Escribí ya varias veces que las ciudades educan. La idea no es original ni novedosa. Es la constatación de que las personas primero nos educamos en la casa, después en la escuela y en la relación con múltiples actores e instituciones sociales: la iglesia, los clubes deportivos, los partidos, los grupos de amigos, los medios informativos, entre otros. Cada uno influye en mayor o menor grado dependiendo de las primeras huellas que nos deja la casa familiar, los padres, los hermanos. Pero las ciudades, sus calles, sus muros, la geografía, sus normas y las prácticas que en ellas ocurren resultan herramientas pedagógicas que nos moldean sutil e indefectiblemente.
Este fin de semana recorrí las calles de una pequeña ciudad uruguaya, Colonia del Sacramento. Allí uno puedo confirmar que las ciudades educan con un influjo más poderoso del que podemos suponer. Colonia, con menos de 30 mil habitantes, recibe una nutrida concurrencia principalmente de uruguayos, brasileños y argentinos que viajan sobre todo los fines de semana y periodos vacacionales. Fundada en el siglo XVII es, en su casco viejo, una postal detenida en el tiempo con vitalidad refrescante. Lo viejo no es decadente, lo antiguo huele a vida, el tiempo engendra tranquilidad. Su designación como Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 1995 es un preciso reconocimiento, y una invitación. Las calles empedradas de trazo portugués, los autos viejos estacionados como si el tiempo los hubiese congelado, sus plazas, sus bares y restaurantes, la Basílica, las ruinas de la casa del gobernador, el faro, su plaza de toros, el inmenso Río de la Plata son apenas una mención de las bellezas de esta joya de la arquitectura, la historia, la cultura, el buen gusto, la vida lenta… y la educación.
Sí, dije bien, de la educación vial, del respeto a las personas y del lugar de los autos en la vida contemporánea. En Colonia no existen los semáforos porque no se necesitan, porque sus habitantes y paseantes ocasionales comprendemos que lo primero es la gente, y cada vez que una persona baja de la acera rumbo a la calle de enfrente los coches se detienen en un ritual cotidiano, imperceptible aquí, que me llena de asombro y reafirma la convicción de que se puede cambiar a las ciudades en lo más íntimo, en los más fundamental, que no son los puentes o los obras de relumbrón, sino en las prácticas que revitalizan a la ciudad, en los hábitos que hacen posible y humana -o no- la convivencia. Las personas son el centro. Lo demás es natural reflejo.
Colonia es una muestra de que se pueden formar buenos ciudadanos sin medidas coercitivas, sin topes cada cien metros, sin semáforos, sin agentes de tránsito en cada esquina. Eso sí me parece mágico.
Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay
Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina
*Yes, everybody have a different education, and this depend of her mother and father
*When i visit a city or county, i see they walls, the people and i think of this city, how is and what happen in this
*I agree with you, i see the town and i say is this a good city?
*The old things are better than the new ideas
Gerardo Orbe Sánchez
Every country is different in some ways. Like you say, Colonia del Sacramento is a place where people is more aware of their actions. Mexico for other way, is not like that (at least not like this). I hope someday everyone learn from this countries.
Pulido Partida Josué Gamaliel
Every person has a different thinking and education. I agree with you in the aspect that we learn first of our parents. If every neighborhood were like that the you describe everything would be magic like you said. I agree with you that the old things in some cases are better than the new things in this aspect.
Cristian Baròn
Each place is different in some respects.
Many times the old things are better than the new.
Not old like things to many people, but these are very important because they have their story.
People should assess all they have to your around.
carlos espinoza
I respect each Type of education. Every education is good. Sometimes the oldest things are better than the new ones. People should try tu receive more and mOre education.
Esmeralda Rivera Rueda
True, education always begins at home.
But sometimes they do not know how to appreciate the education that our parents give us.
They waste it with friends and others letting themselves wrap in the bad deeds that make those belonging to our society.
We must learn to value education our parents are instilling.
Brian Alexis Florian Peralta
The educacion is learn in home.
I never thought that influence street in education.
The city is very beautiful as described.
I like that the people here were equal.
Gabriel Andrade
The educacion is learn in home.
We must learn to value education our parents are instilling.
People should assess all they have to your around.
The old things are better than the new ideas.
Felipe Adrian Juarez Robles 1K
every day you learn one thing….
the most important education begin in the home
i like this type of education
the family is the base of the education
Jhonatan Gonzalez Perez
Sometimes I think the education of before is better than the current one.
People should receive more education and have good values.
Mainly education comes from our parents and our home.
Sometimes the education that our parents instilled in us is not good.
Luis Montes de oca Flores 1°J
Each place is different in some respects.
Many times the old things are better than the new.
We must learn to value education our parents are instill.
I see the town and I say is this a good city?
Alan Heriberto Gutiérrez Vigil
I agree with the idea of how every place changes the education and culture of it’s people, but when I read the article, I have fascinated how in some places the people can have this level of coexistence. It’s maybe because I don’t know enough about other countries or places; and I’ll try to change this, but.. It’s at the same time, a reflect of my whole life environment. I’m very used to live in places where the people usually insult before to be respectful with the others, and it’s something that I see every day. Because of that, when I come and read this, is a bit strange for me. I hope we all try to change this as society, if Colonia del Sacramento could, why we don’t?
jose guadalupe ojeda martinez 1J
Many times the old things are better than the new.
Sometimes the education that our parents instilled in us is not good.
Every education is good.
El respeto alimenta la educación.
Armando hernandez
It’s like a person who inspires respect
you don’t wanna make it angry
I will like to go some day to see it with my own eyes
sounds like a place apart from the world
Sergio Omar Lopez Ceballos
I agree with you, i see the town and i say is this a good city?
I’m very used to live in places where the people usually insult before to be respectful with the others, and it’s something that I see every day.
i like this type of education
I respect each Type of education.
jorge salvador ciprian figueroa 1J
I like that the people here were equal.
The educacion is learn in home.
Every day you learn one thing.
We must learn to value education our parents are instill.