El 9 de febrero la Universidad de Colima entregará la medalla “Lázaro Cárdenas del Río”, su máxima presea, a la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. La recibirá el propio rector de la UNAM, José Narro Robles, en un evento que será, auguro, de altísima calidad académica e intelectual, por la conferencia que en la ocasión habrá de presentar el doctor Narro.
El acto tiene un significado especial por la medalla en sí, que reconoce el origen de nuestra Universidad, creada en la última parte del régimen cardenista, cuando no muchos estados del país tenían una institución de ese nivel. Rendirle tributo a la voluntad fundadora (personificado en quien es, para muchos, el mejor presidente de la historia nacional), reafirma el sentido público y el valor histórico, político, educativo y cultural que tuvo, tiene y tendrá la Universidad de Colima en el estado.
Doblemente emotiva, sin duda, por la presencia de un personaje que sucedió al doctor Juan Ramón de la Fuente y se hizo muy rápido de un nombre propio en el panorama educativo iberoamericano, hasta convertir a la suya en una opinión respetada en nuestro continente, cuyos argumentos no pocas veces trascienden los muros universitarios y se vuelven insoslayables, así sea para oponérseles.
Con la potencia que le concede representar a la principal universidad iberoamericana, y con la autoridad ganada por su claridad, valentía y determinación, el rector de la UNAM es hoy, entre los rectores del mundo, uno de los principales defensores de la educación y la universidad públicas. Así lo ha afirmado con decisión una y otra vez, sin caer en los lugares comunes, las defensas arcaicas o los dogmas ideológicos.
La presencia de José Narro entre la comunidad universitaria sellará un lazo de hermandad entre ambas instituciones; nos dejará nuevos motivos para seguir reflexionando en nuestra misión educadora, así como en el valor de la universidad pública frente a las múltiples acechanzas que cobran vida en forma de políticas, instrumentos y estrategias.
Un detalle basta para dibujar su perfil: hace un par de años, cuando se discutía el presupuesto para la educación superior, el rector de la UNAM decidió que lucharía codo a codo con los rectores agrupados en la Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior; el gobierno federal quiso dividir el frente común con el anunció de un presupuesto generoso para la Universidad Nacional. Contra lo que suponían los autores de la idea divisionista, José Narro agradeció pero afirmó que pugnaría porque todas las universidades recibieran el mismo trato. Entonces, no se refugio en el piso de la rectoría de la UNAM y se sumó a los rectores en la batalla por la universidad pública, que no ha terminado, que seguirá y que en él encuentra a uno de su más convincentes defensores.
José Manuel Ruiz Calleja
Magnífico comentario, será una ocasión especialmente significativa para la comunidad académica de la UdeC, felicito la feliz iniciativa.
Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 2°D
In my opinión i am happy with the university of colima awarded its highest medal to UNAM and received the rector of the UNAM,and that is very valuable person for education.
Maribel Perallta Larios 1°D
I like know the UNAM is of the university most prestigious public of county the reward is recognition the effort that performed the UNAM but it is true that we need more to get do a country top in education and this alone was carried out with the effort of all.
cesar castro carrillo 2 D
it seems to me that he might acknowledge and give a agradecimineto by esfurzo is being done by the UNAM
Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 2°D
I think that every university must be treated same way, because all students from Mexico have same rights. I agree with you, ties between Ucol and UNAM should improve, with that students could have a better education.
Ernesto alcaraz andrade 2 D
I think is very important act to this university because the UNAM is a university than we can learn a lot of think for our benefit.
I think that the roll that play the university of colima in the state is to important to the growth of it in all way that university benefits to the community like knowledge and values.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Ernesto, los esperamos!
Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 2D
I agree with the opinion of Dolores, the rector of the UNAM is a valuable person for education. I think that conference with the rector and the medal was an emotive moment.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Alan, ojalá puedan asistir con nosotros al Teatro Universitario. Gracias por tu opinión!
Juan Pedro tintos Mendoza 2º B
I think this is a great award for the UNAM, specially coming from this great university, even if it is not very known nationally. I feel happy of being part of the University of Colima.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Hola Juan Pedro, me alegra leerlos de nuevo. Es un gusto.
Saludos a todas y todos ustedes!
Juan Pedro tintos Mendoza 2º B
de igual manera… siempre tus post son muy interesantes y nos permiten expresarnos libremente, aki seguimos por un buen rato
Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 2B
I liked know about the bonds of brotherhood that these two Universities have, because among these universities can exchange ideas and projects, for improve the status of education in our country. I liked very much this publication and also know about this event.
Irving De La Mora 1B
It is admirable to see how some people are concerned about the state of education across the country, advocating for all universities and for the right to education, wonderful will see this.
Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 2D
It’s good to recognize the labor that UNAM rector has been doing. And also hear this good news of the nexus between this great universities for benefit to the students.
Luis Guillermo Briceño Ochoa 2° D
I’m glad that the University of Colima recognize the people who deserve it, and it’s good to know that there are people who fight for a good education in México and for a better future, my congratulations to the rector of UNAM.
I´m happy because it is a big step for the university of Colima to improve and have better relationships to share information and have an better education.
Ramón Fco. Martínez Velázquez 1 "D"
I think is it very important this event, I rally like to attend, because as said will be very interesting to heart the speech of Dr. Narro.
Rodríguez Niebla Manuela 1B
I am agree with your comment, The president Lazaro Cardenas was the best in the history of México. It´s an honor that the University of Colima gives the “Lazaro Cardenas del Rio” medal to the UNAM, it’s a treasure of Mexico that represents us on the world.
Heredia Moran Alejandro Gilberto 2°B
I believe that this very well in recognizing the work of the director of the UNAM since, as you comment, always she is defending the education of Mexico. It is a clear example to follow between the student community and a great motivation for the other directors. Let us hope that they join more people important to the voice in defense of education.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 2B
I think that it should be an honor for the rector Jose Narro Robles and not only for him, but for the whole UNAM receive this Medal, because this means that they’re doing a great job and thus must follow. Congratulations to the UNAM.
Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez
What great honour to be one of the main proponents of education and the University public to the rector of the UNAM, and glad that both universities have a bond of brotherhood.
Roberto Quintero Cervantes 1D
I agree,the rector of the UNAM is a very valuable person of education like Dolores said,because we can learn very much from the UNAM for our benifit.The Education can grow very much from the university.
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 2 "A"
This is excellent news that the University of Colima delivered a magnificent medal as “Lázaro Cárdenas Del Rio” to a great institution that is the UNAM. I would like to know this university because it is a very privileged. I feel very good choice to give a big thanks to Mexico to have a good university in the country.
Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A
I think there should be no rivalry between universities.
The contrary would be very good to help each other.
Have a good relationship.
And support each other.
Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 1A
In my opinion is well to recognize the work of these institutions as they are the defenders of education in Mexico. This helps motivate teachers and students more. And a and best use.
Ruben Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 2 A
In my opinion, I think that’s very good shows how well it is prepared at the University of Colima, and makes everything very high such that are being trained in Colima about education, I feel really proud of be part of this institution does not see any other university better than that of Colima.
Pedro Madrigal Velasco 2°B
I very much like this recognition of the UNAM and I left a good taste knowing that education in Mexico is not bad as thought.
Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores
Hi, Juan Carlos. I’m glad to know this news. It is an public event? I mean, everyone can assist? Because I would like to assist to the event, I want to hear what José Narro Robles have to say to the students and docents of the University of Colima. I’m sure it will be very rewarding.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Hola Iván, es un evento abierto y pueden asistir, por supuesto. Sería muy importante que también participaran los estudiantes.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alverto 1-B
My opinion is that if a good to be part of a university to continue hard work and values, so you can learn more about the method that has UNAM to carry out thei surveys.
Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro 2-A
I thing that a recognition will be better that one medal. He should be marked in the history how something important. I’m glad know that studies of since 20 years have grown much and I wait more. Just I have say very congratulations.
Iván Alejandro Novela Macias 1°B
I hope we can assist me it would seem interesting that the highest authority of the UNAM can say about the University of Colima.
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B
I like so much the idea that this universities have a conection betwen them, because the UNAM is a pretty good institution, as well as to recive this award, and to help other universities to do their missions.
Chan Remirez Francisco Javier
It’s great for the maximum award of our University to be delivered to the UNAM,it’s a fabulous and very well recognized University, the other hand it is worth noting the progress made by the rector to the fight for all universities have the same treatment..
Chan Remirez Francisco Javier 2 B
It’s great for the maximum award of our University to be delivered to the UNAM,it’s a fabulous and very well recognized University, the other hand it is worth noting the progress made by the rector to the fight for all universities have the same treatment..
Armando Vazquez Zamora 2° B
Good publication, many congratulations to the rector of the UNAM, José Narro Robles, by receiving the Medal was handed over. The Medal “Lázaro Cárdenas del Rio” that you will be given, should have a good meaning for our University of colima. “”
In my opinion is a very good news that the University of Colima surrender so important a iniversidad medal as important as the UNAM, this is an excellent demonstration of what that work both universities.
2A José Carlos Llerenas Montes
I think that it’s good that our university meets with the UNAM.
The activities to realize in conjunction with the UNAM have a great learning value.
The conference by Dr. Narro surely will be very interesting to listen.
Hopefully these event are more frecuently.
2ºA Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
I consider it an honor to give the medal “Lazaro Cardenas del Rio” to one of the most importants universities of the country, UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mèxico), especially given our university.
Being part of the Universidad de Colima is a privilege,being also one of the major universities of the country.
2ºA Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
I consider it an honor to give the medal “Lazaro Cardenas del Rio” to one of the most importants universities of the country, UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mèxico), especially given our university.
Being part of the Universidad de Colima is a privilege,being also one of the major universities of the country
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B
could not be better! are two universities with ties of brotherhood, I liked the idea and the projects they have. me proud to be part of the University of Colima.
Jose CArlos Hernandez Hernandez 2B
This must be a great pride for the rector of the UNAM since the medal Lazaro Cardenas is the maximum award that the IPN delivers to the researchers, teachers and students
Being part of the University of Colima is a privilege, is also one of the main universities UNAM.
Miguel Rosales Ochoa 2A
I think this prize will give more prestige to this insntitucion that in recent years it has won
And every day I hope to continue to grow the university to continue receiving these awards will go work and sacrifice getting more recognition
The University of Colima is the state’s largest and in my opinion is the best trained and prepared for all who are in this state
UNAM example is years away but to be like this great institution, I have no doubt that this university can make it to a larger level
Miguel Rosales Ochoa 2A
I think this prize will give more prestige to this institution in recent years it has won
And each day I hope to continue to grow the university to continue receiving these awards will go work and sacrifice getting more recognition
The University of Colima is the state’s largest and in my opinion is the best trained and prepared for all who are in this state
UNAM example is years away but to be like this great institution I have no doubt that this university can make it to a larger level
Enrique Madrigal Díaz
Hello Juan Carlos is a pleasure to participate in this post, in my opinión I think we should be proud characters like the president of the UNAM be a tour university and receives a gift from us and would be very interesting to hear what you think of us as a university
Osdy Fletes Arreola 2A
I think this is very important for upper secondary education is every time bigger and that UNAM is a role model.
congratulations on the university and its history with this every time is larger q as with the facts make for the good of students
Luis Ricardo Hernández Rebolledo 2°A
I like what you are doing the rector of the UNAM, which will support public universities and to defend them.
Arthur Edwards
A university become reborn when it recognizes distinguished persons. A university can define or redifine itself by standing with people of merit. A university can share its vision when it recognizes great individuals.
Arthur Edwards
A university become reborn when it recognizes distinguished persons. A university can define or redifine itself by standing with people of merit. A university can share its vision when it recognizes great individuals.
Arthur Edwards
A university becomes reborn when it recognizes distinguished persons. A university can define or redifine itself by standing with people of merit. A university can share its vision when it recognizes great individuals.
Manuel ALejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D
I hope this has been a great opportunity for the school.
I’m glad we have a guest so important.
Juan Francisco Arreola Hernández 2A
I think tube of great significance to the University of Colima and recognizing the origin and the weight that our University