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¿Quiénes son los rechazados?

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Dos reporteras del periódico mexicano “El Universal” la semana pasada mostraron en toda su crudeza uno de los renglones torcidos que más debieran ocupar a quienes gobiernan y a quienes dirigen la SEP.

Después de una revisión de los resultados de los procesos de admisión en 31 universidades públicas mexicanas, contabilizaron 521 mil jóvenes que no tendrán un espacio en las aulas para el ciclo escolar naciente.

La cifra expresa distintos fenómenos, entre ellos, la presión social derivada del valor de un título universitario y la incapacidad histórica del Estado para crear las oportunidades de ingresar y culminar una carrera profesional en buenas instituciones.

Solo una reforma estructural, con decisiones que no suelen tomarse para favorecer a las mayorías, hará posible empezar a resolver un problema que preocupa unas semanas al año y después se archiva, lejos de las prioridades.

El problema, para mí, no es financiero sino de decisión política.  No es un asunto técnico, sino ético. Si un joven decide no estudiar es respetable, pero no hacerlo debe ser opcional, y no producto del cierre de puertas.

El tema de los rechazados es delicado. La historia personal de cada uno puede ser el pasaporte a la exclusión, o un acicate para reintentarlo hasta lograr el cometido. Pero también es la historia colectiva del rechazo a políticas que no privilegiaron la enseñanza superior pública, ni el derecho constitucional y humano a la educación.

La de los mal llamados rechazados es la historia de la deuda con miles, millones de jóvenes mexicanos.

Escucha la opinión

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52 thoughts on “¿Quiénes son los rechazados?

  1. Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas

    I agree with you!!, always the subject of new opportunities
    for study is only a matter of weeks and then loses priority to such a degree that one is forgotten,
    and that’s just some young people lose the opportunity to
    study and then provided them is a bit more difficult.

  2. Balvanero

    Pienso que los llamados “rechazados” son a la vez “exluidos”, como bien señalas, de todo lo que posibilita la educación; es un gran pendiente perdido en las agendas de políticos y funcionarios con la capacidad de incidir en la problemática…

  3. jose adrian contreras ocaranza 1A

    It’s a lack of ethics by the government.

    It is wrong not to do anything about it.

    That would offer a different curriculum.

    Giving more opportunities for young people.

  4. Miguel virgilio jimenez brena 1A

    I think that all these students probably will get troubles when them search for a job
    Because , in this society the people with a College degree have more Opportunities
    We are in a competitive world and maybe the universities should offer more opportunities to everyone
    Also the authorities have to worry about this problem.

  5. Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam

    It’s true that many people want to study and they don’t have the chance.
    I give thanks to god to put me in a good school.
    If we don’t make anything to finish this, Mexico will fall down.
    Maybe, just maybe someday it would change.

  6. Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 1°A

    I agree with you!!, always the subject of new opportunities
    for study is only a matter of weeks and then loses priority to such a degree that one is forgotten,
    and that’s just some young people lose the opportunity to
    study and then provided them is a bit more difficult

  7. Roberto Banda Flores

    We have politicians with more tongue than ear.

    Faced with injustice silent out of fear or a bribe.

    While in South Korea spend on education, Mr. “President” invest in a war that never ends. An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind. Mahatma Gandhi

    Not all the fault of the politicians, the mentality of Mexico is only asleep, is in a coma as is told in Regina. (Velasco Piña)

    And sorry but I have a resentment, obviously the concern of my teachers because we study the entire program at least, affects the days of work stoppages, and we still have to leave class to hear a speech. It’s good to inform us, but there are more ways to do it.

  8. Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A

    What this traumante, that it is true and that many of them can not get good jobs.

    In addition to that obtaining a higher education, opens doors in the world of jobs.

    But I also feel that there are students better known as “escuelantes”, which only go to school because they are forced to study or because they just want the paper.

    For me, these students do not deserve to be accepted in schools, when there are more students that they really want to study and are not admitted or because they have the necessary resources.

  9. Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez

    The numbers of people who do not study are high

    Many people who are not studying, wish a place in a university, to continue their studies

    Mexico does not supply the demand for young people wishing to pursue their studies


  10. jose adrian contreras ocaranza 1A

    It’s a lack of ethics by the government.

    It seems wrong not to do anything about it.

    That give a different plan of study.

    Giving more opportunities for young people.

  11. Miguel Arias Sandoval 1A

    I think there are always new opportunities

    We should “never” stop looking for new options

    It is a shame that all of them and do not try anything!!!

    There are always more options!!!!

  12. Saúl Alejandro Jiménez Mendoza 1°A

    I think the same, it must be carry out a structural reform in education, for it to improve.

    Students expect to have a place at a university and it is not right to not have it, only because of fault of some people.

    I would argue that each person decides whether to study or not, but it should not because of lack of opportunity.

    I wish everyone had the opportunity to have a place at university.

  13. Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez

    Certain your text Doctor!
    There students that leaven your studies because they are rejected for different reasons (lack of points) but also for something so-called vulgarly as “lever”.
    Where stay the law to the study?.
    The decision of don’t study is of student.

  14. GerardoBorjasCarrillo

    being in college is a great opportunity in your life.

    unfortunately not all youth are in college and many young people are going opportunities.

    we have to do something about it.

    so all remaining joves university must seize the opportunity.

  15. Víctor Ivan Lopez Gonzalez 1A

    I think they should do more races and more classrooms and that it would increase the number of students accepted.

    So there were fewer rejections of that look.

    Likewise teachers would have a good understanding of what they are doing.

    And deveras entering students want to study and do not take away the place to others that if they want.

  16. Maria Guadalupe Alvarez Negrete

    Exactly, my opinion about the reporters just say yes!!!
    Politics are so worse .. i think so.. when one person its devoted to him work .. just say yes to all opportunity in one country, town, etc.. if only its an action positive

  17. David Toledo Zúñiga

    It’s truth and is sad that this problem is always present in all years.

    I’m agree that the young people aren’t guilty in this problem because the problem is a few opportunities that the government offers.

    The probability is that these young won’t get a goog job.

    The young people are the future of this country.


    I think the lack of places in public schools is wrong.
    Lack of facilities, classrooms and equipment in public schools is because of a bad government in Mexico.
    Apparently the government isn’t very interested in education.
    Because we still have many students rejected.

  19. Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz

    The government has authorised a bought for a Plane of 750 millions of dollars.
    If this money was used in education, everybody would have a place where to study.
    It is unfortunate that so many young people can’t study.
    Have a place to study is very valuable, but also we must know use the space and don´t go to the school just to “warm” the seat.

  20. Carlos Santoyo 1A

    I belive is necessary that the Government take action in the topic.
    Also i think would good create more and better opportunities.
    Although is necessary that the youths use these opportunities.
    So that México grow is necessary the support of all.

  21. Marco Antonio Torres Soriano

    I think all have righ to study.
    If a student is bad not finish his studies.
    But if the student is intelligent completes easily his studies.
    But also all had the opportunity to demonstrate the capacity for study.

  22. Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo

    A rejected student means any future unemployment figure or an increased spending to leave the city. If it’s a lucky guy, His Father could enroll him and the corruption in Mexico will continue. Are thousands of young people who now know this true part of the Mexican educative system.


    31 universities said that 521 000 young people have no place.

    The problem is not financial but the politoco.

    The debt is called Banned thousands of young Mexicans.

    The issue of youth rejected is very delicate.

  24. Victor Fidel Garcia Sanchez

    After the results of the admission many young people were left without a place.
    He has no financial problems but political decision.
    Indicates that it is very delicate the issue of rejected.
    He says that if a couple decides not to study their decision is respected.

  25. Luis Guillermo Becerra Solorzano

    In Mexico very few individuals acutually get a fair chance to accomplish their dreams and goals. I now for a fact that the goverment is not the only one to blame for this mayor problem. Students with the real potential to be someone important and succesful in life are been denied of that opportunity. I hope Mexico manages to help change the cruel negative statistics of the Mexican education system.

  26. Ángel Crisán Ochoa Gaitán 1A

    If the money that the government use in other thing with no importance were used in education the students will have more opportunities to study.

    We all know that someone with more studies will have more opportunities of work.

    If this is a free country we all have to have the chance of study.

    There isnt work for everybody even if they study a lot.

  27. antonio torres figueroa

    Mexico have a big problem the education.
    The development of one nation is in the ability education of your people.
    The government should be support our childrens and youngs students.
    The problem is strong and urgent.

  28. antonio torres figueroa

    Some private schools have low education leveL.
    your objective is to bosiness.
    Dont care about their students.
    the stutents pay for a low education level.

  29. Oscar Arturo Gonzalez Ramirez

    accounted for 521 000 young people will not have a classroom space for the fledgling school year.
    If a couple decides not to study is respectable.
    possible will begin to solve a problem that worries a few weeks a year.
    The problem for me is not financial but political decision

  30. Ricardo gomez

    I think that evereone should have that same oportunity to study depending on theyre capacity mental and the sep should create a plan that includes more space!

  31. Luis Manuel Cruz Ortiz 1 A

    Se les deberia de dar las mismas oportunidades a todas las personas.
    Debe darsele mayor prioridad a la educacion a nivel mundial.
    A mayor gente educada habra un futuro mejor.
    Se debe dar oportunidad a las nuevas generaciones para crear un cambio en la sociedad y avanzar mas.

  32. Luis Manuel Cruz Ortiz 1 A

    They should give the characters still incontinent ALL The Opportunities.
    Mayor should be given a priority level education the World Cup.
    People educated there will be a mayor without Future.
    Should be given an opportunity to the younger generation to create change in society and move more.

  33. edgar eduardo zepeda orozco 1"D"

    I agree with you!!, always the subject of new opportunities
    It is wrong not to do anything about it
    If we don’t make anything to finish this, Mexico will fall down.

    edgar eduardo zepeda orozco 1″D”

  34. Eduardo Jimenez 1° D

    Guys, study is a gread opportunity, so we must not waste it.
    How sad is that there is enough space to study.
    Many students fail to enter to universities in the country.
    If the goberments is inerest that we are well prepared, why not do something about?.
    He says “the problem is not financial, but political”.

  35. kevin roberto gomez peralta 1 "D"

    I believe that all students should study without restrictions.

    Mexico’s future are the students, if not prepared properly, not advance the country.

    If the country wants to move must give students opportunities.

    A student without opportunity is a country without opportunities.

  36. Jose Ivan Martinez Najera 1 D

    In my opinion you´re right.
    But should be known ¿Why?
    Although we are everyone to blame.
    Everyone? Yes for my self is that.

  37. Jever Amezcua Garcia 1D

    It is the reality but part of that is the government putting money into public schools.

    Sometimes there is not enough money in the family to pay for college.

    You should try to find a new outlet if you close the doors in the studies.

    Try on different campuses to gain entry.

  38. sergio eduardo palomino diaz

    I like your comment.
    All are free to say I’m not going to study.
    I also believe that we are many students.
    I disagree with the reporters.

    Sergio Eduardo Palomino Diaz 1D.

  39. Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 1D

    – The rejects are now possibly have bad future.
    – Universities should open more places for people who actually deserve it.
    – Enough in many universities rejected and missing out.
    – When one wants to get rejected seeks ways but sometimes ignore these.

  40. Jorge Caballero 1 "D"

    I do not think everyone should go to the University.
    But also should not close the doors for those who can not enter.
    We have to make new opportunities for them as they prepare to try next year.
    Could also be created preparatory courses for university admission.

  41. Omar Salvador Gutiérrez Zamora 1ºD

    The real problem as you mention it, lies within the education provided during highschool, in public schools.
    Yes, we may need to change the system.
    But undoubtedly, part of the problem also comes from mediocre students who won’t just give their best to learn.
    We have to change ourselves, before trying to change anything else.

  42. Christian D. Rentería García 1.-D

    A student should decide if he want’s to keep studying or he want’s to do nothing, not the government.
    That’s why a lot of Young people start stealing.
    If you see how hard it is to get into an University try harder.
    Every studen need’s to keep with his studies.

  43. Erick Donaldo Arceo Magaña 1D

    Yeah! It’s true, many young people stay without study because, they aren’t accepted in the institutions of the country.

    I think that it is bad,although is guilt of de guys, because is his study responsability for the admission test.

    Sometimes, they aren’t admitted for they are other state, and this is worst.

    The universities should not be so exigent with students the same country.

  44. Karen Stephanie Fletes Tejeda

    I agree with you because this is a problem each year in Mexico.
    Students that got accepted shouldn’t take this opportunity for granted.
    The students that didn’t get into the university they wanted could try searching other options.
    The government should do something about this awful situation.

  45. Karen Stephanie Fletes Tejeda

    I agree with you because this is a problem each year in Mexico.
    Students that got accepted shouldn’t take this opportunity for granted.
    The students that didn’t get into the university they wanted could try searching other options.
    The government should do something about this awful situation.

    Karen Stephanie Fletes Tejeda 1° “D”

  46. Keila Abigail Valdéz Pérez 1D

    Equity does not exist until there is equal opportunity for study.
    It is very sad that an order requiring young to remain in poverty by denying them the law to study.
    The young who are rejected , also being denied the right to improve, to have a better life, to escape poverty and ignorance.
    I agree with you, a young should decide study or not study, but not deny that law.

  47. José Luis Garza Gallegos

    I think this are very bad, we can’t grow up ass a country withouth schools.
    There are many of students working in a bad job and a lot of teachers without a job.
    This country needs more schools than expensive monuments like the “Estela de luz”.
    The sindicates have reponsability too, there are many good teachers without job and a lot of bad teachers working under sindicate’s protection, not all, but a lot.

  48. victor alejandro escalera sanchez

    Being rejected is not a cause of sorrow but of encouragement to continue striving.
    The study is an opportunity that gives us life and should not be rejected.
    Who are rejected? Those who want to be.

  49. Hector Jose Manzo Briceño 1D

    I agree, but i think it is the economy, not only the government.
    This country needs something better, but all fall to the temptation of money.
    I think the human mind is always concerned it self not for others.
    Mexico will also, if something is not done well.

  50. Edsel Barbosa Gonzalez 1D

    Profre Okay, I like your thinking,
    is true that the issue of rechados not by their abilities
    but because the government does not give opportunities,
    or rather most universities.

  51. José de Jesús Jiménez García

    The rejected students can not get in the school because Their have poor effort.
    There are private schools where They can study.
    So They always have another options.
    The goberment support them alot.

  52. Francisco Javier Gutierrez Mondragon 1o D

    Many times students are rejected by their own fault.

    Private schools can be their second option.

    I imagine the number is higher.

    The government can help.

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