Reforma es una de las palabras más trilladas en el actual lenguaje pedagógico. También es una de las más ambiguas, junto a calidad o competencias. Tampoco goza de buena reputación; incluso, es de las más carentes de prestigio. Con la palabra reforma tenemos un paraguas ideológico bastante amplio donde caben propuestas e intencionalidades de distintos signos, incluso antagónicos, desde la reforma universitaria de Córdoba en 1918, que impulsaba la reorganización del gobierno de las universidades o su inserción social, hasta los intentos de refuncionalización neoliberal de los sistemas educativos.
En México abundan los ejemplos: el programa educativo de Vicente Fox se propuso la gran y anhelada reforma de la educación media superior, hasta entonces olvidada. Fracasó como proyecto, y lo que tuvimos fueron tres mini reformas para distintos segmentos de ese nivel educativo, ligados a la tutela del Estado nacional.
Con el segundo gobierno del PAN vino la segunda reforma, pero ahora “integral”. Con la inclusión del término integral, además de diferenciarse de la anterior, se marcaba una crítica a la reforma parcial del foxismo. Tuvo un buen comienzo mediático, con apoyos sin precedentes y despilfarro en recursos para un programa fallido.
Los resultados de las reformas, en resumen, no alientan la alegría. Reformas educativas vemos pasar, hemos visto pasar y las condiciones de pobreza en que viven decenas de millones de mexicanos no cambiaron. Millones jamás ingresaron al sistema escolar y aunque los sectores marginados accedieron a la escuela, siguen siendo pobres, a pesar de que los discursos pregonaban el efecto milagroso de la escuela, sinónimo de riqueza (por lo menos de no pobreza). 52 millones de mexicanos pobres, reconocidos oficialmente, es un dato doloroso e inocultable. Y entre los más de 30 millones de mexicanos en Estados Unidos, la gran mayoría habrían huido de las mismas filas.
Si el gobierno va en serio al fondo de los problemas, la transformación de la educación se debe atar a otras modificaciones estructurales, lo que implicaría apostar a la justicia social. La literatura sobre el tema y los resultados de las mismas políticas son abrumadores. Paul Krugman, premio Nobel de Economía, ha dicho que la educación no es la clave de la economía y seguir sosteniéndolo es una equivocación.
No es solo la educación, entonces, lo que debe transformarse, ni la solución mágica es solo una reforma fiscal, ¡cuidado! La justicia social requiere, en síntesis, tres componentes para el conjunto de la sociedad: redistribución económica, reconocimiento socio-cultural y representación política. Cuando eso suceda, cuando haya en marcha una transformación social, y pedagógica por supuesto, veremos la mejora de los resultados en los exámenes de los niños y jóvenes. Mientras, casi todo será material para los medios y la publicidad oficial, pero pólvora para los análisis más rigurosos.
Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 2D
They’re very interesting your comments.
Some people believe education is cure-all of society.
But, they are necessary many things.
Would be ideal if we could do brain reform to people.
Roberto Banda Flores 2A
I believe that more that the class of biology and chemical,physic etc is the people to learn express oneself, They to learn when they are manipulated becouse is very dificult, This in all places from a commercial,page web, music,movie,speeches or the following person that you see.
What education do you mean?(Moral,Autodidact,Academic,Culture … etc)
In South Korea invest in education and his economy is very tall.
And Planton said:
“The main and most important public business is the good education of youth.”
Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 2ºA
Ultimately in Mexico has been much used the word reform.
True, most of the reforms taking place in Mexico not work.
The reforms that have been made in Mexico have not served by ineffective governments.
We need a well-considered reform and made by experts.
Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo 1B
Reforms in Mexico are confusing. Really, there it are doing that we expect to? I would like that real problems were more easy too. But the number of corrupt people is more that honest people.
Carlos Santoyo Lopez 2A
Reform, is a term with a very low prestige.
Reforms have never worked in Mexico.
There exists a unique solution to a problem.
Must look; a solution based on the real problem and experts.
Erick Donaldo Arceo 2D
Well, I think that Reform could be work if Mexico isn’t a corrupt country.
Actually I don’t like the Reform because almost the most of the times is a bad thing that it just cause worst education.
I think that they do that on purpose, because if we have education may they can do bad things or corrupt things.
This is a interesting article and pretty debated.
Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras
Listening to the word “reform” has already become customary and more knowing that there are no such.
So many reforms that have been proposed and have not been fulfilled as they should be.
If done Reforms are never as expected, since only meet some of this.
The announced reforms are given by the government and companies that influence this.
Jonni Eduardo
Your article is very good on the subject.
To eliminate poverty things much must change.
The reform is not a word we hope.
Another problem is that the reform does not continue.
J. Manuel Tapia Glez. 2A
Good article Doctor!
I agree with Paul Krugman, I think that education isn’t the key of the economy.
In Mexico we are listening much the word “Reform” (labor reform, educational reform, court reform etc.)
The president think that so Mexico going to advance,we hope that so be it.
Good luck Doctor.
Luis Alonso Hernandez Sedano
I think so what the “Reform” word we dont use the good form!
the Reform should be a good for all the people
In our conutry the reforms are very poor.
and we need a true acts.
2A Daniela Moctezuma
The word Reform has been used recently.
Anything reform in Mexico serves.
We should create reform new, unique. Not be copies of other.
We hopefully have a fast good educational reform.
Daniela Moctezuma 2A
The word Reform has been used recently.
Anything reform in Mexico serves.
We should create reform new, unique. Not be copies of other.
We hopefully have a fast good educational reform.
Christian D. Renteria García
I hope this reform changes our life.
We need to create something new.
I hope this new reform it’s different than others.
Lets hope this one it’s fine.
Miguel Arias Sandoval 2A
the reform or a beautiful lie, never used for the true cause.
when we listen “reform”, we think changes but never true.
when we listen this lie we can’t do nothing.
wait, if we can something “obey”
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto.
Reform word badly burned.
planned everything is well thought out.
The reforms did not cause the expected canvio well as polit.
for reform would have to modify the Bocabulario to follow what it means.
Víctor Iván López González 2A
The reforms are sometimes good.
When trying to reform something better.
Although the reforms that have been cast in Mexico have not been good.
So one needs to plan well and make a nice change.
miguel virgilio jimenez brena 2°A
Reform is a very important topic.
I hope we can get something good with this new reform.
We need a good reform to us.
And we’ll have to make it work.
Francisco Javier Gutierrez Mondragon 2D
Some people believe education is cure-all of society.
The reform should be a right for all people, not just the few.
When we listen “reform”, we think changes but never true.
Reform, is a term with a very low prestige.