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Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

 Cada vez lo tengo más claro. Un día llegará el anuncio, con bombos y platillos, del nuevo programa nacional de la Secretaría de Educación Pública. Se llamará “Escuela educadora” o, tal vez para enfatizarlo, “Escuela siempre educadora”.

No imagino si llegará más temprano que tarde, pero la tendencia es inevitable. Déjenme explicarlo breve, aunque parezca una insensatez o delirio, pero lo mismo pensé antes de los otros programas que le están allanando el camino al que apenas despunta en el horizonte intelectual de algún funcionario preclaro.

Escuela limpia, Escuela siempre abierta, Escuela segura son otros programas que constituyen el anticipo. Antes de esos programas, poco importaba, supongo, que las escuelas estuvieran sucias, cerradas o fueran inseguras. O no podían hacer nada. O no querían. El resultado es igual.

Más allá de ser programas institucionales con tintes propagandísticos, poco efectivos en la transformación de la organización escolar, constituyen el reconocimiento de las falencias de una institución a la que sólo se cargan exigencias y poco se le dota para encarar las funciones primigenias, ya no digamos las emergentes. ¿Por qué lo hemos permitido? ¿En ese ambiente vamos a educar a los mexicanos de la primera mitad del siglo XXI?

Es verdad, ya educamos así a los mexicanos de la última parte del siglo XX, pero, ¿es admisible perpetuarlo? Allí, de ese escenario escolar en un medio social pulverizado, cargado de dificultades ¿qué virtudes pueden enseñar los maestros y aprender los estudiantes?

Quiero ser optimista, por lo menos cautamente optimista. El luminoso día en que se lance el programa “Escuela siempre educadora”, podría ser el momento en que un puñado de burócratas y funcionarios brincapuestos, expertos de ocasión, digan adiós, en uno de los pocos gestos de dignidad que se les recuerde.

Mientras, la sociedad, los ciudadanos, seguiremos contemplando impávidos el espectáculo de la escuela que ellos crearon: sucia, cerrada e insegura, cuando no violenta; la escuela donde muchísima gente hace cada día su mejor esfuerzo, mientras otros tantos provocan que no eduque bien, que deseduque, o mal eduque, o eduque con los peores ejemplos. La escuela pública que, dicen algunos azuzadores, conviene a quienes no creen en la democracia, la libertad y los ciudadanos, pero que muchos otros debemos reconstruir desde los cimientos y dignificar.

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  1. 2B Beatriz Alejandra Baltazar Balmaceda

    I think that public schools in most cases are poorly judged. In my years as a student, not only in years of study, all the schools I’ve attended have been public. And the ideas that have always played are the same as the public schools are not “good” I think it is a somewhat wrong idea. In my opinion there is no better schools.

  2. 2a Anabel Cervantes Amador

    It is correct that all the time want to “programs” to assist the improvement of education, but in the end remains the same, only appears a change for a few days and everything as depsues late twentieth century, imagine that times each are more difficult and time education remains the same.


    I think you’re right probably not take time to do.
    Clear at least imagine it got one now.
    Actually I think the same at any time came that day.
    I think that time is just waiting.

  4. 2B Juan Manuel Alcaraz Aguirre

    I think that you’re right, because these programs are not meeting with its objectives.
    We need new programs, but mainly we also need dedicated staff.
    The society is very important too, because this is an union between government and children, parents, teachers.
    The education can grow, but we need be a united in it road.

  5. 2A Everardo Torres Viera

    I believe that public schools are misjudged. Public schools are very good. That idea is so wrong. I think they are the best schools.

  6. 2B Diana Polanco

    Most people think that studying in a private school has better benefits in a publication.
    In my opinion I do not think there are the best schools.
    For good education no matter where you study what matters is that you are a good student and put all your effort.
    When it says that the programs are not being met agree with you.

  7. 2B Corona Silva Salvador

    I think these programs never take them seriously.
    We need real programs, to see.
    Although also need people to be more united.
    So too would have more programs and be better people.

  8. 2A Arnoldo Alcaraz Velázquez

    I think that more than anything the most important are the teachers and not the programs that are performed.

    A program just is for be based in this because never will to be exactly.

    The children are educated in their houses and the most important are the parents above all.

    I would suggest more study for teachers instead of more programs that do little to change the education of children and youth.

  9. 2J Carlos Damian perez

    Most people think that studying in a private school has better benefits in a publication.

    I think these programs never take them seriously.

    I think that you’re right, because these programs are not meeting with its objectives.

    public schools are vere well

  10. 2J César Pérez V.

    In my personal point of view I always valued education and the state of Colima, in comparison with other controlled unions.
    I’ve always liked the saying of the darkest night to the more bright morning.
    We need improve the education of our own hands, not by government.
    if we want to be better we have to work.

  11. 2A Alexis Alfaro Ochoa

    There are many programs that the government has prevailed to many institutions in public schools and there is the same thing. About the school who one believe and the reality, while many people learn unconditionall, while others happens different by one o many reasons.

  12. 2A Jose de Jesus Zamora Santa Ana

    I think we gives to many importance to the campaigns they make hiding the poor state in which really are the most schools, that people that you mention do it all with the purpose to keep jumping jobs and they don’t care if education is good or bad.

    We can only hope the teacher would make a good work at school.

  13. 2J - Garcia Ely

    The law says: “Education publishes free and secular.” The fact that the school is free does not mean that the government hire the worst teachers. All Mexicans are forced to pay taxes to provide those “public” services. I do not see why the government implemented a program called “clean school” if government obligation, pay people, so that all schools in mexico, whether they are always clean.

  14. 2J Julio Daniel Cervantes Díaz

    Well, I’m agree with this opinion of bad politics and shitty bureaucrats.
    The school should be in a constantly renew but those who are in the top use every instant to take credit.
    Mexico has wonderful and smart people but the people in that top aren’t it.
    I wish this situation to change in the future.

  15. 2J Victor Omauy Marmolejo

    Mexico need more opportunities of education..
    When the people en Mexico want study, the programs will no longer be necessary.
    We will change the future of Mexico.
    Many people could change the country

  16. 2J jorge salvador ciprian figueroa

    Clear at least imagine it got one now.

    We need real programs, to see.

    I think these programs never take them seriously.

    If we want to be better we have to work.

  17. David Batista 2j

    We need new programs, but mainly we also need dedicated staff.
    I wish this situation to change in the future.
    We can only hope the teacher would make a good work at school.
    Clear at least imagine it got one now.

  18. 2J Villaseñor Merino Martin Eduardo

    I think, should be rules about the trash.
    Not always get all the education in the School.
    I love Mexico, but should open better schools.
    I would like to see big changes in Education.

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