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Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

 A mi Mariana Belén, por sus ocho años


Entre los oficios y profesiones unas gozan de máxima estima y honores en nuestra sociedad. Las razones son históricas, culturales, académicas. Si son justas o no, es tema aparte. Existen aunque no pocas veces sus oficiantes contradicen la dignidad social que disfrutan. En esa taxonomía de las profesiones los médicos, los arquitectos, los abogados son la primera categoría. Luego vienen otras. De todas las demás no hablaré para no herir susceptibilidades y porque su jerarquía es menos clara. Fuera de ese escalón aparecen los pequeños oficios, los que probablemente nadie querría desempeñar, salvo vocaciones precoces o un padre en la actividad.

La jerarquía no es ficticia. Normalmente se asocia al dinero, a las consideraciones sociales, al prestigio que ostentan los títulos. Conociendo con el paso de los años a gente que desempeña unas y otras ocupaciones, tengo claros los criterios de mi amistad. Me honran estupendos amigos médicos, arquitectos, abogados. Algunos de tres o más décadas y a prueba de casi todo.

Si tuviera que elegir (mis amigos de arriba están a salvo, dejo constancia) entre las grandes profesiones y los pequeños oficios, preferiría ser amigo de los hombres y mujeres que portan pequeños oficios que dignifican su condición y honran su actividad. No es que todos arriba en esa pirámide social sean una porquería, o todos abajo sean el esplendor humano, de eso tengo pruebas.

Va una lista de los que recuerdo esta mañana fresca en la Buenos Aires que se me vuelve cotidiana: los jardineros de la universidad en Colima, la intendenta de la facultad, el mozo del mini súper en Santa Fe, el taxista que responde mis dudas por una calle y el que respeta mi silencio cuando subo a su auto encerrado en mis cavilaciones, el botones del hotel, el despachador de gasolina, el gerente del hotelito en Colonia, la señora del departamento de abajo, el recepcionista del hotel en Catamarca que se levanta cuando me ve llegar para saludarme y contarme todo lo que sabe de México, los muchachos de la dirección de publicaciones en la UdeC, Aldo el guardia de seguridad en el edificio de Córdoba que me recibía con el mate caliente y azucarado, la señorita de la oficina de turismo en Catamarca, el camarero de la parrilla en calle Lavalle, don Gabriel el conductor de la representación de la universidad en el DF, el mozo misionero del bar Paulin, mis amigos de infancia y juventud.

En fin, esas y muchas otras personas que siempre fueron amables, que siempre tienen una sonrisa, que no te saludan por quién eres o qué puesto tienes, sino porque perciben, creo, que les tratas como uno igual, como pares, que les diriges la palabra y te detienes unos minutos a conversar, no porque las hagas un favor, sino porque te conceden su tiempo y, solo entonces, el don de la humanidad. La tuya, no la de ellos, a salvo ya.

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  1. José Manuel Ruiz Calleja

    Hermano, cuando sea grande quiero ser como tu, un abrazo

  2. carlos espinoza

    I dont think that’s true. Each Job or career are the same. Sometimes people dont finish school because they need more suport. If you are in a career that’s “not that important” you stop studing because of these reasons.

  3. Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina

    * i see the title, and i imagine the text maybe said about a very important persons who have a bad or little job,
    *i know, the doctors, lawyers and arquitecs won more money than other professions
    *but i think, doesn’t matter what career your choose in your college, if you are good, and you love the things you do, you will earn money and you will be happy
    *Everybody, whatever who is, he maybe help you in something you need,

  4. Gabriel Andrade

    I really liked this post.

    Many times people just look at what you have and not what you are.

    Some people who have more “education” mock those unable to finish his career without knowing why.

    And I agree with you, that people who have small offices honor their activity and do it with ease.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias Gabriel!

  5. luis manuel sanchez paez

    Somebody who actually morks for mexico deservs all my respect.

    It is true some jobs have more prestige than others and that is because it’s harder to get those jobs.

    In this days people looks forward for becoming architecs(or some other prestigious career) only for the title.

    I would prefer work for something with low prestige that i love than work for something i hate whit hig prestige.

  6. Gerardo Orbe Sánchez

    Everything is about prestige. There are jobs that have more future and prestige, and jobs that have a different situation. However, both jobs contribute with society in some way. We have to respect both jobs.

  7. jose guadalupe ojeda martinez 1J

    The people around us are the best.
    Many times people just look at what You have and not what you are.
    In this days people looks forward for becoming architecs.
    I always hope to have friends and people you trust.

  8. Felipe Adrian Juarez Robles 1K

    I think everyone who works honestly does his job
    the best people use honesty in the job
    today the people just work for money no for fun
    i like you post

  9. Esmeralda Rivera Rueda

    • Many people only care about their welfare and do not mind honesty.
    • As they say each with their conscience.
    • Each person strives to have a better future, and many of them do it at the expense of otros.
    • That is, they do not care that the neediest are left without a good job.

  10. Alan Gutiérrez

    The social status what these professions have is just for the money they generally can earn. And for me, is unjustified. Yeah, I respect their jobs too, but no more than how I respect any other studied profession. I can’t judge them because I don’t know how they really are; I can’t say I know a doctor who saves people only for his own interest, thinking only in the money, I would like to think they do it because is what they want to do. But I’m sure there are some of they who doesn’t care of that. And this happens in any job, the social status makes not difference.
    If you ask me, one of the most respected jobs should be the teacher. Without them, nobody would have a job. But in conclusion, every profession should be respected, a person isn’t what does, but the motives which impel to do it.

  11. Luis Montes de oca Flores 1°J

    Is good to know the differences between skilled and profession.
    It is true some jobs have more prestige than others.
    Each profession has its own thing.
    I think everyone who works honestly does his job.

  12. Jhonatan Gonzalez Perez

    Many people are very sensitive to the material.
    there are people who make fun of those who do not have a profession without knowing the why of it.
    there are people who have no education and are more honest than people that if they have careers.
    I really like your writing style and expression.

  13. Brian Alexis Florian Peralta

    *I think people with works small are big people.
    *People they work hard all mornings to maintain your family are very valuable.
    *You have reason in that not all people with works small are good.
    *And I think is ugly have social differences.

  14. jorge salvador ciprian figueroa 1J

    The people around us are the best.

    I really liked this post.

    The best people use honesty in the job.

    As they say each with their conscience.

  15. Sergio Omar Lopez Ceballos

    i know, the doctors, lawyers and arquitecs won more money than other professions

    And I think is ugly have social differences.

    It is true some jobs have more prestige than others.

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