En su artículo “La suspensión de ENLACE: ¿un asunto de fe o de reflexión?”, Pedro Flores-Crespo, investigador de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, preguntó: ¿quién ejerce la vigilancia y la contraloría social de las acciones que emprenden la SEP y el Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa? La pregunta es pertinente e interesante.
En la actual visión político-educativa, la evaluación se constituyó en el timón de la nave, el mapa de navegación y el capitán; eso exige, desde una perspectiva medianamente democrática, que las acciones gubernamentales junto a las políticas públicas sean objeto de escrutinio riguroso. Si ellas fijan condiciones, establecen marcos normativos y supervisan, luego entonces son primeras responsables y no pueden excluirse a la hora de los juicios.
Por otra parte, Pedro Flores-Crespo advierte algunas ausencias en el debate por la denostada prueba y desliza un cuestionamiento al que quiero referirme de forma más extensa. Literalmente dice: “algunos rectores de universidades públicas prestigiadas ahora hacen mutis cuando en otro momento rechazaban tajantemente (la prueba) ENLACE”. No sé a qué rectores alude, sólo recuerdo una declaración del doctor José Narro afirmando que dicho examen no se aplicaría en la UNAM, pero es otra muy buena pregunta y habría que insistir: ¿por qué no dicen nada? El que calla no dice nada, interpreto, aunque no porque no lo piense o no tenga una postura.
Muchas aristas tiene el cuestionamiento, porque múltiples son las responsabilidades de la universidad con respecto al conjunto del sistema educativo. No es fortuito que las Cumbres Mundiales de Educación, en París, justamente llamaron la atención sobre el desdén con que suelen mirar las universidades a los otros niveles del sistema, y refrendaron el compromiso de las instituciones superiores.
Por otro lado, un balance hecho por viceministros de educación básica en América Latina, recogido por Gustavo Fabián Iaies (“Los debates de la política educativa en el nuevo milenio. Conservaciones con los protagonistas de la toma de decisiones”, Buenos Aires, Aique, 2011), concluyó en el irrelevante papel que jugaron las universidades respecto a la escuela básica.
Hay otro elemento que obligaría a una toma de posición de las universidades públicas: también en ellas (en las que tienen bachilleratos) se aplicó ENLACE. Aquí las hipótesis para explicar el silencio pueden variar: desde la indiferencia con que miraron la prueba y la injerencia de la SEP en su interior, hasta la indignación por la forma en que asumieron con celo la examinación y tomaron decisiones basadas en los resultados, dictados en cierta medida por prácticas fraudulentas y un serio déficit técnico en su elaboración.
La ofensiva mediática a favor de no suspender ENLACE, encabezada por grupos como Mexicanos Primero, junto a las irregularidades demostradas, son ingredientes de un necesario debate de prácticas oprobiosas, aunque todavía circunscrito a espacios reducidos. Un debate muy incipiente pero saludable para vigorizar el sistema educativo y la reflexión sobre la escuela mexicana.
Qué bueno que se debate, qué lamentable que lo discutido se circunscriba a los yerros de la conducción política del anterior y del actual gobierno.
Qué lamentable que en estos debates la televisión siga destinando espacios marginales, desinformando o mal informando.
Qué bueno que unos participen, qué lamentable que muchos de los implicados todavía eludan su responsabilidad. Pero lo más lamentable, sin duda, es el poco impacto entre la sociedad de estos temas ligados a la reforma educativa y a la relevancia de la educación en el presente y en los años por venir.
2A Alejandro Gabriel Chavez Larios
*i dont know much about this but i think its a good idea to know the level of knowledge of the university (students)
*agree, its good the participation on this
*Doing this we will know whats its going wrong with students
*agree that its to bad that they restrict this
*Bad thing that in the television they say always that is better to them and no for the community
2A Diego Padilla Morfin
I think that the information is controlled by powerful people in government.
I think it’s terrible what they do to bad information given to us, the media.
In the world of education is very important but it seems that Mexico not.
Also all this what the media control any information that is sad.
But something shocking is that as a society should know about our education system.
2A Luis Ernesto Mendoza Osorio
In the university there very good students and teachers that stand out among the other.
Sometimes do not have enough support they need to succeed.
The government of mexico not interested in progress academically.
I agree that, we can see where the students are failing.
2A Jose Carlos Gonzalez Ramirez
in this post is good for talks about the test enlace
1.-this test is unnecessary for student why press overly the student
2.-the universities not need for measure the performance but do activities for improve performance of the student
3.-this test not said nothing about the future of the students if they will have a title professional
4.-in the university have good strategy for improve proformance level of the student
2A Gustavo Gómez Amezcua
It is sad to see that the country and all the systems are corrupted, and a prove is the ENLACE, it is known from some newspapers and other media that the results from ENLACE are not trustworthy, because in so many states and schools, they just care about the results that they get because if they get good grades in the test the school gets an achievement and the teachers get bonus for that, and the test doesn’t accomplish the final objective, that is to check which are the subjects that give more problems to the students. Besides it’s sad that the news in the TV don’t give the real information to the society, because they are part of the corruption too. But in the end the only ones who deceives are institutions such as SEP, because these kind of test are suppose to give a real information about the education in the country.
2B Juan Sánchez
i think the situation in the public schools is that the government and other public institutions are not doing ther job well, if things done with more transparency and results were taken more seriously supporting students in the subjects with low (besides Spanish and metematicas) then one notary real change in the academic performance.
2A Alvaro Padilla Mendoza
Well, I know that the universities, at least The University of Colima, should take more serious them paper as correspond and to be an of the concerning of culture and society from the country and of city principally. But this doesn’t will be possible if the responsibles of this types of institutions don’t assume them responsability, a true commitment and leaving this corruption and mediocrity in they are immersed.
I think universities should restore and promote new ways of assessing students.
it is also important that students are forward exchange an idea with many possibilities for the future.
mexico because the test applies only link to the primary, secondary and high school and must improve the structures for teaching contents by teachers.
while universities link testing was suspended, because now I take possession CENEVAL this test requires more preparation because the result depends on the location of the student.
test link given poor performance of students in secondary, elementary and high school so this indicates that students are not aware of what it means to study.
2A ashley Cepeda Mendivil
*we have good teachers but sometimes we need fresh ideas that old teachers dont offert.
*it’s good to know the level of the university so they know where they have to improve.
*They need to find what is the problem with the students.
*still i find this poor test like a way to make us think how far we are of our objetives.
2A Edna Isabel Martinez Gomez
-The government of the country should focus more on the education of the youth of Mexico.
-I think the exams ENLACE not helped demonstrate the progress of students.
-It is important that arise new ideas for education in Mexico.
-This article is very interesting.
2B Juan Manuel Alcaraz Aguirre
I think that this test is more like a habit in Mexico.
I did the test when I was in the high school and I don’t think that is a good test.
I think that every university need make their own tests chord with its programs.
The government need think about more in the students and less in the policy.
2B Sotelo Cobian Orlando
Personally more than once I wondered, who’s making the decisions?, how he was chosen for this work?
I find it very curious that this link UNAM exam, when considered the best university in Mexico
I do not understand much of how universities operate, but I understand that there is much corruption
I would like the link test is applied to everyone, or anyone trying to give more balance
2B Orlando Daniel Sotelo Cobián
Personally more than once I wondered, who’s making the decisions?, how he was chosen for this work?
I find it very curious that this link UNAM exam, when considered the best university in Mexico
I do not understand much of how universities operate, but I understand that there is much corruption
I would like the link test is applied to everyone, or anyone trying to give more balance
2a Anabel Cervantes Amador
Good thing is debated, discussed how unfortunate that is confined to the errors of the political leadership of the previous and the current government.
How unfortunate that in these TV debates continue to direct marginal spaces, misinformed or poorly informed.
Good thing about participating, how unfortunate that many of those involved still avoid responsibility.
A very early but healthy to invigorate the educational system and the reflection on the Mexican school debate.
2J - Garcia Ely
I drew attention to the UNAM opposes this. I have understood that these tests are done to “see the quality”. I do not understand, if you were opposed to applying this test, then Why still do?. I think in a way it should not be the same test that applies in an urban area to a rural area, because we work under different scopes.