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Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Por medio de su correo electrónico me enteré que Angélica Rubí Gómez Aro, Rubí, como la conocemos, fue designada directora del Vasco de Quiroga, una antigua, pujante y renovada escuela de formación de trabajadoras sociales, cuya historia, aporte y trascendencia en Colima se sabe menos de lo que sería justo, pero ese es otro tema. El nombramiento de Rubí me llena de alegría personal y profesionalmente. Siempre es magnífica noticia que las designaciones de ese tipo recaigan en buenas manos, en manos honestas, trabajadoras, decentes, transparentes, sin las cuales no se puede dirigir una institución educativa. Lo he escrito en otros momentos: no se puede educar desde la impostura. Y Rubí, no tengo duda, será una estupenda directora al lado de muchos profesores comprometidos a quienes tengo el gusto de conocer y me honran con su amistad.

El nombramiento me recordó que ya son varios estudiantes, primero, y colaboradores después, quienes se ganaron la oportunidad de conducir comunidades escolares, todos ellos, me atrevo a decirlo, con resultados sobresalientes. Me referiré solo a los egresados de licenciatura, porque la maestría es capítulo aparte, pródigo también. A riesgo de olvidar alguno, tengo en la memoria varios actuales directores en la Universidad de Colima: Marcial Aviña en el Bachillerato 1, después de una exitosa incursión en el 13. Armando Hernández en el Bachillerato 18. Candelaria Gaspar en el 26. Omar Bravo en la Facultad de Lenguas Extranjeras. Juan Carlos Meza en Pedagogía, donde antes estuvieron también Jonás Larios y Carmen Silvia Peña. Fuera de la Universidad tengo presente a Roberto Carlos Peña, dirigiendo una institución privada de educación superior.

Con egresados así uno puede sentirse honrado de haber pertenecido, de seguir perteneciendo a su cuna de formación profesional, de todos nosotros, la Facultad de Pedagogía, próxima a sus 29 años en febrero de 2014.

Cada uno de ellos, y cada uno de los otros que ocupan espacios como coordinadores, subdirectores, en asesoría académica, y luego ocuparán direcciones y puestos clave, me recuerdan, por supuesto, el inevitable e inolvidable transcurrir de los años en la docencia, así como la fortuna de haber tenido el privilegio de conocerles y hoy, mirarles a la distancia con orgullo en su vigoroso transitar por instituciones educativas que, como dije al principio, necesitan mujeres y hombres que contribuyan a la formación de otros buenos hombres y mujeres, de los cuales también han de sentirse orgullosos en el indispensable ciclo vital de las instituciones.

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  1. Balvanero

    No puedo menos que coincidir, conozco también a la Mtra. Rubí y estoy en sintonía con tu comentario… Ella egresó de esta institución -Vasco de Quiroga- y posteriormente transitó hacia Pedagogía, abrevando por donde la llevaron sus seguros y decididos pasos…

  2. Rodrigo Alejandro Ortega Rodríguez

    Congratulations to all of them, and their successful carreer.
    Now, they have a big responsibility, to give the students good education, and the preparation needed for the future.
    We can change Mexico, if everyone puts their effort to do it.
    I hope that those proffessors guide the students to big goals.

  3. Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina

    *Congratulations for Angélica Rubí Gómez,
    *Well, i see the form who describes angelica, and i think she will be a good director
    *The kids will be the new generation :”)
    *The good persons will be good persons everyday and wherever they live

  4. Felipe Adrian Juarez Robles 1K

    Congratulations angelica”!!!
    we can change mexico with good teachers
    wow until february of 2014… long time
    she is young , she can change pedagogia with new ideas

  5. luis manuel sanchez paez

    I acctualy fdont know Angelica Rubi but i fell happy for her.

    I wish she do a good job, mexico needs good people to work in the education.

    I also wish her luck in her new job.

    If all profesors were as you discrive her mexico woud be a best country.

  6. Gerardo Orbe Sánchez

    Congratulations for her and for everyone in Pedagogy. It’s good to see students reaching their goals. I hope this kind of student should become a role model for everyone. I hope that Angelica will do a good job.

  7. Alan Heriberto Gutiérrez Vigil

    She will be the backbone of the institution, like all the principals. And based on your words I think the institution will be in good hands. We all need a good support to keep things running properly. Maybe not all have it, but we need it undoubtedly.

  8. Pulido Partida Josué Gamaliel

    Thats nice for Angelica. I hope thet Angelica like you describes her will be a good director. I think that she can make a lot of changes in pedagogia. If every teachers will be like her Mexico probably would be best.

  9. Cristian Baròn

    Congratulations Angelica Ruby Gomez.
    Now, they have a great responsibility to give good education of students and the necessary skills for the future.
    She is young and can change pedagogy with innovative ideas.
    I would like to do a good job, Mexico needs people to work in education.

  10. Esmeralda Rivera Rueda

    That’s true. Education always begins at home.
    But sometimes they do not know how to appreciate the education their parents give them.
    And instead they waste it with friends and so. People sometimes get into the bad acts that make those who belong to our society.
    We must learn to value the education given.

  11. carlos espinoza

    I would like to congratulate Angélica. She wants to help students. Everybodyneeds help sometimes. It seems good that people help Mexico’s education.

  12. Brian Alexis Florian Peralta

    Is very good that directors be committed with work.
    The directors committed are there few.
    Is a know pride that there directors so.
    These people deserve recognition.

  13. Gabriel Andrade

    Congratulations Angelica Ruby Gomez.

    Is very good that directors be committed with work.

    We can change Mexico, if everyone puts their effort to do it.

    If all profesors were as you discrive her mexico woud be a best country.

  14. Jhonatan Gonzalez Perez

    Congratulations to her.
    Hopefully Angelica always do a good job with honesty and values.
    I would like to do a good job and for my welfare and for my country.
    Hopefully that guides students to good people goals as well.

  15. Luis Montes de oca Flores 1°J

    The kids will be the new generation.
    I wish she do a good job, mexico needs good people to work in the education.
    Is very good that directors be committed with work.
    We can change mexico with good teachers

  16. jose guadalupe ojeda martinez 1J

    Congratulations on your managed.
    Sometimes you need the support of a good friend.
    Devemos never forget those who we admire and respect.
    That is a great human value.

  17. Armando hernandez

    I do not know Angelica ruby
    but if you said that is capable i believe in you
    the next generation always replaces the previous
    your work is that the new generation is well prepared.

  18. Jorge Ricardo Villalvazo

    These facts mean that the school it’s doing a good job.
    I agree, institutions need good people that want to do something really good with it and for the people.
    Now she have a responsability and oportunity, she should do things right.
    Always is good to know that directors are good persons.

  19. Sergio Omar Lopez Ceballos

    The kids will be the new generation.
    I do not know Angelica ruby.
    We can change Mexico, if everyone puts their effort to do it.

  20. jorge salvador ciprian figueroa 1J

    I also wish her luck in her new job.

    She is young and can change pedagogy with innovative ideas.

    Education always begins at home.

    These people deserve recognition.

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