Entre los más lejanos recuerdos de la infancia tengo a mi padre preparándose para salir al desfile del primero de mayo, con el contingente de obreros de la Sección 82 del Ingenio Quesería. Por la seriedad con que lo hacía, ese día, el Día del Trabajo, siempre me inspiró mucho respeto y así lo conservé muchos años. Con las décadas el sentimiento, confieso, es distinto (no por mi padre), pero ese es otro tema.
Hoy me tocó vivir el primero de mayo en otro lugar, en Catamarca, provincia argentina donde viven un grupo de buenos amigos. En Argentina el primero de mayo se celebra el Día del Trabajador; no es lo mismo, aunque podría parecerse. Celebrar a los trabajadores pone el énfasis en las personas, en las mujeres y hombres, no en las actividades en abstracto. Celebrar el día del trabajo así, como en México, me obliga a preguntarme, nada más por jugar y para intentar poner las cosas de revés: ¿sería lo mismo el día de la infancia que el día de los niños?, ¿sería igual celebrar el día del maestro que el día del magisterio o el día de la docencia?, ¿valdría lo mismo el día de la maternidad que el día de la madre?
No tengo respuestas, ni me propongo indagar más allá. No creo que sea bizantino, pero para avanzar en ese hilo tendríamos que reconstruir la genealogía de las palabras y la cultura política y sindical. De lo que estoy seguro es que “Trabajo” y “Trabajadores” no es lo mismo, y que la diferencia entre el día del trabajo y el día de los trabajadores es sutil pero esencial. Tan distinto y no tan sutil, como marchar bajo el sol después de unas horas de espera y escuchar discursos vacíos, o felicitar y ser felicitado por otros iguales con un abrazo y una palabra cariñosa.
San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca
Luis Alonso Hernandez Sedano 2A
Good night!
I think so about the should be different traditions in
in each country
and the May 2 is no exception ,could be different oh I dont know hehe
yes are they many questions and some a answers but
the traditions and dates the self leads to wherever.
Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 2D
You’re right.
Each country have their way of seeing things.
Hence is enriching travel and know other countries, other cultures.
To question our form to do things.
Carlos Santoyo Lopez 2A
First, It is good to remember old times and good times.
It is incredible, It can see from others points of view (others countries).
It is very important to speak and write with clarity and awareness.
We should to think seriously about the meaning of want to say and celebrate.
Christian D. Renteria García
You are always rigth, im glad you know that.
Its so great to know how to speak when you got the idea.
It’s very important to think before we talk.
We have to question all the problems.
Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A
The Argentine culture is interesting, Docotor.
You mentioned that in Argentina is different like them held the 1 May.
I think that much things are equal, celebrated different.
Good article Doctor.
Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 2ºA
No work on May 1 is a tradition.
It’s good to know the holidays for other countries.
It would be better to celebrate the day of the worker as in Argentina.
Your blogs always make my day.
Daniela Moctezuma 2A
I thought the work day performed only the may day in Mexico.
But also in Argentina is celebrate the may day.
I´m happy you remember these moment in which his father was preparing to leave.
And you´re right , not the same work day that employee day.
Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 2ºD
The work day is very important because it is the recognition of all the effort that workers make.
The loss of importance that has been given is very big day is now no longer recognized but for missing a date to work.
Perhaps more elsewhere is commemorated and celebrated day otherwise.
No matter how you celebrate is the day, what really matter what it means.
Roberto Banda Flores
Incredible, I did know not this detail.
it would be good experiment with reaction of people and differents words.
All are in the approach applied for the celebration.
I believe that all you questions are correct.
jonni eduardo
Is nice to remember stages of infancy.
I agree with you that job and worker is not the same.
This day in history was a struggle for worker rights.
Is very good and respectable remember this day.
Víctor Iván López González 2A
Why did teachers have their day.
Teachers do a good job of teaching students.
Without teachers a country not progress.
Although not all teachers are good
miguel virgilio jimenez brena 2°A
I didn’t know that workers day have been celebrated in other countries.
And is interesting the differenceswith our countries.
Memories are very important, it always remember you about something and how much important is it.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto. 2A
I think many days were named to rest and not to work.
And so justify, not going to work.
And validate it worse.
Just need to have pizza day.
Christian D. Renteria Garcia
Happy teachers day!!.
Most of the teachers in Mexico are not well prepared.
I just had like 2 good teachers.
Teachers are agreat support.