Diario 2015

Mi enfado con Facebook

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Esta madrugada desperté a las cuatro, traicionado por el cambio de horario, el cuerpo desorientado y las emociones de una maravillosa velada nocturna. Lo más a la mano para recuperar el sueño era el iPad. Encendí la luz de la lámpara más lejana a la cama y abrí correos electrónicos, luego Twitter y Facebook. No tenía casi nada por leer. Casi nada. En Facebook, de algún maldito meandro, emergieron tres o cuatro mensajes de 2013 y 2014 que no leí, porque no llegaron en su momento al buzón.

Mi sorpresa trocĂł en curiosidad y luego en franca indignaciĂłn. Ahora creo que habrĂ­a preferido no saberlo nunca.

Entre esos mensajes encontré uno de Julia Dusso, argentina que estuvo en la Universidad de Colima para realizar movilidad. Me informaba de su cuenta nueva de Facebook. ¡Ya lo sé! Dos años después.

En otro mensaje, un colega cuyo nombre omitiré, me invitaba a asistir a un curso que se impartía en su escuela, porque uno de los textos que servía de base era mío. ¡Maldita sea! Por supuesto, me habría encantado estar.

Y el tercero estaba escrito en Cancún. Eran los organizadores de un congreso nacional y me pedían una conferencia magistral. Hace 16 meses. ¿Qué les puedo decir? Lo que sentí es inapropiado para estas páginas. Lo que puedo contar es que habría sido una oportunidad estupenda, por el tema, los participantes y la deferencia. Lo del lugar es lo de menos; no me roban la tranquilidad esos “destinos”.

En fin. Al mal sabor de boca que todavía tengo por el sueño raquítico, sumo la rabia de haberme enterado dos y un años después de lo que debía saber y hoy solo deja amargura.

¡Maldito Feis!


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34 thoughts on “Mi enfado con Facebook

  1. Pilar Arriola

    Rara vez el “feis” tiene la particularidad de hacer feliz a la gente.
    “Voici” una nueva razĂ´n…

  2. Alberto Llanes

    Muy buen texto doctor, como siempre. Nunca me ha pasado esto que usted narra en Facebook. Lo del sueño sí, constantemente. En mi caso no abro el face, me pongo a leer, escribir, ver una película o alguna serie. Se lo recomiendo, así es posible que nos evitemos mensajes algo retrasados. Le dejo un saludo y lo seguimos leyendo con el entusiasmo de siempre.

  3. Elizabeth

    Hola, creo que es en vano culpar Facebook por estas cosas, en particular no creo que sea un medio formal para hacer negocios, que se puede aprovechar si, pero nunca supera dar el correo personal e informar que cualquier invitaciĂłn, duda, sugerencia, etc., sea envĂ­ada al mismo. Saludos.

  4. 1K Alvarado Villa David Alejandro

    1.- Facebook is a tool very used in the world.
    2.- Some days we is so tired that us ignore all notification in the smartphone.
    3.- I use facebook to be informed any news but some days i can´t see all notifications.
    4.- The people should use other tool to send information.

  5. Galindo Luna Luis Gerardo 1E

    1. It´s a shame you missed those
    2. Maybe some kind of bug happenend and you didn´t recieve those messages in time.
    3. Maybe you should switch to some other e-mail adress.
    4. Maybe you will get another chance just as good in the future.

  6. 1K Daniel GerĂłnimo ChacĂłn Carrillo

    *some times i forget answer the inbox and this is lost in my other chats.
    *I don’t like that this tool does not remember me to answer the messages.
    *Sometimes the people send me important messages and i don’t answer to they because i don’t know where is the message.
    *facebook it’s a great tool to communicate with friends and not friends.

  7. 1E José Juan Santillán Torres

    1.- I really liked this post.
    2.- This post its very funny.
    3.- I know what it feels like.
    4.- Facebook its very troll.

  8. 1K Anuar Avimael Jiménez Anguiano

    *Facebook is a nice webpage that we use today to stay in touch, but it’s not the only one.
    *Perhaps it had to be the privacy settings, it happens to me very often.
    *Sometimes Facebook doesn’t send me the messages, or when I try to answer in a chat, they don’t being send
    *Facebook is still a great tool to communicate.

  9. Camacho Cardenas Noel Gabriel 1E

    1. Facebook is a double-edged sword.
    2. Learn important things too late, it is disappointing
    3.Facebook is a social network very useful if you know how to use well.
    4. Facebook sometimes we love and we hate others

  10. 1E Eduardo Martinez Santoyo

    1.-It’s a shame that you missed all the opportunities just because the messages don’t arrived on time.
    2.-Facebook is a good webpage to keep in touch with people.
    3.-Sometimes this type of mistakes happens.
    4.-Facebook must fix that kind of bugs.

  11. 1E Alan Fco. Sánchez Cazarez

    1. I always check for new messages, even if I already know I don’t have new ones..

    2. Facebook is a waste of time to be honest.

    3. But still, Facebook can be very useful for certain things.

    4. One time I thought of closing my facebook just for fun.

  12. 1K Francisco Xavier Batista Ibarra

    1. Ok, that is an obvius failure of facebook messenger system.
    2. I think facebook has to be used only for fun or “not-important” things.
    3. Maybe a e-mail is a better idea to send important things, becouse of facebook messenger filters.
    4. Moral: Never trust on facebook messenger system again, not for important things.

  13. 1k Morentin Ballesteros Gustavo Fernando

    1. You can´t trust in Facebook

    2. Things in Facebook something are important

    3. Sometimes people don´t know use Facebook very well

    4. Facebook shouldn´t be used for work

  14. 1K Rodriguez Ramirez Alvaro

    1.- Sad story, but they had to send information by other more formal way.
    2.- Facebook has many defects, so it is classified as an entertainment network.
    3.- I hope not to have disappointed the mentioned people.
    4.- Everything has a reason for being. Live Today!!!

  15. 1k virginia martinez castro

    1.-social networks are a way of distracting.
    2.-lately especially the social networks are becoming an addiction
    3.-Facebook is the most used by young.
    4.-facebook is used daily as a form of comunication.

  16. 1J Leslie Jordana Fernández Moreno

    1. I personally think that facebook is a very important network and we can keep you informed.
    2. But I also believe that for important notifications such is the case, they should not have used this network.
    3. Too bad that even after a year it has been realized that, I suppose if it had been a nice experience.
    4. I personally do not think the blame has been on facebook since they are the settings you put.

  17. 1E Robles Hernández Luis Alberto

    1.- We shouldn’t trust in Facebook at all, because it’s a software, and the software is made by humans, and humans aren’t perfect.
    2.- I have had that situation too, sometimes, my message aren’t delivered ATM.
    3.- If i were on that situation, i would feel bad, for not reading those important message, i wouldn’t imagine how those people would be thinking.
    4.- Facebook should improve and fix those bugs, to avoid situations like that.

  18. luis Alberto Calleros Carrillo 1"K"

    1.- We shouldn’t trust in Facebook at all, because it’s a software, and the software is made by humans, and humans aren’t perfect.

    2.I really liked this post.

    3.-Sometimes this type of mistakes happens.

    4. Moral: Never trust on facebook messenger system again, not for important things.

  19. 1J Marco Antonio Diaz Navarro

    1. Facebook can give you good news and bad news
    2. Facebook its a tool most use on the world
    3. Have a many of bugs facebook, need to fix it

  20. 1K Javier Perez Mendoza

    1.Facebook tends to have that kind of failure.
    2.Sometimes it is that Facebook is being updated.
    3.It is a social network, faults must not enrage us.
    4.Don’t worry

  21. 1k Francisco David Preciado Mendoza

    1.- The post is interesting
    2.- Facebook is a troll legend.
    3.- Facebook is a social network very useful if you know how to use well.
    4.- In Facebook always sometimes we are loved and we hated

  22. 1k oscar eduardo castrejon mejia

    1K Oscar Eduardo Castrejon Mejia
    1. I personally think that facebook is a very important network and we can keep you informed.
    2. Have a many of bugs facebook, need to fix it.
    3. Sometimes this type of mistakes happens.
    4. Maybe you will get another chance just as good in the future.

  23. 1J Aylin Hernánndez Reyes

    1- it is sad that these dates and news as important has been lost by a delay in the messages.

    2- I think it is a social network to which they give much more importance that it must have.

    3- Centainly facebook it usually has more bad things than good.

    4- Facebook that began as a place to talk and share with friends has filled with things without sense and a center of gossip.

  24. 1J Andrea Muñoz

    1. Facebook is a big tool that has changed a lot with the time; also I have learned that messages arrive on time, but the error is on the notifications.

    2. If we don’t take care of giving a look at our notifications, and we delete them on the panel of our devices, is obvious that we won’t see it again until we open the inbox.

    3. Is usual that a web service has bugs, we have to understand that.

    4. Cursing won’t bring solutions.


    1. I Enjoy your post, made me laugh.
    2.For that I FOREVER cheks my mail in spam categories.
    3.The email is doesnt the way correct of comumnicate.
    4.Damn the feis is the best and worst invent.

  26. 1k Mildred Nataly Silva MĂ©ndez

    1.- Facebook is the perfect plataform to send message.
    2.- Hotmail, Gmail and Fb are system to communicate people-
    3.- It’s annoying know that news.
    4.- We need to learn use Fb like a tool.

  27. 1E Alejandro Buenrostro Romero

    1. Really sad situation, I’m 100% sure you would have been more than happy to atend to those events.
    2. Not quite sure if a direct Facebook’s mistake maybe you just didn’t notice them at that moment.
    3. Anoher possibility is that those messages got to the “Others” folder, and you were not able to see them until you used the Messenger App for Facebook.
    4. Hope you get similar oportunities, but maybe that was not the right way to contact someone for that kind of events.

  28. 1K Luis Armando Covarrubias Rincon

    1.-complicated situation that tends to pass
    2.-An important tool in these days
    3.-Things would be different without this kind of tools
    4.-Have to check messages more often

  29. 1J Jose Ricardo Mendoza Martinez

    1. That’s the problem with the social media.
    2. You have to see it all the time.
    3. Because if you don’t do it, you’ll miss important things, like messages in this case.
    4. I was in a similar situation, i received a message because it was my birthday, but i saw it 2 months later, because i didn’t notice it.

  30. 1E Moreno Olmos Atzin

    1. Facebook is a double-edged sword
    2. Sometimes the messages are slow to arrive
    3. We must review all the time facebook
    4. We must be patient

  31. 1J Christian Cagide

    1 Facebook is a very useful tool used everywhere in the world
    2 I use facebook only to chat with my friends
    3 Your situation is really sad, I’m sure you would have been happy to atend to those events
    4 People should use another tool to send information, not just facebook

  32. 1J José Neftalí Velázquez Arciniega

    1. Would have been good to check Facebook
    2. If he would have done that, he would have gone to that Congress
    3. Facebook is a great tool for the people who know how to use
    4. We need to know how to manage the time on Facebook

  33. 1J Jiménez Santillán Roberto

    1.Facebook in sometimes is so bored
    2.The email is doesnt the way correct of comumnicate.
    3.The people should use other tool to send information.
    4.Nice post

  34. 1j kevin padilla garrido

    1this happend todo me once too and no INE belived me
    2fb its a great app to comunicate with other people
    3every app fails some time
    4nice post

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