Varias veces leí a Arturo Pérez-Reverte en sus artículos semanales azuzar acremente a las personas que se sientan a tu lado, o tú al de ellos, en un avión o en tren, y se convierten en pesadillas durante el trayecto, por sus hábitos y tus manías, que juntas exacerban imperfecciones. Sin embargo, pensaba que, además de divertidos, esos capítulos eran un poquito exagerados. Como para cumplir el compromiso de entregar una colaboración semanal. Ayer tuve que recular el juicio. Me tocó sufrir algo semejante a lo que escribe el creador del Capitán Alatriste: es verdad pura y dura. Sucede.
En el viaje de Buenos Aires a Santa Fe, unas seis horas por carretera, en un día con pronóstico de lluvia en estas partes de la república (lo que podría alargar el tiempo), preparé dos libros para hacer menos tedioso un viaje plano y sin alteraciones en el paisaje desde el segundo piso (y desde el primero) del coche (como llaman a nuestros autobuses). Dos horas para cada libro, dije, y el resto se irá entre el almuerzo que sirven y una siesta a media tarde. Todavía no salíamos de Buenos Aires cuando mis cálculos se estrellaron contra los timbrazos telefónicos y gritos de la señora que viajaba en la última fila, dos atrás de nosotros.
Reloj en mano calculé cuatro horas 18 minutos entre conversaciones con su compungido (supongo) compañero de viaje y sus no sé cuántas llamadas a los amigos, primos y conocidos para informarles a dónde va, en qué parte de la carretera, quién salió del hospital, qué dijo el médico, no así no, a dónde la recogerán, y una larga lista de temas que aunque no quisiera, ni me importara, tuve que escuchar como tormento chino, mientras la señorita azafata del “Flecha bus” no se compadeció de nosotros con una película sino hasta la mitad del viaje, cuando ella había acabado con su tiempo aire o con la paciencia de su compañero de asiento. O con todo a la vez, entre ellas, mi paciencia y buenas intenciones de leer las “Enseñanzas implícitas”, del venerable Philip W. Jackson.
Mis cuatros horas de lectura y plácido tránsito se achicaron. Apenas avancé unas treinta páginas. Y para sacarme el amargo sabor del viaje, solo acerté a escribir estas palabras que no tienen dedicatoria, porque me contuve al final de preguntarle su nombre a la autora del desgraciado día y no dejarlo todo en un irrespetuoso e inmerecido “señora de pelos pintados que viajó a Santa Fe”.
Entre Buenos Aires y Santa Fe
Gerardo Orbe Sánchez
Things like that happen. Yeah, it’s horrible but we have to deal with it sometimes. Maybe she wasn’t aware that she was bothering people. It happens to me sometimes when I take the bus from Manzanillo-Colima (or Colima-Manzanillo), and what do I do? Easy, I switch places with someone.
Cristian Baròn
I don’t like it when people are so bothered by people.
Some people don’t think about others and do what they want.
I think that would like anyone to halt it while doing what they love.
It is difficult to endure things as well.
carlos espinoza
People hace difrent opinions. They always decide what they want. You wont always make people happy with your desitions. Try to be happy and see whats best for you.
Esmeralda Rivera Rueda
That tends to happen and quite often, especially when traveling.
Since many people do not care about the stability of others, and get to yell or speak loudly.
Preventing others to focus on their activities.
Many times because of embarrassment or fear of what they could say, we prefer to keep quiet and not say anything to such people.
Brian Alexis Florian Peralta
Is necessary save respect for the people.
I think the mrs should have their conversation in undertone.
I think the service was not good.
That bad that have not ceased enjoy reading.
luis manuel sanchez paez
Im very sorry but i laugh reading this.
I guess it’s easier to be patient to those persons, i’m impress of how selfish people can be.
you cannot blame the service for this they can’t tell somebody to stop being annoying.
I hope i never have to deal whit this kind of people in a travel.
Gabriel Andrade
Is necessary save respect for the people.
It is difficult to endure things as well.
Preventing others to focus on their activities.
Im very sorry but i laugh reading this.
Jhonatan Gonzalez Perez
It is awkward that one already has planned her things to do and get another person and ruins the day.
He had a lucky sometimes there are people who smell bad.
When I travel I always say I’ll read, but I end up listening to music.
I like seeing the scenery when I travel is really beautiful
Felipe Adrian Juarez Robles 1K
i think this situation is annoying
i hate this situation >.<
wow 6 hours for road
haha you can't read xD
Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina
*What kind of book or historiety is of a Arturo Pérez-Reverte and his weekend?
*when i traveling sometimes i carry some books, the last travel was a 20 hrs and i red a hunger games
*I hate this, when the other people speak in the bus, like a animals, i want to say, shut up ajajaj
*And for this reasons, i prefer carry with me headphones and listen music while i travel
Alan Gutierrez
Things like this show us that the tolerance, besides being a value, is a true virtue. I think if I had been in that situation, I’ve tried to focus on my book, and let she do what she want, after all, probably that kind of people is of those who don’t listen to reasons. I know it isn’t a good solution, but for me is easy to stay focused, despite the noise. So this probably would have been my way of dealing with it.
jose guadalupe ojeda martinez 1J
It is unbelievable but it happens occasionally.
People are disrespectful of others.
Never leave your plans to enjoy while traveling.
Besides the time you did was much.
Armando hernandez
i dont know wath is wrong with me, but when i am in a place with people , I can not stop listening to the conversations of the other people, i try to focus on anything else, even I when i play video games I keep listening to the other people and taking a good score in stardus or even obtaining a record time in the sonic the hedgehog levels and of course making mental comments about the conversations of the people.
this are things that can not be avoided
Luis Montes de oca Flores 1°J
Often happens in many places.
When I travel I always say I’ll read, but I end up listening to music.
I prefer to use headphones.
Everything starts coming to an end.
jorge salvador ciprian figueroa 1J
Im very sorry but i laugh reading this.
It is difficult to endure things as well.
I hate this situation.
People are disrespectful of others.
Sergio Omar Lopez Ceballos
I guess it’s easier to be patient to those persons, i’m impress of how selfish people can be.
He had a lucky sometimes there are people who smell bad.
I think the service was not good.
2B Celso Alejandro Maldonado Mendoza
that’s a one of the a lot things that i hate..
maybe you want to sleep and those people are irritating you..
i gonna say shut up and let me sleep,but maybe i be quiet
and i don’t say nothing just i will hate that people for all the travel..