¿Qué podemos hacer los maestros? Es una pregunta siempre viva, siempre urgente. Una interrogante que debemos introducir en los diálogos y discusiones con maestros o estudiantes que serán maestros.
En el libro de Cecilia Bixio, Maestros del siglo XXI. El oficio de educar. Un homenaje a Paulo Freire, encuentro una anécdota maravillosa que refleja el posible poder de la educación, aun en las más paupérrimas condiciones:
Estaba con un grupo de maestr@s de escuelas públicas muy humildes, en un país de Centro América. Interrumpe mi exposición un maestro y me dice: Maestra, todo lo que usted dice es muy bonito, pero los niños que tenemos nosotros, en las aulas, llegan con hambre, descalzos, mal dormidos, viven en situaciones de gran miseria. No pueden aprender porque no tienen ni sus necesidades básicas cubiertas.
Escuché con detenimiento al maestro mientras hablaba. Miré los rostros de sus colegas que, en el más respetuoso silencio, asentían. Cuando hubo terminado, me acerqué y le pregunté:
-Maestro, si ese niño con sueño, hambre y descalzo llega a la escuela, tal vez camina muchos kilómetros sin calzado, por el monte, por alguna carretera pedregosa, y pese a todos esos inconvenientes, llega a la escuela, ¿usted se va a quedar mirando sus pies descalzos, su hambre, su cansancio, sus condiciones nefastas de vida para terminar diciéndole: “No puedo enseñarte porque no reunís las condiciones mínimas para aprender, porque no venís con tus necesidades básicas satisfechas”? ¿Se va a quedar mirando su hambre en lugar de mirar lo que él está deseando que vea, esto es, un niño que quiere aprender? ¿O acaso llega hasta la escuela esperando un plato de comida, ropa, calzado? En su escuela, maestro, no hay comedor escolar ni ropero escolar, por lo tanto, ese niño no espera de usted nada más que lo que usted sí tiene, y puede ayudarle a conseguirlo: algunos conocimientos para afrontar con alguna esperanza sus trágicas condiciones de vida.
¡Qué podemos hacer los maestros! ¡Cuánto podemos lograr!
1k Gustavo Fernando Morentin Ballesteros
1. it is true that some teachers thinks that poor people can´t learn so good.
2. all people even have not a lot of money is interesting of have education.
3. All teachers should learn that all people need have education.
4. The teachers needs to try help people for study.
good comments!
1K Miguel Angel Carrasco Olvera
1. I remember the educational reforms, which are more corrupt than education.
2.This condition forces the child to work and he believe that it is better than studying
4.Even I feel uncomfortable, I can not imagine them
1K Daniel Gerónimo Chacón Carrillo
*Some teachers think that doesn’t matter if you are poor
*The important is that the child wants learn
*The education is the most powerful tool
*you have one oportunity to be someone if you study
1K Israel Alfonso Chavarín Castillo
1.-That is a great anecdote, shows all reality
2.-Many times, some students have problems of all type
3.-However the majority are in the school to learn and try to improve their conditions in a future
4.-So, the teachers must support them in all as possibly
1J Andrea Muñoz
1. With hungry of knowledge and faith there isn’t limit above a person’s goal.
2. Teachers have to be open minded, only that way they’ll improve the education quality.
3. Maybe, if we put less attention to our problems, we’ll find good ways to get out of our conditions.
4. If people weren’t selfish, we would be in a better scenery.
1E Juan Manuel Brizuela Castillo
1. I think that one of the biggest problems in our university is this, the teachers aren’t really focused in the main thing… Teaching. Most of them are only worried on who came, who didn’t come, and they lose important time of class naming lists, giving endless speeches about why is important to come. If the students don’t want to learn, that’s not teacher’s problem, they have to keep teaching those who really want to learn new things.
2. Being a teacher doesn’t mean just keep talking all the day about a certain theme, It is a good idea to have a close interaction with the students, to create a confidence environment.
3. At least all the teachers should learn a little of pedagogy, to have efficient strategies to help students in their learning process, cause honestly… talking 50 minutes is not the same that teaching.
4. Stories like this help a teacher to be best on his profession, because it’s an experience that maybe make him look his job from another point of view, and by the way, make him wiser, because experience is the base of wisdom.
1E Luis Alberto Robles Hernández
1.- Teachers should consider that Mexico is a poor country, and there are many children with hungry.
2.- The goverment of Mexico should give scolarships to poor childs who need food, clothes, and tools to learn.
3.- There are some teachers that earn too much money and work less than other teachers that earn less and work harder.
4.- I know there are children that wants to get ahead, and overcome their poverty, and this let us think.
1J Kevin Padilla Garrido
1.this anecdote could show us that not always the one who has the basic needs its the best studying
2. our education system should change ASAP
3.some teachers think that if someone is poor it means they are not cappable to learn like rich kids
4. this happens in the whole world not just in mexico, acording on what you posted i see this happened in argentina..
1J Jose Ricardo Mendoza Martinez
1. I think both of the coments are true.
2. On one side we have a child that maybe goes to the school for his parents obligation.
3. On the other side we have a teacher that must teach children in that poor conditions.
4. The conditions are deplorable.
1K Alvaro Rodriguez Ramìrez
1. Teaching is an art, teaching is a passion, teaches the youngs to represent us in the morning is the goal; without seeing where they come from, but seeing where they go.
2. I remember what my father said: thanks that you have, beacause other kids are not so lucky.
3. They are inspiring people who do a lot with little.
4. The Mexican educational model teaches you to be conformist, we need to change.
1K Anuar Avimael Jiménez Anguiano
1.- Someone that goes to school in that way, seems that is trying to learn.
2.- Some teachers disagree with this, but I guess, they think that they haven’t taught in the right way, it makes them think that it doesn’t matter at all.
3.- Mexican government should support them in the hard moments, we’re not tired of asking.
4.- This educational model can barely make up few problems
1E Glenda Gpe. Camarena Gtz.
1. All teachers should learn that all people need have education.
2. The Mexican educational model teaches you to be conformist, we need to change
3.some teachers think that if someone is poor it means they are not cappable to learn like rich kids
4. Maybe, if we put less attention to our problems, we’ll find good ways to get out of our conditions.
1E Otoniel Ramos Andres
1.- this is the principal problem of education, some teachers, only search good conditions to work, and good students, but they dont use his abilities to form new and good students for the future, they only want comfort
2.- to have a good education, we need teachers, but not only teachers, we need good teachers, and not only for teach, also ha the confidence to be a inlfunece in the profecional life of onte student
3.-some student dont have the means to keep his studies, but that does not mean that students are not good
4.-when you have the desire to study, only supports is needed to archive
1E José Juan Santillán Torres
1.- The teachers can teach more that the course guideline.
2.- I meditate about this situation.
3.- Students and teachers should strive for improve the education.
4.- I really liked this post but not this situation in the country.
1E Noel Gabriel Camacho Cardenas
1.hunger, bad living conditions, are not an impediment to learning.
2.teachers are more concerned with how students come to school, because as they go home.
3.Teachers! An excellent example is the teacher Arthur Edwards, the best teacher.
4.teachers can do? in my opinion, ready to teach and enjoy doing it. If you do not enjoy what you do makes no sense to continue doing.
1E Luis Gerardo Galindo Luna
1. That “teacher” was a complete jerk.
2. More scholarships should exsist for kids like that.
3. Most teachers also suck at their job which is sad.
4. I can’t believe the other teachers didn’t say anything.
1E Eduardo Martínez Santoyo
1. Teachers should know that Mexico has many poor people.
2. Children go to the school even when they are poor, beacuse they want to learn.
3. Teachers shouldn’t think in that way.
4. The most valuable thing that teachers can give to their students is knowledge.
1K Javier Perez Mendoza
1.They have more hungry for knowledge and education
2.Is preferable that these children go to school hungry and barefoot to complete as criminals or being part of a criminal gang
3.Some Mexican schools as which the teachers belong to the SNTE prefer to do work stoppage and strikes rather than an interest in the education of their students and it should not be so by that there are students in difficult situations have to walk kilometers and hungry to go to school and have to return home that the teachers have decided that there will be no classes
4.The same teachers can reach an agreement to support students in difficult situations
1k Mildred Silva Méndez
1. ¡WOW excellent answer!
2. The teacher say a clever answer
3. All teachers should be like this teacher and do only one thing and is ¡¡¡TEACH!!!
4. Maybe your human side say “oh poor kid” but ¿What do you do for this kid and other children? Exactly nothing because you don’t have enough money to all of them so the option you have is teach…
1k Mildred Silva Méndez
1. ¡WOW excellent answer!
2. The teacher say a clever answer
3. All teachers should be like this teacher and do only one thing and is ¡¡¡TEACH!!!
4. Maybe your human side say “oh poor kid” but ¿What do you do for this kid and other children? Exactly nothing because you don’t have enough money to all of them so the option you have is teach…
1E Rodrigo Velasco Rivas
1. Cecilia is completely right, teacher’s main focus must be: teaching.
2. A good teacher should not judge any student because of their situation.
3. Nowadays is harder to find actually good teachers, most of them just read PowerPoint presentation to get the class over.
4. I get mixed feelings when a teacher doesn’t attend class, one part of me is happy because I get a break, another part of me gets angry because I missed some knowledge too.
1k oscar eduardo castrejon mejia
1. the teachers have to help any person that he cans, because not all the people can study.
2. that´s an excellent answer for them.
3. the teachers be one of the most important job in the world, because them need to prepare the people for be someone in the life.
4. I want to thank all the teachers than give me class for that.
1E Alan Fco. Sánchez Cazarez
1. Some children are hungry, not for food, but for knowledge.
2. Teachers have a really big responsability in that kind of schools.
3. We could be surprised of the intelligence of a poor kid.
4. We should be like those kids, always learning no matter the circumstances.
1E Moreno Olmos Atzin
1.- This issue is very surprising
2.- Teachers always have to help without discrimination
3.- a student with these conditions are always the most use studies
4.- you always have to take Big Thing?
1E Omar Guadalupe Manriquez Bravo
1. The best way to help that kids it’s to teach them.
2. Parents do their best to send their kids to the school because they want the best future for their kids.
3. They should be more worried to be the best teachers!
4. The teachers need to stop with the boring classes, they have to make the classes Easy and Fun because is the best way to educate.
Pablo Miguel Jiménez García 1J
1.- Teachers, in some cases, decide the way the student go in the future.
2.- If a teacher dont show a student the importance of the humility, he cant grow in a good way.
3.- I think that the schooll friends of the student are a bassical livelihood of a child growing with that kind of problemns
4.- The shoes you wear arent show the abilities that you own.