A veces encuentro pocas razones para reír. Hoy es uno de esos días. No es que esté especialmente pesimista. Tampoco me sucedió algo extraordinario. Si acaso, un leve golpe de realidad. Y es que los hechos no dejan de recordarme que el mundo sigue siendo un desmedido cúmulo de imperfecciones, casi todas inadmisibles, algunas vergonzosas. Cómo dejar de lado la epidemia de violencia y la sigilosa forma en que se va alojando en nuestra cabeza, vestida de indiferencia, otras veces de resignación, algunas más de temor. No creo que siendo un humano –bien o mal nacido, que jamás entendí la diferencia- se pueda ser inmune a los problemas del hambre y la miseria, que se enseñorea con más millones que nunca en nuestro país, con cientos de millones en el mundo, cuando, paradójicamente, el mundo produce más riqueza. No creo que se pueda ser indiferente a las gravísimas muestras de intolerancia entre los políticos y los partidos, actitud que conduce al conflicto, a veces a la violencia, siempre al menosprecio, al franco desprecio. No creo que podamos, que debamos ser insensibles ante las violaciones a los derechos humanos, cotidianas en casi todas partes. Las violaciones a todos los derechos son graves, sin duda, pero unas me resultan más dolorosas. Ser excluido de la escuela, no tener un bocado dos o tres veces al día, vivir en el desamparo laboral o sanitario son todas inaceptables. No sé si hay grados entre ellos, pero tiene razón Eduardo Galeano; hay un derecho que no figura en ninguna declaración: el derecho a soñar. Y es verdad, digo, porque sin ese derecho, sin la posibilidad efectiva de seguir soñando, entonces tiene poco sentido despertar cada día, quitarse el hambre o asistir a la escuela. Es el derecho a soñar uno de los rasgos que nos distinguen de los otros animales. Soñamos, entonces existimos. Restituyamos el derecho a soñar o, por lo menos, soñemos con el derecho a soñar para todas y todos.
Sergio Ursúa
Parece que Germán Dehesa, lo secunda o le responde.
Saludos y a soñar..!!!
Germán Dehesa / La guerra, Andrés, la guerra/Abril de 2003
Querido Osama bin Bucles: Te escribo esta carta antes de que tú, como tantos niños de tu edad, sean devorados por una pantalla de Nintendo. Me dices que éste es el más divertido de todos los juegos; pero yo no estoy muy seguro. Me cuesta trabajo aceptar lo que no comprendo muy bien. Sé, sin embargo, que casi todos esos juegos que te propone la pantalla tienen a la violencia como uno de sus ingredientes principales: para triunfar, hay que destruir, hay que sobrepasar, hay que aniquilar a tus rivales que, en principio, son de a mentiras y sólo caen fulminados como jugando. Por cada destrucción se acumulan puntos a tu favor y si reúnes los suficientes, la máquina está preparada para celebrarte ruidosamente y para premiarte también de a mentiritas. Me imagino que al practicar con constancia estos juegos, vas aprendiendo que eso está bien y que en este mundo, tu habilidad y tu inteligencia quedan demostradas por el número de actos de destrucción que logras realizar en un tiempo determinado. Me parece que esto no es correcto y que tu madre y yo no te fabricamos tan laboriosa y amorosamente para que acabaras creyéndote tamaña mentira.
Además, hay otra cosa. En estos días, en estos malos días, terminas de jugar Nintendo y ahí en la televisión aparece otro juego todavía más tonto y más malo. Se llama la guerra y ya desde ahí comienzan las equivocaciones. La llaman guerra, pero es una invasión sin sentido. Haz de cuenta que ese vecino que siempre te está amenazando se mete a tu casa y te dice que lo hace porque hace algún tiempo dejó en ella un cochinito que ya se enfermó de rabia. Necesita atrapar al cochinito y para ello tiene que destruir nuestra casa y lastimar a los que la habitamos y a todo el vecindario. Sería una injusticia y una locura. Esa locura está ocurriendo. Quizá sin saberlo, ya te has enterado de ella. Lo has visto en la televisión y para colmo de males, eso que has visto se parece a un videojuego mal hecho: la pantalla se pone verde y se llena de arcos de luz y de estallidos. Querido hijo: ahora están jugando Nintendo con nosotros y cada luz que ves surgir de entre lo verde es un rayo de muerte verdadera. Niños como tú, padres como los tuyos mueren, sufren, quedan inválidos, se llenan de dolor con cada uno de esos rayos. No eres tú ahora quien tiene el control de la máquina. Lo tiene un señor que está lo suficientemente loco y es lo suficientemente tonto como para pensar que Dios le da permiso para destruir la casa de los otros. Su cochinito se perdió y está rabioso. Tan rabioso como el que quiere destruirlo. Dice que todo esto lo hace por nuestro bien. Ningún bien hay en destruir un hospital, o algún hermoso monumento de la antigüedad, o a una mujer cuya vida tendría que haber sido larga. Es muy importante que sepas, Andrés, que aquí no hay premios, ni hay nada de emocionante o admirable. Todo es el horrible espectáculo de la crueldad y de lo peor que los hombres tenemos.
Apaguemos la televisión y déjame leerte un pequeño poema que escribió un señor peruano muy bueno y muy triste que también conoció la guerra. El poema se llama “Masa” y lo escribió en 1930 César Vallejo. ¿Te parece bien que lo leamos abrazados?. Dice así: “Al fin de la batalla,/ y muerto el combatiente, vino hacia él un hombre/ y le dijo: ¡No mueras, te amo tanto!/ Pero el cadáver ¡ay! siguió muriendo./ Se le acercaron dos y repitiéronle:/ ¡No nos dejes! ¡Valor! ¡Vuelve a la vida!/ Pero el cadáver ¡ay! siguió muriendo./ Acudieron a él veinte, cien, mil, quinientos mil,/ clamando: ¡Tanto amor y no poder nada contra la muerte!/ Pero el cadáver ¡ay! siguió muriendo./ Le rodearon millones de individuos,/ con un ruego común: ¡Quédate hermano!/ Pero el cadáver ¡ay! siguió muriendo./ Entonces, todos los hombres de la tierra/ le rodearon: les vió el cadáver, triste, emocionado:/ incorporóse lentamente,/ abrazó al primer hombre; echóse a andar…”.
Este tiene que ser, hijo querido, nuestro gran juego y nuestro desafío. No será fácil, la muerte va ganando; pero te aseguro que si aprendemos a estar juntos, día llegará en el que nuestro amor pueda con la muerte y provoque nuestra resurrección. Te beso mucho y te invito a jugar.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Sergio, gracias por leerme y compartir tan lindo texto del buen Dehesa.
Ana Luz Quintanilla
Lindas tus palabras Juan Carlos. Mientras podamos reconocernos en medio de esta desalentadora realidad y a la vez podamos seguir quedándonos atónitos ante el milagro de la vida, estaremos teniendo una deliciosa paz interna. Un abrazo con beso. Que tengas un lindo jueves!
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Ana Luz, un placer leerte y saludarte también por acá.
Marié Rivera
Uff!! me maravilla leer y recordar el Derecho de soñar… algo tan mágico y bonito, que en momentos por rutina, estrés o la lamentable situación de violencia que vive nuestro pais nos lleva a olvidar… Gracias por compartir!
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias a ti Marié!
Fabian Batista
Gracias por estas reflexiones. Las considero oportunas y necesarias en estos momentos; para RECORDAR que no debemos “acostumbrarnos” a vivir con estas “manifestaciones” de nuestra sociedad actual. Inadmisibles como bien lo comentas, saludos.
Todos los días cuando voy rumbo a mi trabajo sueño despierta con lo que ha escrito Mtro. JC, soñar…sueño con un mundo mejor , un espacio ,un ambiente para mis hijos,mis alumnos,para mi gente…mi pueblo, mi México y cuando cruzo la puerta de la escuela saco la materia primaria más valiosa que cargo para empezar a construir un mejor Tecomán, un mejor municipio, una mejor escuela: conocimientos,amor,vocación y una férrea convicción de que sí contribuyo a generar cambios positivos en mi gente. Recordando las palabras de la madre Teresa de Calcuta, “solo una vez pasaré por ésta vida, si en transcurso de ella puedo ayudar a alguien lo haré…porque no volveré a pasar más”.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Me alegra mucho saber que somos muchos, todavía, los que creemos en otro mundo, en una sociedad distinta.
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 2A
I think laughing is good for our health. Not only for us but it also for our loved ones is a big smile spread. But there is laughter is the opposite of sadness, violence and negative things so to call them. As would be nice for just one minute to stop and breathe a big laugh at the world.
Ramón Fco. Martínez Velázquez 1 "D"
I think the dream is the most wonderful hair and that is because it helps to have a hope that throughout this period we are living in violence will end, everything will be a world in which we can all live in peace and harmony, because dreaming does not cost us. I hope that these dreams and all that we can become true some day.
Juan Pedro Tintos 2 B
The right of dreaming, absolutely agree, I was actually talking with a fiend a few hours ago about our career, and the goals we have for the future, we were walking in the university and we saw a beautiful white Nissan Maxima out of students services in front of merca faculty, and I told him “someday I`ll have one of this friend” and he answered, “ It`s fine to dream hahaha” and I told him, yeah friend, actually, “ IT COSTS NOTHING TO DREAM”…
Armando Vázquez Zamora 2° B
Good opinion Carlos, right to dream because it makes us remember things we live that it makes us forget about the moments we are going. I do remember several things.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Armando!
Un abrazo.
Irving De La Mora 2B
I do not understand how people can be indifferent to the current problems, problems that result from bad choices and selfishness of a few, but humanity will be mature enough to create a utopian society in which no evil chase us, do we have that capacity? I think will only dreaming. Impossible dreams are there?
Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 2D
So many people conform with a few things, when there are so many things that life offers. Many stop believing in themselves, others don’t believe they can improve, others fall on the way, but these who stop dreaming, these people is no longer enjoying life.
Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 2A
In my opinion is very saticfactorio daydreaming. Because you think so many things to improve the world and so on. For me is one of the best things I can aver dream.
I think every human being sometimes contributes to the state of a country for fear of silent things no complaint, no matter whose affected but authorities claiming an improvement.
I think if we had some education around the world would be better.
Dreaming does not cost anything and achieve your dreams is just a little dedication and effort is a difficult but almost none are impossible.
I think politicians, officials should really worry about the state of country and not for their pockets.
Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 2°D
In my opinion is very important that we have RIGHT TO DREAM because it is one of the main reasons for a person is overcome, is that if we all think to do things if we continue like we are supporting, is better do something, however little, because with that we are making a difference.
Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro 2A
It is a great think especially the right to dream, as this makes us human also makes us know that we exist. All people have that treasure one dream because is part of your life. In moments of sadness motivates you to move on and on. The dram of peoples is another form of life or another life what we can enjoy. Just I have say about dreams how say Juan Carlos is the difference between human and animals.
Maribel Perallta Larios 1°D
My opinion misery and poverty human today we find
Whether we realize that there us more human
It’s when we have to think what the world for our own humanity
The reality is a disaster not stop you from dreaming and on the contrary encourages you want to dream about a better world and by the dreams are started dreaming big changes are initiated.
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 2B
Dreaming is the motivation of many people, dream can take you to wonderful things, we must always dream high with things that sometimes are illogical when for some reason I can not fulfill that dream at least you did something great.
Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1°D
I think every one has rights to dream, but not every one has right dreams. If we try to dream with a best world, maybe we could get this.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 2B
The problems we are experiencing all simply not can ignore and do blind eye, it is a problem that is there as a cancer that could be eradicated, however never should be pessimistic, the less I I like to be happy no matter me problems, but that does not mean that I do not care about all these problems to the rededor. But if there is something that we never remove anyone and that is the right to dream.
Ana Laura Ochoa Vallin 1 D
I agree with you Juan Carlos Yañez. I think if we had some education around the country would be better. However, the violence will continue to exist forever. But we all have right to dream. Dreaming does not cost anything! 😀
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Ana Laura!
Rodriguez Niebla Manuela 2 B
You have the reason Dr. Juan Carlos, nobody can break our dreams, but we can´t break our own dreams either because I think that is the flame of our heart to keep going on, we must defend our rights and always try to find the way to make them true.
Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 2B
It’s true Juan Carlos, when I think about all the bad things that happen in the world, sometimes I get discuoraged,
That makes me sad, but then I think that being sad doesn’t solve anything and try these thinkest not affect me.
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 2B
I think that dreaming is the most important right we have, thanks it, we can live in a world where we don’t have why to obey sick of power people, too bad that when we wake up, we realice that real life is the opposite, but lets try to live into our dreams.
Jose CARlos Hernandez Hernandez 2B
We have lost the right to dream, we have become machines working under someone’s orders, following an algorithm.We have to take away the chains and raise our voice, we cant go on longer.
Ernesto alcaraz andrade 2 D
I think that we all have dreams and those dreams are the reason for wake up every morning.
If we do not have dreams to follow the life lose the reason.
I think the world have a lot of injustices every day and we just look to other side.
The dreams are the motivation for us to keep fighting every day to be able to achieve the realization of those dreams.
Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez
One of the best things is dreaming. It’s nice when a person dreams of so many things, but not necessarily you must stay with those dreams, I was that those dreams can make reality and not only remain one dream either.
Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 2°A
Mostly of the times, we don’t think about it, about the right of dreaming. About how much do we need dream about our lives, about what do we want for us in the future. That amazing dreams make us do something more in our job, in our studies, in our personal life, to reach that dream. Dreaming give us hope, and with the flame of hope blazing ir our hearts we can reach any goal that we propose ourselves to reach.
Roberto Quintero Cervantes 2D
Everyone in the world has a dream that they always want,we all have THE RIGHT TO DREAM anything that we want to reach in the world.Above all the problems in the world,we allways have to fight and follow are dreams!
pedro madrigal velasco
Good at all at some point have dreamed of a better world.
But one is carried a decilusion when do you wahnt to see wath happens in the world.
Good to know wath happens in everyday life for not surprises.
But dreaming is good when you live in reaelity.
Ivan Alejandro Novela Macias 2°B
Although the dream is very cute, imagine living in a world better so on … truth is not much think people hungry and can not go to school a thousand times prefer to have a better job, a chance to go to school to dream, so maybe there’s that make those dreams come true .. .
Heredia Moran Alejandro Gilberto 2B
Really made me think. I wonder how we are able to change reality, I think we can do much more than what we are trying but always stand the differences and political or religious preferences and separate us even more. I agree with you that many of us want to see a different society but we can be more.
Luis Guillermo Briceño
Hey! I was reading your post, and I remembered John Lennon song “Imagine.”
definitely a song everyone should hear.
Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today…
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace…
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world…
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Hola Luis, gracias por recodarlo y comentarlo.
Manuel Alejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 2°D
I do not understand how people can ignore the current problems, the problems come from bad choices and selfishness of some people, but humanity will be mature enough to create a good society in which no evil haunts us, can we do?
cesar castro carrillo
es verdad anque el mundo este lleno de imperfeciones uno puede siguer soñando con las maravillas de la vida, las cosas de la vida son maraviilas que nos pueden ser sonreir
cesar castro carrillo
Any thoughts I very well to help them to have our Cedula profecional title, just as I think it is complementing this program follow
Jose Nicanor ruiz lopez
I My opinion that all we right to dream because thereby we grab force to follow fighting in life is what makes us exist and to live each day…
Miguel Leon Bautista 2A
Law that no one can take, and what better dream for the better, is not it? Contributing to something better, both for ourselves and for our environment to improve others. Because where we are seeing the world, using all we can progress beginning and ending with some doing well.
Osdy Fletes Arreola 2A
I think we all have the right to dream of a better world without violence and everything bad that happens in the world.
I think that dreaming is very nice because we live in something better than what is really happening but if we all do our part to change the world I think and I hope that at some not too distant future and all around the world we live better and without violence.
2°A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
Dreaming is a way of traveling to a place that only
our imaginations can take us, one can be what
you want or like to be with who.
Violence is a factor that hurts even in dreams,
bad dreams and nightmares are better known
as the fears that cause us real life.
Arthur Edwards
Violence corrupts and ends dreams. Dreams are in part born out of innocence. We lose much when people cannot dream.
2A José Carlos Llerenas Montes
I agree with your opinion, I think all of us should dream.
There’s so much evil in the world and sometimes overwhelms us.
However, if we don’t dream with a better world will be more difficult to achieve.
We only need an idea, an idea can pass any obstacle.
salvador hernandez francisco 1°A
Mostly of the times, we don’t think about it, about the right of dreaming. About how much do we need dream about our lives, about what do we want for us in the future. Really made me think. I wonder how we are able to change reality
Arthur Edwards
nice work!
Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 2 "B"
It was a good writing. I agree with J.C, every day I wake up thinking in my goals in the life, considering my dreams, needs, and interests. Despite of the situation we have nowadays in our city; personal and social, a dream or a goal allow us to grow up as a human being and have that motivation that encourage us to continue working to accomplish what we hope.
Arthur Edwards
Very well discussed!
Ruben Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 2 A
In my opinion I think we all have dreams and those dreams are the reason to wake up every morning to go to the front.
If we follow the life dreams to lose his mind.
I think the world has a lot of injustices every day and do nothing to change just look the other way.
Dreams are the motivation for us to keep fighting every day to achieve the realization of those dreams for a better country or oneself as a person be better.
Arthur Edwards
Great work!
Juan Francisco Arreola Hernandez. 2 A
I think that we can plan our future dreaming
All people have to dream for achieve his objetives.
Many can dream in imposibles thinks but we have to fight per they.
I think that dream keeps us alive.
Arthur Edwards
very nice work!
Sabes Juan Carlos, esos tópicos sobre los cuales te deslizas enunciando y denunciando, son los mayores flajelos de nuestra sociedad; no implica que antes no hayan estado presentes, pero, como bien dices, hoy que se produce mayor riqueza, existen esas aberraciones. El derecho a soñar es lo que nos posibilita para imaginar escenarios mejores y procurarlos.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
De acuerdo contigo estimado Balvanero.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alverto 1-B
In my opinion dreaming is the best medicine to be able to stop thinking about the problems and about what is happening that passing in the life, a dream is something.
Arthur Edwards
We die when the dream dies. Keep dreaming and keep living. Dreams can become reality if we work towards them.
j.Enrique Madrigal Díaz 2 A
thank you very much for these thoughts, I think in this world where reality is very hard, the right to dream is a door that lets us see things differently and they can also become part of a reality.