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Después de la tempestad…

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

“La naturaleza vencida supone la autodestrucción del hombre”, afirma Edgar Morin en las primeras páginas de su libro “El año I de la era ecológica”.

El filósofo francés, uno de los más influyentes y heterodoxos del mundo contemporáneo, en tan solo en ocho palabras nos recuerda la maravilla y la fragilidad humanas, que la naturaleza no es nuestra, que no es infinita y somos miembros de un sistema vital, cuyo daño en una de sus partes, más tarde o más temprano, ha de revertirse contra nosotros.

Consumadas tragedias humanas y desastres materiales juzgar en medios es común, pero no tiene mayor sentido si la condena termina allí, especialmente en un país donde la impunidad camina vigorosa. Sin embargo, como dice el propio Morin: “la conciencia ecológica puede ser muy fácil cuando se trata de daños, de perjuicios”.

Probablemente sin el tsunami de Fukushima o la tragedia de Chernóbil no habríamos cobrado conciencia de nuestra debilidad y peligros ante la energía nuclear. Y los ejemplos son abundantes, aunque no está claro que siempre los seres humanos hayamos tomado nota y corregido.

El huracán que nos azotó la semana pasada exhibió pruebas de lo sabido. Vencer al mar o a un río, acortándolo o limitándolo, es una victoria ilusoria y potencialmente explosiva, que puede tardar décadas sin mutarse en dolor, pero el efecto está latente, como sucedió en Colima.

El saldo es lamentable, aunque pudo ser peor, cierto. Algunos perdieron la vida, pero la gente que perdió casa o bienes muebles no enfrenta una situación cómoda. Hay quienes perdieron todo o una buena parte de su patrimonio y, sin apoyo, tardarán en recuperarse.

Sí, el saldo es lamentable, y que pudo ser peor no consuela. Pero hemos de sacar provecho, aprender lecciones y actuar con otro sentido de la responsabilidad, como ciudadanos y gobernantes. Aunque tampoco habría que esperar milagros: el huracán reventó calles, inundó y destrozó casas, pero también desnudó oportunismo político, actitudes mezquinas y proselitismos infames. Eso hechos y el cinismo deben contrarrestarse. Ojalá tengamos el valor y la claridad para vencerlos.

Escucha la opinión

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53 thoughts on “Después de la tempestad…

  1. Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B

    I feel powerless standing before the nature strength and with more reason having as example what just happened a few days ago with JOVA.
    It is so sad that many people can lose everything they have in just minutes, it is incredible the power or an earthquake or a hurricane or every natural phenomenon, it feels so much pain and suffering, especially when we don´t have enough resources to help the others.

    1. Arthur Edwards

      Very well written! Nice thoughts!

  2. Aldo David Hernandez Castañeda 1-B

    You`re right Juan Carlos. Nature is not our only live in it and through it. Therefore it is necessary to take care of a sample of this is the hurricane that struck us last week. Indicates that we should not destroy our planet, if not care. Unfortunately some people lost their lives. Whether that next time you have to take more precautions in the future.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias Aldo.



  3. Eduardo Valentín Hernández Aguilar 1-B


    1. Arthur Edwards


  4. Alicia Soto 1°A

    Certainly many lived a tragedy by force the recent hurricane. However is necessary that all we are aware and take responsibility what we do.
    Be more critical and reflective respecting others and that includes nature.
    However, The important lies to know, observe, interpret and accordingly act.
    Also we ceasing to be so lazy to events which continue to mark the lives of others.

  5. Alicia Soto 1°A

    Certainly many lived a tragedy by force the recent hurricane. However is necessary that all we are aware and take responsibility what we do.
    Be more critical and reflective respecting others and that includes nature.
    However, The important lies to know, observe, interpret and accordingly act.
    Also we ceasing to be so lazy to events which continue to mark the lives of others.

  6. J. Enrique MAdrigal Dìaz 1A

    I think just we are passengers in this life and in this world, and we are just only passing.
    It is our duty keep it alive and dont damage for future generations.
    I think our planet is wise, and moment like this remember us how powerful it can be.
    Just we learn from these lessons

  7. Arthur Edwards

    La naturaleza funciona según unas leyes definidas, por eso existe la condición natural. Cuando uno trata contra estas leyes, se expone a las consequencias. Por ejemplo, la graved funciona bajo leyes muy definidas y es un fenómeno natural. Solamente un loco se aventaría del avión sin paracaidas porque conoce lo que sucede cuando se aplica la gravedad a objectos en caída. Sin embargo, al conocer estas leyes, el ser humano siempre ha optado por retarlas…con las consecuencias trágicos que vemos repetidamente. Por tanto, questiono si la humanidad no esta loca.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Es una buena pregunta Arthur. Innegable es que en la humanidad se desborda la locura, al grado, incluso, de festejar la muerte de un sujeto.

      1. Arthur Edwards

        Festejar la muerte de un semejante es festejar la tuya; asi, denigras a la humanidad y, siendo human, te denigras a ti mismo.

  8. axel orozco 1B

    While I disagree compare a tsunami or a nuclear disaster this hurricane. If were people that step is going bad and wrong but also many of those people could be prevented in time, had forecast would arrive of various categories as strongest impact at the end, I can not even imagined what might have happened have passed than predicted.

  9. Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A

    Secure long live the tragedy that just happened, with Hurricane Jova. I think so the good thing is that we are aware of the responsibility we have to do to help us as brothers in religion.
    I say that with failure we can all stronger and better. when returning to happen. If the penalty for me what happened but what happened happened.

  10. Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A

    My opinion we humans are the occasions that these tragedies.
    Global warming say it is one of the causes of these disasters.
    Now what we need to do is support the victims.
    Here in Colima and Jalisco was the state most affected.

  11. Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 1.-D

    I would argue that nature is the only one who can do nothing to prevent it.

    And somehow the harm we do we are aware of nature returns.

    But we also know that when something of this magnitude threatens the population, humanitarian aid runs all over protecting the needy.

    Help may be at the neighbors, soldiers, navy.

    All who have the will and enthusiasm to do something and protect their own planet.

  12. Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 1B

    Sadly it’s true that we humans sometimes don’t learn from (about) mistakes.
    Sometimes we make the same mistakes again and again.
    I´m from Manzanillo and I knew that the families with homes near a creek were the most affected.
    This happened by the negligence of the construction companies that made the houses on the banks of creeks.
    They did not think the consequences would be if those creeks grow.
    The most important to them was to sell the houses and did not think of the danger they put these families.

  13. Pedro Madrigal Velasco 1°B

    Colima could avoided this accident if if the government building permits had been given in the margins of rivers.
    But Because given these permissions were times I wanted to win elections and voting.
    But these are impact.

  14. diego alejandro 1b

    It’s Hurricane Jova left a lot to think as they did much damage in Colima so one night leave flooded and destroyed the bridges and houses we have think very serious not we play with nature.

  15. Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos

    I think we can do nothing when nature attacks. A exemple of that was Jova, how a simple water can make much damage. Only we can do is respect the nature, because it has existed all time, but us just are here a little time.

  16. Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 1ªD

    I think the earth is the place that we must respect. I believe we must adapt our lifestyle to this place, not make the earth a place that humanity think could be better. The earth will be better without the people that exploits her. Although we can’t avoid the nature forces.

  17. 1A Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro

    Of cours we self destruct. The man not is god, and less owner of nature. with so contamination and damage to the world is returned. The man destroyed all.

  18. Osdy Gersaid Fletes Arreola 1A

    My opinion is that the hurricane created awareness for all people knowing that we can not only hurt us.
    I think the authorities have to financially support those who lost their assets.
    I think that the authorities also acted in time to report on the hurricane and so made ​​to be less affected.
    I think of these natural phenomena will learn new ways to protect people from natural phenomena

  19. Miguel Rosales Ochoa 1A

    I think thah the people not obey to that we a consequence.

    Governments should to avoid and sanction to who builds in land in danger.

    No one imagine the taht pass but be prevented a catastrophe always help.

    With the support of all victims may continue forward and get over some losses.

  20. Ana Laura Ochoa Vallin 1 D

    You’re righ Juan Carlos Yañez. Nature is ending with our planet. Hurricane Jova finished with some families.
    Also flooded homes and invaded streets. Unfortunately people also died.
    But, how will proceed without support? How recover belongings that took the hurricane?
    Is true that we don’t expect miracles, but we must move forward.

  21. edgar daniel gaitan rodriguez 1|A

    It could not do anything bad to natural phenomena when they arrive to great effect as earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, etc …
    But what we can do is help those who were affected by disasters.

  22. Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 1A

    My opinion is that all this from natural disasters ourselves it provoke by pull tras and pollute the nature because as said the French philosopher nature is not our and sooner or later nature start to resent everything that we done and one way or another cause us much damage and already live a little of revenge of the nature what you pass with the hurricane Jova

  23. cesar castro carrillo

    I think the strength of the human nature can never win, So should be respected and respect and not play god.

  24. Miguel Leòn Bautista 1º "A"

    In my opinion I think the best was that the human losses were few and were more losses materials and that these can be recovered but human lives.
    I think that as long as authorities try to get the most out of a tragedy as it mentions the doctor.
    I think it ran very lucky as the hurricane made ​​landfall in manzanillo not because it was so you could say that the damage would have been much worse than they were

  25. Irving De La Mora 1B

    I have always considered our planet as a living thing, the ability to sustain life forms, living organisms. We must begin to consider as “someone” and not “something” to the earth, who like us is a living organism, and we must respect.

  26. Jose Nicanor Ruiz Lopez

    I think that are it stuff inevitable created by the nature but all is by a end in specific as to reflect and improve..

  27. Ernesto Alcaraz Andrade 1*D

    It’s too sad that the hurricane caused all this disaster and would be even more sad if we don’t take the lesson of this events.

    I think that we have to learn the lesson of this situation we are responsible of. Because if we don’t take care the world this can react in this way until we start to respect the environment as it deserve.

  28. Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Morán 1B

    I agree that we mustn’t challenge the nature. Its force is unknown to us. We don’t have to act like Gods thinking that we are able to contain the disaster. It is good to prevent it but the nature always gives surprises. We must able to know how to act before, at the moment and after the events; all together ones and thus we will be able to come out ahead.

  29. Salvador Hernandez Francisco 1-"A"

    No doubt there head down because, unlike !!!!! we colima I know many are with you and regret what happened to as well if all municipalities and farms affected. And if some countries can lift more heavy falls why not? do the same …. little.

  30. Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez 1B

    This event happened in Colima was just one more sign of how dangerous nature can be a signal that nature gives us all the harm it can cause but we care for our world. Now we can only reflect what has happened and realize that nature is not ours, we can not do whatever we want with natur

  31. María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B

    The occurrence of Hurricane “Jova” we must take as a lesson in humanism, solidarity, responsibility, not be selfish. also showed us that we should have more respect and love for nature.

  32. Ramón Fco. Martínez Velázquez 1 "D"

    I believe that disasters are the result of both government inconciencioa of society, because it makes me personally very unconscious thing that you forgive are made to live or buy homes serca of the rivers where all the danger savemos as mentioned is latent.
    Ynd on the other hand, the government can avoid all this mess if not permitted or not limited to rivers that are not even in most of the time savemos water that can cause damage even worse than we are experiencing.

  33. Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B

    Its good opinion, is true we have that aware of that can spend some. Know that the natural phenomena are very strong, we can remove even the smallest that things that we, as furniture, or as take away family. For we have that always alert of the natural phenomena that are have.

  34. Manuel ALejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D

    What happened to “Jova” makes us realize many things.
    As nature can easily end up with us and that we are nothing before it.
    I think we have to take care of the planet, also the care of us.
    That’s my opinion.

  35. Rodríguez Niebla Manuela 1B

    I believe that the force of the nature cannot be avoided. We depend of the alert on civil protection to prepare us of the natural phenomena and to exceed the natural disasters preserving the life. We may do is help people how lost material goods and to take advantage of the aid that intentionally provides the government.

  36. Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodriguez 1 B

    Mr. JC you are right, government uses the excuse that we were not prepared for this hurricane, when the reality is different, Hurricane were warned ahead of time but no action was taken and now only gets the excuse that we were not prepared … and so government hides his cynicism and arrogant attitudes.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Hola Rommel, gracias.

      Saludos y buenos días!

  37. Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores

    It’s such a nice quotation. We don’t worried to much about the consecuense of our acts until we suffer it. The collapse of some river bridges are so sadfull but maybe this could teach us a lesson, to be prepared and don’t think we are the center of the universe.

  38. José Carlos Llerenas Montes 1-A

    It’s unfortunate what happened the last week in our state.
    Nature has a great power and can defeat us unless we take the necessary measures.
    Now only remains recover us from this and try to help to who are worse.
    With the help of all, these people can recover all that Jova destroyed.

  39. Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 1D

    A lot of people was affected by this incident and is sad to view those impresive images of the cities affected. That, in my personal opinion, I never imagine seeing Manzanillo or Colima in that form, with streets full of mud with some bridges destroyed.
    Those images made me think that we’re not free of disasters. We can have another in the future, and if people and government is not ready to this event, deaths will increase.
    As conclusionof this “Never think you can beat the nature. Cause it can surprise you in a way that you never imagine”.

  40. Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 1°B

    Because of the Jova huracan, we are more conscious about what nature is able to do. That is true, that there was so much damage and huge losses. Many people were seriously affected; they lost everything, however, the most important is that they still alive. We can say that these people are having a different live because some of them lost their houses, cars, stuff. Some other lost a familiar, we need to consider that we can’t avoid the effects of the nature, just we need to be careful.

  41. Luis Guillermo Briceño Ochoa 1"D"

    It`s so true that we can´t see or understand how bad and how serious the problems of our world are until they are really happening to us, i’d like to think that with Jova,Colima now have a new perspective and can be more aware of the dangers of challenge mother nature,but is unfair that unfortunately some people lost their lives just let us see our mistakes.

  42. Roberto Quintero Cervantes 1`D

    It’s true what you comment Mr.Juan.We can’t do nothing about nature attacks,Jova caused a lot of damages to Colima.Just imagen what water can do to peoples houses and streets.That’s why we should apreciate everthing that we have in life.

  43. 1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola

    Presently we are victims of natural disasters that have ended, unfortunately, with many lives.
    Some meteorological problems are caused by our fault.
    Because it affects both the environment.
    An example of this is global warming, this is caused by the huge amount of pollution that we humans do.
    But “thank” to this we have learned how to react to different types of disasters we have experienced.

  44. Jose Carlos Hernandez Hernandez

    The force of nature is very impressive and that politicians take advantage of disasters caused by nature is also something amazing and incredible.

  45. luis humberto urzua araiza

    There is no doubt that a natural disaster is very sad for those who suffer from it.However every disaster brings with it a new chance at life for those who suffer from it.

  46. Maribel Perallta Larios 1°D

    I my opinion the nature alone ran its course, or a wall or a bridge stops the nature, what humanity is suffering alone is a consequence than it has destroyed.
    I don´t believe see the nature took in its wake human lives and caused damag.

  47. Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B

    Nature is an element which we have to care. Because we have not did it, it shows the results, example, in atmosphere, what causes penetration of solar rays. Tragedies which nature causes like hurricane that attacked us, it does not create consequences that we did. But we can start thinking in take care of this ecosystem for future generations.

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