo dos hijos que he criado con los valores “antiguas”…a como se va desarrollando la sociedad, ¿hago bien o los estoy dejando al asecho de personas que se aprovecharan de ellos?