Leí con agrado la noticia del convenio firmado entre la Universidad de Colima y el ayuntamiento de Manzanillo para apoyar la movilidad de estudiantes porteños. Es una buena noticia por varias razones. Una primera, es que los ayuntamientos, el ayuntamiento de Manzanillo, se hacen presentes en la educación, en un contexto donde los gobiernos municipales abandonaron su responsabilidad protagónica en el sistema educativo, como lo dicta el artículo tercero de la Constitución. La falta de recursos cuenta, pero no es una barrera infranqueable para incidir de distintas formas en la educación de sus ciudadanos –no me refiero al sistema escolar-. Tarea que tampoco pueden evadir como han hecho, y la muestra más clara es la invisibilidad de la educación en sus programas, reducida al complemento de oficinas de asuntos culturales, lo que exhibe el palmario desdén, la miopía o la ignorancia.
Que el alcalde de Manzanillo levante la mano es encomiable y pone una muestra que podría ser imitada por otros gobiernos municipales. Pienso en el de Colima, encabezado por un profesor de carrera, o el de Cuauhtémoc, bajo el mando de una mujer joven, egresada de la propia Universidad, solo a manera de ejemplos. Además, los recursos para becar a estudiantes que requieran el apoyo económico para una movilidad no lesionarán las economías municipales. Por supuesto, entiendo que en el pasado (en el presente lo ignoro) varios ayuntamientos municipales becaron estudiantes universitarios, lo cual es otra medida que debe estimularse y ampliarse en la medida de las posibilidades presupuestales.
En el tema del convenio, quizá el motivo más importante es el aliento a la inestimable experiencia de estudiar durante algunos meses en una buena universidad de otro estado mexicano o del extranjero. De las ventajas personales, profesionales y culturales no es preciso hablar, ni faltan justificaciones. Los ya miles de jóvenes universitarios (o sus familias) que tuvieran la oportunidad podrían ofrecer el mejor testimonio.
Por lo dicho espero que el acontecimiento sea el inicio de una nueva etapa de colaboración, en esa y en otras materias. Si las tres, cinco o 25 becas que se puedan aportar a otros tantos estudiantes es muy relevante (y rentable políticamente), no lo es menos el mensaje que enviarán las autoridades a los jóvenes: que la educación sí es muy importante no solo en el discurso, que es lo más trascendente para el desarrollo de sus vidas y que en verdad los adultos y los gobernantes creen en la educación.
Roberto Banda Flores 2A
Okay, is a remarkable initiative to the state.
I known several people of Manzanillo, they would be very useful.
Could also put that support in Colima-Villa de Alvarez if worked in team.
When showing the convocation … You could notifying me? to tell him to others.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Roberto, no tengo más información, pero en la oficina de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad te podrán ayudar.
Por supuesto, también creo que es posible que otros ayuntamientos, como Colima o Villa de Álvarez, lo puedan hacer.
arthur edwards
Nice comments Roberto! When we evaluate progress, you must live it. There was 0 mobility for many years. Now there is significant exchange. Mobility is vital for Colima to become more integrated and participate in the world!
Erick Donaldo Arceo 2D
Well, I didn’t know that and I think that it is good.
Because the most of the time that is the main problem when you want to study something that it isn’t in your city or town.
I hope that one day, the mobility would be for all Mexico so students could study in anystate
Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 2D
A very good news for students of Manzanillo.
I hope you will join other governments in the municipalities, so everyone can have these benefits.
For this type of opportunity, is beneficial for students and state of Colima in general.
I am glad that Colima always have the initiative to improve.
Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras
It’s good to know that the government, in this case the council do this type of support.
Doing this support to students is of great help in the economy of each of these.
I believe that the students will be benefited from this support will know avail.
I hope that the governments of the other municipalities do the same.
Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 2ºA
Helping students is good gesture of the university.
Helping students motivates them to continue studying.
In my classroom there is a classmate of Manzanillo and I think it would serve too much help.
Thanks for sharing this valuable information.
Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo
It’s an amazing new! It’s an excellent day when the society gets closer. I think that all the state might be really joined in their cities education projects. If us don’t work with our states students, how we think that we could work with students of other countries?
2A Daniela Moctezuma
I find it very good agreement signed.
Get every time more agreements, would great.
Also to give more opportunity to students, to go on exchange.
And try to get better becas for students ranging exchange.
Carlos Santoyo Lopez 2A
It is very important, no one is left idly.
Money helps a lot, but it isn´t the only way of doing things.
If others don´t do things well, it doesn´t mean we do not.
This is one of the things, we should imitate and copy.
Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 2B
Good news for so much people
That money can help a lot of people
Students need help of all sides
Maybe Colima it’s changing right now
Daniela Moctezuma 2A
I find it very good agreement signed.
Get every time more agreements, would great.
Also to give more opportunity to students, to go on exchange.
And try to get better becas for students ranging exchange.
Luis Alonso Hernandez Sedano 2A
Hi Doctor
I like to the notice too , I thiink what the agreement is a perfect choice.
the university give that opportunity a ours mates.
I CONSIDER what we have a much better opportunities with this agreements.
I hope always it can do this agreements.
Christian D. Renteria García
Im agree with your opinion Doctor.
I really hope i can go on exchange to.
Many people would be happy with this notice.
I hope Colima it’s on change.
Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A
Good notice Doctor!
I think that with the support of this type the students are motivated more.
I hope that soon this type of notices arrive to Colima.
Thank for the notice Doctor.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto.
That’s the difference in doing things.
A scholarship is a very big help.
Not everyone sees the needs of others when they have the power.
Although I have not used very well know.
jonni eduardo
Is good news what’s happening in Manzanillo.
That the town hall Manzanillo supports the students is because that this of agree in the education.
Is very good initiative by hand the Manzanillo.
To award scholarships to support students education is good.
Víctor Iván López González 2A
I studied in Manzanillo and I know people here is good news this.
It’s good to know that help students.
This serves as motivation to continue studying.
I hope this can later expand to other municipalities.
miguel virgilio jimenez brena 2°A
I think that these are great news.
Is awesome that students get support from the university.
It would be great if we have this kind of change in colima.
We can do a lot of things with this opportunities.
Francisco Javier Gutierrez Mondragon 2D
Well, I didn’t know that and I think that it is good.
A very good news for students of Manzanillo.
Is awesome that students get support from the university.
Many people would be happy with this notice.