

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Hace minutos terminé un breve artículo sobre los egresados de la Facultad de Pedagogía (Universidad de Colima) que han tenido éxito en su vida profesional. Escribí sobre mujeres y hombres con responsabilidades elevadas en su ámbito profesional.

Ahora veo la otra cara de la moneda. Me es imposible olvidar a otros, a otras. Los egresados, los pedagogos que, sin ser necesariamente mediocres o malos estudiantes/egresados no tienen la misma fortuna. ¡Qué complicado comprender lo que les sucede! Los casos de arriba los entiendo; en su desempeño estudiantil eran, en general, brillantes o por lo menos dedicados, estudiosos, inquietos y, en afortunada convergencia, encontraron una coyuntura oportuna. Pero con los segundos, con quienes siguen esperando una oportunidad las explicaciones son insólitas. Triste, a veces dolorosamente, me entero de muchos egresados de la facultad sin empleo, cuando otros lo tienen gracias a méritos derivados de las mismas prácticas corruptas de que está lleno el sistema de administración de la educación.

No es consuelo, pero el problema, una parte del problema es general. Al mismo tiempo que reflexiono sobre estos temas leo a Ken Robinson (con Lou Aronica). Su libro se llama “El elemento”. Me ruboriza escribirlo y admitirlo. Confieso, en mi descargo, que antes había visto videos del autor, y dos textos en la portada del libro me incitaron a comprarlo. El primero dice: “Descubrir tu pasión lo cambia todo”, pero el segundo fue definitivo: “El libro que revolucionó el campo de la creatividad, la innovación y el aprendizaje”. Además, prologado por Eduardo Punset. Por todo eso lo compré, pero luego de leerlo tengo más claro que nunca: no creo en gurús, ni me adscribo a iglesias prometedoras de salvaciones eternas en la pedagogía.

Hacia el final del libro escriben Robinson y compañía: “Una media de cuarenta y dos personas solicitaba cada una de las vacantes, frente a las treinta y siete del año anterior (en un informe de 2003 en Reino Unido), lo que significa que la pelea por un buen trabajo es cada vez más desesperada, incluso si se tiene una preparación de alto nivel.” Más adelante apuntilla sobre la situación en China: el 30 por ciento de los más de tres millones que se licencian todos los años no tiene empleo.

Me complacen los casos de los egresados afortunados en pedagogía, y me apenan los otros, especialmente con quienes no encontraron todavía la coyuntura precisa. Unos y otros son nuestros egresados, de unos y otros sigo y seguiré esperando que lo puedan hacer mucho mejor que nosotros, por ellos y por quienes vienen detrás.

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  1. Gerardo Orbe Sánchez

    Sad but true. There will be always students that like to learn, and students who don’t. Unfortunately, there is also students who wants to learn and don’t have a job and students who don’t do anything and have corporative jobs. However, that doesn’t mean someone’s efforts are useless.

  2. Pulido Partida Josué Gamaliel

    nowdays this situation prevails. It´s to sad to read and know about this situation. I think that we should have to do something about this. It´s not fair that the students that are brilliant can´t find a good job while other bad students have good jobs thanks to the corruption.

  3. Ceci trevizo

    En su mayoría los egresados de Pedagogía son buenos elementos, creo que mas bien no tienen trabajo por el sistema que nos rodea, algunos parecera que somos mediocres o conformistas pero con la seguridad y tranquilidad que puedes ver a las personas a los ojos tu mejor sabes como se manejan o consiguen al gunos puestos, que tengas una exelente tarde

  4. Cristian Baròn

    Everywhere there are students who want to learn and others who do not want to.
    Most of the graduates are good students.
    I think that it is wrong that good students do not find a good job.
    Many students who are not good are helped to find a good job due to family members and not their performance.

  5. carlos espinoza

    Students decide to learn o not. Everybody that graduate its because they tried and wanted to learn. Those people deserve better jobs. People with good jobs are professional.

  6. Esmeralda Rivera Rueda

    True, education always begins at home.
    But sometimes they do not know how to appreciate the education that our parents give us.
    They waste it with friends and others letting themselves wrap in the bad deeds that make those belonging to our society.
    We must learn to value education our parents are instilling.

  7. Brian Alexis Florian Peralta

    I agree you.
    Is very certain it the most of the graduates remain up unemployed.
    Is very sad that happen.

  8. luis manuel sanchez paez

    I think that pedagogy it’s very important for all mexico.

    Im very agreed with you, it is very sad the conditions in this days.

    The fact that a lot of graduated students are ereding the jobs from familiars it’s so infair.

    I actually feel quind of relaxed of career because it’s easier to find job, i hope.

  9. Felipe Adrian Juarez Robles 1K

    congratulations graduates of pedagogia !!!
    pedagogia is one area very important of mexico
    the students of pedagogia have one good job
    i like you post

  10. Jhonatan Gonzalez Perez

    True, education begins in our homes.
    In every school there are students who are interested in studying and those without.
    Many students who are not good in school have good job because their families and not their academic level.
    I hope in the race that study is not difficult to find a good job.

  11. Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina

    *In all carrers, i think just the best students get jobs early than the worse students
    *Yes, is sad, but its the reality, we know that,
    *the book “el element” is nice, i listened about, maybe its good book
    *I hope the other students will find job

  12. Alan Heriberto Gutiérrez Vigil

    It’s a lesson, an advice for us, I think. The job market is big, but it’s full, it’s plentiful, but there’s a lot of us who are trying to win a place in there. The key is try to be a little better. the effort always pays off

  13. jose guadalupe ojeda martinez 1J

    It’s unfortunate having unemployed graduates.
    I can not stand that works the win by knowing someone or corruption.
    I hope someday knowledge is valued.

    And know to give a chance to people who deserve it.

  14. Armando hernandez

    I think the amount of people who succeed in life will always be less than the amount of people who do not.
    is so hard for people to find work even if they are very smart and hardworking people, many of my friends have very clear how the world actually works and take any opportunity that comes their front although this is not entirely ethical.
    I’m really sad to see how people fight for their personal good, but in the process remove the opportunity to succeed to the people who possibly have worked much harder than them, but this is the system in which we are forced to live, what we should do is changing slowly the way that the students think, well that’s my opinion on what I’ve seen in my short life

  15. Luis Montes de oca Flores 1°J

    There will be always students that like to learn, and students who don’t.
    All students are different.
    Yes, is sad, but its the reality.
    I think that in all careers there are similar students.

  16. Sergio Omar Lopez Ceballos

    The fact that a lot of graduated students are ereding the jobs from familiars it’s so infair.

    I think the amount of people who succeed in life will always be less than the amount of people who do not.

    the book “el element” is nice, i listened about, maybe its good book

    Is very certain it the most of the graduates remain up unemployed.

  17. jorge salvador ciprian figueroa 1J

    I also wish her luck in her new job.

    She is young and can change pedagogy with innovative ideas.

    Education always begins at home.

    These people deserve recognition.

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