
Cinismos vemos…

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

La publicación de un reporte sobre la educación media superior mexicana que, entre paréntesis, no dice nada que no sepamos, generó una reacción oficial rayana entre el cinismo y la genuina ignorancia, que por genuina no deja de ser irresponsable y, por ignorante, de no deja de ser condenable. Del cinismo ya cada uno saque conclusiones.

El reporte que, puestos a dudar, pudo no leer el subsecretario de Educación Media Superior antes de descalificarlo, expresa verdades viejas, y eso que, hay que decirlo, no fue redactado por intrigosos movimientos o intelectuales de izquierda, sino por el Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación.

El subsecretario, da lo mismo si se apellida Martínez o González, dijo: no es cierto que millones de jóvenes estén marginados de la vida. No hay que ser pesimistas, alentó. Y sus argumentos, rebosando inteligencia, deslumbran: no son 20 millones, dijo, son 19 millones y 275 mil jóvenes entre 15 y 19 años. No están marginados de la vida por no haber estudiado, dijo, sólo verán disminuidas sus expectativas. No están condenados a la marginalidad, pues para ellos habrá empleos en el subempleo, en el comercio informal, en la precariedad, en la ausencia de prestaciones laborales…

Están condenados a exclusión social, pero siguen vivos. No seamos pesimistas, es la invitación. Sólo le faltó agregar que los mexicanos somos grandes, fuertes y sobreviviremos, que esos 20 millones, que no son 20 millones, probarán la fortaleza de nuestra economía y la templanza de nuestro espíritu.

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78 thoughts on “Cinismos vemos…

  1. Oscar Virgen

    Que el señor le deje el puesto a alguno de los citados 19 millones Y 275 mil jóvenes para que se vaya a SOBREVIVIR en la marginación. Total no hay que ser pesimistas y siempre habrá chambitas con las que se pueda mantener.

  2. Arthur Edwards

    La marginalización no duele al que mañosamente reporta o reparta, sino al que lo sufre. Este discurso para mi demuesta el vado entre los que tienen y los que sufren. Quisiera que ella sufriera “disminuidas expectativas” por un rato para que tuviera el corazón para reportar la verdad…sin pelos en la lengua!

  3. Karina

    Cuando el problema se te por fuera o no se vive en carne propia las personas fácilmente se expresan de está manera, estoy segura que sí está persona vive un poco la vida de alguna de estas personas no se expresaría así.

  4. balvanero

    Realmente indignantes las declaraciones del subsecretario; no se puede esperar mucho de dirigentes de esa estatura y estreches de miras, lo preocupante es que está en el lugar donde se establecen las políticas educativas…

    1. JuanCarlos Yáñez

      Estimado Balvanero, es verdad; cada uno puede pensar como quiera, pero cuando se tiene una responsabilidad pública entonces sí es grave lo que se piensa y hace, porque afecta a todos.

  5. Silvia Cano García

    yo me pregunto, Quien o Quienes son los responsables de los 20 millones de jovenes entre 15 y 19 años mexicanos marginados ? jovénes de hoy en la historia,cumpre de todas las épocas. en mi opinion todos nuestros jovenes debieran de ser la generacion mas prometedora, si se les mostrara el camino TODOS los jovenes son capaces.
    pero quien no les esta mostrandoles el camino a estos jovenes en su Hogar?, en la escuela ?,

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Hola Silvia, esa es una pregunta necesaria, una pregunta vital para entender el presente y avizorar el futuro.

  6. armando vazquez zamora 1°B

    The 19 million 275 mil the boy must have the opportunity of can study because they are the future the mexico and no of mexico the all world, have leave enter more boy to study and they are something in the life, what no bad walk steps, what have a good in the country

  7. Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez 1-B

    Cinicism is the perfec word for the subsecretary’s argument, what else can we say to this useless country? ( 15 pesos for a lunch ) It seems imposible to create 10millions of little jobs in our contry.

    1. Arthur Edwards

      Cinicism is the perfec word for the subsecretary’s argument. What else can we say to this useless country? ( 15 pesos for a lunch ) It seems imposible to create 10 millions of little jobs in our country.

      perfect, million, country

      Adrian, good English! I agree with you on most points. However, remember that your country is NOT useless. Love your country; it is better than most! Many functionaries may be useless, but try to separate the people, problems and your country. I LOVE MEXICO!

  8. Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 1 B

    Mexico Can’t be worse politically and economically. and can’t generate many jobs, or give solutions to economic problems.
    Or tell me, there are many jobs to give work to 20 millions of people?

    1. Arthur Edwards


      Mexico can’t be worse politically and economically and can’t generate many jobs or give solutions to economic problems.
      Or tell me, are there many jobs to give work to 20 millions of people?

      because you ask a question, you must write “are there” instead of “there are”

      Good comments!

  9. Irving De La Mora 1B

    Expectations as they have almost politicians and officials are not achieved with studies, as my professor Arthur said; they lower their expectations, just to realize that right to life is expensive. But all they need workers to keep them at a lower level.

  10. Pedro Madrigal Velasco B

    go that yes it is cynisim since that is single play with numbers, and because to say, if we remember to that the rector to the colima university say, that era, if more no remember,;” the colima university agree to 70% to the enrollment school”,but good that 70% belong in percentage to 80% that terminate the secondary, then to these people that mentioned, it is forget add the yougn that is suicide,due to that not terminate the bachillerato and not know thet have to it live, this time i am completely the agreement, and their publication encourage to become more critical to the society and policy mexican tha to speak true this to cry and i see and just i have 17 years and not all see

    1. JuanCarlos Yáñez

      Pedro, me alegra que el artículo que leíste te ayude a ser más crítico. Un ciudadano responsable no puede ser pasivo ni acrítico, y tú tienes 17 años, una vida por delante que necesitamos que sea la de un ciudadano comprometido y preparado.


  11. Jose Nicanor Ruiz lopez 1.D

    I,am of agreement , with you when one,not with alive with the people poor not realize of it that voiced
    really is indignant the statement of undersecretary.

  12. Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 1-B


  13. Ivan alejandro novela macias 1°B

    this given a idea of conformity exist in mexico, the type of people who are supposed to be becoming order or help eradicate this type of situations and because mexico not progress underside say even words of air working for lessens the number for this is normal and if may but should not for the good the country that time more sinks its average conformity.

  14. Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 1.-D

    the most of students don´t study because prefer work.

  15. Tenochtitlan Xamonek Caldera Barajas 1° D

    that easy is for sir. secretary say his lives are not marginalized and that always have job in the underemployment.
    so not is in place of some of this youngs.

  16. Manuela Rodriguez Niebla 1B

    So, Mr. pretend these young go on without study, what working stone crusher lifetime, or what is worse denying them the right to the education. And still guilt to the young.

    1. JuanCarlos Yáñez

      Manuela, ese es el punto crítico: el derecho a la educación. Allí tenemos que insistir una y otra vez.


  17. Christian Omar De La Mora Retano - 1D

    It’s a shame that people with a high position speaks so blatantly, saying that many teenagers don’t have the same opportunities that others but They will have an underemployment of employment, some people can’t be worse like this one.

  18. Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B

    please somebody tell Mr.overqualified who says that 20 million young people between 15 and 19 years old are not appart of the work life just because they are in margination, obviously they are, but not everythig is their fault, goubernment has a lot of fault in that, so please don´t say that they just have less oportunities than the others, actually, they have no oportunities before others, they have no preparation.

    1. JuanCarlos Yáñez

      Juan Pedro, la pregunta es si nosotros, los ciudadanos, ustedes los estudiantes, nosotros los profesores estamos cumpliendo nuestra labor con el nivel de responsabilidad que se requiere.

      Gracias por tu comentario.

      1. Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B

        asi es Sr. Juan Carlos, creo que esa es la pregunta del millon, ¿De verdad nosotros estamos haciendo nuestra parte para contribuir al desarrollo de este país, de verdad merecemos el lugar que estamos ocupando en la universidad, de verdad cada uno de nosotros en sociedad esta desempeñando de forma debida el papel que le corresponde? esa es realmente nuestra OBLIGACION, hasta entonces tendremos el derecho de reclamar algo que nos corresponde, como lo es el derecho a estudiar, pero mientras no hagamos nuestra parte, no tenemos nada que pedir, lo malo en esto es que quizá muchos de esos jovenes marginados si esten dispuestos a cumplir con ese roll y muchos de nosotros que kizá no lo estemos, estamos ocupando un lugar aqui que no nos corresponde. Tiene mucha razon Sr. Juan Carlos, HAGAMOS NUESTRA PARTE.

        1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

          Juan Pedro, yo diría que ya tienen derecho a reclamar, pero también a trabajar, a construir desde ya.

          Me gusta tu forma de pensar.


        2. Arthur Edwards

          You need to respond in ENGLISH!

  19. Alan Rair Guzman Delgado

    i agree, this is outrageous and pure conformism, cynicism.
    It supposed he, at least, give an idea of how solve this problem (i think).

    well, like i said before, the country needs people with values, not super intelligent subsecretaries, i’m just saying… jeje

  20. aldo david hernandez castañeda

    really sad because these young people don’t be asi . yes they have opportunity it his overcome and showet the way to abetter future. and secretary the should the live in meat own to be live people by less it a time. of this way know how to live people some. so have any reason not to express of the people magirnados .

  21. Ismael Perez Avalos 1B

    It`s true that most of those 20 million people are going to work in something but what can they expect, is not bad don’t having a career it doesn’t make people more or less, but is not the best scenario for a country especially if 20 million young people that they should be in the schools are out in the streets trying to work in something to survive, yes sadly most of their jobs will only give them the basics to survive.

  22. Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1°D

    Instead of watch if the numbers are right or not, the sir “subsecretario” of education should try to get education of quality for all mexican young, ’cause this is only way that México can be a better country…

  23. osdy gersaid fletes arreola 1 "A"

    1.- For something so mexico don’t progress.

    2.-The cinism its never have in the midle education.

    3.- The students for declaration for this dont studing.

    4.-these marginalized people dont have work

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Una buena enumeración, aunque dramática como la realidad Osdy.


  24. Maribel Peralta Larios 1°d

    It is not cynicism that is to have no shame, if, that, think of her undersecretary of education who is waiting for us to the most we are talking about the serious problem of incomprehension and ignorance that has our civil serves public on this matter education.

  25. angel alejandro ureña gomez 1 A

    Always those people are upper class, and apparently they forget that Mexico is composed of the lower class, it is absurd to speak of a good job, when 3.7 million unemployed in Mexico, and even more say that for everyone there jobs. speaking of absurd things he could give a lesson in absurdity. Again we see that politicians are far from the people.


    to live in the rules of the people with money
    alone should survive how always.
    to me all deserves one oportunity, and they deserves one future and one world better. farway of the marginalization

  27. Roberto Quintero (Alumno del Profe Edwards) 1-D

    Its true that most of students prefer to work than study.

    Mexico doesn’t have a good economy,thats why alot of people don’t have jobs and live in marginality!

    The politicians always promise good for the people in need and fail.They dont help them and thast why they live in this way.

    We need to do something to improve our country,because the economy gets every day worst.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Roberto, gracias por tu comentario. Tú crees que los estudiantes prefieren trabajar a estudiar? Por qué? Ayúdame a entender a los jóvenes de hoy.

  28. ramon francisco martinez velazquez 1D

    this is an issue too warried because this person disir we can expect after

  29. axel jefte orozco 1 B

    this is the only problem with mexico people dont continue studying because of their economic problems but if there was a way to change it I think that there would be a chance that mexico would be above any other country in any type of academic competition.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Sí, hay caminos, largos y no próximos en el tiempo, que requieren voluntad, recursos y proyectos, pero sobre todo, determinación.

  30. Miguel rosales ochoa 1A

    Do something to finalize the problems and not repeat.

    Help to the of scores recourses and not let to its destiny.

    Orient to those 20 million that equal to the us are Mexican.

    The most of the people always think in us and not in the that read support.

  31. diego alejandro

    good in inhumble reviews my say yañez is right little reason as silvia says young somtimes promising the country says loser what we know our knowledge can not reli the marginalization know i understand nothing more not we see

  32. Ernesto Alcaraz Andrade 1*D

    sometimes i can’t believe the cynicism whit our leaders talk about the problems than attack our society but then i remember than we are in mexico.

    with 19 years old when i hear this kind of words from the person than should do something for fix the problem ,i ask my self if we like mexico have the possibility to change?

    i realy hope than the answer for this will be yes, but only the time an the hard work wiil do this situation true.

  33. Jose Carlos Hernandez Hernandez 1°B

    i in diference of you im in the other part, i support to the sub-secretary in a part of he said, because all the students have the opportunity of join wherever they want, or is it false?.
    so, depends of the student if he really wantted give the best o just did it for pass the class. and that one student hasnt been in, will do that he’ll think that the life is not only life, we have to give the best if we want get something good.
    there are the opportunities and depends of you get in or transform yourself in a victim

  34. Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz

    You are right about your words, Politic people while they are advancing on the power, they think they need more
    people to work for them, then, people who has a carrer convert to that underemployeds who don’t has the same
    posibilities as another with a higher rank just for politic stuff, and still, this people use their maxium effort to
    support a family and go ahead with their life, it is not necesary that they send their children to work, instead that
    they should study and intent to make changes in the politic.

  35. Luis Antonio Narajo Mora 1B

    In my point of view, we the mexicans should not think as conformist. Neither disguise the true with “pretty words”. we should take actions, for our country is in constantly evolving.

  36. Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 1D

    The young people that supposed that will be the future of this country, and most of them are not studying that is really dissapoint, whatever reason , but this country if want to get better need to get educated to make better human beings and better citizens that been consciuos and reponsibles of his actions.

  37. Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Morán 1° B

    Yes, the mexican spirit is strong and capable of doing amazing things, but everyone need help, even a little; and that youngs, who could help them?, whom without look at his own position would look at them and cheer them to continue, to superate themselves , that amounts are to get worry, but more than that, they are to get working since now.

  38. Maria Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B

    All the politicians are the same they are unfulfilled and are cynical, while they enjoy of the money they are keeping from the community ,They do not care about the future of Mexico, young people are the future of this country but many them are not getting the education they need that’s why Mexico will always stay the same if we do not do something about it.

  39. José Carlos Llerenas Montes 1-A

    What the sub secretary did is just soften the contundent data of publication mentioned.
    He did want show the side “not so bad” of the news and show the opportunities that still have these young.
    But I think we can reduce that number with the appropiate programs that can offer, for example the scholarships.
    When necessary measures are taken then don’t will need to soften the news of this kind.

  40. enrique madrigal diaz 1-a

    easy to explain away on problem
    that solution to remedy

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      La solución a los problemas en educación no puede provenir de una mente maravillosa, súper dotada, ni ser producto de una imposición. La educación es una tarea social y su mejora es, siempre, tarea colectiva, de los padres, maestros, directores, políticos, gobernantes, estudiantes. No hacerlo de esa forma difícilmente revertirá problemas.

      Gracias por tu comentario.

  41. Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 1°B

    The statements of the undersecretary were poor. I think, he doesn’t have an idea what he is saying because he interprets only statistics. However, if he were a noble person, may be, he can avoid poor percentages and striking statistic.

  42. Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A

    THE education in mexico always be hidden for all the people!!! they always going to repeat the same them know and always they going to laught of us in our faces they are thinking that we don’t know what´s happening right now

    1. Arthur Edwards

      THE education in Mexico will always be hidden from all the people!!! They are always going to repeat the same them know and always they are going to laugh at us in our faces. They are thinking that we don’t know what´s happening right now.

      Mexico (mayúscula), will , going to laugh at

      compara eataversión con la tuya! Good comments!

  43. Manuel ALejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D

    your comments are very good, I like your introduction and your opinion about the subject, I hope more opinions of different subject that can help us to understand the problems on our country.

  44. 1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola

    All that the goberment said about our country of the education is just for no see them like the bad guys, because the truth is other, we need to work hard for the future of our country,not just leave that the goberment do everything, we need to put some of our part.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Sí, Ricardo, como dices, hay una enorme distancia entre los discursos y las realidades, entre lo que se dice y lo que se hace.

      Excelentes comentarios. Gracias!

  45. salvador hernandez francisco 1 A

    utilis there if that is the saying or comments do nothing but cover the eye pa only with respect to the male, too much ablamos say much, but always remains dever much. aido informal work now still growing substantially each one is fixed as i can on what you want or as if only now being reborn mexico change ….?

  46. Eduardo Valentín Hernández Aguilar 1-B

    In my opinion the secretary’s comment is the total cynicism in the extension of the word. if marginalization does not mean deprive certain things and opportunities to people, then maybe he can tell us what is the true meaning of marginalization. i agree with some people, maybe he have to leave his job, now at days society does not need such kind of people.

  47. Rubén Ricardo Trujillo García 1 A

    Us says that worse not can the country according to the form that is this driving the education and the economy to the level top, not can be possible that has so student but it that not to see is as find work the 20 million that are taking.

  48. Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 1º A

    Unfortunately, the great majority of those 20 millions in fact prefer to work, because, in my opinion, could be more tempting the chance of get spending money that study and prepare to work in a job with higher income. “It’s easier work and gets fast money to effort and study a career”, since this last option, unfortunately, doesn’t guarantee a job and a fixed income.

  49. Ana Laura Ochoa Vallin 1 D

    This is cynisism. The under secretary has not experienced the situation marginal and is easy for he say or think.

  50. Julio Daniel ROdriguez Puga 1 A

    The ignrance of ours owns mandatary do own Mexico more ignorant, but the true is more tan evident, we to prefer ignoring, because reality ¿how don´t know which do in the country today in day?, just we to ignore this, but the severe reality we living in a Mexico mediocre.

  51. Alicia Soto

    not see the situation really? or want continue in deceiving? or rather deceive they!
    Maybe is their way of reassure to the is worry in deed
    because not better leave the things clear.

  52. Alicia Soto

    not see the situation really?
    or want continue in deceiving? or rather deceive they!
    Maybe is their way of reassure
    to the is worry in deed
    because not better leave the things clear.

  53. Edgar Daniel Gaitan Rodriguez 1°A

    Many young people prefer to work than study, that is because the can’t with their studies, to keep moving forward they need to overcome.

    1. Arthur Edwards


      Many young people prefer working than studying. That is because they can’t deal with their studies. To keep moving forward, they need to overcome.

      Desire is very important! Check my corrections.

  54. miguel leon bautista 1º "a"

    i do not why people always talk without know really it what be going.

    the young really leave the study by the job.

    and yes many existing young are within marginalization.

    by that I think this is not the true roblem.

    1. Arthur Edwards


      I do not know why people always talk without knowing really whatn is going on.
      Young people really leave study to get jobs,
      and yes many existing youths are marginalized.
      I think this is not the true roblem.

      Your opinion is respectable but I can’t agree. This is a corrected version so please check it!

  55. Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A

    Many youngs prefer work than study sometimes fear the study, sometimes that to conform little money, that not reached to feed a family..

    1. Arthur Edwards


      Many youths prefer working than studying sometimes because they fear studying. Sometimes they conform with little money, thatis not enough to feed a family.

      Check corrections

      I agree some people don’t want to study and there is acorrelation between salary and educational level!

  56. alvaro arellano galvez 1"A"

    young between 15 and 19 years are not margined of society
    but they are not treat like others.. They are reject
    because their economic situation they only get jobg on informal
    trade in ausense of other kind of jobs. Young will suffer this
    rejection but like their are mexicans are strong in spirit and ables
    of overcome any situation.

    1. Arthur Edwards


      Young between 15 and 19 years are not marginalized, but they are not treated like others.. They are rejected
      because of their economic situation. They only get jobs in informal
      trade in absense of other kind of jobs. Young people will suffer this
      rejection but like other Mexicans they are strong in spirit and ables
      and can overcome any situation.

      Look at the corrections. Good work!

  57. Pablo

    Es difícil encontrar un político que no sea propenso al cinismo -voluntario o involuntario-, concuerdo con el comentario.

    Por otro lado, ¿por qué tanta gente escribe en inglés aquí?

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias Pablo, por leerme y por el comentario. Quienes escriben en inglés son estudiantes de la carrera de telemática de la Universidad de Colima, quienes están analizando los temas con el profesor y cumpliendo una tarea que debe ser escrita en inglés.

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