
La generosidad bancaria

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Generosos como son los bancos mexicanos me ofrecen una ganga que no dudé un segundo en responder y unas horas en compartir en estas páginas.

Resulta que los señores del banco, Banamex, para ser precisos, me regalaron la oportunidad de un préstamo rápido y sencillo, gracias a mi eficiente manejo de la tarjeta de crédito. Me informan que ya tengo un crédito aprobado hasta por 157 mil pesos. Con emoción, casi lágrimas en los ojos, saqué mi vieja calculadora (algún lector, lectora desprevenido y muy joven dirá: eso qué es) e hice cuentas.

Los 157 mil pesos puedo pagarlos en mensualidades accesibles, dice la bonita publicidad. Solo 53 pesos por cada mil pesos, si pago en 24 meses; 39.76 pesos pagando en 36 meses, y apenas 33.16 en 48 meses, sin IVA, claro, ni la comisión por apertura y su IVA, claro, claro.

En otras palabras, dice mi calculadora (bueno, exactamente no dice nada), si cubro mi deuda en 24 meses tendré que pagar por 157 mil pesos (remember: sin IVA de intereses), solo 199,704  pesos. Si lo hago en 36 meses, entonces ya son 224 mil pesos, y en 48 meses la módica suma de 249,893 pesos. O sea, en cuatro años nada más les daré por la ganga 100 mil pesos.

¡Qué barato! dije (bueno, exactamente no fue eso, pero como en estas páginas no acostumbro usar palabras altisonantes). La publicidad ya está en el bote de basura, y mi esperanza intacta, en espera de nuevas ofertas de estos que piensan en mí.

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44 thoughts on “La generosidad bancaria

  1. Rubí

    Hay doctor… su redacción me ha provocado una sonrisa =).

    Eso de ser quisquillosos y desconfiados es muy bueno. Así pasa con la “bondad” de los créditos bancarios.

  2. Myriam Cruz

    Excelente opinión. Aunque yo le agregaría que cuando esa oferta te la hace por teléfono (sin dejarte hablar, claro está, porque el personal altamente capacitado se aprende los textos de corrido y si los interrumpes se les olvida), cuando abruptamente logras amablemente decir: “no me interesa, muchísimas gracias”, casi casi te hacen llorar por dejar pasar esa “valiosa oportunidad de tu vida”… en fin, sin ganga pero tranquilos.

  3. sandra

    jajajaja Dr. esa anécdota le he vivido varias ocasiones, llaman para decirme todo ese rollo que de repente me hacen sentir como si de verdad me gane un premio e inmediatamente viene mi desencanto cuando veo que es más bien una ofensa, ya en una ocasión le dije al asesor de banamex que eso me parecía UNA OFENSA que me llamará cuando de verdad tuviera una buena promoción o algo que fuera realmente un premio al buen uso de mi tarjeta… en fin estos aprovechados, lamentablemente hay personas que se ven en la necesidad de aceptarlos y regalan su dinero.
    saludos y me da gusto leerlo.

  4. Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 2B

    That is right, Banks often has the most tempting publicity in the world, however, are their traps that lead us to lose money that we don’t have, on the contrary, it’s money that sometimes they take away from us without us noticing, we think they give us a favor when they lend us money or they help us, like they would call it, however, they are damaging us in the future.

  5. Juan Pedro Tintos 2° B

    Hahahahahaha, rally funny, and it is totally true, I don´t trust banks in that way of lending money to us, haha, the really steal to us. I can imagine what u said instead of so cheap! I had said the same, actually I said it, it is really expensive, almost the double.

  6. Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 2B

    Completly correct Juan Carlos, “Publicity is in the edge of trash”. These words are correct for describe it. I never have trust in the banks and like my father Says: “nobody gives you anything”

  7. cesar ivan castro carrillo 2*D

    I think banks are gteneros and put their offers tuning for all users or rather customers are met.

  8. Ricardo Ploneda 2°A

    I always thought, “Spend what you have.”.
    Clear that banks always want in some way for them,
    give you more, and cover the truth of their
    business with something that looks wonderful,
    although in reality not be for your client.
    For me, a loan and more coming a bank not
    what in reality work, always end up finishing
    with “something else”.

  9. Maribel Perallta Larios 1°D

    I like that that in these times to obtain a loan is easier thanks a different bank that there and market competitiveness, this says that to get something there that into debt but being careful not to end badly.

  10. Roberto Quintero Cervantes 2D

    I honestly think that the banks rob from evey member that they have.When it comes to loans or they giving you money,like they say “If It sounds to good,it prabably is”.The publicity is just a big bag a poop!

  11. Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 2 "B"

    I think that sometimes the banks always lend you what you raise a substantial amount to pay, so make large quantities is bad because that’s where most noticeable difference.

  12. Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos

    I think the credit card is the worst thing for pay our shopping, because while we think that we are paying something, really we are paying the double. Only the banks try to raise their money.

  13. Armando Vázquez Zamora 2° B

    I think that we need to know a little bit of finance, because there are times that the Bank you talk to tell us that which lend us an easy and simple, and tells us that without charging us so much interest, but the truth is that if we do not know and allow ourselves to carry, while the Bank of time pay to the time you going to duty more than what we pay.

  14. Irving De La Mora 2B

    What else can we expect from banks, seriously, who will take care your money without wanting to take advantage of it, now imagine that lend money just to have good credit habits

  15. Rodriguez Niebla Manuela 2 B

    It´s a fun comment, I think that you did the right choice. The bank debts are endless, these are difficult times and I think that we can´t save money, but I personally prefer to save my money and It don´t pay double of the money borrowed.

  16. Miguel Rosales Ochoa 2A

    I think the banks disguise and give an image that attracts customers and most people get carried away by appearanceswithout first analyzing what actually will accept.

    Officials must do something about ithelp the common people and not receive interestat the expense of the poor people.

    So Mexico is like this instead of supporting people only think of their benefits and want to earn more money.

    The advertising is misleadingnowadays everything is a mafia get benefits only the most powerful.

  17. Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez 2B

    Hahahaha all companies think in us, promising beautiful things for the benefit of one, but you always know that the company has to gain more benefit than us, so you have to think twice to accept an offer.

  18. Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 2A

    In my opinion the banks can be very tempting and attractive offer deals but in order to win. Banks are only as legal pickpockets stealing but can not say anything.

  19. Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 2D

    It´s funny how the Banks try to make you think that they´re doing you a favor, when the reality is they´re trying to take advantage from innocent people, maybe is not the case from everyone.
    In my opinion a loan is for a emergency situation, not to make one every time you finish to pay the last one.

  20. Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 2 "A"

    lol “The generosity bank” lol in my opinion some people think it is not so bad to borrow money for a few days and think that they will not pay way too for that, plus they think it aids banks which in reality is otherwise. end up paying 60% or 80% more than it actually needed. I’m glad you find out the account before by many people do not and do not realize what they are paying. thanks

  21. Ruben Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 2 A

    In my opinion makes me a break what all the banks not only Banamex but the truth because they think only negotiate and make you see things as if you really are helping but the only truth you are sinking financially I loved this comment. Greetings.

  22. Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro 2A

    The bank is a disgrace to the FEPADE terminated. Leaving the jokes is a theft that banks rob people. The ads are like any marketing traps. In my view there is no standard when it comes to money

  23. María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 2B

    banks are a steal, it is better to save and thus avoid all these situations, qiza in an emergency would be useful, but they also have to win.
    always make him look like a good investment but it’s all false.

  24. Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 2B

    jajaja it is actually a “bargain”, but then there are people who believed that or are forced to accept it and by some problem they adjusted in any payment, and is then, when the “bargain” becomes an embargo by double or triple that he was going to pay, this opinion I liked and found me very funny.

  25. Osdy Fletes Arreola 2A

    I think that the banks always want to believe that we do not think they always win-win because what else can be said is a business where they have.
    Although everything is always rosy in the long run is paying the debt or multiplying and they earn good money.

  26. Juan Francisco Arreola Hernández 2A

    Some times people don’t know nothing of that kind of loans, but they take them because they are in need. And the bank always win money doing when give loans. The bank do advertising and people trust that is easy for pay.

  27. Heredia Moran Alejandro Gilberto 2B

    I share the experience with you, even though many times we become angry with the employees and the blame of various situations being that only they are intermediaries that really make this type of bad moves.

  28. Jose CArlos Hernandez Hernandez 2B

    All this sounds pretty cute >.< , but , the reality is…the banks are not fools, they know that you going to take your calculator and you will say: epic win =). Sincerely behind all this comes lots of clauses which they dont tell you about, and with all this clauses going to lose your money and as always the bank wins. So, in the end you will say: epic fail =(


    Banks always so generous, may say that with good management of CARDS can have a thousand and one in the end always veneficios resulting damages are in order completely.
    Fortunately there are people like Dr. john are capases to see the big lie that there is behind all this, but there are also people who cain disuqe these great benefits and end up going very, very hurt.

  30. Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 2°A

    Hahaha, it’s kind of funny your post. But it also show the sad reallity about credit cards and banks loans. That’s why I’ll try to use only debit cards in the future =)

  31. Alan Cisneros Godinez 2A

    My opinion is that we are in a world where it dominates the marcadotecnia hehe.
    We should not surprise us and within large companies like banks because the only thing they want is business.
    Only a good loan is one that does not charge interest hehe.

  32. 2A José Carlos Llerenas Montes

    The bank loans are only legal theft.
    They present the monthly as bargains, waiting for some clueless customer.
    I really think it’s best to save yourself the money you require in the future.
    These loans only take you out of a trouble to get into a larger one.

  33. Madrigal Velasco pedro 2B

    It is good that the bank reward those who can manage their resources, but all banks always have a skill and must be very careful

  34. Ivan Alejandro Novela Macias 2°B

    Sincerely laugh and sadness seeking any way to trick people but even more sadness I feel knowing that there are people who fall into that trap type of ignorance that is where they take advantage in this case a bank but also could include supermarkets department stores and more.

  35. J. Enrique Madrigal Díaz 2 A

    The villains disguised the good,
    much ingenuity have the banks but to steal ja ja so sad

  36. salvador hernandez francisco 1°A

    cerely laugh and sadness seeking any way to trick people but even more sadness I feel knowing that there are people who fall into that trap type of ignorance.
    Fortunately there are people like Dr. john are capases to see the big lie that there is behind all this, but there are also people who cain disuqe these great benefits and end up going very, very hurt.

  37. Luis Guillermo Briecño 2 "D"

    This is a very serious problem,because of very neglected people.This people don´t know how to do good counts and then ,they don´t have enough money to repay the credit,but I`m not sure if this case is capable of causing a financial crisis

  38. Luis Ricardo Hernández Rebolledo 2°A

    It’s too bad that some of this bank, no penalty. Too bad I so I have no cards!

  39. Miguel Rosales Ochoa 2A

    Banks are double sided and give an image that attracts customers and most people get carried away by appearances without first analyzing what actually will accept.

    So Mexico is like this instead of supporting people only think of their benefits and want to earn more money.

    The officials should do something about helping the common people and not receive interest at the expense of the poor people.

    The advertising is misleading nowadays everything is a mafia get benefits only the most powerful.

  40. Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 2°D

    In my opinion I think it is not generosity, it is rather a way to make people excited and can withdraw money.

  41. Ana Laura Ochoa Vallin 1 D

    I think that sometimes the banks always lend you what you raise a substantial amount to pay, so make large quantities is bad because that’s where most noticeable difference.

  42. Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alverto 1-B

    I think that everything is business, believing people they good business and benefits but that is actually twice or more than what they ask.

  43. Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 2D

    I agree with the fact that the banks have a peculiar way to negotiate with people. I have always distrusted in banks. I am totally agree with Roberto Quintero about publicity. In my opinion banks are not what they seem.

  44. Manuel Alejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 2°D

    It is sad to see how Mexican companies are well publicized trying to engage citizens with false promises.
    The sad thing is that we fall like flies at this misleading advertising, we have to find a solution to this in order to progress.

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