Leí con alegría la noticia del egreso de la primera generación del nuevo plan de estudios de arquitectura en la Universidad de Colima. El marco no podía ser mejor: el Teatro Universitario. Varias razones tengo para ese sentimiento: acompañé en distintos momentos el desarrollo del proyecto que condujo a la propuesta, controvertida y discutida en distintos niveles, pero defendida con vehemencia y solvencia por el director y el grupo de profesoras y profesores. Por eso, nunca tuve duda que, a pesar de las imperfecciones propias de todo plan de estudios, la garantía de su éxito era el compromiso del profesorado. Eso pensé mientras preparábamos la aprobación del plan, luego sus normas complementarias y hoy sigo creyéndolo. Siendo perfectible, el plan caminará vigoroso en las próximas generaciones. Así lo creo.
Otra poderosa razón que me alegra es el reconocimiento que los egresados hicieron de Carlos Salazar Silva, rector de la Universidad de Colima entre 1997 y 2005. Del rector Salazar Silva solo tengo expresiones elogiosas y de gratitud, por eso, que se le reconozca casi ocho años después de dejar la rectoría es un gesto encomiable de los arquitectos, pues los reconocimientos y premios concedidos mientras se ocupa el cargo dejan una sensación incomparable a cuando ocurre tiempo después.
Con el doctor Salazar tuve la fortuna de dirigir los bachilleratos de la Universidad durante los ochos años de su rectorado, en un periodo que nuestra institución se convirtió en un punto de referencia en el panorama nacional, lo que nos permitió coordinar a las 25 universidades públicas que entonces teníamos bachillerato, entre ellas, la UNAM, la Universidad de Guadalajara, la Autónoma de Sinaloa y la Autónoma de Nuevo León. En ese lapso recibimos innumerables invitaciones para comentar el proceso de reforma académica emprendido y compartir recomendaciones.
Ese gran prestigio institucional se vio reflejado en la más cuantiosa cifra que recibió el bachillerato de la Universidad de Colima en las últimas décadas (gracias al Programa Integral de Fortalecimiento Institucional de la Educación Media Superior), y en la invitación que recibí de la Secretaría de Educación Pública para asesorar a la Dirección General del Bachillerato entre 2001 y 2005.
Fue el trabajo que hicimos, que hicieron los entonces 31 bachilleratos, lo que le dio al doctor Salazar la autoridad para luchar por el reconocimiento del bachillerato universitario, y para pugnar porque ese nivel tuviera espacio en la agenda de los rectores reunidos en el Consejo de Universidades Públicas e Instituciones Afines de la ANUIES; y para que fuéramos nosotros, la Universidad de Colima, quienes coordináramos el apartado correspondiente a la educación media superior para el programa educativo del periodo presidencial de Vicente Fox.
Pero todo el trabajo de la comunidad habría tenido menos resonancia sin la convicción con que Carlos Salazar abanderó la batalla por la media superior. De las muchas pruebas de ello conviene recordar quizá una, la más personal pero simbólica: su hija estudió en el Bachillerato 4. Por justicia tengo que decir que su convicción era la misma de su esposa, la señora Mary, María Hernández, una mujer a quien uno solo de sus actos describe. Una mañana me llamó el director del Bachillerato 4, muy temprano, inquieto y preocupado me dijo: “Juan Carlos, qué hago. Está aquí la esposa del rector haciendo fila, y todavía falta mucha gente para que le toque. Ya le pedimos que se pase a la dirección pero nos dice que no, que esperará su turno como todas las personas”. La señora Mary había acudido al plantel para inscribir a su hija por vez primera. No hagas nada, le dije, déjala. Esperó su turno y siempre atendió sus tareas, como la asistencia a las reuniones de padres y madres de familia.
La hija no es menos excepcional. Tengo una anécdota también con ella. Paulina, alumna de excelencia, llevaba ya 5 o 6 “becas de excelencia”, por haber terminado su semestre con calificación de diez. Para la ceremonia de premiación, una de las más emotivas con los estudiantes, seleccionamos a los muchachos que, por sus resultados, podrían dirigir el mensaje estelar. Elegí a Paulina Salazar Hernández sin consultar al rector. Hablé con ella y le ofrecí la ocasión. Me agradeció y con serenidad a sus 17 o 18 años me dijo que no quería que se tomara como un gesto derivado de su relación paterna, que prefería ese lugar para otro de sus compañeros de una generación estupenda. A mí me habría gustado, lo confieso, ver la cara orgullosa del rector y su esposa cuando ella dirigiera el mensaje en esa ceremonia, por los méritos de Paulina y por la enorme lucha del doctor Salazar para dignificar el bachillerato.
Por eso, y por muchas otras razones de peso, celebro tan merecido reconocimiento al doctor Carlos Salazar Silva, porque sus hechos están registrado en la memoria histórica la institución y de quienes laboramos a su lado. Felicidades al doctor Carlos Salazar. Felicidades, por supuesto, a los nuevos arquitectos.
María Guadalupe Alvarez Negrete 1° "B"
Congratulations to new architects..
Are fantastic..
The girl, Paulina.. and him mother are persons so simple and in this case are so exeptional for a sample reason that are neither feel more than other people and this act speaks highly of them 🙂
Luis Alonso Hernandez 1ro A
Is a good notice Doctor I hope so are be all the next generations.
you said what Rector during salazar, you, you took part in the educational advancement in 31 high schools of the unersidad, which is good to know we have people willing to serve as you doctor.
Laura Cruz
Así es, Paulina es de mi generación del Bachillerato 4. El reconocimiento nunca llega tarde, si es en vida claro!
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Laurita, qué gusto saludarte!
Un abrazo.
Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo 1B
Excellent! I also think it’s great.
It’s amazing when you can reach a goal. Of course it’s a good thing because it improved the curriculum and expected better results. I hope everything goes incredible
Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A
I like the title, honor honor. Is true.
That good that wife of principal waited his turn.
That speak very good of Mary and the daughter who has an excellent average.
Persons as they, should be more in society politic
David Toledo Zúñiga 1B
Paulina’s mother and the mother acted in a simple as it should be equal for all.
Congratulations to Dr. Carlos Salazar Silva for everything he did in the time that was guiding and more so it did for education average superior.
And congratulations to the new architects.
Thank you doctor for sharing this.
The text is very interesting.
You are very intelligent.
I see that education is enhancing.
I hope that the university can moving forward more.
Carlos Alberto Santoyo Lopez 1A
Is a great news.
Colima ever have been a country with good students.
Also i belive that level should be gauge in quality and don´t quantity.
Congratulations, Dr. Carlos Salazar Silva.
Jose de Jesus Jimenez Garcia 1D
Congratulations to the graduates architects!.
It’s an honor, that the wife and daughter of the rector, have taken these gestures.
Simplicity makes a person bigger.
Congratulations on your recognition.
Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 1B
It’s nice know that there nice people.
Mrs. Mary did a nice gesture.
All were spending some of your time and
she waited her turn like other people.
Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 1ºA
I really liked the anecdote.
Thanks for sharing Doctor.
Education and students in Colima are very good.
I really liked the wife of Carlos Salazar not use their influence.
Marco Antonio Lopez Mendoza 1B
A very nice gesture of the girl by not making any such decisions but good vibes to cede that opportunity to someone else to lead the expected message.
Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B
I think there is good people
Sometimes I don’t want to see it
That’s not the reality
It’s a problem that i have to repair
Congratulations all graduates.
the University of Colima is growing every day, which got me proud to belong to this institution, the best of collimated so I have all my effort into this institution to get out of this prestigious university.
Antonio Torres Figueroa
You are very intelligent.
Colima ever have been a country with good students
Persons as they, shuld be more in society politico
It’s nice know that there nice people.
Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 1B
Congratulations to graduates from architecture.
Paulina and her mother are a example to follow.
I think it is a hard work.
Applause to Dr. Carlos Salazar and their facts.
miguel virgilio jimenez brena 1A
I think these are great people.
Because they acct normal and don’t take advantage by they work or social position.
And we have a lot of good students.
José Eduardo Aguilar Anguiano 1°B
I imagine that is a great generation.
The rector’s daughter had a great gesture of humility.
His wife also had this gesture of humility.
I hope you have a great day.
Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 1D
Congratulations to the new architects.
Congratulations to Dr. Carlos Salazar Silva.
They are a example of family with values.
Their actions Prove they have a great education.
Ignacio Ramirez 1A
Very interesting article
Very good to excellent people have honored
Excellent those people who have finished their studies
Good article Dr.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Ignacio!
edgar eduardo zepeda orozco
I like the title, honor honor. Is true.
Also i belive that level should be gauge in quality and don´t quantity.
Mrs. Mary did a nice gesture.
Erick Donaldo Arceo Magaña 1D
Congratulations to new architects.
Excellent! I also think it’s great.
I see that education is enhancing.
Congratulations to Dr. Carlos Salazar Silva.
sergio eduardo palomino diaz 1´ D
Excellent! I also think it’s great.
That’s not the reality.
The rector’s daughter had a great gesture of humility.
That good that wife of principal waited his turn.
Christian Daniel Rentería García
Nice job architects.
We just have to continue hopping that we are going to succeed.
If we want to finish our studies we just have to try harder.
I’m really just as happy as you are.
victor escalera sanchez 1D
expected better results. I hope everything goes incredible
All were spending some of your time and
she waited her turn like other people.
I think these are great people.
Edsel Barbosa 1D
I like the title, honor honor. Is true.
That good that wife of principal waited his turn.
That speak very good of Mary and the daughter who has an excellent average.
Persons as they, should be more in society politic.
kevin roberto gomez peralta 1"D"
Congratulations to the graduates architects.
Congratulations to Dr. Carlos Salazar Silva.
Is good for people regardless of their status still retain
their humility.
Estudia Ing. de Software decían.. te dejaran muchas tareas referentes a la programación decían …
Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 1ºD
In a good news that the new way of teaching in the career of architecture bears fruit.
The recognition was made to sign Carlos Salazar is what he did.
It is true that he did Carlos Salazar in favor of education.
It is an honor to be asked ayudad to improve education in the SEP.
Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A
Yes Docotor!
Your work into the university is very important.
Mys congratulation also the Doctor Silva for you work.
And also you.
José Luis Garza Gallegos 1ºD
Congratulations to the new generation of architects!
We will be waiting for the new structures in Colima.
That girl are very prudent.
I’m from Bachillerato 4. ^^
Jever Amezcua Garcia 1D
Congratulations to the architects.
Good gesture wife take turns in a patient and fair.
I am impressed to know that he had good grades Paulina.
Pauline must have been a very dedicated student excellent.
Pauline Congratulations for your achievements is well.
Fabian Garcia Alcala 1-D
It is true that he did Carlos Salazar in favor of education.
I think these are great people.
We will be waiting for the new structures in Colima.
I see that education is enhancing.
Jorge Caballero
Recognition was made to sign.
All were spending some of your time.
The new professional mark the current level of the university.
Let’s trust them.
Edwin Preciado
Very interesting your text
Very good sentences to reflect.
Very good way to express
thanks for your article
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Edwin, me alegra que te resulten de interés mis comentarios.
Saludos y buena semana!
Adrian contreras 1 A
I hope that the university can moving forward more, and you keep comenting.
Congratulations to the graduates architects.
expected better results. I hope everything goes incredible
Congratulations to Dr. Carlos Salazar Silva.
Víctor Iván López González 1A
I am happy to know that this cheerful.
It is wonderful to know what he has done you.
I am glad that you have reached the news.
I also congratulate DR Carlos Salazar Silva as it is an excellent person.
Miguel Arias Sandoval 1A
This new generation egresed, is a motivation for new generations.
Congratulations to all egresed the this new generations.
The student Paulina is a great example for us.
but don’t everybody are whit their.
Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 1°a
ike your comment.
Very good way to express
They are a example of family with values.
I see that education is enhancing little by little.
Roberto Banda 1A
Congratulations to you for your effort day to day.
I am impressed by their achievements.
Especially the achievements Pauline.
Remain so that each day is better.