En los días del huracán que asoló Colima estaba leyendo, por casualidad y compromisos, tres textos sobre problemáticas contemporáneas, con el común denominador del deterioro de nuestro planeta. Las reflexiones al respecto me resultan imperiosas, por la urgencia del tema y las ideas recogidas.
En uno de los libros a que aludo, “El año I de la era ecológica”, Edgar Morin afirma que en el mundo necesitamos un nuevo proyecto de civilización, capaz de establecer distintas formas de relación entre los seres humanos, los pueblos y entre ambos con la naturaleza. Los ejemplos de la destrucción planetaria son abundantes y la dilación en la respuesta pone en juego la propia sobrevivencia. No se necesita demasiada agudeza para entender estos pasajes de Morin: “la naturaleza vencida supone la autodestrucción del hombre”.
La problemática ambiental es un tema fundamental en sí mismo, pero no se puede analizar desligado de otros malestares de la civilización, porque es efecto de ellos. En ese sentido hay cuatro que me parecen de suma importancia. Primero, la desmitificación del futuro, una especie de desencanto imperante y extendido. Lipovetsky así lo define: “dado que se prolongan las esperas democráticas de justicia y bienestar, en nuestra época prosperan el desasosiego y el desengaño, la decepción y la angustia”. Posiblemente es el precio de la democracia, como juzgaba Alexis de Tocqueville. Este hecho, la pérdida de certidumbre de que el futuro sería necesariamente mejor que el pasado, conduce a prácticas de indiferencia e irresponsabilidad frente a uno y los otros, y frente a la propia naturaleza.
En segundo término, hay un desgaste también de la democracia, que garantiza la libertad del individuo, más no la felicidad del ciudadano, la gran promesa de la Modernidad, que podría ser debatida por los filósofos de la Posmodernidad pero continúa alimentando las ilusiones de muchísima gente.
Lo que el filósofo Lipovetsky llama la “felicidad paradójica” me parece un tercer desafío. La sociedad del entretenimiento y el bienestar coexisten con la intensificación de la dificultad de vivir y el aumento del malestar. Las evidencias abruman. Por último, la escuela también es objeto de cuestionamientos por las expectativas crecientes (posiblemente desmesuradas e injustas) que no ha cumplido. Hoy, en el mundo occidental, con excepciones, la escuela es un centro de decepción.
Regreso al inicio. El tema ambiental es de interés científico innegable, de relativo interés mediático y muchos discursos políticos incoherentes (como el de los Estados Unidos): un desafío a la viabilidad humana. Si grave es en sí mismo, junto a los otros, la monumentalidad del reto no encuentra adjetivos. El panorama es crítico, sin embargo, como dice el propio Morin: “también la esperanza puede crecer con la desesperanza”; citando al poeta Hölderlin: “Allí donde crece el peligro, crece también la salvación.”
Finalmente, con Edgar Morin reitero que necesitamos un nuevo proyecto de civilización. En ese esfuerzo, lo que produzca la escuela es importante aunque en solitario servirá de poco, pero lo que hagamos allí podría ser definitivo si forma parte de una estrategia global. Parafraseando a Paulo Freire: el cambio es difícil, muy difícil, pero posible.
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B
I think you’re right. Natural disasters which happen, sometimes they are because human oversights. In schools we learn to take care the environment for a better world, just that not all of us do it. To change something globally, we have to work on it all we. About politics, is also very important that all populace decide for all us, and not like we do it, only one person decide for all. Thinking about this, if we would be affected, all of we will have a little bit of guilt and then we will learn about mistakes.
Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza
While I was reading this article, my attention was seriously called by this phrase: “la naturaleza vencida supone la autodestrucción del hombre”; but what does this mean? THis means that we are destroying ourselves while dostroying the nature, If we finish with our planet natural resources, then what would we have to live here?; And therefore we will suffer the consecuences of this great damage to the earth.
We have to take care of the natural resources and make our part, all the bad things that happens and all the natural phenomenoms in the last years are just consecuencdes of what we´ve been doing our whole life, consecuences of our irresponsability and the damage of the nature and the resources, caused by us…. what a shame .
Maribel Perallta Larios 1°D
I agree we are not taught after and protect the ecology schools have been concerned to do good professional but not to good people.
I may opinion if we have ignored the fundamental things human.
I am pleased to know that there are people who concerned the future of country.
Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 1B
It’s true that most of the buildings were made without thinking the environment. The buildings were made without thinking about the possible future. As you say Juan Carlos, the nature of being damaged, it tends to our destruction. I completely agree with you, we need a CHANGE!!!
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B
we need people to be responsible and have values can exist thousands proyects for better the planet, our coexistence social,etc. but if we don’t start for that part,never we will get out of where same, but with help of all, we will make it possible for do real these proyects.
Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A
My opinion is that is true in school we learn many values.
The problem is not the practice.
If we put it into practice day by day all that our teachers teach us, I as a person and the world will change.
Nobody can hurt when a natural disaster falls to our city, but we can prevent it.
Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A
My opinion is that is true in school we learn many values.
The problem is not the practice.
If we put it into practice day by day all that our teachers teach us, I as a person and the world will change.
Nobody can hurt when a natural disaster falls to our city, but we can prevent it.
Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A
My opinion is that is true in school we learn values.
The problem is not the practice.
If we put it into practice day by day all that our teachers teach us, I as a person an the world will change.
Nobody can hurt when a natural disaster falls to our city, but we can prevent it.
1A Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro
The disaster how joba are one shame. But the technology for this is,to will better the god is of the society. On the liberty to the individual should be between quotes. The policy just promises and promises in the MEXICO of not haped nothing.
Irving De La Mora 1B
We need a new kind civilization, one governed by nature, because if we try to govern, nature will overcome us. Or it will be possible to control nature?
Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 1.-D
I suggest that we need to raise awareness and bring it to practice on the care of nature.
I started working more on it and not against it because if she undergoes a change we will suffer too.
We must be prepared to work together and help our planet does so much for us and good things to compensate.
And to think positive and not leave until the last moment, you have to act right now empenzar and save our beautiful planet.
Rodriguez Manuela 1B
I think that nature has life and all time is active, however we don´t see reality, sometimes by to have a comfortable life we exhausted its resources. The worst of it is that we can´t renew nature as we destroy it. The project begins at home, recycle garbage and our thoughts.
Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 1ªD
I think we are the problem and the solution for the earth. Unconsciousness in the people create problems, is important the moral education and think in the others. We don’t live alone in this world, we share this place and we will take care of this place. I believe with education, with consciousness, with respect for the world and the people, we will make a better place for next generations. A new proyect!
José Carlos Llerenas Montes 1-A
Jova caused much damage in our state recently.
I think it’s a evidence of the great power that has the nature of our planet.
As the post says, it’s necessary a change in civilization in the forms of relation with nature.
If this is possible, our society will see from a different perspective.
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A
I think you’re right. The natural disasters that happen on our planet are often careless humans. From infancy we learn to protect the environment to make our planet is better, but not all do it. Suggest that we should raise awareness and put into practice in the care of nature. Because I do not think we were prepared for a big global disaster. Well that’s I think and thank you.
Ramón Fco. Martínez Velázquez 1 "D"
In my opinion I think as you said the school has a lot to do but I also think that as people thinking that we should raise awareness, to realize the evil that we roast polluted our planet where we live.
We are a plague that destroyed where we stand, and it’s something we really feel sorry, but I think we begin to change and the first step is to start with us, I pledge to start today.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 1-B
My opinion is that this of environmental problems that collima and does not follow this is should change design and improve bridges, but this people should cooperate in not littering that causes clogge drains.
Osdy Gersaid Fletes Arreola "1A"
I believe that in cases of natural disasters and must implement new things for everything to be modern and in keeping with the Year of Living.
This will affect the politca?
Already has to look a little more environmentally friendly because we’re not killing all our actions have consequences and that the environment.
Miguel Rosales Ochoa
I think that each day we with the planet
My opinion is that if we thought some in our planet the life would be better.
I think that we that not pass damaging nature.
For more that is strive a few not be solved the problems unless we act all together.
Alicia Soto ♥ 1ºA
We need a change of thought and attitude in the present to the future, where we give life to conscience in the individual relation with their community and society; Carlos Cuiller mentions that “It is true that we can do everything, but nor is it true that we can not do anything”.
ivan alejandro novela macias 1°B
This proposal only be think of times like these, I guess past the tragedies can not be wait any longer and although it is necessary to change of those really do not think that happens least a will not soon just to stay in proposed talks and dreams. .. it hurts.
Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Morán 1B
I agree in which we must be conscious of the environmental damage that one appears now. We are human beings, we have reason; we are able to act voluntarily to eradicate this problem. It is time to act, is not necessary to hope to that the damage is irremediable. We must do it by us more and then nothing by them, the children.
Jose CArlos Hernandez Hernandez 1B
Happiness is a feeling or emotion that makes us believe that everything is ok. Is something … warm, a feeling that fills you completely,that fixes the gap that sometimes someone has.
We have different points of view of what happiness is, from God, even chocolate.
No project of civilization has worked, we must restart again a project that benefits to all of we and supports us as a united people.
Ana Laura Ochoa Vallin 1 D
I think we have to care our planet. Otherwise nature end whit us. There are people who don’t mind it. But, who says something? This is necessary because it will the future of other generations. In this world nothing is impossible.
J. Enrique MAdrigal Diaz
I agree a new project of civilization, is time for a change, Change in schools, change in the political commitments, change in peoples minds.
change in laments, for prevention and planning, for a sustainable world.
The ecology of schools have been concerned to do good professional, but not good people. If you agree that the school teaches many values, but the trouble is that most do not practice it. If you give your time to do each day I would change their way of being.
Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 1A
My opinion is that some natural disasters occur because human beings do not care for the environment.
In schools we are taught not to littering and protect the environment.
And if we want change the world we must begin by changing ourselves.
Salvador Hernandez Francisco 1-"A"
My opinion is that is true in school we learn many values.
The problem is not the practice.
While I was reading this article, my attention was seriously called by this phrase: “la naturaleza vencida supone la autodestrucción del hombre”; but what does this mean? THis means that we are destroying ourselves
adrian alejandro vizcaino martinez 1B
All these natural disasters that are happening are fault of us the humans, because never we have known to take care of our planet, now we see the consequences but nevertheless we do not do anything, I believe that we should worry about our planet by its nature since thanks to them are that we lived.
Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 1ªA
I completely agree with the opinion of Alan Guzman. We are not alone in the earth and we’ll not live for ever. Yes, we need a change, but a real change. Not only words, not only promises, not only “try to change”, but also REAL motivation, REAL ecological values, not leave all the work for the companies who are trying to make an effort to take a little care of the earth. It’s our place, it’s where we’re living! We need to raise awareness. I know, I don’t need to thank you because it’s our social responsability but… thanks anyway.
Manuel ALejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D
Good to see some take the initiative. We have to do a project that not only helps to improve certain aspects, we have to listen to ideas and put them together.
From there is where will we get an interesting project.
Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1°D
I think that nature just is claiming for its belongings, we are taking things that are not of us. If we don’t respect nature, it’s gonna destroy us. For that, we need to learn how live together with nature. Humanity is only a little grain of sand in the time.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodriguez 1 B
Nature is alive and I feel that it is also vengeful, we are surprised that there are so many deaths by natural phenomena, but the damage to nature is more, I think it’s time to raise awareness, it’s time to take care because it is our home and our future, because every time we destroy, we destroy ourselves while destroying the future for generations.
Julio Daniel Rodriguez Puga 1 A
In my opinion climate change is affecting the world faster than you thought it would. We have to change many things to improve our society and be more conscious about everything. We have been too unconscious and what happens today with natural disasters is a reflection of that. I hope the education that these generations have much more strict about this sort of thing.
Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 1°B
I like the environment subject. That is true, the world is becoming worse because of the pollution that we cause every day in our world. In other words, our environment is being destroyed Little by Little, and we don’t do anything to avoid or protect it. As we can see, many natural disasters that occur are consequences of our actions.
Eduardo Valentín Hernández Aguilar 1-B
I think an environmental civilization is what we need to know to protect nature, and she herself , we in the aspect of not extinguish more and more and likewise use the resources but at the point of not only affect and only benefit us. It is important to be aware and take only what is necessary without exceeding to avoid such drastic weather changes
Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 1D
The structure of the cities had been changing with time, but this changes only were make to solve the problems in a short period. For example, the downtowns of any city actually had a two problems. Their streets aren’y very wide and the difficult to find somewhere to park a car.
This example is difficult to predict. Cause a few centurys ago who will imagine that we will use this transport.
To improve the cities we should plan with more efficacy making a good use of the spaces and with possibilities to adapt to new changes in the future.
Ernesto Alcaraz Andrade 1*D
I think that we must to star to take care of the environment because it is reacting against us and if we don’t take care it is going to end with us.
So we have to take seriously this kind of events because may be is our environment toking to us and tell us that it feel bad because the way we try it.
Miguel Leòn Bautista 1º "A"
In my opinion I think that is true in school only taught things professionals.
But these do not include how we can help save the environment.
I think maybe if there are schools that agan this but students do not know put it into practic
1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
We definitely need a new civilization where all human beings we are sensitized on the importance of nature
Because without this we could not be anything
Unfortunately we will never know importance and work together to see it
Schools must learn to take steps to “do” and not just “say” what to do.
Luis Guillermo Briceño Ochoa 1"b"
At first your post seemed interesting; the troubles that exist in the environment are everyone’s problems, and each person should contribute in something to solve them, but at the moment you start talking about democracy was when I lost interest in your post,because being realistic, democracy in Mexico does not exist
Arthur Edwards
La naturaleza humana (vanidad,sentido de superioridad, etc.)implica que el hombre piensa que puede ganarle a la naturaleza. Al participar y “ganar” este juego, el perdedor es el ser humano.
Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez
What will happen when our planet is in total decay? It’s a question I ask,because each time is more pollution on our planet,perhaps it will be like say…”All good things for the Mexican left to last”,I mean that when you really live the effects of pollution actually started to become aware and can do so from this point,because as many have said to nature is impossible to beat.
Miguel Rosales Ochoa 1A
The tests stressed when are followed.
The evaluations should be more structured and better prepared.
No longer give the time necessary to prepare before the tests.
In making an examination you fill pressure and what wise sometimes you forget
Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B
I think it is true, the buildings and houses were built with adobe, but because it was the only thing that was more cheap or practical at that time. But nobody thought in nature that could cause in the future. Until that we live we were seeing buildings and houses were poorly made. We had to help people, an example was the hurricane jova, we had to help people, so the saying now by me, tomorrow for you.
Environmental issues are very important. We humans are responsible for the problems of the environment, because you do not know how to care for the environment. There are many campaigns to care for the environment and many announcements, but most of the people does nothing.
I think you’re right that environmental problematic is important because today on old foundations are still to young environmental problematic.
to upgrade to the new ways in which they are given information about the environmental problematic to young and adultos.tal as has been noted in the current year 2014 and last 2013 nomas politicians give speeches and promise things nomas to achieve a position of job. it is also important to add that although science has made many advances apparently we are interested in the age of technology and I think that we should also give importance to the problematic ambiental.en the coming years we will see if people are interested environmental problematic since our children will live this world which is wild.