Diario 2015


Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

edificio_osafig_02-999x641Esta mañana, camino a la Universidad, escuché un reportaje en Ángel Guardián sobre el conocimiento que la ciudadanía tiene del Osafig, Organo Superior de Auditoría y Fiscalización Gubernamental del Estado. El reportero sondeó a un grupo de personas (no se precisó la cantidad) y de todas, solo una supo cuál era su función. Las respuestas de la mayoría, sin significación estadística, fueron elocuentes. Palabras más, palabras menos, dijeron: no sé, no sé qué hace, nunca había escuchado, es la primera vez que escuchó… Lo que en otras palabras, también quiere decir: y no me importa.

Eso, justamente eso, la incultura ciudadana, la apatía, el desinterés, explican muchos de los males que en otras sociedades serían inaceptables e indignantes.

Por eso, justo por eso, la historia puede repetirse, como la rueda de la infortuna.


Al mediodía comencé a leer Esto no es un diario, de Zygmunt Bauman. En el final de la primera página escribe: “no he sabido aprender otro modo de vida más que el de la escritura. Un día sin escribir o anotar algo se me antoja un día desperdiciado o criminalmente abortado: un deber incumplido, una vocación traicionada”.

Si fuera Facebook le pondría diez veces, o veinte: Me gusta.

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21 thoughts on “NO SÉ, NO SÉ QUÉ HACE… NI ME IMPORTA

  1. 1K Israel Alfonso Chavarín Castillo

    1.-Unfortunately it is true
    2.-Disinterest and apathy are common in our society
    3.-We need a change
    4.-We have to participate

  2. 1k Gustavo Fernando Morentin Ballesteros

    1. People of colima are not aware of many organizations.

    2. Sometimes people prefer not knowing certain things that are not important for them

    3. Many people of Colima do not care what some other organizations but if

    4.We should learn more about all organizations that exist in our country as they are very important to all

  3. 1k oscar eduardo castrejon mejia

    1. unfortunately so are the people, selfless
    2. that is why are as we are
    3. one thinks that there is no tourning back, that nothing will change.
    4. people do nit care who decides for them.

  4. 1K Anuar Avimael Jiménez Anguiano

    1.- That’s why we’re naive sometimes, be on our selfish ways.

    2.- We wish a flawless society, but we aren’t doing it in the right way, we’re living in a careless society, nobody must belong to this mistake.

    3.-If we take care of them all = we’re taking care of us.

    4.-We haven’t known how to be in the right way, but, by the way, the people should learn about the organizations that are around us,nobody seems to remember that they’re important every single day. It isn’t an endless problem.

  5. 1k virginia martinez castro

    1.-Some persons do not know of the existence of governmental organizations as they do not know his function.
    2.-The majority of persons live through an ignorance in the culture.
    3.-This history can repeat every time there are mas ignorant persons who do not know these organizations.
    4.-This history can repeat every time there are mas ignorant persons who do not know these organizations.

  6. 1J Alejandra Peralta Escamilla

    1. Everyday I’m surprised of ignorance of society.

    2. The most serious human problem is the disinterest.

    3. Osafig evaluates, controls and inspects public resources, in case you were wondering.

    4. We must pay more attention to existing organizations in our state.

  7. 1E Alan Fco. Sánchez Cazarez

    1. It’s kind of funny because I’m sure that people in the comments didn’t know about Osafig either.

    2. I don’t agree with this article, because I don’t think it is our fault of not knowing this organization.

    3. But I do agree that we need to be very concerned about our government and what they are doing.

    4. I wouldn’t blame that bad the people that didn’t know this thing.

  8. 1K Miguel Angel Carrasco Olvera

    1. The government is the one who does not like to keep us informed
    2.The government is the how many
    3. Mexico need a coup d’etat
    4.16 OF SEPTEMBER, independence?

  9. 1J Yazmin Gutierrez Solorio

    1.sometimes people don’t care about things of the government
    2.people do like to be mediocre
    3.Mexicans are apathetic and ignorant
    4.I think the phrase Zygmunt is very true, because writing is something important

  10. 1E Juan Manuel Brizuela Castillo

    1. Honestly I neither know what is the OSAFIG.
    2. Most of the people don’t know either what this is because we think that all the things that are related with our State are a matter of the government and not ours.
    3. The population of Colima shall try to get a little more involved in the things our government does, because if we fail as a State, it isn’t only governments fault, it’s also our fault, because we choose them to take care of the most important decisions, and I we aren’t making something to change bad situations, we are failing too.
    4. As long as we don’t change our common defects, we’ll keep living in an infinite loop.

  11. 1J Andrea Muñoz

    1. The biggest problem is that people cares more about foreign artists (yes, artists) than the government they have.

    2. Also the ignorance about how to write and express themselves properly makes this problem worse than it would be if people were less ignorant.

    3. Divergency is another big problem in our society.

    4. WE CAN’T BE AGREE ANYTIME! And is terrible living with a close minded society.

  12. 1E Luis Alberto Robles Hernández

    1.- The ignorance of a person looks awful
    2.- I think the goverment should bring the information to the people, to avoid hiding information.
    3.- The people that were asked what was that organization, i think that they tought that it wasn’t an important thing.
    4.- The disinterestedness of many people, i think that is, because they think that are not relevant.

  13. 1j kevin padilla garrido

    1.many organizations never give information about what do they do, whats their purpose,etc
    2.people doesnt show interest on learnig more about them tho
    3.both parts should show more interest on giving/ taking information
    4. Everyone its always complaining of our government but thats not the way to solve it, if they want to see a change, they have to start with themselves, what i mean its, you cant blame this organizations of not giving us information when you dont even care wether they exist or not

  14. 1 K Alan Cerna Olivares

    1.- the mexican doesn´t know the function of each goverment departament.
    2.- feel wind of chance
    3.- i didnt know what means OSAFIG
    4.- smell like ignorance

  15. 1k Mildred Silva Méndez

    1. Almost of the mexican people are ignorant
    2. Always we waste the time in something
    3. We need to change our way to life
    4. The time is a treausure so take care

  16. 1E Luis Gerardo Galindo Luna

    1. I didn’t know that that many people do not know about their own country.
    2. Maybe you are right and they just don’t care.
    3. Honestly I don’t see the problem.
    4. Some people just don’t like to bother with stuff like that.

  17. 1E Rodrigo Velasco Rivas

    1. Not knowing something is not one’s fault, but ignorance is.

    2. Sadly, many Mexicans are like that, I’ll include myself.

    3. I didn’t know what OSAFIG was neither.

    4. And while that information is not of use for me now, getting to know its function now may help me, in a near future. That’s what knowledge is for.

  18. 1K Alvaro Rodriguez Ramirez

    1.- Knowledge is power, society should know.
    2.- An educated society is an efficient society
    3.- What happens when we lose interest? R:Government does what it wants.
    4.- We must educate our children for a better tomorrow.

  19. 1E Carlos Alberto Vera Villegas

    1 – sadly not that means , in a nutshell I am ignorant

    2 – this is no one’s fault , is the fault of education largely

    3 – people have to start having good habits

    4- we need read

  20. 1E Otoniel Ramos Andres

    1.- the ignorance predominates our country, and many more.

    2.- this is the true, the Regrettably true.

    3.- many people say they are ignorant , but nobody does anything about it.

    4.- I think…. we are ignorant…….

  21. 1E Juan Plata Hernandez

    1.-I think it’s citizens , the problem that sometimes only think of ourselves

    2.-sometimes these points in society are out of control

    3.-I think we should recognize that it is the duty nuetro know “different agencies operating ”

    4.-think about how we can become blind….

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