Diario 2015


Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Cruella-de-vil-4Lo del Día Internacional de la Mujer está muy bien. Creo. No soy quien romperá el encanto de este día en el mundo de caramelo donde todo sabe mejor.

¿Y dónde está el día internacional del hombre? ¿No hay? No lo sé, en todo caso, la pregunta puede ofender buenas conciencias. Y en el caso extremo, no importa. No la retiro.

Los discursos de este día, en boca de políticos o gobernantes que en otros momentos del año olvidan las reivindicaciones femeninas o soslayan su dignidad, confirman su doble naturaleza cuando tienen como edecanes a mujeres muy jóvenes, lindas y de formas sinuosas en faldas ajustadas, a las que pagan para mirar por arriba, por delante y por detrás. Los ejemplos alargarían en exceso esto que pretendía ser un telegrama de felicitación.

Aquellas actitudes me cruzan los cables. No me parece una forma muy coherente de respetar la dignidad femenina cuando se le reduce a objeto decorativo. No me tiren a matar, por favor, no soy de golpes de pecho, pero no compro espejitos ni vidrios, ni joyas. Somos o no. Respetamos o no.

Tampoco concedo pasaporte de impunidad (ni falta que les hace) a los jóvenes (la hijoputez no tiene edad), a los mujeres o ancianos nada más por qué sí. En cada edad y circunstancia anidan debilidades y perversiones. A mí, cuando me hablan de instinto maternal, no me dejan de revolotear por la cabeza imágenes terroríficas, como la Margaret Tatcher, la maestra Gordillo, Laura en América, la bruja de Blanca Nieves, Cruella de Vil o la mataviejitas.

Esto del día internacional de la mujer, o de lo que sea, me parece el mea culpa de una sociedad hipócrita. Sería mejor no tener que reivindicar los derechos y la dignidad que el resto del año tiramos al bote de basura.

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22 thoughts on “DÍA DE LA MUJER

  1. 2A Rafael Ramírez Rodríguez

    What a shame that the hypocrisy abound on this day.

    The use of a woman as an object is a mockery for the conscious society.

    Despite all this, there are still people who really value women without waiting for a mother’s day, woman’s day, etc.

    The article made me see the woman’s day from a more objective point of view.

  2. 2a Ivan Alejandro Bautista Bonilla

    Someones people just want get congratulations of the woman’s day and thet other peoplen look it.

    Sometimes I feel that this celebrations it’s only to market.

    I think that we should make it know to women with words and actions but don’t with materials things.

    There are very relevant points that it was mentioned and this is to reflect and think because there’s very true on that’s.

  3. 2B Abraham Morales Inurreta

    1.-This day is to celebrate a day for women
    2.-more than anything is for women chiquear
    3.-stay one timepo with loved ones
    4.-What a shame that the hypocrisy abound on this day.

  4. 2B Jonathan Hali Gorbea Aguayo

    1.The day of woman is fine but question: Where is the day of man?

    2.The speeches are in mouth our governments at others times of the year forget women’s.

    3.He don’t seem one form coherent the respect at dignity of the women when reduced as a decorative object.

    4.He think what this day of women is realise guilt of a hypocritical society.

  5. 2B Angel Ricardo Manzo Puente

    1.Some people just see the women like a toys.

    2.We are living in a hypocritical society.

    3.i think the same about the maternal instinct.

    4.all the people who think that this is for the womens are wrong, this day is for women’s materialism.

  6. 2B Luis Gabriel Romero Cervantes

    1.- Where is it the men´s day said, the truly men don´t need it.
    2.- It´s true people just remember women´s rights in this day.
    3.- The pretty women only are seen like a object that it´s wrong.
    4.- We must know what important is the women in the society

  7. 2D Jose Gpe. Montes de Oca Quiñonez

    1.-Women also have feelings and are people there nesesidad to treat them well, it should say that we come from a woman.
    2.-Do not let the hypocrisy dominate us and less when it comes to women
    3.-No need to wait each year to celebrate women, day by day we should appreciate more.
    4.-They are an indispensable pillar in our life, it is silly to treat them as objects.

  8. 2B Luis Armando Duran Vega

    1) The woman’s day sounds good, but what about men’s day? huh?

    2) Women have to be respected by everyone.

    3) A woman is just a decorative object if she wants. She has her owns rights.

    4) We don’t need this day to remember the women’s rights or celebrate them.

  9. 2D Aldo

    -I agree with your opinion about the women’s day, there should be a day about men.
    -It’s true that politicians just talk good about something when it is important in the moment, in any other moment they don’t care about that.
    -People of today is just hypocrisy, they only think about woman with respect when it is the women’s day, any other day they dont think about a woman with respect.
    -The women’s day is just another distraction to keep us distracted from the real problems.

  10. 2D Christian Lau Heredia

    1.- The day of the men exists
    2.-I think that is anothar comercial day
    3.-We can give some presents to the women another day, its less symbolical when we try to be romantic that day.
    4.-We are living in a hypocritical society

  11. 2D Carlos Francsico Nuñez Delgado

    1.-The women’s day is really a day about consumerism, and women don’t need buy things to celebrate their day.
    2.-It should exist a men’s day, I think there is not equity
    3.-The hipocrisy about this day is really big and is a shame
    4.-And what a shame that politics flatter the women for a good image in their political party

  12. 2D Jonathan Osorio

    – happy woman day´s
    – where is the happy men day´s?
    – the bule not respet a the woman.
    – the political not respet a the woman.

  13. 2a Edgar Alejando Avalos Alvarado

    1.-I think women are the most beautiful in the world.
    2.-While it is known that at present gender equity calls, I think you should take into account man and should be created the Man’s Day.
    3.-I think the Women’s Day was created by entrepreneurs.
    4.-I think women should show him love and appreciation every day of the year.

  14. 2D Luis Alfonso Llerenas Maciel

    1.The international day of the man if exists.
    2.On other issues there is also hypocrisy by society.
    3.Every day should be treated with respect to women.
    4.Consumerism has taken advantage of this date.

  15. 2B Eduardo Antonio Reyes Carvajal

    What a shame that the hypocrisy abound on this day.
    -People of today is just hypocrisy, they only think about woman with respect when it is the women’s day, any other day they dont think about a woman with respect.
    Do not let the hypocrisy dominate us and less when it comes to women
    Where is it the men´s day said, the truly men don´t need it.

  16. 2B Hector Miguel Rodriguez Muliz

    1. We see how society is so hypocritical celebrating women’s day, and the next day, acting like previous days denigrating women.
    2. The day of man does not exist. Why is that?
    3. The policy does not respect women.
    4. Probably, this day is a business day only …

  17. 2D negrete caudillo aaron

    yeah you’re right, where is the men’s day?
    the politicians always are 2faced.
    they look woman as a trophy sometimes or as a prove that they have a very wood reputation and family.
    we have to recognize their eforts all year not just in a single day.

  18. 2D jose Angel Torres Martinez

    1._ jajaja Mr Yañez i agree with you, where’s International men’s day
    2._ We dont have too see a women like a trophy, we should see them like part of pur life, someone who we love and will always be there for us
    3._ wee need to celebrate women’s day everyday, because a women brought us to life
    4._ in my opinion, celebrating this day, is only part of the goverment saying that is doing something for women who are agressed by man, and sadly this thing happends every day :c

  19. 2D Isaias Antonio Orozco Rios

    1.-congratulations to those women that if they work for a better world

    2.-it is well known the lies that politicians say to accompany his political career

    3.-i think that if there day man , but nobody remembers jaja

    4.-and true, this day is full of hypocrisy

  20. 2D Méndez Hernández Germán Eduardo

    1.- day of women should be every day.
    2.- I would also like to at least recognize the man one day of the year.
    3.- the woman is not at all an object.
    4.- Unfortunately there are people who have no respect for others.

  21. 2D Vega Barbosa Francisco Javier

    1.- Actualy shouldn’t be the woman’s day, instead, should be the day of gender equality.
    2.- I hate the some people’s attitude to female gender.
    3.- hypocrite People is the worst.
    4.- I dont like how take some womens as objects.

  22. 2D Barreda González Alejandro

    1.- Why the men’s day is not important?.
    2.- The women’s is the best thing that the men’s have.
    3.- the society is very hypocrite.
    4.- Happy women’s day.

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