
Página ocho

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Dos acontecimientos ensombrecieron hace algunas semanas el panorama en la Universidad de Colima. Cada uno en su dimensión violenta y trágica nos dejó una cauda de sensaciones que corren del pasmo al miedo. La realidad ya nos había despertado violentamente, tiempo atrás, del sueño plácido, del “en Colima no pasa nada”, ahora añorado.

Primero fue la muerte salvaje de una estudiante de bachillerato a manos de dos sujetos drogados, según cuenta la prensa. Víctimas ellos, también, de ese flagelo mundial y mexicano, y que habrán de pagar por un acto irracional y el arrebato impulsivo de instantes que no olvidarán nunca y se repetirán todos los días, encontrando en ello, quizá, el peor castigo. Por supuesto, en el caso de que estemos frente a sujetos normales y con remordimientos en alguna parte de sí mismos.

El otro hecho que nos cimbró apenas unos días después fue la irrupción violenta de policías en el campus Coquimatlán, para disparar a un tipo que huía, miembro de otra corporación policiaca. Una escena impactante para quienes allí estuvieron, lo vivieron o escucharon a pocos metros del lugar. Del suceso sangriento no hablaré. Tampoco de las explicaciones.

Ahora pienso en la pregunta que allí escuché repetidas ocasiones pocas horas después y que luego le formularon al rector en su visita: ¿quién nos garantiza que no volverá a ocurrir? Una pregunta que surge del miedo, de la rabia, de la irritación y la valentía ciudadana.

Pero ¿quién puede garantizar que eso no volverá a ocurrir? ¿Qué o quién puede garantizar que no habrá más hechos violentos contra la ciudadanía, en Colima, en Monterrey, en México? ¿Quién puede garantizar la protección de ciudadanos e instituciones, en sus calles y espacios públicos? Quién puede, cuando el cáncer que carcome a nuestra sociedad avanzó tan letal como sigilosamente en lugares como nuestro Estado. ¿Quién puede garantizar seguridad, si en las policías se enquista también la corrupción y la impunidad?

No, no sé la respuesta ni me propongo averiguarlo. Todos somos responsables, leemos, escuchamos. Tenemos que aguantar, dicen otros. Es probable que casi todos seamos responsables, o muchos. Mis dos hijos, de menos de seis años, no pueden serlo, por ejemplo; ¿o estoy equivocado?

Aceptando que casi todos somos responsables, hay unos más responsables que otros, los que tienen la obligación de proteger a la sociedad, por ejemplo, los que cobran por la tarea, mucho o poco, son más responsables. Así que, por favor, continuemos esta dura batalla llamando a las cosas por su nombre. La lucha no está solo en las calles, también está en nuestras mentes. Desalojemos las mentiras y, tal vez, se haga un espacio pequeño para la valentía y la dignidad.

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40 thoughts on “Página ocho

  1. Paola MOjica Contreras

    He leído la publicación sobre los acontecimientos y me pongo a reflexionar sobre el hecho y una gran pregunta surge: como es posible que los actos violentos y ligados al crimen invadan los espacios que como ciudadanos consideramos en gran medida seguros para nuestros alumnos e hijos. La garantía seguramente no la tenemos y casi estoy segura de que muchos piensan lo mismo. Lo que si es que lo que pueda estar en nuestras manos y hacer algo para frenar estos actos que día a día están ganando espacio en nuestra sociedad, que pena por estar personas que seguramente no aprecian a su gente mucho menos a su nación para hacer lo que les venga en gana. Saludos Doctor.

  2. Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B

    Well, I am totally agree, I miss those days when we used to say “It doesn´t happen anything here in Colima” “Colima is very safety”, it is a shame that we could not say the same in this days.

    I feel sad because of this situation, I miss that past safety city where we lived a few years ago, and it is true nobody can guarantee the safety, the privilege of walking alone in the street or even being in your school studying, as it passed weeks happened in campus Coquimatlan, what a shame.
    It is our responsibility to take care of our own society and our own family, we have to make our part and don´t wait ´till the others do theirs, it is in us to start working the day is today…

  3. Luz

    Estas cosas suceden por “falta”,solemos decir “falta de oportunidad” ,”Falta de educación”….. A veces pienso que no es eso, simplemente es la falta de lucha y hambre de sueños. Nada en esta vida es fácil…. Pero depende de cada persona enfrentar su realidad y superarla.

  4. Rodríguez Niebla Manuela 1B

    This is just the beginning of a future full of evil deeds. Where all blame themselves and nobody will do anything, ¿Do we get used to this bad life? , we will demonstrate the ability we have as a society to improve the situation. This will not end, marching or writing comments. Each person must act according to a general point of view, every day teaching us not to use substances that harm us.

  5. Irving De La Mora

    Quizá colima si este pasando por una crisis de seguridad, pero esto no es nuevo, hace años que hay trafico de drogas, violaciones, asesinatos, asaltos y demás delitos, pero como a algunos no les ha tocado ser victima, declaran al resto de la gente cosas como que en colima no pasa eso, o que colima es un lugar seguro, démonos cuenta, gente malvada siempre habrá, y aunque la sociedad pacifista dice que con educación se acabara este cáncer que azota a México, creo que no es la manera de acabar con la parte dañada de la sociedad en México, por eso los gobiernos repelen la violencia con violencia, y nada mas se puede hacer en el aspecto actual. Mejor pensemos a futuro, en las siguientes generaciones, educándolas, pero no en universidades o escuelas, ya vimos lo que el gobierno hace para combatir, eduquemos como seres humanos, no como profesores, yo como estudiante y después como profesionista no combatiré la violencia, mejor enseñare a mis hijos a ser seres humanos.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Irving, totalmente de acuerdo contigo.

      Saludos y gracias por leer y comentar.

  6. Arthur Edwards

    La violencia, en mi opinión, es resultado de una mente enferma. No es natural ser violento…va contra la naturaleza que emplea violencia para sobrevivir (cazar, derecho a reproducir). Yo me pregunto seguido porque nos estamos comportando de manera tan destructiva. No encuentro motivo lógico. ¿Porque dañar a la integridad o salud de otro? Nunca entendí estas cosas y me moriré sin saber el porque.

  7. Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B

    You’re right, I agree that responsible citizens or who are called responsible, they shouldn’t be affected because irresponsibility of others. I think that everyone looks the consequences in a future for something next to do, that’s called responsibility. We should be always alert, because people who must be for the benefit of all of us, they don’t comply with their job.

  8. Salvador Hernandez Francisco 1-"A"

    Unfortunately whether it is in Colima, and elsewhere, why not, this step and be somewhat surprising to normal. simpre see what other people’s bad but not good and much less did we veem evil of us, so the fight is not on our streets if it is also in every step we take THROUGH life.

  9. Ramón Fco. Martínez Velázquez 1 "D"

    I agree with you, the fault is the all to go about reporting, others be part of the crime, bribing, say, but we are all guilty, and the worst is that we realize things and we care but we do not deal and the next day we did nothing. Hopefully that will change in our mentality.

  10. Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 1B

    Wonderful words Juan Carlos. I also asked the same question when those events occurred.
    When I heard the event occurred in Coquimatlan campus, I could not believe, I was surprised.
    You are right Juan Carlos, We are all guilty.

  11. Irving De La Mora 1B

    Unfortunately, nothing assures us that violence is over, our state is in crisis, like other regions of the country, then, as no one claims this will end, so that’s make sure we are.

  12. aldo david hernanadez castañeda 1-B

    Juan Carlos you’re right. The insecurity of Colima is very serious, since before this did not happen here but these events. Is that we increase safety, and care for each other in this way. We will be safer, but this is due to drug traffickers. Infecting our country and with product unnecessarily.

  13. 1A Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro

    Where was remain the Colima of nothing happens? so sad is ourreality?. A shame to the happened with Andrea, and its have not name the shouters so together to students.But in my opinion we doing what is sure. To me the source of fear are the criminal and point.

  14. Miguel rosales ochoa 1A

    I think no one this except of a crime.

    I think that those responsible for security are becoming more corrupt.

    Each day are this losing moral, principles and values and will worsening the country.

    I think that legalizing the drugs would end many problems not there will be many deaths learn of the Holland and makes few day Chile

  15. Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A

    I say that I feel sorry for these 2 things that happened. That dream that hoped to say beautiful phrase that “COLIMA nothing happens” We will keep to waiting. I think that nothing people can guarantee that these problems happen again. If we are all responsible for all the people know that but never do anything to change it or we’ll clear this is what I think.

  16. Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B

    I think that, the future of we are bad actions that one does. The people that are responsible not have that affected for other peoples that are irresponsible in the life, the people have that are responsible for what come after.

  17. osdy gersaid fletes arreola 1 "A"

    That is very true. Who can guarantee that it will not happen again?
    I think this already should take into account and do something about.
    The authorities and should do something, because it can be in an institution where student both to carry out these acts of violence risking the lives of students.

  18. María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B

    Violence is everywhere,to fight violence we need good people,do not fight violence with violence.
    Colima had been one of the safest states where nothing happen, and now we know not because to worry, if for good men creear or being well us. only hope that God the forgive and reconsider their attitude.


    In my opinion it is good to say that Colima is a state of quiet but most know that if they spend a lot of things and bad things as they mugged on the street or stay out to rob houses. I think everybody looks at the consequences in the near future for something to do, that’s called responsibility.

  20. luis humberto urzua araiza 1b

    No doubt what is happening in the country is critical in a matter of safety.
    In colima had never seen what is now, so as you mentioned in colima, nothing happens. If you spend the new spaper to see me just read were found in the day.

  21. José Carlos Llerenas Montes 1-A

    Colima has become a place where violence reigns.
    These two unfortunate facts are the perfect example of what I say.
    Unfortunately, the most of authorities don’t anything to change that.
    They have become accomplices of the delinquency and impulse it to continue controlling us.

  22. Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 1°B

    I agree with Irvin De La Mora, who as some citizens not such an act has happened that is why it is safe to say that collimates,but in reality is totally different, violence, theft are on the same story. Just point out that until something actually happens authorities to take strong action on the matter.

  23. Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Morán 1B

    I agree in which all we must act to eradicate this problem. We must take into account that will take enough time to us to do it for that reasons it is necessary to begin now. And remembering a famous phrase; “the change is in all, beginning by us ourself”.

  24. Miguel Leòn Bautista 1º "A"

    In my opinion I agree with the doctor.
    I think you will ever find answer to the question who can guarantee that will not happen again?
    And I also think any of the other questions find concrete answers you could say that it is almost impossible.

  25. alvaro arellano galvez 1"A"

    My opinion is that these Facts
    show that society increasingly you have the mind twisted and no there security, and government no hacer nada absolutely nothing And this will remain so, until the whole society begin to change their life and mentality and begin to take care of each other so that violence will diminish little by little.
    And in many parts the World happen things so but the government not interested in anything that pass they only care about themselves.

  26. Alan Cisneros Godinez 1 "A"

    My opinion is not only the responsibility of government but also by the people.
    No security guarantees us that we ourselves are we to guarantee it.
    Although the government sometimes this for criminals, we can fight it.
    We can fight if we do it for drugs, crime and so on.
    Although it is difficult can be done!

  27. Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 1-B

    This is a problem that must living with that day butt should not deal with these situations and aware of what happened, but who are responsible as always they never come to light.

  28. Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez 1B

    I can not say who would be at fault, perhaps ourselves as a society and that all education begins at home, in the streets, what we see. Although it is cliché to say there is always a good and bad way, our moral ethics decide which to choose.

  29. Alicia Soto 1°A

    It is painful realice as a student, Daughter, sister, friend and citizens live in a reality social that I do not want to anyone today or in the future.
    However, we keep learning and teaching others to live as beings human, whether in education, but more in life daily with values, with reflection that we are more who live without violence, without destroying, we see to build from what we do, infecting others with the good and asking that the laws and justice take care what they deserve.

  30. Alicia Soto 1°A

    It is painful realice as a student, Daughter, sister, friend and citizens live in a reality social that I do not want to anyone today or in the future.
    However, we keep learning and teaching others to live as beings human, whether in education.
    But more in life daily with values, with reflection that we are more who live without violence, without destroying, we see to build from what we do, infecting others with the good and asking that the laws and justice take care what they deserve.

  31. Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodriguez 1 B

    Sr. Jc is quite right, struggle is in our mind, because now we hear of deaths in such a place and you do not pay attention or just ignore it, this is very bad. Every time I hear this kind of news I see far away the idea of a utopia for Mexico.

  32. 1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola

    Security it’s a problem that affect the country.
    In a way unwished but the real problema is that we don´t do anything to change that.
    Or if we do, we are making it in the wrong way.
    The solution still don´t have.
    Like Irving said,we need to educate the childrens to be better like human, for the good of the country and the world.

  33. 1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola

    Security it’s a problem that affect the country.
    In a way unwished but the real problema is that we don´t do anything to change that.
    Or if we do, we are making it in the wrong way.
    The solution still don´t have.
    Like Irving said,we need to educate the childrens to be better like human, for the good of the country and the world.

  34. Pedro Madrigal Velasco 1°B

    Responsibility to protect society is of the same society that live that in the society.
    But if no society protects it self so who will be responsible acts of the same society.

  35. Jose Carlos Hernandez Hernandez 1B

    I also remember when in Colima any say -Colima is the state with less violence in the country.
    Ultimately have occurred events which really scary. That what was before never gonna be anymore.
    For me the violence begins at home with angry fathers, rappers, mothers who stay in silent, all that falls on the children who will grow up like violent people.
    To achieve an advance it’s necessary to begin from the home.

  36. Ivan Alejandro Novela Macias. 1°B

    The violence is a cancer that is killing our countrymany times caused by the organized crime drug trafficking in fact greater but as Juan Carlos the cure is in all of us in our conscience and in our actions and of course, also with a authority responsible and honest

  37. J. Enrique Madrigal Diaz 1 A

    It’s hard believe in society and in people who are part of it, but, is easier not believe. It’s tiring see and realize that Mexico is wrong and its people as to ,not all, but people should not be wrong, is wrong, and are those who are in charge of this country, the most powerful, the suit and tie and and more accomplices.
    And why appoint them? Why i think that their actions have consequences and we are brought face to these situations, these people are the result of poor management of a society, of poor education, loss of social values and more things that we are losing as a society and as a country.

  38. axel orozco 1B

    they dont think about the consecuences, its time to starting doing something about this problem instead of just sitting at home scared wondering when will something else happens.

  39. diego alejandro 1b

    We should be always alert, because people who must be for the benefit of all of us, they don’t comply with their liabilities all that falls on the children who will grow up like violent people Or if we do we are making it in the wrong way The solution because now we hear of deaths in such a place and you do not pay attention or just ignore it, this is very bad.

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