Cuaderno, Viajes

Amanecer en Córdoba

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Primer amanecer en Córdoba. Despierto a una hora inusitada para mí: nueve de la mañana, tiempo de acá, la hora en que habitualmente despierto en Colima, es decir, las seis. Luego de cobrar conciencia de mi situación, el hambre me recuerda que la alacena y el refrigerador están vacíos. Salgo a la calle por comida desde el piso 13 del edificio.

El departamento donde habito se ubica en la esquina de bulevar San Juan y Obispo Trejo, en la frontera entre el bullicioso barrio Nueva Córdoba y el centro de la ciudad. Un sitio ideal para mis propósitos: caminando podré llegar a la Universidad y, en sentido contrario, a una zona con calles peatonales, museos, teatros, librerías, bares y monumentos como la Manzana Jesuítica, Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad.

Hoy domingo está casi todo cerrado. El clima es fresco, agradable. He tomado algunas fotos de detalles que llaman la atención, como los recordatorios en parques públicos de la dictadura. Más sorpresas de otro tipo aguardan en las calles semivacías, como los kioscos de periódicos, con los vendedores concentrados en la lectura de los diarios, que levantan la cara amables y responden con una negativa a mi pregunta por “Página 12”: aún no llega, ayer llegó a la una.

Me detengo en una confitería cuando recuerdo que salí al desayuno. “El ruedo”, se llama, en la plazoleta del fundador de la ciudad. Allí permanezco con un dossier de “Le Monde Diplomatique”, que nunca había leído impreso. Entre paréntesis: ¡qué maravilla de escritura periodística! Las horas pasan mientras el día se hace viejo. Leo, escucho música ambiental, escribo estas notas o contemplo un paisaje distinto al que miran mis ojos cotidianamente, un paisaje reconfortante, con hombres y mujeres, sobre todo mayores, que parecen vivir sin prisa, cada uno en lo suyo, disfrutando las medias lunas y un café con leche, sus conversaciones, un domingo, la ciudad, estar juntos y vivos. 

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19 thoughts on “Amanecer en Córdoba

  1. Circe Zamora

    Cuéntanos más… Cada vez que puedas…

  2. 2A Daniela Moctezuma

    I imagine it must be a nice place Córdoba.

    It would be interesting to see some of the pictures I take.

    You explain a warm and quiet.

    I wish I could know the place.

  3. Carlos Santoyo Lopez 2A

    Always is great to know new countries, customs and people.
    Nothing likes a quiet morning with good weather for to begin a great day.
    Córdoba is a city of much history and tradition.
    A place with much museums, theaters y others places of much interest.

  4. Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras

    The trips to places with different time to ours is very difficult.

    Go Travel to places either fences or far, always find interesting things.

    While we make trips to places of work, are always interesting because you see things and places that are not here.

    The squares, gardens, museums, and other interesting places are everywhere.

  5. Jonni Eduardo

    Is interesting might awekening in a climate different.
    I like the description of place.
    Córdoba is a place quiet relaxing like for think in reflection.
    With great respect have fun enjoying know the customs and history of the Córdoba.

  6. Margarita

    Lo mejor de esa experiencia, a mi parecer, haber concluido con: estar juntos y vivos. Saludos Dr. Juan Carlos.

  7. miguel virgilio jimenez brena 2°A

    It’s great how you can know something about other countries.
    I think is interesting go to othe places and see a lot of different things.
    I wish I had the opportunity to visit places like cordoba some day.

  8. Christian D. Renteria Garcia

    I like how you describe the enviroment.
    I wish i could ever goes to Córdoba.
    You can learn a lot from another culture.
    Have fun.

  9. Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 2D

    I read and sound wonderful.
    It is a privilege work in a nice place.
    I wish you have a stay is very nice.
    And you relate us yours experiences.

  10. José de Jesús Jiménez García 2D

    It is interesting how you unfolds in the city of Cordoba.
    I hope I can keep telling us about their experiences.
    Now there is a new pope in the Catholic religion, I have become interested in the Argentina dictatorship.
    We hope all these comments of travelers.

  11. José Luis Garza Gallegos 2ºD

    -I could feel the freshness of the morning.
    -This place sounds interesting.
    -I don’t like jesuits.
    -Are you working there?

  12. Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 2ºA

    It seems to be nice and cozy Cordoba.

    Sundays are a good day to relax and do some reading.

    Leave the everyday behind on a trip is the best there.

    Thanks for sharing your day with us.

  13. J. Manuel Tapia Glez. 2A

    Interesting Doctor!
    I think the place is nice.
    You must upload photos in each text that your comment.
    Good luck Doctor where you stay.

  14. Jever Amezcua García 2D

    How interesting story.

    Must be a beautiful landscape where you are living.

    Reading his description of the environment where I imagine this quiet and comfortable.

    I look forward to your next story.

  15. Gerardo Borjas Carrillo 2°A

    -Cordoba quiet, confortable place to live well.
    -Ideal for the “reflection” of our current situation.
    -Education for life.
    -Tranquility, peace, security and harmony.

  16. Víctor Iván López González 2A

    A my me’d like to visit Córdoba.

    It looks to be a nice place.

    I hope one day to go.

    I like to travel and see the beauty of Mexico.

  17. Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 2°A

    It is a text very interesting.

    I wish i could ever goes to Córdoba.

    This place sounds interesting.

    How interesting story

  18. David Toledo Zúñiga 2B

    Always is great to know new countries, customs and people.
    I hope I can keep telling us about their experiences.
    I wish I could know the place.
    Good luck Doctor where you stay.

  19. Luis Alonso Hernandez Sedano 2A

    Cordoba is a drema I thimk so you describe
    is a great city , you should take few pictures and send back
    is very interesting to know that one has the opportunity to explore something new

    a new place a different culture and ideas.

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