Para que algunas cositas pudieran ser distintas en el mundo, me temo que debemos tomar decisiones radicales. Pensarlas y ejecutarlas de otra manera. Quizá copiando a los malos, a los malos ejemplos y a las malas personas nos deje un saldo favorable. Intentarlo no estaría mal, me parece. El resultado fallido podría dejarnos como estamos.
¡En la historia habrá ejemplos dignos de copiarse! Según nos contaba un profesor y amigo, la papa se introdujo a Francia en un momento de terrible hambruna. Fue muy simple: la gente no quería comer papa, entonces, en los terrenos donde se sembró pusieron letreros anunciando que las personas que osaran invadirlos serían castigados por el Rey, dueño y señor de las papas. Propensos como somos los seres humanos a sucumbir a la tentación, empezaron a meterse y robarse las papas. Fue un éxito.
No sé si la historia es real o una invención delirante, pero me gusta y es plausible. Apliqué una variante de dicho principio en la universidad para introducir las tutorías en los bachilleratos, en donde carecíamos de profesores de tiempo completo y espacios para realizarlas, es decir, con todos los ingredientes para que si las dictábamos unilateralmente no funcionaran. Elegimos algunos profesores de tiempo completo y allí empezamos, con una gran motivación de todos los participantes. El resto se dieron cuenta que no estaban invitados a la fiesta y empezaron a preguntarnos: ¿por qué nosotros no podemos hacer tutorías?, ¿podemos desarrollar un plan en nuestro bachillerato?
¿Les cuento que tuvimos más éxito que si hubiera surgido una circular obligando a todos a realizarlas o ya se imaginan el desenlace?
Así, pues, pienso que ya es tiempo de intentar cambiar lo que no funciona pero con otro discurso y otros ejemplos, lejos de la moralina y los diez o veinte mandamientos. Creo, por ejemplo, que tenemos que decir, hasta el cansancio, que no es bueno ser bueno, que es malísimo ser buena persona. Cuenta Facundo Cabral que cuando habló con la madre de uno de los presidentes argentinos la señora le dijo que si hubiera sabido la suerte que le esperaba a su hijo, lo habría mandado a la escuela. Hay que decir que es buenísimo tomar coca cola, o pepsi cola, y en ayunas mejor. Que el cigarro limpia los dientes y quita lo imbécil. Otras inocuas mentiras (¿o verdades?) podríamos esparcir: que no es bueno caminar por caminar, ni respirar el aire limpio. Tenemos que decir que las cosas lindas de la vida están prohibidas, o cobrar impuestos por cuidar el cuerpo, apreciar los atardeceres, disfrutar los amaneceres caminando. Tenemos que propagar con bombos y platillos, con campañas políticas y todas las desviaciones de recursos que se conocen los partidos políticos, que el planeta no se agotará y que el agua es un recurso infinito, que el planeta no puede dejar de ser verde o azul, aunque quememos todos los bosques y selvas del mundo.
Podría seguirle pero me detengo para preguntarles: ¿les parece una mala idea?
Luis Alonso Hernandez 1ro A
It’s a better think with that what a make happy and know it do a better person.
wiht that chages in my opinion, is true change for a good deeds.
I think so is for all , we have a change sometimes and always help.
greetings! and you have a nice day
take care.
Luis Alonso Hernandez 1ro A
It’s a better think with that what a make happy and know it do a better person.
wiht that chages in my opinion, is true change for a good deeds.
I think so is for all , we have a change sometimes and always help.
greetings! and you have a nice day
take care.
Luis Alonso Hernandez 1ro A
It’s a better think with that what a make happy and know it do a better person.
wiht that chages in my opinion, is true change for a good deeds.
I think so is for all , we have a change sometimes and always help.
greetings! and you have a nice day
take care.
Saúl Alejandro Jiménez Mendoza 1°A
The history of potatoes is very interesting.
I think that changing what doesn’t work, has always been the key to improve.
In my opinion the radical decisions can completely change things, to improve.
I really liked the last paragraph of your letter, I find it very interesting.
Miguel Arias Sandoval 1A
In my opinion, this is a great idea, so me always implement this metod in my life, i don’t bad person, but we are bad when we are bad, very, very bad. Carign don’t damage the our important people.
Jesús Ríos
Para que funcionen algunas cosas, a veces hay que hacerla de pirata.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Me gusta esa figura del pirata. Buena idea!
Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A
I think we should occasionally be radical changes, to see what new directions take.
I think the king had a very good idea to introduce the potato to France.
I didn’t know that this way begin initiate the desire of the tutoring.
Always there to do changes, but for good.
José Bernabe Aguilar
Ya entrando en ese terreno de la maldad como recurso para lograr que las cosas cambien para bien uno de mis favoritos es Robin Hood El príncipe de los ladrones jeje apoyo la idea
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
José Bernabé, no diría que es la maldad, más bien, usar otros mecanismos. alguien dijo: “psicología inversa”. no lo sé, pero no la llamaría maldad.
Saludos y gracias por venir.
Lorenzo Hernández A.
A sembrar papas mi estimado Juán Carlos, solo verifica los procesos, no se vayan a morir de hambre los pobladores antes de que esté listo el producto, o lo contrario, que haya producto pero no hambre.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Estimado Ingeniero, es un privilegio que me lea y se detenga para hacer un comentario. Muchas gracias.
No sé si hay que sembrar papas, pero otra semilla educativa sí lo creo.
Un abrazo.
Jorge Caballero 1 "D"
It’s good to try and change occasionally.
I think if you change must be for good.
If you do not change, the world will not change.
You need to take the initiative.
edgar eduardo zepeda orozco
I think so is for all , we have a change sometimes and always help.
I really liked the last paragraph of your letter, I find it very interesting.
It’s a better think with that what a make happy and know it do a better person.
Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 1D
Actually people need some repression to do things that they want done.
The good and bad things are repressed.
With regard to the narrative of potatoes is very interesting.
Sometimes to make people act in a special way you have to use a little reverse psychology.
victor alejandro escalera sanchz 1-D
I like the part of the story, they put rules and the human nature and inadvertently broke ate potatoes.
It is very good idea about the tutorials and especially for full-time teachers also help us a lot.
I always enjoy reading your thoughts no matter even if only to be average, and I’m not very good at English haha!.
kevin roberto gomez peralta 1 "D"
Always make bad example and others imitate us instead to imitate the good example.
We must not abuse what we have and show example to prevent evil example.
Some humans always tend to disobey the instructions.
We can only put the proper example and expect them to follow.
Jever Amezcua Garcia 1D
It would be good idea.
Prohibit the good and let the bad as you say.
The forbidden is what attracts us most.
People do not like the forbidden more than allowed.
Hector Jose Manzo Briceño 1D
Sometimes bad things become good.
The people occupy break a rule to feel at ease.
Always have to sow the good and bad for a balance.
I think there is a yin yang.
Jose de Jesus Jimenez Garcia 1D
I think using strategies like you mention, adds a favorable study.
The history of the potato is interesting, although I have not found any reference on the internet.
If such strategies not were adapted only in school, if not also in society, possibly it had something better.
And I think that’s not a bad idea, on the contrary, increases the production of the student.
Ignacio Ramirez 1A
I think we can all put some of us to improve.
We need a big change for the better and we Striving to be better people.
Good example, not everything we see or hear of researchers believe we should always be to reach a personal conclusion.
This is very interesting reflection doc.
Eduardo Jimenez 1D
Indeed, people should be told otherwise to capture and change, as many of us like to break the rules and laws, as such would be a good idea to try myu restrict some things to see if we change.
I think if we applied this sometimes mentioned, things would have a radical change.
José Luis Garza Gallegos
It sounds good, with the example of potatoes, but it will not work. Here we have a problem more bigger and deeper.
Cotamination, monetarism, envy, avarice, evil and other bad things can not be fixed like the potatoes.
We only need to keep saying that the rigth, true and correct are rigth, true and correct.
Is necesary a universal law, without that, all is question of opinions, and if it is the case, I can continue smoking, felling trees and killing people for their resources.
Obey is responsability of us, is our choice, the law don’t have any responsability of changing for us. If we are doing wrong is our problem, but the law will be the same.
I know you dont want to change good things, but manipulate people to do good things is not good, people are alive and they know what are they doing. If they were robots, the method doesn’t matter, but because we are alive, what happens inside is more important than exterior good and bad results. Or we will end saying good things are bad ,and bad things are good.
But like the title says, all this situation in world could make us think that some deliriums could be necesary.
Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B
I don’t want to copy.
I want to be unic.
That’s the way I think.
And I’ll keep until my death.
Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A
The govenment has a good idea with the potato.
YES, the world must change, if we want a better world.
But, is important that change first in the more important.
Good idea Docotor.
sergio eduardo palomino diaz 1´ D
I like your comment.
I like the part of the story.
I enjoy reading your opinions.
I think things will not change so fast.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias por tus comentarios Sergio!
Carlos Alberto Santoyo Lopez 1A
It is truth, that in occasions are good lie.
An action is define for the intention and not for the action.
I think that some examples are very radicals.
Lie is a way of say a true since other point.
David Toledo Zúñiga 1B
It’s a good idea.
The potato’s history in France is a good example.
Because some people do the contrary or the things that are prohibited do.
I like your comment Doctor.
Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 1°A
your comments are very interesting
I think interesting the oration we says, that history will examples worthy the copied
the words you used, are correct as are very serious
I Like as wrote the oration
jose adrian contreras ocaranza 1A
This very well said,we must make decisions and think them so they could do differently.
As you say engaged full-time teachers to start witch a great motivation.
I like the phrases used in much of each paragraph.
I found very interesting the history of the potatoes.
Those are nice things to say,it is very good idea.
Jonni Eduardo Aguilar
I like your thought and think about.
we should ban good manners and tempt.
I am like much reflection.
A little reverse psychology very good.
Victor Ivan Lopez Gonzalez 1A
Well I think a good idea.
Everyone thinks differently.
So for everyone some things are good and some bad.
We must all do what is right for everyone.
Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 1B
Your words are interesting.
Maybe that would be the solution.
People always break the rules.
If the rules are doing bad things then people will do good things.
miguel virgilio jimenez brena 1A
I think sometimes we should use some tricks to change the way of think of the people.
For example, the signs in the farms where are potatoes.
This ideas are so interesting.
And maybe if we say to the people that they should do something, they’ll do another thing.
Luis Manuel Cruz Ortiz 1 A
It is a good idea, while not misinterpreted.
Reverse psychology is very good option to make change.
The story is interesting.
Maybe it’s what people need right now.
victor fidel garcia sanchez
I like where it says you have to make radical decisions depending on different things.
True, we lose nothing by copying the bad.
I like your thinking.
True, things that do not work have to change them.
Edwin Preciado
I agree with you.
I think they should change many of the procedures they use to be “safe”.
Perhaps promoting “bad” things things would be better ..
Very good comment we should apply.
José Eduardo Aguilar Anguiano 1°B
I liked the history of the potato in France.
I thought well that the university has implemented the strategy of potato.
Change is good, if it is used in the best way.
To your question, I think a good idea.
Antonio Torres Figueroa
The tutoring improve the academic quality of students.
All the schools should have them.
Dream costs nothing.
The best of life costs nothing
Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo 1B
Nice viewpoint. It’s truth! Generally, the temptation wins over the logic.
I wish we could be in armony with these two parts. But while we are weak, it’s a wonderful idea.
Oscar Arturo Gonzalez Ramirez 1°B
It is time to try to change what does not work.
Humans fall often and easily tempted.
Some things might be different in the world.
We must say that the good things in life are prohibited.
Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 1B
The forbidden things are best enjoyed.
Therefore the trick of the potatoes works.
I think the man is envious because he thinks: “If he has it, why not me?”
It gives me some ideas to implement this concept.
Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 1B
The forbidden things are best enjoyed.
Therefore the trick of the potatoes works.
I think the man is envious because he thinks: “If he has it, why not me?”.
It gives me some ideas to implement this concept.
sergio rodrigo ceceña lares 1b
The company is very easy to persuade, she only searches someone in whom to believe and only it, you say to them that something is good and they spread this news as plague, for it it turns out to be to me very good your argument of her potato, we must begin to say to the persons that it is bad what is good and for nothing of the world it is necessary to to do. To be like that better in all the aspects.
Roberto Banda Flores 1A
I think que there people that they not understand , because not are open to ideas.
Much idea, but very drastic.
Although all the bad any good should of have.
You keep the calm.
Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 1°A
Maybe is necessary cultivate new potatoes.
Only need care the potatoes that’s been cultivated.
You have razon don´t know if is true or false.
Is necessary help the potatoes that been cultivate.
Keila Abigail Valdéz Pérez 1D
I think is a good idea.
We do what mustn’t do because we want “freedom”.
We want “freedom” but reality is we do licentiousness.
May be, if we think that we do wrong then we do right.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Keila!
This text is very interesting.
The last paragraph was what I liked most.
You are talking about reverse psychology.
I think the university needs some psychology.
Christian D. Rentería García 1.-D
Most of the people who dont understand someone idea just try to ignore It.
We are figthing against the peace.
If you admire someone try being like him.
We need to keep what we belive
Edsel Barbosa Gonzalez 1D
In our examples that follow this
and which push them aside, as with the
ideologies and actions, you choose your own
destination and does it his way.
Hector Jose Manzo Briceño 1D
Only need care the potatoes that’s been cultivated.
Very good comment we should apply.
I like what you say.
Humans learn from mistakes.
Jose Ivan Martinez Najera
It’s good to try and change occasionally.
I think if you change must be for good.
If you do not change, the world will not change.
You need to take the initiative