Muy temprano este sábado comienzo a leer “La palabra amenazada”, de Ivonne Bordelois.
Exquisita desde las primeras letras. Deslumbrante, es otro adjetivo apropiado.
Apenas en la segunda hoja leo una crítica a la violencia y sus efectos en el lenguaje. La violencia está destinada, afirma Bordelois, a la tarea de destruir la imaginación, y es inmensamente eficaz.
Este efecto es silencioso en la escuela. Sigiloso pero letal. Cuando los niños llegan a la universidad, aquella escuela violenta, los maestros violentos, las prácticas violentas en contextos hostiles ya hicieron la tarea. Eficaces sin par. Contra eso, contra la fatalidad, diría Albert Camus, debemos usar el enorme potencial de la educación. Ese mensaje no pueden soslayarlo los profesores.
Sin palabras
Entre el uso de la palabra y la escucha de la palabra media una distancia semejante a la que separa al amor de la prostitución.
Ivonne Bordelois
He dedicado una parte de la mañana a asistir a la Universidad Multitécnica Profesional. Celebraron hoy su VII congreso multidisciplinario. El año pasado tuve el privilegio de asistir también, escuchar a uno de mis maestros más inspiradores (Miguel Ángel Santos Guerra, profesor español) y compartir la comida con él y con los directivos de la UMP. Ahora tuvieron otra invitada realmente extraordinaria; la consejera presidenta del Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación, Sylvia Schmelkes. El resultado no hay que explicarlo. Salta a la vista.
Además del gusto de escuchar a Sylvia Schmelkes, a quien conocí hace casi 20 años, gracias al maestro Pablo Latapí Sarre, encontré nuevos y viejos amigos, queridos todos, con quienes me une una amistad que el tiempo afianza. Maestros, claro, pero también jóvenes de la carrera de pedagogía en esa institución.
Les felicito emocionadamente y agradezco el privilegio que me conceden de ser parte simbólica de su claustro.
2a Ivan Alejandro Bautista Bonilla
Exactly the violence crush the imagination and then begin a bad education for the child.
I’m agree that the violence begin on the school and we don’t see when the problem become a big thing.
I think that everybody around of the child it’s problem’s part like it was mentioned.
The teachers are so inportant to make changed that’s violence but all people should help putting our part too.
2B Abraham Morales Inurreta
1.-Everyone should help to avoid lawsuits and alla not encounter problems
2.-The school is another factor of violence
3.-the amyoria cases start from the house
4.-Violence is not always the best
2B Jonathan Hali Gorbea Aguayo
1.Very early this saturday starting to read “La palabra amenaza”, author Ivonne Bordelois.
2.In the second page read one critique about violence and effects in language.
3.He mention one oration: “this is the use speaking and listening halfword such a distance that separates the love of prostitution.
4.He has dedicated part of the morning in attend University Multitécnica Professional.
2B Angel Ricardo Manzo Puente
1.Violence is for the task of destroying the imagination
2.Violence in schools causes more violence years later.
3.There is a big problem in this society.
4.Violence is NEVER the solution.
2D Christian Lau Heredia
1.-Violence is not a solution
2.-We can be more gently
3.-All the humans are equal
4.-We have to respect each other
2D Aldo
-Violence makes students kind of shy and when they are in some high level they don’t have the enough confidence to participate.
-The violence starts either in the child’s house or in the school.
-Teachers in the school shouldn’t be causing fear on their students.
-In case that the student is already affected by the violence there should be used the education.
2A Rafael Ramírez Rodríguez
The violence is related to academic performance, from my point of view.
The violence cuts the imagination.
The violence is a big social problem.
The school autorities need to avoid violence.
2D Jose Gpe. Montes de Oca Quiñonez
1.-the violence is a very lethal factor in society.
2.-the teachers are indispensable for the formation of children.
3.-the violence isn’t a solution and less in front the children.
4.-A person corrupted by violence can be bad influence.
2D Luis Alfonso Llerenas Maciel
1.The violence should never be a solution to solve a problem
2.The use of violence shows your weaknesses
3.Violence in schools is something that should concern us.
4.The violence ends up affecting who exercise it.
2D Osorio Alcala Jonathan
-The school autorities need to avoid violence.
-Violence is not a solution.
-There is a big problem in this society.
-it´s quiet and effective
2B Eduardo Antonio Reyes Carvajal
The use of violence shows your weaknesses
the teachers are indispensable for the formation of children.
The violence cuts the imagination
Teachers in the school shouldn’t be causing fear on their students
2B Hector Miguel Rodriguez Muliz
1. The lack of values in society is present.
2. Violence has never been a solution for problem solving.
3. We must find a solution to the problems of education in Mexico.
4. Violence removes all existing imagination of students who are violated.
2D jose Angel Torres Martinez
1._ violence is not ta solution because violence generates more violence
2._ Violence in schools is something that should concern us.
3._ us … like future parents…. we should see whats wrong, and teaching our kids that violence will never be the solution…. talking about the problem will always be the soltion
4.._ internet… is our way to know how much violence is being generated by the human
2D Isaias Antonio Orozco Rios
1.-“La palabra amenazada” is another book that I have read
2.-the violence destroy the imagination , that’s very true
3.-The UMP likes to invite people from category
4.-and violence is not a solution , it is just the way to more problems