¿Y a qué te vas a dedicar? Cuando respondo, los ojos de la mayor parte de mis interlocutores se abren casi desmesurados: ¿sólo de profesor?, ¿sólo de profesor?, ¿sólo de profesor?… ¿pero, estás seguro?
Nunca había percibido en carne propio el nivel de descrédito que sufre la docencia. Indudablemente no es la profesión que goza de los mayores reconocimientos, y no me refiero a los discursos del 15 de mayo, pero las respuestas que escuché en las semanas pasadas me dejaron primero pasmado y luego de ligeras cavilaciones, ya más reconfortado. Pero no es de mis planes de lo que escribiré, sino de la circunstancia anecdótica que impulsa a redactar algunas líneas.
Con las veces que escuché la expresión y las caras azoradas recordé la conversación entre un profesor francés y un grupo de magníficos estudiantes del Bachillerato 4 de la Universidad de Colima, que participaban en un programa especial de la SEP. Cuando les preguntó a aquellos estudiantes que apenas empezaban sus estudios de bachillerato qué pensaban hacer en el futuro, les dio opciones; dijo: ¿trabajarían como ejecutivos de una empresa o de profesores de primaria? La respuesta fue unánime; ya imaginarán. ¿Trabajarían en una empresa o como profesores de secundaria? repitió la pregunta con leve variación. La respuesta siguió siendo firme. Sólo hasta que les puso como opción la posibilidad de laborar como profesores universitarios, algunos de esos chicos levantaron tímidamente la mano. No les dijo nada y pasó a otro asunto.
La lección había sido claro y en el camino de regreso al hotel no era necesario preguntarle su conclusión, que creí adivinar: entre los mejores jóvenes mexicanos, los más brillantes, pocos quieren ser profesores. El mensaje es contundentemente cierto, sin generalizaciones abusivas, por supuesto.
Sólo de profesor, es una expresión que no arruina mis planes, al contrario, me da elementos para la reflexión en una de las líneas de indagación a que estoy dedicado. Sólo de profesor no es una buena respuesta para mucha gente, que confundió mi opción con la de sicario, mataviejitas o golpeador de parapléjicos, pero es, sobre todo, la triste constatación de que la docencia es un oficio que, si no rescatamos a tiempo, deberá trasladarse a la sala de cuidados intensivos, víctima de reformas y corruptelas.
2B Miguel Medina Tejeda
Your article is interesting Juan, be a teacher in México it’s a difficult decision because sometimes this job don’t make a lot of money.
The person who wanna be a teacher needs to feel pasion to teach.
We need to see the education like a pasion no like a business.
The true teacher want to teach in any circunstance.
Nice article!
arthur edwards
Very nice answer! Vocation and knowledge are the key.
Iván Salazar Enciso
Hola Juan Carlos! Tal vez no ubiques tan fácilmente quien soy, compartimos cancha de futbol en algunas ocasiones, al que si ubicarás quizá es al “Choco”, somos el mismo. Actualmente trabajo frente a grupo en Cuauhtémoc en los Bachilleratos 12 y 13. Habitualmente leo lo que escribes, lo reflexiono, algunas ocasiones lo comento con mis demás compañeros de trabajo, pero hasta ahí, sólo que esta vez si considero necesario enviar un pequeño comentario con dos firmes intenciones; La primera saludarte y desearte que se siga incrementando el éxito que ya posees, y la otra resumir un poco lo que escribes (sobretodo lo que dices al final) comentando un chistorete. Antes decían: “Estudia, o qué ¿Vas a ser albañil?” (Mi respeto para quienes se dedican a tan noble oficio, yo fui ayudante de uno de ellos en una etapa de mi vida para poder pagar mis estudios)y en algunas ocasiones he escuchado, “Estudia, o qué ¿Vas a ser profesor?”
Soy profesor frente a grupo desde hace 9 años en la Universidad, y coincido profundamente contigo en que la función docente urge dignificarla, valorarla y otorgarle el prestigio social que merece, pero eso no va a llegar como llega el temporal de lluvias, simplemente porque tiene que llegar, es algo que quienes estamos frente a grupo debemos ganar con nuestro trabajo diario, y este debe ser reconocido por quienes lo reciben. Si es cierto que que la educación dignifica al ser humano, tanto al que la da como al que la recibe, nos están debiendo…
Saludos y mucho éxito!
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Hola Iván, por supuesto que te identifico, por el fútbol y como profesor también. Muchas gracias por leerme y comentarme lo que dices. Nos urge dignificar la docencia, y lo primero que debemos hacer es trabajar con pasión y responsabilidad.
Ceci trevizo
Maestro usted tiene razón, es una lastima que no este de asesor en la Secretaria o me equivoco. Es de los pocos maestros que no esta en el circulo de corrupción.
arthur edwards
Very well said. People believe you are what you label is. Unfortunately, the label “tacher” is no longer a label people want attached to them.
L Chacón
El haber sido maestro de tiempo completo en la UdeC. ME HA DADO LAS MAYORES SATISFACCIONES DE MI VIDA, es invaluable que lleguen a tu mesa (en algún restaurante, por ejemplo)algún alumno con su esposa e hijos y me presenten con mucho afecto y agradecimiento, con qué pago ésto. Pero… por otro lado que dificil me fué ejercitar mi libertad (entre ellas mi libertad de cátedra) y conciencia crítica. Ello me costó mi exilio universitario, que pago con muchísimo gusto. Mi reconocimiento por su acertado artículo. Un abrazo.
2A Alejandro Gabriel Chavez Larios
*i’m agree that thanks to corruption, there is less students that want to be professors
*Be professor is not just say that you are professor
*Professors need to have good grades of knowledge and know how to teach
*now a days be a professor more than a passion, is a familiar business (some cases)
*I really like this topic, it’s really intersting
2B Edgar Miguel Avalos Barajas
1) In Mexico teaching is something nice but are not as motivating salary I think people should feel nice to teach.
2) The person who choose teaching as a vocation should feel very proud because in my view this should be very interesting.
3) The fact of being a teacher or have the title does not mean it is already set for life must continue striving to be a good teacher.
4) People believe that a teacher knows everything and it does not specialize in any area but are people with excess knowledge or missing.
2A Diego Padilla Morfin
I think that being a teacher is something that always going to continue studying.
Also the best job is teacher because they do what he says.
I think it’s very important to know what our job can fully develop.
The options to impart knowledge to another being is very nice.
And above all it is very interesting to know your teachers.
2A Erick Javier Zepeda Renteria
This article is interesting, and it’s true all this in mexico needs theachers who likes teaching.
The person who choose teaching as a job need to love this profecion.
I think if you wish have the best theacher, you need have a passion to this.
I like this article because is true all.
2A Luis Ernesto Mendoza Osorio
I think being a teacher is not easy
I think it is good to share knowledge that have the teachers to the students
Teachers are an essential part of an institution without them the students would grow without knowledge
I’m agree with this article is interesting
Perla Lara
En mi opinión, los que se azoran también puede hacerlo por cualquiera de estas otras dos opciones:
* No han experimentado nunca las satisfacciones de la vocación que se vive en la aulas y sólo piensan en el magisterio como un modo de vida que no está suficientemente bien remunerado.
* Consideran que su preparación como académico e investigador da para aportar en un nivel más alto de influencia en nuestra universidad.
Afortunadamente, a partir del pasado viernes, quedó resuelta la cuestión.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Hola Perla, es verdad la primera opción, o bien, no les agradó la experiencia por dinero o satisfacciones. De la segunda opción no me toca decir nada. La trayectoria y lo hecho allí está para el juicio.
2A Jose Carlos Gonzalez Ramirez
your publication is very good for said about education in mexico
1.-some teacher are bad and need capacity for give good your class
2.-the teacher should accompany of the students in the rest of course
3.-the teacher and students should be more united in the classroom not checking the theacher
4.-should the class more funny and practice with most attention of the students
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias José Carlos!
2A Gustavo Gómez Amezcua
It is a very interesting article, in most of the cases being a teacher in Mexico means that you couldn’t study another career because your parents were teachers too and they want to give you their place, or because it is “easier” just talk in front of a group of students and give some grades after the exams, and that’s why the education in the primary and secondary levels, mainly, is that bad. I agree with Miguel Medina, what he says is absolutely true “We need to see the education like a passion no like a business”, but we also have to remember that most of the teachers have a family, and in many cases being teacher doesn’t ensures a good salary, besides, i repeat, that i agree with Miguel and Mr. Edwards, to be a good teacher you need a lot of vocation, because when you teach to someone, you have to be aware that you are doing it for the people in front of you, and what your are teaching them is what they are the tools for their future.
2B Juan Sánchez
I agree with you that to teach in Mexico is too complicated because pay and recognition is very little,in addition to day to day students show little interest in classes, coupled to the new “teachers” (students of the ISENCO) they want to follow old dogmas concerning the way of imparting the study, taught classes are boring.
2A Edna Isabel Martinez Gomez
I think that in order to pursue a career as a good teacher needs a lot of interest and passion for this vocation.
Teachers are a key element of education.
People currently engaged in a career as teachers, are located in positions that have some connection to the work unit.
It is a very interesting article, being a teacher means to all of you for helping youth of the future.
2A ashley Cepeda Mendivil
*the system is too corrupt so is hard to be a teacher right know.
*we have too many teachers that dont have the requierements and that make the students go down and learn less.
*i really like this article is quite true, and i hope it improve for the good of our future generations.
*if you are a teacher you need to keep improving your self and not just stop right there and get stuck.
2A Alvaro Padilla Mendoza
Really in Mexico to be teacher is a thing observed with contempt, but is that they (I don’t say that all they are, but the most part) have self-labeling to the only made of don’t do their work assuming a true commitment and responsible, is by they and in some cases, by their loftiness and pride, that have made an attitude of contempt to this worthy and wonderful job. But ¿what happens with the others teachers, with those who do their work with dedication and passion, day to day? it is a good question.
2B Corona Silva Salvador
I really think that for some people is the job of your dreams.
I think some people think it is something small.
But in my opinion it is a job with many advantages. For example less stress than other jobs.
And I think being with us students doing work somewhat funny haha.
You’re right it is not a profession that enjoys many awards.
But without serious teachers of education.
Many see the teaching profession as something small.
But without doubt it is one of the most important professions.
2A Everardo Torres Viera
People who believe that a teacher encompasses several areas of knowledge is wrong.
Teaching should be enjoyed, not just for a salary that motivates.
Having a degree does not mean he’s a good teacher.
Those who choose to be teachers and that does it for taste are good teachers.
2B Beatriz Alejandra Baltazar Balmaceda
In Mexico most teachers are discredited and that influences young when trying to choose your career, your profession itself. But who says that the teachers are good teachers. Well, in my student years has been that way for generations the idea that the teachers are good or bad is not known takes depends on the student’s comment and that is how the idea and prestige of a teacher can be beneficial or with prejudice.
2B Sotelo Cobian Orlando
This article caught my attention from the title, because my sister is a kindergarten teacher and worked hard to achieve
I personally prefer other profession, but always need quality teachers
I think quality students prefer another profession, because of the current corruption in the entire education system
Unfortunately quality teachers, who earn their positions on merit and not by friends
2B Orlando Daniel Sotelo Cobián
This article caught my attention from the title, because my sister is a kindergarten teacher and worked hard to achieve
I personally prefer other profession, but always need quality teachers
I think quality students prefer another profession, because of the current corruption in the entire education system
Unfortunately quality teachers, who earn their positions on merit and not by friends
2A Alexis Alfaro Ochoa
In many countries be a teacher is the most prestige job because they build the future of all people of they teach. Is very sad that people dont like be teacher and only want be corporate executive than teacher because executive gain more money but we need people who likes be a teacher to educate because are many teachers but the largely are sincerely bad teachers… .
we need too a government that appreciate teachers.
2A Arnoldo Alcaraz Velázquez
The final thing that I would like to be could be a teacher
My friends tell me the same
Some teachers want that the kids pass the same situation that they passed before
Sometimes you can’t got a lot of money but there are more oportunities to *triunfar* in the bigs *empresas* that a teacher of a school
2J César Pérez V.
The teacher became smear be due to groups like CNTE but still I think that being a teacher is prestigious.
My mother is a teacher and say with pride that she is worthy of his post.
We need best teacher for mexicans.
2J jorge salvador ciprian figueroa
Professors need to have good grades of knowledge and know how to teach.
Having a degree does not mean he’s a good teacher.
Unfortunately quality teachers, who earn their positions on merit and not by friends.
Teachers are a key element of education.
2J Victor Omauy Marmolejo
Mexico needs better students and better teachers.
Education to improve people must improve.
In a few years I hope the education in mexico is so good that I compete with the countries high.
is important to pay attention to the educational situation in Mexico, that the future.
David Batista 2j
this topic is very interesting.
not much teaching job.
is very interesting to know about today’s teachers.
to bad there are not many good teachers.
2J Julio Daniel Cervantes Díaz
Being a professor isn’t that bad as everybody say.
This profession should be an art, a way of life, a passion. But the bad prestige that some teachers give to it make that some of the young people to hate it.