“Manifiesto de economistas aterrados” es un estupendo libro escrito en 2010 por cuatro prestigiados economistas: Philippe Askenazy, Thomas Coutrot, André Orléan y Henri Sterdyniak. Desde las primeras líneas el opúsculo enfoca el centro de su crítica: “La crisis económica y financiera que ha sacudido al mundo en 2007 y 2008 no parece que haya debilitado el dominio de los esquemas de pensamiento que orientan las políticas económicas desde hace treinta años. No se han puesto de ninguna manera en cuestión los fundamentos del poder de las finanzas.” A su juicio, dicha persistencia ahondará la crisis europea, y es alentada por un consenso dominante entre “expertos”, dicen, que sólo justifica “la actual sumisión de las políticas económicas a las exigencias de los mercados financieros.”
Su libro, expresan, “no pretende constituir un programa de acción inmediata que sirva para fundar una estrategia de investigación o para trazar una política económica progresista. Se limita a criticar algunas de las falsas evidencias” del modelo imperante. Fue uno de los más vendidos en Francia apenas publicado, y se está usando como argumento de posiciones distintas, por la solvencia intelectual de sus autores. Askenaky es director de investigación del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas. Coutrot, miembro del Consejo Científico de ATTAC, Asociación para la Tasación de las Transacciones Financieras y la acción ciudadana, uno de los organismos emblemático de los movimientos antiglobalización, creado en Francia en 1998. Orléan fue director de la Escuela de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Sociales, miembro del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y presidente de la Asociación Francesa de Economía Política. Henri Sterdyniak es director de globalización de la economía del Observatorio Francés de Condiciones Económicas.
La estructura es sencilla. En 50 páginas desnudan diez falsas evidencias en que se sustenta la economía y proponen 22 medidas para discutir alternativas. Las diez falsas evidencias son las siguientes:
1. Los mercados financieros son eficientes. Al respecto “la crisis se ha encargado de demostrar que los mercados no son eficientes y que no permiten una asignación eficaz del capital”.
2. Los mercados financieros favorecen el crecimiento económico.
3. Los mercados son buenos jueces de la solvencia de los Estados.
4. El alza excesiva de la deuda pública es consecuencia de un exceso de gasto. Falso, aseveran: “La explosión reciente de la deuda pública en Europa y en el mundo se debe, sin embargo, a algo muy distinto: se debe a los planes de salvamento de las instituciones financieras y, sobre todo, a la recesión provocada por la crisis bancaria y financiera que empezó en 2008”.
5. Hay que reducir los gastos para reducir la deuda pública.
6. La deuda pública traslada el precio de nuestros excesos a nuestros nietos.
7. Hay que tranquilizar a los mercados financieros para poder financiar la deuda pública.
8. La Unión Europea defiende el modelo social europeo.
9. El euro es un escudo contra la crisis.
10. La crisis griega ha permitido, por fin, avanzar hacia un gobierno económico y una verdadera solidaridad europea.
Su conclusión es contundente: “Europa se ha construido desde hace tres décadas sobre una base tecnocrática que excluye a los ciudadanos del debate de la política económica… Hay que volver a abrir el espacio de las políticas posibles y definir propuestas alternativas y coherentes, que contengan el poder de las finanzas y organicen la armonización en el progreso de los sistemas económicos y sociales europeos.” Son los ciudadanos, aseguran, quienes deben decidir los objetivos de la economía, los criterios para definir su eficacia y los medios para lograrlos. Una alentadora conclusión que hoy empieza a emerger (y amenaza), incluso, en el corazón del modelo, en Wall Street.
Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 1B
Several times I’ve heard that the economic crises are caused by wealthiest people. Maybe it’s a lie, but maybe it’s a true. As it’s discussed in the publication, the economic crisis affects several generations. The economy should improve.
aldo david hernandez castañeda 1-B
I think it’s a good book. But in real life should not apply, these measures because the economy in our country. It is wrong and with the Councils should, to the ten best ways to improve our economy. In our country we are far indeed have an excellent economy.
Diego Alejandrro 1B
its comment realist very and exellent JUAN CARLOS.But it’s very economic crises are caused by wealthiest people.Or us do not we stop them.But in real life should not pass. ;p
Miguel rosales ochoa 1A
I think that the prosperity of a nation is in a good economy and good distribution of it.
The prosperity comes from the work must have a good strategy and exploit it to get results.
I think that should find variants of income and not just single and Mexico
A drop of the major exchanges the world affects the economies but those who have little.
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A
My opinion on the EUROPEAN economy, I read an article about it. More than anything specified in the economy of GREECE, the banks that country was ending to the citizens of GREECE had granted loans and interest were what they were ending. Everyone knows that just likes to tell the people this is better and not so much fear in that regard I say that is all I see.
Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 1.-D
In my opinion we need to improve our markets to be efficient.
And besides these markets because they help us promote our economic growth.
We have to worry about foreign debt doing so make it smaller.
And our children and grandchildren to leave a small portion in the future can afford to do that he must spend what is necessary.
osdy gersaid fletes arreola 1 "A"
Europe is actually a world power in the economy?
My opinion is that the crisis is in Greece at last I think this will affect large European economies.
Already have to put new ideas and make the economies that they have re-make these thrive and begin to make money and many economies in the countries.
luis humberto urzua araiza 1b
The economy is important for any country. I think though not much about the subject, that if people spend more to produce than to be ASINDES policy and try to get off each other all official and not invented such as the known “that does not advance tranz”
In my opinion I think the stock market falling in value greatly affects the world and that trade is affected by poor balancing of values such as increases or baja.tenemos to improve our markets are efficient. The works must have a good strategy and exploit it to get results. Just like people say this is better and less fear.
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B
Among the main factors causing the crisis would be the high prices of raw materials, Governments create alternatives to their favor, only thinking of themselves regardless of the low income people. the government should implentar alternatives for everyone.
José Carlos Llerenas Montes 1-A
That book clarifies some false evidence in that supports the economy.
I think a good economy is the good administration of resources.
If these resources are used for irrelevant things the country doesn’t prosper.
As the article says, is the citizens who must decide the objectives of the economy.
Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 1°B
Crisis is another important issue,most financial resources in the country are encouraged misused and this leads to an economic exhaustion,and the rise of the products in the markets..
Irving De La Mora 1B
There is much confusion on how to handle economic systems. This is a topic that most people do not care, but it takes a little education and information on how a financial system works.
Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B
I think is good observation, because the crisis can be caused for the phenomena or rich people. The crisis is difficult of overcome because can pass for several years in the peoples or in the country
Alan Cisneros Godinez 1 "A"
-I would argue that the economy is very tough in MEXICO.
-It is the responsibility of the government or perhaps of Mexican companies.
-I suggest that we can help a little spending money not bad.
-Saving for coming and supplies needed.
Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Morán 1B
The economy is affected by the interests of few. It is certain that we must change our economic policy so that the capital and it’s good administration are reflected. I agree that i we want it to obtain we must take to all in account. We have to do that it is best for the society and our nation.
alvaro arellano galvez 1"A"
My opinion is that the crisis in Greece, will affect the big European economies and have propose better ideas the economy Europe no decay suddenly and leave of be a world power. Have to implement best ideas and projects.
Alicia Soto 1°A
In reference what is a consensus, the real academy language Spanish concerns which is an agreement produced by consent of all members of a group or between groups.
So is necessary that governments not only in Europe if not the entire world and way joint reorganize their policies economic taking as a basis its model social and the economy global.
Because the crisis economic affect for generations.
Alicia Soto 1°A
In reference what is a consensus, the real academy language Spanish concerns which is an agreement produced by consent of all members of a group or between groups.
So is necessary that governments not only in Europe if not the entire world and way joint reorganize their policies economic taking as a basis its model social and the economy global.
Because the crisis economic affect for generations.
Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez 1B
This manifesto, intended to highlight the series of lies upon which rests our economic system. Falsehoods are repeated in the media and, by dint of being repeated calan in the population, thus justifying the maintenance of certain economic policies that have proven successful only on one thing: to favor the rich at the expense of and middle classes who have less.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodriguez 1 B
I think that improving Mexico’s economy we need to improve markets and tourist sites, I think there is the answer to improve Mexico’s economy since it has many beautiful places, improving it will improve greatly in the economic.
Miguel Leòn Bautista 1º "A"
In my opinion the economy is and has always been to be the most important issue for the world.
I had always thought that Europe as the United States never went through economic crisis.
Europe and Greece have always been great powers regarding the economy, though sometimes tend to lose.
Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B
Well I´m not really interested in economy, but if I have to make an opinion about it, it would be this. The world´s economy was deficient en 2007 and 2088, it is true and I think that most of us knew it or at least heard about it once.
I haven´t read this book and sincerely I´m not interested on it, but it may be a good book, and I think that it can make us create a more real idea about economy in the world and how it is in reality, but in my own opinion, it would be a really boring book for me, I´m sure that I won’t read that book even if I ever have that opportunity…
1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
The economy is an important point in the life of a country.
Presently we speak of a global economic crisis because there is not enough money to keep the country it´s self.
Thanks to this, the wealth of the rich is greater and poverty is more abundant.
There is a big abyss between these two classes, and that’s what we have to change.
That there is an equality between social classes to give a better sense as a country
1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
The economy is an important point in the life of a country.
Presently we speak of a global economic crisis because there is not enough money to keep the country it´s self.
Thanks to this, the wealth of the rich is greater and poverty is more abundant.
There is a big abyss between these two classes, and that’s what we have to change.
That there is an equality between social classes to give a better sense as a country
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B
I think that government manages the money for their own favor. If it says that young people should to start watching the way which the money will has in a future, is possible, but they will be affected by manipulation from their superiors. These consequences are being seeing and we will see in a future of generations to come. While government does not manage inversions money, Wall Street will remain an enigma for mortals.
Jose CArlos Hernandez Hernandez 1B
Europe’s economy which is spoken in the book, is something which has arrived to Mexico and the world. Every day the rich are more richch and the poor more poor. =(
I like the conclision,-is the citizens who must decide the objectives of the economy, the criteria for effectiveness and the means to achieve .- I thnik it’s a good conclusion because in Mexico we supposed we are a democracy society.
salvador hernandez francisco 1°A
Hello with respect we deserve them.
1. Maybe we have to do much more efficient in everything.
2. Being competitive in both.
3. Having the love of art.
4. Be proud to be and to do what we do
5. To will.
6.Ser a good human being .!!!!!!!!
Arthur Edwards
I believe that no system made by man will ever function well because it is human nature that makes everything succeed or fail. As the book Power Elite (written in the 1960s)stated, there will always be a group in power and the rest of us. Human nature does not permit equality, although that is what we wish for profoundly. The people in political, military and financial power have always historically ruled, despite the best efforts of “democracy”.
Ivan Alejandro Novela Macias. 1°B
Although I think they must respect the opinion of the people, also I think many people only looks for their interests which has led to the European communities have a problem with the economy.
J. Enrique Madrigal Diaz 1 A
I agree that citizens should decide the objectives of the economy,
They must decide what means used to achieve this, because like in Europe, and in all paieses, decisions of a country should be taken by all, since all are involved in the progression or consequences
Rodriguez Niebla Manuela 1B
What worries me now is the economy of my house, how I will pay the receipt of light, the receipt of CIAPACOV and others. The salaries do not increase as the food. I study to see if I can have a better salary in the next years.
axel orozco 1B
i always wondered why is it that when certain political team is up in goverment such as the president our crisis is down but when someone else is president from another team our economic budget is up. somep people say that this is because our goverment is working with other powerful people im refering to drug lords. can this be true or is this just another lie to make people look bad.
Pedro Madrigal Velasco 1°B
Good all is relative is dependig on the country.
No all countries is base on the same but all countries if the economy this good grounded it fall.
diego alejandro 1b
This book presents a good commentary on the economy in Mexico somep people say that this is because our goverment is working with other powerful people im refering to drug lords If it says that young people should to start watching the way which the money will has in a future, is possible in Mexico.
1a Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro
In my opinion the economy always will be like. the books just open the doors to the know of the teme. But we should better in the marker what is the key for avoid the crisis. I think that alone we envy in place of doing something.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 1-B
My opinion such model would serve for Mexico to follow the examples of early came to know that mistakes never to commit them.
Jose Nicanor Ruiz Lopez
Im my opinion is that crisis economic are caused by a rise general of preces that’s induced by an exec issuance of banknotes.