Diario 2015


Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

En sus habituales diálogos con niños, Francesco Tonucci, dibujante y pedagogo italiano, suele preguntarles: ¿cómo les gustaría que fuera su ciudad? Las respuestas suelen ser distintas, inteligentes todas, pero ahora traigo a colación una de ellas, dicha con determinación: queremos jugar gratis.

Sí, jugar gratis es algo de lo que muchos niños querrían para su ciudad. Algunos despreciarán: ¡niñerías! Pues sí, pero nada hay más sagrado en la etapa infantil que vivirla y disfrutar el derecho (y obligación) de jugar.

Parece tan simple. ¡Jugar gratis! ¿Pero es que ya no se juega gratis? Pues no, cada vez menos. Los muchos problemas en las ciudades van alejando a los infantes de los sitios públicos (si es que tenían y eran adecuados), por el predominio de autos manejados en forma apresurada en calles hechas para máquinas y no para peatones, la violencia, la inseguridad, la suciedad y las condiciones de la economía familiar que obligan a mamás y papás a trabajar y dejar a los hijos al cuidado de otras personas, de los hermanos mayores, familiares o solos.

Fuera de casa se agotan los espacios para jugar gratis. En cambio, ganan terreno los juegos que no son gratis, por los que se debe pagar: las maquinitas en las tiendas, los negocios donde se paga (habitualmente mucho) para disponer de juegos con caducidad (por tres, cinco minutos), las tabletas, las computadoras… etcétera.

Con ese menú infantil, son insensatos e incoherentes nuestros reclamos adultos por el aburrimiento en la escuela, la hostilidad de los alumnos o la precocidad de sus comportamientos. Y nada indica, tristemente, que haya vuelta de esa carrera desenfrenada a la nadería.

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  1. 1E Rodrigo Velasco Rivas

    1. It’s true, while technological advances have made some people’s life easier, it has changed (drastically) how younger children play.

    2. Now, my 4 year old cousin plays with his dad’s iPad instead of toys.

    3. What I find interesting about this article is that it proves that children want to play outside like in the old times, even today.

    4. What awaits society? Who knows, technological advances may completely change how kids are raised and educated. We’ll have to wait and see.


    1. modernization in technology in the area of children to play consider it a problem in society
    2. part paid for a game console is to bring a school for learning behaviors of violence and disobedience to the authorities comensando parent pole with government authorities
    3. Children need parental education not the time to be in a video game console
    4. On the question of the parks outside the house is a way to spend time with the family but the problem is the environment in which emcuentran Therefore mistrust to exit

  3. 1E Alan Fco. Sánchez Cazarez

    1. When I was a kid I used to play with small toys, not with iPads or smartphones.

    2. Sometimes I want to go back and be a child again without having any responsabilities.

    3. It is true that streets now are full of violence and insecurity.

    4. I also would like to play for free. With Wi-Fi obviously.

  4. 1K Alvaro Rodriguez Ramirez

    1.- Let the childs play, that the city not be an obstacle.
    2.- What is a kid without smiles and games?
    3.- Tecnology is consuming us, really we want that for the smallest?
    4.- Preserve children’s spaces.

  5. 1E Nájera Cortés Brian

    1.- When I was a child I really enjoy goes to play with my little friends in the park of the colony.
    2.- I hope kids today can play with their friends and not with a tablet or cellphone.
    3.- I guess this thing can be changed with our support.
    4.- Our children can play if you and I get involved.

  6. 1K Anuar Avimael Jiménez Anguiano

    1.- Parents would rather think that their children are secure, staying at home and playing videogames, than outside in a secureless street.

    2.- The time and the life customs have been changed.

    3.- When I was a child I’d never be at home all the time, I was playing with my friends and insecurity was lower.

    4.- Childhood is a great moment, full of games, laughs, and joys.

  7. 1K Daniel Gerónimo Chacón Carrillo

    *I think that the children of today that play in tablets, smartphones, etc. never gonna know what is play with cars, toys and play with your neighbors.
    *The technology is changing the way that meet and interact with people.
    *in this days the people can’t go out to fun because the there are much violence
    *the kids have to fun out because they have to create social capacities

  8. 1K Miguel Angel Carrasco Olvera

    1. I really liked it post, and adults complain of us, and I complain about my younger brother, They have no life, the cell phone theft their lives

    2.Capitalism is to blame for our own death, but we like

    3.although to be now, someone was at fault, our ancestors.

    4.There was nothing like playing hide and seek, burned, there was no stress marbles!

  9. 1E Otoniel Ramos Andres

    1.- Regrettably this article say the true, in the actuality, the sites for “free play” are very few.

    2.- When I was child, I enjoyed the “Free play”, and I dont needed the computers.

    3.- probably, some child’s don’t now how feel the free play 🙁

    4.- inevitably the world have changes, and that affect in daily life……nothing will ever be the same

  10. 1K Israel Alfonso Chavarín Castillo

    1.- We are in a new age where these problems in my opinion are consequence of an inevitable chain of change.
    2.-There are to many people in the world and continues growing rapidly.
    3.-Then, cities must grow to give them a space to live, and in these cities the junk and ambient contamination will grow too rapidly, not to mention the bad government that allows violence in all places
    4.-The technological advance is the last cause, many kids prefer video games or apps of smartphones (that at day, it is very common) than sports or outdoor activities, although sometimes you need to pay much for it.

  11. 1E Erik Parra

    1._ Lately the overprotection it’s hard because the insecurity is in everywhere.
    2._ I think that the “maquinitas” are a good way to the children unfold.
    3._ The new technology is good for the kids as long as that either moderate.
    4._ Exist some games made for the kids that are good for them.

  12. 1E Omar Guadalupe Manriquez Bravo

    1- Its sad but true, now my little cousins are playing or watching videos in their tablets instead of play games like “las escondidas” or something fun.
    2- The kids need more big places like parks with free games where they can run or do whatever they want.
    3- Its crazy how technology is changing our lives from children to adults.
    4- I think parents need to act now and not let technology affect their children life.

  13. 1K Luis Armando Covarrubias Rincon

    1.- The fact that something as simple as playing in the streets, reflects much of what is humanity now
    2.-New technologies, also have influenced the lack of interest for things more simple
    3.-Probably they are the last generations who enjoy playing in the streets
    4.-It is amazing that something so simple is so complicated today

  14. 1E Juan Carlos Vazquez Heredia

    1.-Technology and society have made him dependent children of a mobile.
    2.-Because of the bad habit of the parents of today ‘s children can enjoy games that we enjoyed before.
    3.-Parents should teach their children how to have fun without using technologies now.
    4.-Nice Article.

  15. 1E Juan Carlos Vazquez Heredia

    1.-Technology and society have made him dependent children of a mobile.
    2.-Because of the bad habit of the parents of today’s children can enjoy games that we enjoyed before.
    3.-Parents should teach their children how to have fun without using technologies now.
    4.-Nice Article.

  16. 1K Francisco Xavier Batista Ibarra

    1. What the society need is to think about their children.
    2. The streets used to be the best place to play for kids.
    3. Is sad to know that kids can’t have fun without paying.
    4. Parents have to have fun with their children, it’s free.

  17. 1E Moreno Olmos Atzin

    1. This topic is very interesting
    2. Children now have almost no imagination
    3. Gone are the places where security
    4. Since there are no public spaces

  18. 1K virginia martínez castro

    1.-One of the views of children is play for free.
    2.-You are right, the parents are busy and most the left alone.
    3.-Then for fun have to spend.
    4.-For des getting bored with the school.

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