El mal fin del día pasó factura nocturna. Desperté en la madrugada de incómodo sueño. O, tal vez, desperté para observar mi sueño. Como espectador sentado frente a la televisión que transmite la imagen del espectador observado por la cámara… O eso creo.
El oído se me aguzó a extremos inusitados. Me taladraban los ruidos intermitentes de la noche. Cuando se abría el silencio, era estruendoso. Desde la tierra emergía el sonido del militarizado caminar de las hormigas que destrozaban las más tiernas hojas del árbol que atisbo desde la ventana. Un enorme aleteo apagó por un instante la luz de la calle. Apenas vi los ojos encendidos del murciélago chillando tras un grillo zigzagueante, víctima inminente. El ejército de termitas seguía destrozando el viejo mueble de madura donde decidieron hospedarse y a donde vuelven, tozudas, una y otra vez. Una mosca zumbona me destrozó el oído izquierdo y casi pierdo el equilibrio. Un mundo ignoto.
La penumbra y los habitantes de esa escenografía despertaron primeras sospechas. Mi cabeza giró 360 grados buscando orientación. El mundo abierto ante los ojos era inquietante, poco familiar. De la sorpresa pasé al temor, luego a la impotencia. Busqué pies y manos. No había nada. La agitación me removió una parte y fui a estrellarme justo frente al espejo del tocador de mi mujer. Quise moverme y la viscosidad me atrapó a la superficie. Con esa pista terrorífica moví la cabeza en automático. Allí estaba ella, mi mujer, dormida; silenciosa la habitación. Inmóvil. Un vértigo me sacudió al mirar hacia el piso. Lejos, muy lejos quedaban los zapatos, la camisa tirada en la esquina, el libro de anoche apenas podía distinguirlo. Fue dolorosa la constatación. Era un bicho, un bicho como Gregorio Samsa. O una reencarnación.
¿El inicio o en proceso de metamorfosis Dr. Juan Carlos? Saludos
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Hola Faby, no lo sé. No estoy tan seguro 🙂 Cuando reanude el sueño, si ocurre, te contaré.
Un abrazo
1k Gustavo Fernando Morentin Ballesteros
1. when we sleep we have rare views
2. To me it has also happened to me that I do not wake up and realize where I am
3. When I wake up in the morning sometimes I think I’m still in a dream and I do not want to wake up
4. It is therefore very important to sleep well because there you experience new things with your mind
1K Israel Alfonso Chavarín Castillo
1.-Dreams are very interesting, and many times these look real
2.-When we dream, we can enjoy greatest adventures like in a movie of ourselves
3.-Sometimes we have nightmares and the adventure turns in a terror history
4.-However, dreams are just that, although we like or not
1K Daniel Gerónimo Chacón Carrillo
*when you dream, you open your mind to a new world
*Your livings are mixed and you think that its real
*Your feelings are involved and it could be strange and shocking
*its an inexpicable fealing
1J Yazmin Gutierrez Solorio
1.Sometimes dreams can be nightmares
2.the mind can create many strange dreams
3.and impact as dreams when you wake up
4.Sometimes dreams can be mixed with reality
1J Andrea Muñoz
1. We reflect our hidden thoughts and feelings when we dream.
2. Also we make happen in dreams the things that we want to happen in reality.
3. I think that dreaming is a powerful way to express with ourselves and find answers of what keeps in our mind all day.
4. But sometimes, when it becomes a nightmare, we have to fight for changing the bad thoughts into good thoughts.
1E Juan Manuel Brizuela Castillo
1. All dreams have a meaning, cause they are a representation of what is in the deepest part of our minds.
2. The action of feeling yourself as a non physical entity interacting with the physical world during a dream is called “Astral travel”
3. Even if this sounds a little insane, there’re people that commonly suffer this kind of thins, and they interpretate this as a sign that you have to see yourself as the world sees you.
4. I have never suffered this kind of dreams, but I think I’ll be as scaried as hell the day that this happens to me.
1J Aylin A. Hernández Reyes
1. That was a dream it was very interesting.
2. Maybe it was a message that it is necessary to be decrypted.
3. It is said that many dreamsare felection of our fears or uncertainties.
4. I have always believed that dreamsare a window into another reality, and which must be taken in consideration.
1K Anuar Avimael Jiménez Anguiano
1.- The dreams are wonderful, they’re free for our imagination, places full of chances.
2.- We’re the people, dreaming for ourselves, dreaming a few things that we wanna be.
3.- Try to change the world, it’s not forbidden for anyone.
4.- Nightmares, fairytales, or whatever, dreams are able to change your life.
1j kevin padilla garrido
1.its very interesting, i would like to know more details about this dream you had
2. Dreams are very powerful, sometimes we can even see the future.
3. Its curious how can a “normal” dream can turn so fast into a nightmare.
4.maybe this dream means something, take it like an advice, search about this in the internet, you could get surprised of what could it mean.
1E Glenda Gpe. Camarena Gtz.
1. When I wake up in the morning sometimes I think I’m still in a dream and I do not want to wake up
2. Dreams are very powerful, sometimes we can even see the future.
3. But sometimes, when it becomes a nightmare, we have to fight for changing the bad thoughts into good thoughts.
4. Try to change the world, it’s not forbidden for anyone.
1 K Alan Cerna Olivares
1.- Sometimes the dreams shows wierd stuff.
2.- people think that the dreams are a short view of the future.
3.- that reminds me a movie thats call “inception”
4.-A nightmare shows what are you afraid
1E Rodrigo Velasco Rivas
1. I think these kind of dreams are the oddest in some ways.
2. What I mean, realistic dreams may freak out someone easily, because it’s hard to distinguish that dream from reality.
3. It has happened several times to me, too.
4.But what could all that mean, I wonder?
1K Alvaro Rodriguez Ramirez
1.- Undoubtedly a strange dream, what happened latter?
2.- Dreams are the view of the soul.
3.- Even a bug has an impact on our day.
4.- If I reincarnated I would like to be a bird.
1k oscar eduardo castrejon mejia
1. it´s so normal that this things happend.
2. sometimes we have a rare dreams, and for that, wake up.
3. the animals we never sleep or what?
4. i don´t like wake up in the dark night.
1K José Daniel Ceballos Peregrina
1.- A strange dream, but the way you are telling it to us is pretty cool
2.- It’s like a good story
3.- Dreams are always weird
4.- Dreams sometimes feel so real
1E Otoniel Ramos Andres
1.- reads like this, open the imagination.
2.- our ideas are limited only by the imagination.
3.- in dreams the imagination is free. but not your
4.- Interesting article
1E Omar Guadalupe Manriquez Bravo
1. Dreams are mysterious and can be interpreted in so many ways.
2. Dreams Fells like you are in!
3. All the people have to have dreams and goals.
4. When you are asleep, your soul goes out and goes to the 4th dimension..
1K virginia martínez castro
1.-Is it aroused considerable public anger with a bad dream that prevented to go back to sleep
2.-And he went out for a walk in order to unwind a little
3.-Some people tend to have nightmares
4.-Brother wake up and feel strange or scared