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Privatización y mercantilización de la educación

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

En el debate por la educación superior mexicana uno de los temas más candentes es la oposición educación pública versus educación privada. Factores internos al sistema educativo, más un entorno de neoliberalización de la vida pública, económica y política son determinantes en los rasgos que observa dicha discusión. Las coordenadas principales se ubican con facilidad: crecimiento demográfico y mayor demanda por acceso a la educación terciaria, contención del presupuesto para la educación pública e incremento de la oferta no regulada de las instituciones de educación superior con fondos particulares, motivaron que en las últimas décadas el incremento del porcentaje de la matrícula privada sea superior al 30%.

Los efectos del fenómeno son varios pero se pueden resumir en algunos de impacto mayúsculo: la baja calidad de la enorme mayoría de las instituciones particulares (solo un porcentaje reducido de ellas tiene por lo menos alguna carrera acreditada) y la falta de correspondencia entre la oferta de las instituciones privadas (concentrada en carreras de las áreas sociales y administrativas) y el mercado de trabajo. Evidentemente, el perdedor es el estudiante, el “cliente”, que paga por una educación de pobre calidad que no le concede garantía alguna (ninguna educación, hay que advertirlo) en el mundo del empleo.

Pero en los últimos años el debate clásico entre educación privada y pública se ha desplazada paulatina e inexorablemente de sus coordenadas naturales hacia otras alentadas la globalización, esto es, hacia lo que los organismo multilaterales en materia económica llaman “el comercio transfronterizo de servicios”, en donde ya se ubica la educación. Este es el fenómeno que analizan en su libro Axel Didriksson y otros autores en “De la privatización a la mercantilización de la educación superior”, publicado en 2009 por el Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación, IISEU, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

A juicio de los autores, dicho desplazamiento no es discursivo, sino la respuesta a un cambio en las prácticas y procesos, que ellos explican de la siguiente forma: “Del despegue más importante de expansión de la educación superior privada en el país, ocurrida en los años 80 a la actualidad, puede observarse un significativo cambio de rumbo: del crecimiento de la privatización… se está pasando rápidamente al crecimiento desmesurado de empresas educativas con fines lucrativos que cubren necesidades de un mercado en expansión, de carácter estrictamente mercantilista, y la consecuencia es la presencia de un fenómeno que transforma lo educativo en simple negocio”.

Los riesgos de la transnacionalización pueden ser irreversible: frente a sus amenazas debe oponerse una visión distinta, la de la internacionalización que, según Tünnermann, alude a la cooperación solidaria entre países para enriquecer a la educación superior, mientras que la transnacionalización promueve la mercantilización de los servicios educativos.

Aunque el fenómeno avanzó en el país, estamos a tiempo de revertir algunos efectos. ¿Tendrá voluntad el nuevo gobierno? Si no logramos regulaciones adecuadas en la materia el futuro será semejante a muchas áreas de la vida nacional: pocas instituciones privadas nacionales y extranjeras de excelencia en un ancho océano de mediocre educación chatarra.


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49 thoughts on “Privatización y mercantilización de la educación

  1. Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez

    unfortunately it is true, there are more schools interested in money than teaching

    I also think that Mexico should worry about their education, demanding these private schools , an good education

    We have to change and get started to think big, because if this continues the schools, will be more interested in money than in educating young, mexico so will be less competent than it already is


  2. Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 1°A

    yes, that’s true has reason, today the people only talking
    about that a private school is better than a public, maybe that’s true unfortunately a private school en ocaciones your
    service or program to learning is very wrong. but they
    continue to have even people paying a high price for poor service.

  3. jose adrian contreras ocaranza 1A

    I think that should be taken in the matter.

    If we pay we are entitled to a better education.

    I am satisfied that the authors express the case of education.

    Which shows the way to reverse some effects.

  4. Miguel Arias Sandoval 1A

    We have to improve our quality of education!!!

    Improve both as teachers and students

    Never stop studying, we should seek more

    and never stop…

  5. Saúl Alejandro Jiménez Mendoza 1°A

    Higher education is a very important issue, because that is where most students decide not to study.

    I think that in some cases education from public institutions is better.

    Many private schools do not have an adequate level of education.

    I think that private education in some cases exists because of the convenience of some people.

  6. Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A

    Actually this topic is always a discussion between knowing which is best, whether public or private.

    Because some people say that a private school has a better education than public by the fact that they pay.

    But other people can not believe private schools, the ratings are purchased, by the fame that were created.

    In my opinion, I feel that people are studying in private schools for being in a high social level, because not everyone can cover the cost of a private school.

    But it is time for us to worry about learning really trying to find ways to learn what we not have taught in both the private and the public.

  7. Víctor Ivan Lopez Gonzalez 1A

    We as students need to be clear that education is very important.

    But we also have to have good teachers and we depend on what we teach.

    Although also rely on us to learn to explain to us.

    So in conclusion we have to fight for further study and have a good future.

  8. Miguel virgilio jimenez brena 1A

    The people think that private schools have a better education system.
    Only some private schools have a higher level but also have an expensive cost.
    I think that public schools and private schools need a better education system.
    Sadly, we have a wrong education system and this affect to all the students.

  9. Balvanero

    Muchos de los padres de familia que ven a sus hijos sin opciones en los pupitres públicos, ven en lo privado una alternativa que muchas veces consideran mejor por el sólo hecho de pagar; otra razón de llegar a la oferta privada son los horarios flexibles -tardes o sábados- que les permite seguir trabajando o trabajar para pagar y “mejorar” de trabajo e ingresos…

    Cuando uno conoce estas razones u otras, y se contrasta con la calidad que describes no podemos menos que pensar en fraude…

    Espero la respuesta que formulas a las próximas autoridades nacionales…

  10. Roberto Banda Flores

    I believe not, our senators and Deputies are divided.

    Perhaps, when people see people and not money.

    When we are willing to study with passion.

    I think money makes the world, but education moves the time and space of your future to a better way.

  11. David Toledo Zúñiga

    The opportunities should equal for all.

    I think that the public education and the private education aren’t the same.

    In some cases the public education is better.

    The interest is un the people.


    I think the public and private schools are equal.
    The difference between a good and a bad student is the teacher.
    Because private and public schools they have good and bad teachers.
    That’s the key to any good school have good teachers.

  13. Carlos Santoyo 1A

    I never think that the private education can be so bad.
    Always it says that the private schools are better.
    Is pitiful to think the people pay much by nothing.
    Would good to establish a best service of education.

  14. Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A

    I think that the education must be free to all.
    Or at least that the cost is low.
    If you pay for an better education, this must be very good education.
    I agree whit us you Doctor.

  15. Maria Guadalupe Alvarez Negrete

    I just say .. The education, could be the best o the worse in every mind, all the students or people that its waiting for a place in a school is the best example to people for someone that doesnt important if the school is private or public, are people with hope to learn.
    That should be the point no matter if public or private.
    We must have the control to decide if its good or bad, according to development of each mind.

  16. Marco Antonio Torres Soriano

    I think for a good education,requires quality as teachers and students.
    Also requires that a student really want to study.
    Because a studen can pay a lot of money for a college degree.
    But is not a good student his title does not serve.

  17. Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo

    The low level of the public education in Mexico do to privatize it. The privates schools only gives regular results for thousands of students or “customers”. The government is also blamed for not changing the education. We hope to increase the interest of the government, and we have a commitment to strive twice in the study.


    The effects of higher education can be reduced.

    The problem of education has advanced in the country.

    The demand for higher education is higher.

    The expansion of higher education was the 80’s to today.

  19. Victor Fidel Garcia Sanchez

    Uno de los temas mas importante en el debate por la educacion superior es la oposicion de la educacion publica contra la educacion privada.
    The economics and politics determine the features of the discussion on education.
    The effects of this phenomenon can be summarized in some major impact.
    He says he’s still time to reverse these effects.

  20. Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz

    I agree that not all private institutions are better just because they have higher costs, not everything that glitters is gold.
    It is unfortunately many of these institutions have low academic quality and the student is the one affected by it.
    The public and private institutions should improve their quality of education.
    There is no doubt that education has become a business.

  21. Luis Guillermo Becerra Solorzano

    There has always been that huge dilema on the quality of education. Whether private schools are better than public schools or vice versa. Is even more important how the quality of the Mexican education system compares to the education systems in other countries. We should be worried about elevating our education standards not only nationally but also to be able to compete internationally in education standards.

  22. Ángel Crisán Ochoa Gaitán 1A

    We always think that paying a lot in a school the education will be better but in sometimes thats no true.

    Sometimes that kind of school just want your money.

    Many people go to that kind of schools because some public schools arent good.

    I think both schools can be good and you can learn the same if you try hard.

  23. antonio torres figueroa

    Some private schools have low education leveL.
    your objective is to bosiness.
    Dont care about their students.
    the stutents pay for a low education level.

  24. Oscar Arturo Gonzalez Ramirez

    increasing the share of private enrollments exceed 30%.
    The principal coordinates are located easily.
    In the debate over Mexican higher education one of the hottest topics.
    public education and increased supply unregulated institutions of higher education with private funds.

  25. Sergio rodrigo ceceña lares

    The educational offer diminished to only a few for the lack of funds and not utilization of the pupils, for situations like these diminishing the education, many are those who have the services but few ones with those who really take advantage of them. This situation is bad in our country.

  26. José de Jesús Jiménez García

    I think private schools are never better than public schools.
    Public schools offer courses reliable.
    But I think if there are private schools with good education.
    Best regards.

  27. Victor Manuel Estrada Chablé 1:B

    Seems that the discussion about the higher education had big topics.
    Those topics where about public education against private education.
    In recent decades the percentage of the private enrollment has increased 30 percent.
    Internal factors in the education system are topics that you can find when you talk about the privatization and commodification of education.

  28. Luis Manuel Cruz Ortiz 1 A

    Education should not be charged.
    Everyone should etener the right to study free.
    If the pay is better education you would be giving less opportunities for those who need it most.
    In conclusion it should be equal education for all, or at least is my point of opinion.

  29. Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam

    In these times, the schools doesn’t matter about the education.
    They only think in the money they’ll receive
    It’s sad but is true.
    Mexico don’t want to go forward.

  30. edgar eduardo zepeda orozco 1"D"

    I think that should be taken in the matter.
    We have to improve our quality of education.!!!
    Although also rely on us to learn to explain to us.

    edgar eduardo zepeda orozco 1″D”

  31. Eduardo Jimenez 1° D

    In the debate by Mexican higher education, one of the hottest topics was the opposition of public education versus private education.
    Students pay for an education of poor quality and offers no warranty on the world of work.
    I think that on occasion students are conformists and laziness not to learn more or to have no excessive workloads do not require a quality study.
    Still not too late to change the poor education.
    Does the government can give solution to this?.

  32. Jose Ivan Martinez Najera 1 D

    In my opinion the teachers and studens are the problem.
    We are responsible for our failures.
    But we do little things to change.
    And the new administration in my opinion don’t will be good.

  33. Jever Amezcua Garcia 1D

    If the studies are of better quality, the chances of finding work are higher.

    The problem is when you start studying at a private school and then you can not finish your studies due to lack of resources.

    The government is assuming the difficult task of improving public education.

    The economy also affects and in some cases prefer private education money and not the quality of learning.

  34. sergio eduardo palomino diaz

    I like your comment.
    If we pay we are entitled to a better education.
    If education is paid has to be of higher quality.
    Students pay for half education.

    sergio eduardo palomino diaz 1.D

  35. Omar Salvador Gutiérrez Zamora

    Making a profit out of a private school takes time.
    This is why a lot of them, have mediocre statuses.
    Spending less money on equipment, hiring insufficiently prepared teachers, things like this mean reducing costs and making that profit faster.
    The real problem lies in the low amount of knowledge the students graduate with.

  36. Christian D. Rentería García 1.-D

    Nowdays if you want to get a good job you need to study in a Private University.
    The problem it’s not the teacher it’s the student.
    If you want to learn, you should not depend on what your teacher’s say’s to you, you can learn from books or internet
    Every year, we need to try harder to get better.

  37. Erick Donaldo Arceo Magaña 1D

    I agree with you.

    Everybody has fulfill with their obligations.

    In the time that I was studying more of the 60% of the teachers don’t know to teach, also they don’t know about their class.

    Although the students have put on their part, because without them, would exist not schools.

  38. kevin roberto gomez peralta 1 "D"

    Appears that the politicians do not care about education.

    So that students are prepared, you should not invest in the construction, we must invest in teacher.

    It seems that the country invests money in building schools just to say they have invested in education.

    The country is wrong and must be corrected.

  39. Karen Stephanie Fletes Tejeda

    I definitely believe the education system of some private schools is way better than public ones.
    Although, most of the students can’t afford private education due high costs.
    The teaching methods in schools aren’t good enough in Mexico unfortunately.
    A lot of teachers just care about the money and don’t teach their students properly.

  40. Karen Stephanie Fletes Tejeda

    I definitely believe the education system of some private schools is way better than public ones.
    Although, most of the students can’t afford private education due high costs.
    The teaching methods in schools aren’t good enough in Mexico unfortunately.
    A lot of teachers just care about the money and don’t teach their students properly.

    Karen Stephanie Fletes Tejeda 1°”D”

  41. Jorge Caballero 1 "D"

    I think what we should do, is to let the internal competition for power and thinking in international competition. What I mean is academic competitiveness. Ignorance keeps us in the underdeveloped country classification. We must wake up and think about education rather than money.

  42. sergio eduardo palomino diaz 1´ D

    I like your comment.
    I think we are too many students.
    I think more than 50% studying in private institutions.
    Why many young people leave school.

  43. Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 1D

    1º The public and private education has always been in dispute, to know what is the best option.

    2º Private education sometimes has the same level as the public, only in private pay and excuse that it’s better.

    3º The government should give the same education both in private and in public.

    4º Students sometimes are what give the level schools in both public and private.

  44. Keila Abigail Valdéz Pérez 1D

    The young who do not have a place in a public university must enter a private university.
    Private universities are made up of people who are more interested in money than in providing quality education.
    The increase in the number of private universities only reflects the government’s inability to meet the educational needs of the people.
    People who study in private universities they risk investing in a low-quality education.

  45. José Luis Garza Gallegos

    I think that our goverment (not a man, all the system) is sold to private companies and other imperialist countries desires.
    Probably our goverment are blocking our national education for some private schools.
    We need to study by ourselves because the public schools aren’t a good resource.
    The people need to read more books and watch less tv.

  46. Hector Jose Manzo Briceño 1D

    I like what you think.
    Is very expensive private school.
    Increasingly raises the price of everything, but never the salary.
    Would you do about it?.

  47. victor alejandro escalera sanchez 1'D

    In private education no interest in the academic level of the students, however in public education is based more on knowledge.

    At private institutions (for pay), is more the interest income by providing education level.

    My point of view is better public education.

  48. Edsel Barbosa Gonzalez 1D

    Actually I think that today this
    well maintained that the private and public education
    at any school aora encuetras appropriate education
    and of good quality and valid official documents
    delivered by the SEP and valid to get started to work.

  49. Francisco Javier Gutierrez Mondragon 1o D

    A lot of people think that private schools have better education system.

    Public and private schools should have the same quality of education.

    I think can learn the same in both schools if you try hard.

    Some private schools have low education level.

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