Además de las actividades académicas, del encuentro con ideas nuevas, posturas desconocidas, temáticas emergentes o ignoradas, otras formas de razonamiento, con polémicas inevitablemente acotadas por el tiempo, un congreso como este, el décimo tercero de investigación educativa, ofrece múltiples opciones para el disfrute, las relaciones sociales, el reencuentro con maestros o colegas, amigos.
Con franqueza, no sé qué es más importante. O tal vez sea erróneo ponerlos en disyuntiva, porque no compiten. Tan necesarios unos como otros.
En el punto de confluencia, ubico un ejemplo inmejorable: Alfredo Furlán, mi maestro y director de tesis doctoral, a quien conozco hace más de veinte años.
Alfredo, víctima prematura del Parkinson, es siempre un modelo intelectual y vital, o viceversa. Físicamente está disminuido, pero su lucidez crece y la actitud no escasea. Su conferencia magistral, leída por su colega y paisana cordobesa, Susana García, es testimonio.
Siempre me alegra verlo, ahora con su esposa al lado, cariñosa con él en esta jornada; amable y discreta anfitriona en casa.
Verlos, abrazarlos, reiterarles afecto y gratitud es uno de los momentos personales más emotivos de estas jornadas.
Camacho Cardenas Noel Gabriel 1E
1. Sometimes a hug is worth a thousand words
2. Hugs; medicine for the soul
3. Find people known is always good
4. The important people in our lives will always be in our hearts.
1E Alan Fco. Sánchez Cazarez
1. Some people mean so much for us.
2. It’s nice to see friends and relatives after a long time of not seeing them.
3. Hugs are nice, but I can’t stand a long hug for some reason…
4. We are always too busy and sometimes we forget really important people for us.
1K Daniel Gerónimo Chacón Carrillo
*All we need is a hug
*one hug can be helpful for our soul
*it doesn’t matter how are you physically, the important is the actitud.
*I think that it’s better stay with friends and family, because that makes good for the mind and heart.
1K Alvarado Villa David Alejandro
1.- Sometime one need a hug.
2.- One hug can express more words
3.- The hug is friendly, love, friendship, fellowship and other more.
4.- This diary is good.
1k Morentin Ballesteros Gustavo Fernando
1. A hug is good for all people
2. A hug can be helpful for our soul and we feel better
3. Hugs are the best antidepressive
4. The important people in our lives will always be in our hearts.
1K Rodriguez Ramirez Alvaro
1.- People are measured by their actions and not by their physical condition.
2.- It is always nice to find old friends and renew warm conversation.
3.- Appreciate the people who helped us and help those in need ;3
4.- Education Congresses are an opportunity to grow and meet people.
1k virginia martinez castro
1.-when you meet someone you have not seen in a while fills you with joy.
2.-It is beautiful when that happens.
3.-friends are never forgotten.
4.-friends always rely on what can.
1K Anuar Avimael Jiménez Anguiano
*The body isn’t important, the things that matter are the thoughts I guess
*Sometimes, we are just looking for a hug
*It’s good to meet with people
*A hug could mean more than what we think
1J Leslie Jordana Fernández Moreno
1. It is good to see that people still think like you, because many of them sick to see them give them ” shame ” and not give them neither good morning.
2. Hugs are good and welcome at any time, whether you feel good or bad.
3. In fact, embrace them and show them affection is.
4. And we feel loved.
1J Alejandra Peralta Escamilla
1.- I am glad they are happy.
2.- Parkinson shouldn’t be a obstacle to do what he wants.
3.- Everyone need a hug \(^-^)/
4.- I think that intelligence is bigger than force.
1J Yazmin Gutierrez Solorio
1-I think that a disease you can not stop
2-love helps to overcome things easier
3-i think the love conquers all
4-sometimes we need a hug to continue
1k Francisco David Preciado Mendoza
1. I think you not let nothing it say
2. This post we can see that the idea is you alone is revolutionary
3. Sometime it’s well received hugs
4. We are always too busy and sometimes we forget really important people for us.
1k oscar eduardo castrejon mejia
1K Oscar Eduardo Castrejon Mejia
1. I think that a disease you can not stop.
2. Parkinson shouldn’t be a obstacle to do what he wants.
3. Friends are never forgotten.
4. This diary is good.
1J Marco Antonio Dìaz Navarro
1. All of we need is a hug
2. A hug is always welcome
3.friends always rely on what can.
4.I’m glad you can see those friends again
1J Andrea Muñoz
1. Having a good time with people that means a lot to us, is a part of being happy.
2. If a person wouldn’t have someone to love, this would be terrible.
3. Everyone needs to be loved.
4. Life has to be balanced, a little love doesn’t hurt anyone.
1k Mildred Nataly Silva Méndez
1.- Everybody needs a hug
2.- When you feel sad, a hug can makes u happy.
3.- In the life a few people is important to you.
4.- Is imporant to take advantage of the few time that we have.
1E Alejandro Buenrostro Romero
1. I don’t think I’m old enough to talk about reunite with known people from the past, but I’ve kinda witnessed how it is with my family.
2. I’m glad to hear about your relationship with this man Alfredo who seems like a really important person for you.
3. It’s really sad to read about his condition but good to know that is not stopping him.
4. Of course a hug is a really powerful thing that can make a difference.
1K Luis Armando Covarrubias Rincon
1.-Detail simple changing the day of a person
2.-Everyone needs hugs
3.-Big changes start with small details
4.-To reflect
1E Moreno Olmos Atzin
1. Always discover
2. We must all good hayar
3. Teachers is a source of wisdom
4. Great human beings
1J Jose Ricardo Mendoza Martinez
1. Sometimes all we need it’s a hug.
2. Physical obstacles are not a threat if the ideas persevere.
3. A great example for this is Stephen Hacking.
4. If you are loved by someone you love, the life will be way more easier, even with a disability.
1J Jiménez Santillán Roberto
1.A hug is very wonderful
2.It is always nice to find old friends and renew warm conversation.
3.Nice post
4.Hugs are the best antidepressive
1j kevin padilla garrido
1it makes me think a lot, taught post
2everyone needs a hug
3the physical condición doesnt matter, the toughts are the really important things
4nice post