Aunque apenas sea jueves ya puedo calificar esta como una semana estupenda. Perdón si incomodo, pero escribo para gozo de mi amigos. Y para que murmuren mis enemigos, como diría Pablo Neruda.
Una semana de mucho trabajo, en parte burocrático sin tregua, pero no hay vuelta y mejor hacerlo de buenas y a la primera. Lo hice y cumplí. El resto fue placentero: reuniones de profesores que son estimulantes cuando huelen a trabajo colegiado, transpiran energía o provocan alguna sugerencia más allá de lo que se hizo siempre.
La preparación de una conferencia para profesores de Manzanillo consumió parte del tiempo y de las preocupaciones; pasado el momento, miro con satisfacción lo hecho y a otra cosa.
Otro punto y aparte en estos cuatro días es el empujón a un libro sobre los 30 años de la Facultad de Pedagogía en Colima y en la Universidad. Si nada extraordinario sucede, en marzo estará en fases finales de producción. Y como si fuera poco, hace 24 horas empecé un experimento que me tiene fascinado: la escritura de un libro “a mano” que tiene un punto de partida temporal, ayer, pero no sé cuándo habré de terminar, porque no tengo urgencia, porque no busco puntos para un programa de estímulos y porque no me queman las ganas por publicar. Saldrá cuando deba. Del tema seguramente les contaré en algún momento.
Por esas y otras razones, unas más íntimas que otras, es que sólo puedo contarles a mis amigos que cada día que pasa me convencen más los destinos adoptados y los pasos andados. No hay prisa, como conté: es la andadura y no la meta lo que mueve a perseverar.
1J J1 Mejía Romero Fernando Rogelio
-Yáñez definetly had a lot of work this week.
-Yáñez has started writing a book.
-He has enjoyed these last days.
-A book about pedagogy in the University of Colima might be finished its production phase soon.
1J Isaac Méndez Amaro
1-I think that your book will be very interesant.
2-I could read your book in my time.
3-Maybe your book will be very famous. 😀
4-Good week and congratulations for your archivements.
juan1j - Enrique Delgado Martinez
-Yañez is having an exelent week.
-Yañes has started an experiment , he is writing a book.
-I would like to read his book.
-He is preparing for a conference in Manzanillo.
1J carlos misael ramirez mendoza
-he thinks that it was a great week
-speaks of a book on the 30 years of the universidad de pedagogia
-yañez is writing a book
-he is satisfied by the conference in manzanillo
Manuel Antonio Robles Aguilar
You had such a tiring week i admit that, but i find it more intersting your book. Thirty years is a very long time i hope you install some of your teachings on how to learn rather than to know. Also you´re right there´s isn´t antyhing better than a well worked week. We hope to hear from your handwritten book soon.
1E - Alan Ulises Montes Rodríguez
1.- I hope to see your book finished soon.
2.- I agree that it is the path you take that makes you persevere instead of the goal.
3.- I’m glad that the conference in Manzanillo made you forget about your problems while it lasted.
4.- I hope your book gets an excellent rating.
1E alan guadalupe machuca silva
-wanted to enjoy my friends.
-The preparation of a conference for teachers of the time consumed Manzanillo.
-A busy week.
–I would like to read his book.
1E Orlando Arias Rodríguez
-Patience is the best virtue.
-it really is a man of many occupations.
-Surely it will be a good book which he writes.
-Now I want to know that subject will speak.
1J Jesús Alejandro Chavarría
-Yañez had a lot of work this week.
-He is writing a book.
-A book about 30 years of La Facultad de Pedagogía will be ready in March.
-I want to know more about your book, i would like to read it.
1J David Vargas Banda
•Yañez had a great week.
•He did his job.
•Yañez prepared a conference.
•He started a handwritten book.
1 j carlos enrique pizano saucedo
-When can I get the book?
-Will your book be in stores?
-What were your meeting about?
-Yanez enjoyed that week.
1J Yabin Alain Cinta Montelongo
-Yañez has a week with to much work.
-Yañez is writing a book.
-Yañez is a man whth many occupations.
-Yañez is satisfied by the conference in manzanillo
1 E Ceballos Miranda Olga Isela
• Yañez had an excellent week
• Yañez enjoys his job
• A book will be published soon, about the faculty of pedagogy in the University of Colima.
•Everything that he does in his job, motivates him to keep going
Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez
1-Yañez had a very difficult week.
2-Yañez is writing a book.
3-The faculty of pedagogy in Colima has 30 years.
4-In march a book about the faculty of pedagogy in Colima end production.
1 E Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez
1-Yañez had a very difficult week.
2-Yañez is writing a book.
3-The faculty of pedagogy in Colima has 30 years.
4-In march a book about the faculty of pedagogy in Colima end production
1E Arzate Ayala Pedro Antonio
-He had a week great and very interesting
-Is good to be release a new book.
-Likes its meetings with teachers, when working in teams.
-Very well who gave his conference in Manzanillo
1 E Horacio Gerzaín Avalos Aguayo
-Yañez had a awesome week.
-Yañez began writing a book.
-yañez had a work hard but, at the final was pleasant.
-He was has preparing for conference in Manzanillo.
1E Jorge Luis Aguirre Martinez
-The faculty of pedagogy in Colima has 30 years.
-Is good to be release a new book.
-Likes its meetings with teachers, when working in teams.
-A book about 30 years of La Facultad de Pedagogía will be ready in March.
1J Jose Banda Espindola
He wrote for the joy of their friends.
He had a week good.
He started an experiment that has fascinated he.
He look with fascination.