Tengo sobre mi desordenado escritorio en casa, libros, tarjetas, documentos, manuscritos, borradores. El desorden, sin embargo, no me distrae ni me inquieta. Después de todo, en el desorden hay alguna armonía. Entre los libros, ahora tres sobresalen: “44 cartas desde el mundo líquido”, de Zygmunt Bauman; “La vía para el futuro de la humanidad”, de Edgar Morin y “Patas arriba. La escuela del mundo al revés”, de Eduardo Galeano. Los tres autores, de un tiempo a la fecha, sonparte indispensable de mi bibliografía personal. Los respeto, admiro y abrevo con frecuencia.
En momentos en que la cantidad de textos que se producen en una semana es mayor a la capacidad de lectura de una persona a lo largo de su vida, el aprendizaje del discernimiento entre lo sustancial y la basura, para decirlo en términos poco elegantes, es indispensable. En otras palabras, en ausencia de tiempo, debemos ser más selectivos en la elección de nuestros autores y lecturas.
Los tres que refiero son especialmente valiosos, a mi juicio. Son parte de mi primera selección. Autores en los cuales, desde la primera página, descubro ideas, auténticas nuevas ideas, otras visiones, respuestas, caminos, pero, sobre todo, preguntas inéditas. Son sabiduría e inspiración, escuelas de pensamiento.
Desconfío, confieso, de quienes dicen que leer es divertido. Eso no puede generalizarse. Depende de qué lees y para qué lo haces. En mi caso, sin obligaciones ya en la materia, puede elegir qué leer y, si no me gusta, lo cierro, lo guardo y cojo otro. Pero cuando se trata de los arriba mencionados, de José Saramago o de García Márquez, para agregar otros nombres mayúsculos, entonces sí, leer es una fuente de placer y de aprendizaje.
Diego Velasco
El texto de Galeano yo le definiría con una palabra: acogedor.
Siempre la voz de América Latina hablara a través de la palabra de Galeano quien genialmente ha desnudado los dolores y las alegrías de nuestra tierra morena.
No tarde en leerlo, le garantizo que cuando empiece no podrá dejarlo. Un saludo Juan Carlos.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Diego, lo he leído ya, hace años, en un viaje por Chile y Argentina me acompañó. Ahora lo tengo allí porque uso algunos fragmentos en mis clases.
Es cierto, es un texto acogedor, pero también sugerente, provocador.
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 2 "A"
I say as not knowing the reading world!. But you have to choose what kind of book to read because we all like to read the same. And if you’re right Carlos there are books where the author envelops you, locks you into a world you do not know, but there are other books or just want to read either for different reasons. Personally I do not read about because I do not like but I have read several books, which I have been more interesting fact is the night of the author Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan. I had really excited.
Chan Remirez Francisco Javier 2 B
I don’t identify the readings but it’s true reading helps a much and learn a lot.I try to read any of the above. Regards
Armando Vázquez Zamora 2° B
In my opinion, I think that the authors of books, want to make us reflect on the things that happen in life, learn to read a little better and that we do not have so much lack of spelling.
Ramon Francisco Martinez Velazquez 2°D
As is often heard, reading is something that fills you with wisdom, personally I think that reading is a good thing, as opposed to viewing images on TV, when you read a book these recreating what you’re reading in mind, and I really think that if indeed we took people more aware of what reading is ignorance, referring to such violence, insecurity and so much rubbish on these days.
Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 2D
A reading gives knowledge, experiences, advices, opinions. Some of these maybe already knew, but in overall a reading will contribute something new to you, and that personally cause me a big satisfaction, because it gives me another form of seeing this world where we live.
Miguel Rosales Ochoa 2A
I think that reading is a source of culture where each read a different text to learn something.
I think when we read a book by its own will and pleasure is when we learn more lessons that they contain.
Reading is not fun, what fun are the content of some works that the authors have expressed in writing.
I think that reading is like planting harvesting crops from over the more you read more you learn.
Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 2A
in my opinion, reading is one of the best things that may exist. because you can read conoser around the world and learn about many things, you can learn from cultures of history and so on.
Juan Pedro tintos Mendoza 2º B
When I first saw the title of this article, It came to my mind those advertisements on the TV about reading and things they say like: “have fun reading”. I`m agree, read is a great form to spread your mind and let it fly and develop, sometimes it is funny to read and you can spend hours reading and imagining the world in that book you`re reading, it depends all in the book, I also have to recognize, sometimes reading is boring… but definitely it is also THE BEST WAY TO LEARN.
Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro 2A
Of course read is source of wisdom. To me a lest to me teh read not fun. But to can have reading good paramount that be nice to the reader. I would like know what author or better say what books are the best. Well just I say that not all is good the reading.
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 2B
some people must develop taste for reading, encourage the joy of reading, make it a joy to read, of love or hobby , some frequently err on the learning objectives. there is much confusion between learning and pleasure to read.
Madrigal Velasco Pedro 2°B
All books are good but it depends on the tastes of the reader because for what is good for one another is bad.
That serves not read if you read what one passionate.
Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 2B
Good thoughts Juan Carlos. I like read too, although my daily activities consume the big part of my time, sometimes I give me a break to read.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Luis!
Ivan Alejandro Novela Macias 2°B
From elementary have read sometimes that was part of the qualification and others only by not having to do, but if there is a book that I will always want to read that which I have kept apart from any other is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.
J. Enrique Madrigal Díaz 2 A
Juan Carlos I completely agree with you, not everything you read is fun, I like to read, but not as much as you do, and I like what I read.
the fun of reading is when it gives you something as ideas, questions, imagination and you feel part of what you read, and when it gets fun for me.
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 2B
You are right, i think that Reading can give us an endless of meanings, but we should know what kind of articles we could read and what kind we can’t, and then, raise our cultural level and not the fantasy, although it is also necessary maintain a balance that will help us to distract us day with day.
Jose CArlos Hernandez Hernandez 2B
In my case I use reading to learn new things or to support my studies.
Meaning that a book has for a reader is not a translation or replication of the meaning that the author wanted to impart, is like a construction that involves the text, prior knowledge of the reader who approaches and objectives facing the one.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
José Carlos, lo importante es no dejar de leer.
Irving De La Mora 2B
Everyone has a good time to read, I agree that if any reading is not to my liking, then continue with another is the most desirable, we should be happy with what is read.
Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores
I must confess, I’m not a read person, sadly. I can’t afford buying books yet, and read them online hurt my eyes.But I read occasionally some pages. I know I need to read a little(lot) more because reading it’s a huge source of knowledge and fresh, new and interesting ideas.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 2B
Reading is not that it is fun, for some can become tedious, but may be because they do not read what they would really like to read, like you if I get bored of that book because I have chosen one and I get to read what actually I like, when you feel the pleasure to read and feels a connection with the history of the book is when we actually enjoy reading it.
Rodriguez Niebla Manuela 2 B
I think that the rising generation has lost habit to read, for me to read a book is to enter a world different from mine and I take the role of the main personage of the book. Carlos M. Rocha thinks that books are better than movies and I agree with Carlos M.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Manuel, en realidad es difícil comparar películas y libros, ambos tienen su encanto.
Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez 2B
If there is something that can make us strong, which teach us things, that are books, but pity that not all people read books where you can learn many things.
I think the doctor is right to say it depends on you’re reading then we can say that reading is a source of pleasure.
I think I read any book is good, but better still is to read books in one way or another let us great lessons.
although personally I have not the pleasure of reading books on the actors that the doctor mentioned, but if I had the pleasure of reading works of some well known Mexican authors such as Juan Rulfo, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Jose Emilio Pacheco and others.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Miguel, es interesante leerte, como a todos tus compañeros. Sería un intercambio enriquecedor que otros compañeros y compañeras tuyas nos contaran qué leen.
P.d. Una leve precisión: Gabriel García Márquez ha vivido muchos años en México, aunque es nacido en Colombia.
2A José Carlos Llerenas Montes
I’m not a person who reads a lot, however I like the reading by all the knowledge that it can give us.
As the post says, not always reading it’s fun, the reader must be interested in the subject of the book to make it fun.
However, I think that if someone starts to reading a book is because something caught his attention, so it’s very likely that you like.
Otherwise we must choose other, there are many to choose from.
Osdy Fletes Arreola 2A
I think you cultivate to read more on vocanulario and culture is also very fun to read because you mix in the world of what you’re reading.
I think reading you forget your problems and much besides having fun you can relax and imagine many things.
“Reading is a pleasure we can all do”
Heredia Morán Alejandro Gilberto 2B
I agree with you, to really feel reading need to take the time necessary to do so and above all read something to our liking that make us think and reflect. We must let our mind be involved with each word and thus enjoy throughout the writing.
Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 2D
I believe the reading gives you wisdom, another view of the enviroment, the world and the people. I believe read always give something new or reminds me something important.
salvador hernandez francisco 1°A
That is My opinion is valuable in reading and find many abilities.
On the other hand the meaning of reading is very important for the wisdom of self and pleasure of the mind.
Soy psicóloga, me esfuerzo por ser maestra (estudio el posgrado) y soy lectora, decodificadora, siempre interpreto.
Soy de esas personas que va por el mundo diciendo que leer es divertido, pero también creo que es importante reconocer que la lectura es un proceso complejo, implica procesos cognitivos, intereses personales, obligaciones académicas, y hoy en día hasta da pie a posibles clasismos. Entonces pienso que para aprovechar el fenómeno de la lectura en todo lo que es posible nos de, es importante dar una oportunidad a la “animación lectora” pues cuando una persona descubre, porque para mi esa es la palabra mas adecuada, cuando las personas descubren todo un mundo de posibilidades (académicas, personales, y hasta económicas) en la lectura, se establece una sensación que los puede llevar a enamorarse de ella.
Yo creo que ese punto del que habla, el de ser selectivo en nuestras lecturas, es un punto al que se llega como si fuera un proceso que denotara “madurez”, me explico:
Al principio la persona que ha asociado un estímulo positivo a una lectura, eventualmente buscará mas y conforme se adentre en ese mundo, su nivel lector irá en aumento de tal suerte que comenzará a procurarse lecturas de mayor calidad, o mayor reto.
De hecho a mi me gustaría saber ¿qué leía el niño Juan Carlos? ¿qué le llamaba la atención en cuanto a lecturas, cuando era niño?
Yo debido a un descuido de mi madre, comencé con las novelas de Corín Tellado cuando yo apenas contaba con 10 años. Hoy en día ya no me interesa, me declaro en este momento, fiel lectora de Freire (debo admitir que lo descubrí por la maestría, pero ha colmado mis tardes de placer). Un afectuoso saludo doctor, y siempre es grato encontrar a personas de su nivel que aborden el tema del placer en la lectura.
Roberto Quintero Cervantes 2D
Reading and understanding what you read can take you to different places.You could learn a lot of different things when it comes to reading.You can reflex of things you don’t know about, reading is a very valuable thing to do and can give us something to think about.
Alan Cisneros Godinez 2A
The truth is that I have much reading.
Maximum I read three books just to start the fourth.
But though few books have left me many interesting ideas.
No doubt it is true that there are verses like “Reading is to live twice”
axel j orozco 2B
its actually quite important to read but its also pleasurable… its like when you buy a new tv set but you dont read the instructions obviously your gonna have problems specially with the new models since they have lots of new stuff that in the old days were not out yet… :p i really dont like reading but in order to get things right we have to read…
cesar ivan castro carrillo 2*D
I think it is right since the first reading you have to like and get noticed or be very interested in what you are reading.
2ºA Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
Read is a beautiful activity, you immerse it in the book so that the time flies by, the imagination is the most powerful weapon against bored, and what better to spend it with a good book.
I think that when reading is source of pleasure is something wonderful becauce you enter in the reading and takes you to another world..
Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 2°D
I think that read is a beautiful thing for our lifes, with that we could discovery news adventures. If we would have a best culture, we should read more that the newspaper.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alverto 1-B
Mi opinion in this thoug, is if the read is very serious is to reflection and learn new thing as well as concerts in the letters.
Ernesto alcaraz andrade 2 D
I got a lot of disorder in mi books and in mi working area,I always are with more than 1 book and cant finish 1 by 1 I always read more than 2 books in parts.
I think that you say is true because are a lot of books than are not going to leave us a big information like others.
Ruben Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 2 A
In my opinion, that reading is not fun for some can be tedious, but it may be because they do not read what you really want to read, like if I get bored of that book because I’ve chosen and I get to actually read what I like, when you feel the joy of reading and feel a connection with the history of the book is when I really enjoy reading, and reading a lot also depends if it is something that the person is interested certainly be interested to read. Greetings.
Juan Francisco Arreola Hernández 2A
When selecting a book know why we chose it, it may be by the author or simply because the subject of interest us. And the reading can make a person change from the way you think or do things. And reading opens doors.
Luis Ricardo Hernández Rebolledo 2°A
I would argue with you, read something that catches your eye, will never be funny that is not even focused on what they want one.
However, if you like the book or subject or whether the author, of course it will be very different.
Luis Guillermo Briecño 2 "D"
I love the books of adventure and fantasy, but back to reality; i still reading: how to programming in C++! LoL
Ana Laura Ochoa Vallin 1 D
In my opinion, reading is one of the best things that may exist. Because you can read conoser around the world and learn about many things, you can learn from cultures of history and so on.
Manuel Alejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 2°D
I think the readings are different as well as the metes are different.
Some can read all kinds of reading and not cause a minimal reaction, however others may be well pleased all kinds of readings are always learning new things and learn in my view is always fun.