
Cuarta página. El reino del absurdo

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

No ingresan todos los que debieran, no culminan los afortunados que acceden, no tienen empleo todos los egresados… en tan rotunda fórmula podría resumirse la trayectoria escolar en México. Parece absurdo, es absurdo. ¿Alguien puede opinar lo contrario, sin ser un caradura?

Es absurdo. Tan absurdo como la triste constatación de que los niños, millones de niñas y niños mexicanos tienen que trabajar mientras sus padres no encuentran empleo. Tan absurdo como que muchos jóvenes se pelean, en el sentido de la batalla por una vida digna, para conseguir un lugar en un bachillerato o universidad, mientras otros cientos de miles cada año los abandonan, sin ilusiones y sin perspectivas, desgranados por una maquinaria selectiva que disfraza diferencias sociales con un ropaje de méritos académicos.

Es absurdo, tan absurdo como los reclamos que hoy hacen políticos oportunistas, que buscan el resquicio para sacar tajada en su próxima contienda electoral, mientras olvidan compromisos el resto del año.

Es absurdo que la educación, única salida a la pobreza en todos los sentidos, sea menospreciada con figuras que la avergüenzan. Es absurdo que la escuela, siendo derecho humano, se convierta en una carrera ominosa de obstáculos.

Es absurdo, tan absurdo que haya que repetirlo cada año, en estas fechas, cuando miles y miles en México no ingresan a un bachillerato o universidad. Es absurdo, es el reino del absurdo.

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94 thoughts on “Cuarta página. El reino del absurdo

  1. Ana Luz Quintanilla

    Totalmente de acuerdo Juan Carlos, no solamente vivimos en el mundo del absurdo, sino peor aún, vivimos en la desolación de la injusticia y de la libertad, porque una de las maneras de alcanzar la libertad plena es mediante la aprehensión del conocimiento como herramienta de desarrollar capacidades que ni aún el ámbito académico está brindando a los presentes y futuros constructores de este país.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Ana Luz, en la desolación, en la desesperanza, así viven millones y millones. Esa es la peor pobreza.

  2. Juan

    Y creo, lo más absurdo es, que algunos de los que nos dedicamos a la educación, veamos todo tan normal, tan natural, como que así debería de ser.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Juan, ese es parte del gran peligro, que vamos tejiendo una gruesa capa que nos impide ver todos los problemas con absoluta normalidad.

  3. miguel guadalupe orozco plascencia

    Concuerdo totalmente con su visión en relación a esta bizarra forma de impartir educación en nuestro país.
    Un gusto saludarlo, mi nombre es Miguel Guadalupe Orozco Plascencia y fui uno de los aspirantes no seleccionados al doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, periodo 2011-2015, de la Universidad de Colima.
    En referencia a este punto, deseo externarle lo siguiente.
    Primero agradezco la posibilidad de haber participado hasta el final. Aunque no haya sido seleccionado fue una experiencia enriquecedora que nunca olvidaré, pues es la primera vez que participo en un proceso para un posgrado.
    Segundo. Respeto y confío plenamente en los criterios de selección del Consejo de Admisión pero me queda la sensación de que debió haber mayor flexibilidad para llenar los 24 cupos posibles que marcaba la convocatoria y no sólo los 13 que quedaron al final.
    Aunque justamente se hayan apegado a los estatutos de selección, en lo personal, creo que se debió pensar en un segundo aspecto que es una preocupación local y nacional: la generación de empleos, porque al dejar desiertas 11 plazas, de uno u otro modo, se pierden 11 empleos de calidad.
    Digo esto, porque es innegable la importancia de Conacyt en el proceso, la cual da una dotación económica de más de 10 mil pesos mensuales por pertenecer al doctorado. Lo anterior se traduce en pérdidas reales. Si esa cantidad la multiplicamos por 11 plazas no ocupadas, se pierden 110 mil pesos al mes; 1, 320,000 pesos al año; y 5, 280,000 pesos en los cuatro años del proceso, que mucho beneficio le traerían a la economía del municipio y sus alrededores.
    Tercero. Aparte de la pérdida económica, se amplía el hueco en el área de investigación que tanta daño le hace al estado y a la nación, porque deja de abonar al conocimiento, y de paso nos deja parados como un país subdesarrollado, por no decir tercermundista, que eso no es nuevo en nuestro país.
    Cuarto. Anteriormente eran múltiples las quejas por las fugas de talentos al exterior, porque no había recursos en el gobierno disponibles para estudiar un posgrado por lo menos en el interior del país, y ahora que los hay, lucen desaprovechados.
    Quinto. Me queda la duda si esto no perjudica la reputación de una institución importantísima en la entidad, modelo en muchos aspectos, como lo es la Universidad de Colima, que juega un papel crucial en el ámbito educativo del estado y de parte de sus entidades vecinas, Michoacán y Jalisco.
    Esta y muchas otras observaciones, me quedaron como experiencia de un proceso de selección que fue arduo, extenso y duro, justo casi en su totalidad, pues obedeció al objetivo de escoger a aspirantes aptos para estudiar un doctorado.
    Sólo me resta de decir, que es loable y plausible la labor de la Universidad de Colima, por aumentar su oferta educativa en el área de posgrado, porque eso demuestra un avance significativo y una preocupación en su crecimiento como institución. Ojalá en el futuro sea posible depurar esos detalles, como los antes expuestos, que sin duda fortalecerían su imagen y calidad.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias Miguel, saludos!

    2. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Miguel, no había leído por algún problema con mi pantalla todo tu comentario. Lamento mucho la situación que narras y tu experiencia en el proceso de admisión al doctorado. No tengo elementos para contestar, pues la información precisa la manejan los miembros del comité responsable. Averiguaré y podré comentarte algo más preciso.

  4. Emmanuel

    Ciertamente son lamentables estos escenarios desiguales o injustos, sin embargo todos somos corresponsables de lo que sucede por las actitudes que mostramos, ya sea con nosotros mismos y con los demás; si entendiéramos la trascendencia de lo que realizamos, proponemos y reflejamos, o de las oportunidades que aprovechamos o dejamos pasar, entenderíamos mejor el papel que desempeñamos como estudiantes, profesores, directivos, o como un miembro activo de la sociedad, enfretaríamos con mayor aplomo la incertidumbre y los problemas que nos aquejan y los discursos y la acción serían un binomio perfecto. Saludos.

  5. Arthur Edwards

    El talento que perdemos por la exclusión metódica y hasta planeada por la autoridad es un mecanismo de control de la sociedad. Al hacer sentir al pobre que su situación es su culpa y reducir sus oportunidades de educarse y de participar después en una sociedad más justa e inclusive, solamente sirve a intereses mezquinos de individuos, empresas y grupos de interés. Hasta el fatalismo de la religión católica, históricamente documentada como uno de los grupos de poder que ha causado más daño al país, es la creencia que prevalece. Soy pobre porque Dios me castigó. Me va mal en la vida porque Dios así dispuso. Juan Carlos, con tu permiso, voy a usar tu página como parte de me materia de inglés.Es hora que los alumno empiezan a pensar sobre los muchos temas tan relevantes que tratas.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Arthur, es un gran elogio para mi que la página te pueda servir para promover la reflexión entre los estudiantes. Ojalá les resulte de interés.

      Un abrazo y muchas gracias!

  6. Arthur Edwards

    Lo absurdo es que un cuerpo de trabajo crítico, bien escrito y bien argumentado no sea explotado. Lo que tengo pensado te va a gustar mucho, te lo aseguro. Mis alumnos van a leer un artículo tuyo cada semana. Después, en pares, van a comentar dos párrafos en inglés sobre tu escrito y me enviarán su versión original en español (así para que no abusen de traductores en linea). Tengo metodología para evitar plagio también, he he! Así cumplo con inglés, formación ético y social, y, finalmente contribuir a la formación de alumnos más conscientes y críticos.

  7. Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 1 B

    This country is really going down. because everythins it’s more important than the education, and they say that “they can’t invest more resources on it”. this more important for the government the money for the politicals than the money to the education for the future of this country.

    1. Arthur Edwards

      This country is really going down because everything is more important than education, and they say that “they can’t invest more resources on it”. The money for the politicians is more important for the government than the money for education and the future of this country.

  8. armando vazquez zamora 1°B

    The fathers no must send a children a working while they search work, they have search the work while what the children have fight to win a place in the school to the children can have a study and can working in future, what they have money to have eat and the children can education a your son.

    1. Arthur Edwards

      The typical Mexican reality … Does it sense to keep talking about the some problem that hasn’t been solved? The same people that have finished their studies are the some people that steal money from us. So, are they educating the people that are going to rob us?

      GOOD WORK!

      I corrected your work. It is very good! The question here is whether an education is good for you or whether it should serve society. I believe and education should do both!

  9. Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez 1-B

    The typicall mexican reality … Does it sense to keep talking about the some problem that hasn’t been solved? The same people that have finished thei studies,are the some people that steal us the money.So, are they educating the people that are going to rob us?

  10. Pedro Madrigal Velasco B

    Good, in part am of agremment with of wiewpoint and with of absurd world, but not single is guilt of the fould employment
    or the fould of resources also thay that know as were educate, the fathers of the young that not entered in the race that wish, and but because say this because the education the father influences in the study of son.

    1. JuanCarlos Yáñez

      Pedro, por supuesto, no hay una sola causa en el problema que analizamos. Y por eso es tan complicado resolverlo, porque las responsabilidades son colectivas.

      Gracias por tus aportaciones!

    2. Arthur Edwards

      Good, I agree in part with of viewpoint and with the absurd world, but not single person is guilty of the foul employment
      or the fouled resources. Also they as were educated, the parents of the young that not entered in the career that they wish, but because they say this because the education the parents influences in the study of son.

      Good points!

      Some errors: fathers=parents foul! great word viewpoint! great word!

      A parent´s education influences the son is a great point! That is why you must finish your career! The more educated a parent, the more educated tends to be the son! We have to break the cycle.

  11. Pedro Madrigal Velasco B

    rift this is becomes a vicius chain that is transmitted the generation in generation for varius hundreds the years

    1. Arthur Edwards

      This is becomes a vicious chain that is transmitted from generation to generation for various hundreds the years.

      Good point. Watch spelling!

      vicious…various and “from generation to generation” “from father to son” acuérdate de esta “formula”

  12. luis humberto urzua araiza 1b

    like me someting very true what express iam student of frest incom to faculty of telematics in the degre of the same name cost me lot efort get into leave school for 2 years to go to work and then thanks suport of my parents i could continue my studies now here iam over come.

    1. Arthur Edwards

      This is something very true that expresses how I am a student of first semester to the faculty of telematics in the degree of the same name. It cost me a lot of effort. I had to leave leave school for 2 years to go to work and then, thanks to the support of my parents, I could continue my studies. Now here I am over again.

      something, effort, I (siempre mayúscula)

      I am sad to hear how hard it is for you to study. Just remember your family loves you and that anything that is valuable you have to work hard to achieve.

  13. luis humberto urzua araiza 1b

    in my opinion that of marginalized because why not seek a way out and said output of nothing will heaven not so much that make society to look for solution and not just complaining estarse no work and other thing to be have the win of exit forward and remember that willing everithyng can and yes se want whitlot more reason.

  14. Irving De La Mora 1B

    The education is a right in this country, then begins consider as such, but institutions must provide education of quality, must be a compromise of the government, the institutions and students

    1. Arthur Edwards

      Education is a right in this country, and we should consider it as such, but institutions must provide education of quality, there must be a compromise of the government, the institutions and students.

      Very good! A few errors. Please check. However, excellent point. For us to succeed we need the government, the social society and the educational institutions (professors and students…along with administrators and support staff)

    2. Shanna

      That’s not even 10 muintes well spent!

  15. Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 1-B


  16. Roberto Quintero (

    I agree what you say,there are a lot of childeren that want to study,some of the students that are accepted in a school and later on they drop out.

    Poverty is the worst thing that could happen to a family,because the parents are the ones that want their childeren to be something in life.

    Its sad that alot of kids remain with no studies bescause of the lack of money and support,thats why we sholud be grateful of the opportunity that we have to study.

    This article has a very good reflection and we sholud be thankful with our parents for giving us the opportunity to study and be succesful in life.

    1. JuanCarlos Yáñez

      Roberto, me gusta tu conclusión: agradecer a tus padres y sentirte privilegiado de tener la oportunidad de estudiar, en un país donde sólo el 30 por ciento puede hacerlo.

    2. Arthur Edwards

      I agree WITH what you say. There are a lot of childeren that want to study.Some of the students that are accepted in a school and later on they drop out.
      Poverty is the worst thing that CAN happen to a family because the parents are the ones that want their childeren to be something in life.
      It’s sad that a lot of kids remain with no studies because of the lack of money and support. That’s why we should be grateful for the opportunity that we have to study.
      This article has a very good reflection and we should be thankful to our parents for giving us the opportunity to study and be succesful in life.

      Errors: It’s (contraction) That’s (contraction) should (misspelled) Other smaller errors…

      Great first work! Very good points! Well presented. Congratulations.

  17. Jose Nicanor Ruiz lopez 1.D

    The truth is that lamentable, we live in the kingdom of absurd already that we us same, we responsibility, for what happend as there and young man that have the oppurtunity of study a in engineering and do not take advantage there other that wanted study and not can by lack of resource economic.

  18. Tenochtitlan Xamonek Caldera Barajas 1° D

    About my opinion I think that this is because to recommendations of some known of the person that wants to enter.
    And this not only happens in the school also it happens in the work.

  19. Ivan alejandro novela macias 1°B

    Agree but they so is mexico is our education system has always been and we can not just anything say over and over again in places like and not agree this is obviously no because could be one of those affected but is do anything at least not from our position.

  20. Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 1.-D

    many people is very difficult end a career and find work is complicated.

  21. Manuela Rodriguez Niebla 1B

    This is the country of the few opportunities and of the unfortunate, without support there are no aspirations for study a higher level, simply cannot.

  22. Christian Omar De La Mora Retano - 1D

    You are right because many strive for a place in the career, each day there are less jobs in our country, many children have to work and leave school, I hope one day this changes for the good of all.

  23. Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B

    to make a better comment and objective opinion, i would like to define the “absurd” concept first, Absurd, is a concept which identifies the concept of illogical thinking, (the oposite to logic thinking)and the bizarre behavior, (the oposite to the normal or conventional behavior)
    in my own words, absurd is something completly out of normal, something that doesn´t even make any sense, or as the past text said,, “bizarre behavior”. I completly agree with this article, unfortunatly it is a shame to realize that it is everything true, but question “why” has a lot of reasons, causes or origins, sacial or echonomyc issues maybe, but the most clear example of this is that not all of us who enter to the univeersity finishes it, not even the ones who pass the admission proces succesfully maybe taking another´s place the place of one who really loves that carrer and really wanted to be there, many of them make the admission process but they keep out of it, losing that great oportunity.

    1. JuanCarlos Yáñez

      Excelente aporte Juan Pedro!

      Te felicito por la idea de comentar el significado de “absurdo”. Es una buena idea!

  24. Alan Rair Guzman Delgado

    Is discouraging to see how this country is driven. If education is the solution, why not invest in it?

    Our goverment is blind and it seems not take care of the problem. this coutry need people with values not with selfishness

  25. Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1°D

    The politicals should looking for any way that all children and youngs from Mexico can have a education of quality, this is the only way that Mexico could be better as country…

  26. Ismael Perez Avalos 1B

    It’s kind off weird what’s happening with the education in Mexico, as a university student can’t see the huge opportunity that I have, however It’s also true that I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, if there’s going to be good job for me after I graduate. Maybe what we see with the students that give up whit their careers and others want that place kind of reflects in the phrase “If you don’t have it you want it, when you get it you don’t want it any more”.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Ismael, me gusta la madurez de tu reflexión.

  27. Maribel Peralta Larios 1°d

    Completely agree, yes very important as we not are value the education is the base more important for you run country, the unconscious we generate young people don’t . to take advantage the opportunities for that us occur .

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Maribel, por eso mismo los profesores tenemos que hacer un mejor trabajo con los estudiantes, porque la educación no tiene un beneficio individual sino para el colectivo, por supuesto, también para la persona, pero no solo para él.

  28. osdy gersaid fletes arreola 1 "A"

    1.-The poverty is very ugly.

    2.-The university’s shoul chenge the pòlitical in the process tha admition.

    3.-The students dont take a time in the school.

    4.-The education in mexico is very difficult for the person the low economic resources.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Osdy, es un buen resumen de problemas y una agenda de tareas.


    this is one world darck, always will be so unfair.
    the Udec no acept to everithing, this is ridiculos
    they say be the best campus. they are full of lies

  30. angel alejandro ureña gomez 1 A

    In México absurdity comes to normal, everyone is looking for a place at university, but only few have access. which has support only in the institutions known or relatives achieve decent work that is sad. Mexico needs a change of mindset in people.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Ángel, me gusta la idea final de tu comentario, sobre la necesidad del cambio.

  31. cesar ivan castro carrrillo 1*D

    the families of students lower the resources can not support and the work the must students work

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      César Iván, esa es una gran verdad; de acuerdo con algunas estadísticas las probabilidades de asistir a la escuela dependen de la posición socioeconómica de la familia. No se puede plantear un efecto general, pero los datos son contundentes.

      Gracias por participar!

  32. ramon francisco martinez velazquez 1D

    it is very unfair many young people are left without finishg his studies

  33. Jose Carlos Hernandez Hernandez 1°B

    i think, it sounds absurd or looks absurd because the mexicans wants to be like this. talking about the opportunities of education…in my point of view…all the mexicans have the opportunities but only win who wants. if the others don’t do the same is thanks to the culture which their parents gave to they.
    if everyone in every area of their live, been son,father,mother,etc, give the best of him, not just do for do, it doesn’t sound absurd.

  34. Miguel rosales ochoa 1A

    Not be things one graduate you will have opportunity of work.
    Not all we the same opportunities for study.
    The false promises of political that do for the education.
    The education is one source to have a better life

  35. axel jefte orozco 1 B

    everything about this article is true whats the diference between the one’s that get accepted into high school or college and the one’s who dont get accepted, everyone deserves a chance to continue with their education without having to fight with someone for a spot

    1. Arthur Edwards

      Everything about this article is true. Whats the diference between the ones that get accepted into high school or college and the ones who dont get accepted, everyone deserves a chance to continue with their education without having to fight with someone for a spot.


      Empieza oraciones con mayúscula siempre! What’s(contracción), don´t (contracción)necesitan apostrofe!
      Terminas oraciones con punto seguido o punto y aparte.

      This is excellent work! Great ideas! Good discussion!

      1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

        NO cabe duda que eres un excelente profesor Arthur, te felicito.

    2. Arthur Edwards

      Everything about this article is true. What’s the diference between the ones that get accepted into high school or college and the ones who dont get accepted. Everyone deserves a chance to continue with their education without having to fight with someone for a spot.


      Begin sentences with capital letters. “What’s” is a contraction. “ones” does not need the apostrophe. Be careful to know when to end your sentences.

      I agree with you completely. Mexico has done a very poor job of creating spaces so that all Mexicans can study at all levels! Very nice work!

      1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

        Arthur, tenemos un déficit enorme en hacer efectivo el derecho universal a la educación superior. Y tu pregunta es pertinente: cuál es la diferencia entre uno que ingresa y otro no.

        Saludos cordiales

      2. Fidel

        me peceran mas o menos pero aun no evisto todas asi que no puedo opinar mucho pero la que me da miedo fue le de ´´eso´´ me impacto por que la bi de chica y por eso no me gustan los pallasos me dan miedo les recomiendo la de la masacre de texas, el exsorcista, dracula, gritos de muerte y sin duda la de ……..el titere.

  36. Ernesto Alcaraz Andrade 1*D

    I think in the same way than you do, Is awfaul than million of kids in this contry can’t reach the opportunity to learn something than can changes life how is the education, like you say and i think is absurd than this is going to be topic of conversation this year,next year and years after.

  37. Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz

    You are right, i think all the students have the oportunity to study a carreer, i mean, if they do not see their
    names in the list, the school should give they an oportunity to choose another option which they like to study
    and put they there for they don’t loose the oportunity to complete a carrer, because they are not guilty
    of mexico has not the enough supplying of work for their parents.

    1. JuanCarlos Yáñez

      Hola Jonathan, gracias por tu lectura y comentarios.


  38. Luis Antonio Narajo Mora 1B

    Although this is sad, it’s the reality. The competition, the fight for be the best is in the human nature, maybe this is good, because the winners help human development. But unfortunalety many people fail in the attempt.

  39. Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Morán 1° B

    i think that we should take more interest at educacion in mexico. i agree that without a good education there won’t be anymore quality jobs. it’s in hour hands to get better the country, but we need the necesary tools to achieve that, and it’s easy to know which ones are: education, justice and freedom.

  40. Maria Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B

    Everything the document says it’s true, that’s why many young students only finish high school because they are not able to go to college because they don’t have the grades or in some cases they can’t afford it and there’s no financial aid given to them. Yet many politicians are dishonest and are irresponsibles steal many dreams and delusions of many young students just because keep the money to themselves .

    1. JuanCarlos Yáñez

      Hola María Lizbeth, gracias por tu lectura y las palabras que escribes.

  41. José Carlos Llerenas Montes 1-A

    I think some Mexicans must modify their attitude in the scope of education.
    When a student don’t takes seriously his education, is wasting the chance of study that few have.
    The lack of economic resources is a very influential reason for send children to work instead of school.
    Therefore, I think the students have gold in their hands and must take advantage, while the government try to solve this inequality.

  42. 1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola

    I agree with your comment about how Mexico is going down with the education,I think emm we need to do something for or Mexico,is to sad if you see kids working in the streets for get some money because their parents dont have a job. I really like your post,are very interesting.

  43. enrique madrigal diaz

    the sad of this subject that is truth we sad really
    the action that i can take how student is appreciate the opportunity that give to me
    in the end contribute whith society as a compromise

  44. Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A

    that´s right my estimated partner so unfortunelly, that is not everyone get to study have a carreer it´s absurd so absurd the little child work and all of them abandon their illusions to a early age, for the simple fact of work for that simple fact

  45. Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 1º A

    I think that more than a reality, is almost a constant. That few ones who have the fortune to be into a university just leave out that chance. This, in my opinion, makes to note the sedentary and the shortage of motivation that this generation, my generation, suffer. Although in México it’s common that low-income families doesn’t exist an overcoming culture, unless rather, a resignation culture. So it makes that the neediest ones don’t ask about scholarships and these are exploited by those whom do not really need it. And because they don’t really need it, they don’t value it and that’s why desert.

    1. JuanCarlos Yáñez

      Iván, ¿son pobres porque no tienen deseos de superación o no tienen deseos de superación porque el mundo los aplastó sin darles oportunidades?

  46. chva

    is so absurd that you have every reason not qitarle eduardo row finger if you ever lives each year thousands of students are out of work i exploited by their families but good as ps i can not see the deaf and non-OE Acerno not see if we or they do it themselves …..

  47. salvador hernandez francisco 1 A

    is so absurd that you have every reason not qitarle eduardo row finger if you ever lives each year thousands of students are out of work i exploited by their families but good as ps i can not see the deaf and non-OE Acerno not see if we or they do it themselves …..

  48. Ana Laura Ochoa Vallin 1 D

    there are currently millions of persons which not study that they have no money.Lamentably also exist peoplewhich study and we no appraise the effortof our parenter. We have the duty of reflect y change our nation.

  49. Ana Laura Ochoa Vallin 1 D

    there are currently millions of persons which not study that they have no money.Lamentably also exist peoplewhich study and we no appraise the effort our parenter. We have the duty of reflect y change our nation.

  50. JuanCarlos Yáñez

    Ricardo, muchas gracias por tus palabras. Ojalá podamos seguir en comunicación e intercambiando puntos de vista.


  51. Eduardo Valentín Hernández Aguilar 1-B

    Without doubt education is very commented, people say what is convenient. It is true that not all of the students that enter in a high school or career do not deserve the place that maybe a better student need, actually is absurd think how much brilliant people that is not studying

  52. Alicia Soto

    yes is sad see he who not can and who can not fully advantage, and see many people in need very large, whit win of go and succeed. the question is…what do respect this?

  53. Alicia Soto

    yes is sad see he who not can and
    who can not fully advantage,
    and see many people in need very large,
    whit win of go and succeed. the question is…what do respect this?

  54. Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 1D

    I think is more absurd that a someone prefer to stop studying when they have chances to do it, and further more waste their oportunities being already in high school or university, because the students not only learn knowledge being in the school wa also learn to see the life in a diferent way.

  55. Rubén Ricardo Trujillo García 1 A

    The truth if is very absurd know that day you have that be fighting not single by reach goals if not that sometimes pole by the supremacy that hurt that the political single see to they same.

    1. Jonalyn

      I’ll try to put this to good use immdeaitely.

  56. alvaro arellano galvez 1"A"

    In mexico every year is minor the number of pupils who could finish his careers already is of preparatory or of university because in every condition the schools choose every you see fewer pupils to deposit to public schools in occasions those who mas know and dedicate time to his studies are those who less manage to stay due to shortage of money since they have to work to be able to help his

  57. Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A

    Is absurd that thousands the students not to be useful this big opportunity. I to oblige to study so much and finish the career, now go they..

  58. Edgar Daniel Gaitan Rodriguez 1°A

    With the current crisis is difficult to get a job and even more with the lack of studies is even more difficult.

  59. miguel leon bautista 1º "a"

    i agree totally with all this.each year is the same things are never as they should do.and that not fair for some this .by this many good average students lose the right to continue education.

  60. Arthur Edwards

    Parents must not send their children working while they search for work. They have to search for work while their children have fight to win a place in the school to the children can have a study and can working in future, what they have money to have eat and the children can education a your son.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      La realidad es cruda, sin embargo, Arthur. Padres sin empleo e hijos trabajando. Una pregunta que ahora se me ocurre es: ¿cuál es la responsabilidad social que asume el sistema educativo frente a esa realidad?

      1. Sable

        Articles like this really grease the shafts of knwoelgde.

  61. Arthur Edwards

    Without a doubt education is very much commented. People say what is convenient. It is true that not all of the students that enter in a high school or career deserve the place that maybe a better student needs. Actually it’s absurd to think how many brilliant people that are not studying.

    Very well written.

  62. Julio Daniel ROdriguez Puga 1 A

    I Feel what the education how all in mexico is very to corrupt for the corruption of the governments, of the senior, and very things more, I am from which you call say which just with my effort I to achieved enter to bachillerato and also whit my effort to the faculty of telematica where I meeting but ¿few students don’t enter whit the calls “palancas”?. The true I am very pround of the education which give our country but one or another form I have to go out forward, ¡GOOD ARTICLE! 😀

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