Esta mañana, luego de leer Página 12, diario argentino, compartí a través de redes sociales la que me parece una buena noticia: el debate realizado en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, UBA, sobre la enseñanza de los derechos humanos en la propia universidad. Según la nota, tres expertos de amplia trayectoria discutieron y, evidentemente, convergieron en el imperativo de incluir el tema en las universidades, no solo como una materia.
Interesado hurgué en la página web de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y conocí actividades que ya desarrollan. No es casual. La dictadura cívico-militar de hace 37 años dejó en el país, en sus ciudadanos de aquella época, pero también en los jóvenes de hoy, un inestimable respeto por la memoria y la dignidad, así que los derechos humanos como pilar en la cohesión de la sociedad encontró en esa infausta lección de su historia una extraordinaria motivación para su desarrollo. Que los derechos humanos estén en la UBA, o en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, es una expresión de lo que se vive y se huele en las calles, en los medios, como lo pude constatar recientemente en la magna marcha que conmemoró el trágico inicio de la dictadura.
A mi comentario en redes sociales respondió una chica, joven a juzgar por su apariencia, e inteligente (estudió filosofía en la Universidad de Colima). Blanca, se llama. El tono de su opinión absolutamente respetable me sorprendió: ¿para qué estudiar derechos humanos si no se respetan? Preguntaba. Y elaboraba un sintético argumento en su favor, aplicándolo al caso de la educación, con profesores apáticos.
Mi preocupación se ahonda: me temo que la suya es una opinión compartida por mucha gente, joven sobre todo, que no cree en la educación, en los gobiernos, en el progreso social, porque no ven lo que ellos quisieran. Y lo que cada uno desea es absolutamente legítimo, es válido, y aspirar a tener una mejor sociedad solo puede merecer, si es posible, un solidario empujón desde la trinchera de cada uno. Le asiste razón a Blanca si analizamos situaciones particulares, pero ese pesimismo paraliza, no es la vía más adecuada para la transición hacia una sociedad y hacia una escuela mejores.
Si pensamos que no hemos avanzado (cuando sí lo hemos hecho); si creemos que en la escuela solo hay maldad y apatía, negamos a los muchísimos profesores que sí creen en la educación, en su trabajo y se entregan generosamente en la formación de los más jóvenes. Sí, está claro que en el pensamiento de muchos, me incluyo, no tenemos la sociedad que quisiéramos (ni tampoco la escuela), pero hacernos a un lado del camino es una forma de evadir la responsabilidad ciudadana (y la oportunidad) de luchar para cambiarlas.
Roberto Banda Flores 2A
Perhaps we do not respect because exactly we do not study human rights.
Although not is for me,(I believe for when the teachers begin I finished my study) I expect not finished in a matter of concepts memorizing.
And convert in a matter more didatic.
when you return you support events in UCOL 🙂
Carlos Santoyo Lopez 2A
Human rights are a very relevant topic.
Although for some people is more important excel.
The important thing is to grow albeit slow.
Before teaching human rights, we should learn to be human.
Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras
Human rights are very important, but not many know.
Today people in this society human rights are very bad.
It’s a good idea to support schools in teaching human rights.
We need to not only teach and be forgotten but is applied in daily activity.
Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 2D
Young people, we are often disappointed to see that what we are taught does not necessarily apply to real life.
Realizing the reality, we have two options: do something to change, or have a pessimistic attitude.
I help more if I trust that can change society.
Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 2ºA
True, nobody respects the rights.
Human rights are a very relevant topic.
I worry about people who do not know their rights as sometimes are victims of other people.
You have to believe that everything is fine, but also support everything better.
Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo
Maybe the university is not perfect but, in general I feel more balanced that other institutes. I think university’s teachers are more enthusiast is because they did more effort in the past. Many people have the habit of egoism and their families didn’t taught them enough human rights. Probably there are people that their fathers are recomended workers too.
J. Manuel Tapia Glez. 2A
Today Human rights have become in the shield of some culprit.
Today the people think that Human rights already aren’t good in certain cases.
I agree with what you mentioned in the last paragraph Doctor.
Good article!
2A Daniela Moctezuma
Human rights are very important.
Is sad that nobody respects rights.
And don´t respects because don´t know which are rights.
We should be more optimistic, for get a better university.
Alonso Hernandez 2A
good evening Doctor
I believe that this news is favorable, by the progress made regarding the UBA.
I think that as elsewhere human rights must be current
garado myself so the comment from the white student was a good reflection.
because one as young lelgamos to think about it that torments us
freedom and s is all right and not a few in the rectory.
Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 2B
We don’t respect anyone
Society comes down so fast
Schools have to take care of that
Maybe we have to think more of that
Daniela Moctezuma 2A
Human rights are very important.
Is sad that nobody respects rights.
And don´t respects because don´t know which are rights.
We should be more optimistic, for get a better university.
Christian D. Renteria García
The Civil Rigths are very important in the world.
Everyobody needs to be respected.
The schools needs to give more concient
Im glad with this news.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto.
I think the faculty members if they believe in education.
And the efforts they put to teach is much.
Clear that not all think alike.
Hence the importance of thought.
jonni eduardo
Is very interesting this topic the human rights.
We want a best society but the last word this us if we continue fighting by improve.
Society are we us if us are more that we want improve the we will achieved.
Reteach about the humans rights is good to prepare good citizens.
Víctor Iván López González 2A
The human rights issue is interesting.
Human rights are very important.
No serious human rights all bad.
It is important to respect.
miguel virgilio jimenez brena 2°A
Human rights are a serious topic.
These rights are very important because it would protect us in some situations.
We need to respect eachothers.
I think is important that we have knowledge about human rights.
Francisco Javier Gutierrez Mondragon 2D
Human rights are a very relevant topic.
Everyobody needs to be respected.
We should be more optimistic, for get a better university.
I help more if I trust that can change society.