En Punta del Este, poco antes del retorno a Montevideo, sin buscarla me encontré a las puertas de la librería “El Virrey”, con varias sedes en Montevideo. Pequeña en extensión (la que conocí), sobre todo frente a las desmesuradas dimensiones de las argentinas, pero repleta de libros, casi desordenados para un visitante fortuito. No tenía mucho tiempo, así que solo miré en la mesa principal, justo a la entrada, y luego fui a preguntar por el libro que persigo, una breve obra ilustrada que Eduardo Galeano dedica a Helena, su actual mujer. En Buenos Aires y Santa Fe desconocían su existencia, excepto en una librería de “El Ateneo”, en calle Florida. Me sucedió lo mismo ahora. No, me dijo la dueña o administradora de la librería, el libro más reciente es Los hijos de los días. Le insistí que ya había visto el libro por el que preguntaba en Buenos Aires, que era así y así. El aplomo de su respuesta me hizo dudar, y mientras cavilaba si pude haberme equivocado en aquella vitrina hace tres meses, ella tomó el teléfono. Distraído no presté atención, no era de mi incumbencia. Preguntó a su interlocutor si había un nuevo libro de Galeano. Entonces agradecí en silencio la diligencia de la librera. Me volvió a la realidad: no, no hay un libro más reciente de Galeano. Respondió firme. Hablé con el editor de Eduardo y me confirma que no hay otro. Tragué saliva. Bueno, puede ser que el libro no sea nuevo, que sea una edición nueva de un libro viejo, le contesté. Sí, puede ser, y que no sea en editorial Siglo Veintiuno. Salí de la librería con preguntas en la cabeza. ¿Imaginé ese libro? Puede ser, ni siquiera lo registra Wikipedia. Es posible. Ya se los contaré cuando lo encuentre. Sé que existe y lo hallaré.
Punta del Este, Uruguay
Cristian Baròn
I think that it could be confused with some other book.
It is good that you decide to keep it looking for.
Probably if exists but with another name, and is not new.
Perhaps I’m wrong book.
carlos espinoza
Keep on looking for that book. The stuff could change. It looks like a really nice book. Book’s can help people with their problems.
Esmeralda Rivera Rueda
I do not think you imagined it.
There must be a reason you look for it eagerly.
I agree with cristian baron, maybe the bookis known by another name or author.
If i happen to see it, i will let you know.
Esmeralda Rivera Rueda
Apparently this book is very interesting.
Do not think you imagined it, that must be why you’re looking for it so eagerly.
I think like Christian Baron, maybe that book is with another name, or another author.
As they say “if you search you’ll find” luck in your search, if I came to see it I’ll let you know.
Brian Alexis Florian Peralta
if you the saw is because exists
i think is a book very interesting because the wanted
if look found him.
good luck
luis manuel sanchez paez
If you find the book let us know.
Meaby the attendance had only one copy and wanneted for herself.
Keep looking for it when you found it i will fell like an achivment.
Jhonatan Gonzalez Perez
The book sounds interesting.
Good luck with your search, and hopefully find
So you see the book has another name or author you know.
The books make you enter worlds that you do not imagine I love reading.
Gabriel Andrade
There must be a reason you look for it eagerly.
The books make you enter worlds that you do not imagine I love reading.
Do not think you imagined it, that must be why you’re looking for it so eagerly.
It is good that you decide to keep it looking for.
Felipe Adrian Juarez Robles 1K
wtf wikipedia dont know this book o.O
good luck yanez in your quest
this book is scarce or why they don’t have this book?
you don’t imagine this book?
Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina
*nice name for a library, “el virrey” but you say, the books are disorder, maybe the workers, don’t like his job
*i know you feel, i enter in a library looking for one book, and the people who attend the library said, sorry i don’t know the book, or sorry i don’t have jet, I HATE THIS,
*maybe you could find the book on the internet, and cheaper
*I think you want so badly the book, and you supposed have seen in the library :p
Alan Gutierrez
It sounds interesting, a ghost book. I don’t think you were on a mistake, probably this library don’t handle this book yet, but that doesn’t appear even on the internet is quite rare. Maybe you could find it with another author, like the others suggest.
jose guadalupe ojeda martinez 1J
There must be a reason you look for it eagerly.
Do not think you imagined it, that must be why you’re looking for it so eagerly.
Good luck with your search, and hopefully find.
Armando hernandez
this happen me very often, when I was in high school i try to find a game which i had read in some website or a magazine, i traveled from store to store in colima to find that was a game that apparently no one knew anything, now thanks to digitalisation and remasters of classic games is very easy find games that were extremely difficult to get at low prices, hurra for the digitalisation
Luis Montes de oca Flores 1°J
I like to travel too.
I would like to see those places.
Maybe you could find the book on the internet.
Not always is easy to find what you want
jorge salvador ciprian figueroa 1J
Good luck yanez in your quest.
I like to travel too.
There must be a reason you look for it eagerly.
The book sounds interesting.
Sergio Omar Lopez Ceballos
good luck yanez in your quest
Maybe you could find the book on the internet.
There must be a reason you look for it eagerly.