Diario 2015

Tarde literaria

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Pasé dos horas gratas en lo que un grupo de estudiantes de pedagogía en la Universidad llamaron “Tarde literaria”. Reunidos en la explanada, en torno a una pequeña mesa, sin pompa ni ceremonia, dos colegas maestras y tres alumnos leyeron y comentaron textos elegidos previamente.

Los asistentes escuchamos con atención, aplaudimos emocionados (creo), tomamos café, unas galletas y ganamos libros rifados que habían obsequiado profesores.

El resultado fue estupendo y cerrĂł con la participaciĂłn de VĂ­ctor Chi, narrador oral de la SecretarĂ­a de Cultura.

Escuchando a los jóvenes recordé a un colega y amigo, Juan Fidel Zorrilla, con quien conversé la semana anterior en el Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa. Juan Fidel tiene una interesante concepción de la vida universitaria; palabras más, palabras menos, afirma: la universidad existe cuando un estudiante toma un libro académico, científico o humanístico, lo lee, lo comprende y escribe o expresa verbalmente algo inteligente. Es decir, la universidad es un espacio de pensamiento, palabra, expresión, actividad con sentido.

Esta tarde, en la explanada de PedagogĂ­a, a pesar de la oscuridad de la noche, he visto la universidad.

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24 thoughts on “Tarde literaria

  1. 1K Rodriguez Ramirez Alvaro

    1.- When a person expresses clever ideas it creates a healthy environment for dialogue.
    2.- Pleasant is the idea that the university actively promotes culture and the love of reading in public spaces.
    3.- When the university promotes these spaces helps us to grow as people
    4.- I really admire people who struggle every day to prepare, they are motivation and role model.

  2. 1J

    1.Cookies and coffee .. something delicious while you read or hear a book in the company of your fellow
    2.That’s true, the university is a place where you can express and meaningless activities
    3.Reading a book takes you imagine a world where history and the actions they take the characters ..
    4. Reading books helps you relax, because your brain is imagining history

    1. 1J Marco Antonio Dìaz Navarro

      Marco Antonio Diaz Navarro

  3. 1K Anuar Avimael Jiménez Anguiano

    *Reading events are great to promote culture

    *It’s good that young people are interested in things such books

    *We need to pay attention to the college life and the university, that place where we can think whatever we want to.

    *Events like this deserve to be applauded

  4. 1K Daniel GerĂłnimo ChacĂłn Carrillo

    *We study for give something to offer to the people.
    *sometimes the people just think in himself.
    *the university is a place to learn and express that we think.
    *there is some experiences that only learn in the university.

  5. 1k virginia martinez castro

    1.-It is good if students have fun in a healthy way .
    2.-It is very good to motivate students to read.
    3.-because in these times it is losing the habits to grab a book and read.
    4.-also thanks to the modernization of this culture is lost

  6. 1E Eduardo Martinez Santoyo

    1.-That’s true, the university is a place where the students can express themself and learn something new.
    2.-All the universities should have “Tardes Literarias”.
    3.-Coffee and cookies are your best company when you read a book.
    4.-It’s good that you can see the truly meaning of university.

  7. 1J Yazmin Gutierrez Solorio

    1-I think students should read more, because reading gives more knowledge
    2-should have more events like this, so that more young people join the world of reading
    3-I feel good that give books as this will open more doors to reading
    4-it is good that the university be set at what young people need, which in this case is reading

  8. 1J Marco Diaz

    1.Cookies and coffee .. something delicious while you read or hear a book in the company of your fellow
    2.That’s true, the university is a place where you can express and meaningless activities
    3.Reading a book takes you imagine a world where history and the actions they take the characters ..
    4. Reading books helps you relax, because your brain is imagining history

  9. luis Alberto Calleros Carrillo 1"K"

    1. I like to promote reading.

    2. that young people are interested in literature .

    3. I liked the phrase college exists when a Joben grab a book.

    4. come together just for the sake of reading .

  10. 1J Alejandra Peralta Escamilla

    1.- I like to read, but I don’t have time for it.

    2.- I think that university is a place or knowledge, depending on how you see it.

    3.- Maybe the best university is life.

    4.- I like cookies and coffee.

  11. 1E Velasco Rivas Rodrigo

    1. It’s nice to see that a simple event had such a (relatively) big success.

    2. It seems like a nice way to pass the time.

    3. I wished you could’ve said more about the texts that the students and teachers read at the event.

    4. Finally, I gotta say that I agree with that last paragraph, an university is not only a place that says that on the entrance, it should be a place for learning.

  12. 1E Alan Fco. Sánchez Cazarez

    1. I also think that most universities are, or should be, places to learn new things.

    2. I don’t like teachers nowadays that try to scare you with an exam, because I know some. They just don’t get the “teaching” part.

    3. Honestly some students, like me, don’t just take a book and read it.

    4.These “Tardes Literarias” are unknown in my career.

  13. 1k oscar eduardo castrejon mejia

    1K Oscar Eduardo Castrejon Mejia
    1.- I like to read, but I don’t have time for it.
    2. that young people are interested in literature.
    3. I feel good that give books as this will open more doors to reading.
    4.-also thanks to the modernization of this culture is lost.

  14. 1J Aylin Hernánndez Reyes

    1. it is exciting to know that there are places in the University where these reading activities are made.

    2- I love reading, because it is one of the ways of living and learning more incredible that there are.

    3- I believe that a university is not only a place of thought also of human coexistence.

    4- I hope that never finish these opportunities to enjoy a good book

  15. 1E Juan Manuel Brizuela Castillo

    1.- Unfortunately, there are few places where events like this one are made.
    2.- There are few students that are capable to make a deep reflection about a book
    3.- Why do people give coffe and cookies in this events instead of tacos and coke?
    4.- Events like this one promote reading culture

  16. 1J Jose Ricardo Mendoza Martinez

    1. Read will open our minds if we read the correct book.
    2. The university keeps us busy, so we can’t read as we want.
    3. A great part of the students don’t like to read.
    4. It has to be an obligation to the UdC promote the reading.

  17. 1k Mildred Nataly Silva MĂ©ndez

    1.- WOW! this post has few words but says a lot.
    2.- It’s true. University isn’t only the place.
    3.- An involved student make his own University.
    4.- It’s important read, write, study because this will makes of you a best person.

  18. 1E Moreno Olmos Atzin

    1-. It was a great idea the event
    2. reading is good to humans
    3. Reading is a way of dreaming
    4. It is a good topic

  19. 1E Manuel Eduardo Ramirez Velasco

    1.- Very nice words.
    2.- Read is promote the culture.
    3.- It has to be an obligation to the Universities to promote the reading.
    4.- A book is a world, this waiting to be read.

  20. 1K Luis Armando Covarrubias Rincon

    1.-Hopefully this sort of thing is encouraging in my faculty
    2.-Made me remember the times high school
    3.-A healthy way to fun
    4.-Nice post

  21. 1J Christian Cagide

    1 Reading is not for everyone
    2 When a person thinks of smart ideas it creates a good environment for dialogue
    3 If you like reading why not share it with everyone
    4 I think that the university is not only a place of thought also of human coexistence

  22. 1J Andrea Muñoz

    1. The university can exist at the moment that it wants to, no matter the conditions while it has activities with sense.

    2. The intelligence of a college student can be seen in the writings that he/she does after a reading.

    3. I find nice that students spend time with their teachers.

    4. Is good that teachers and students share this kind of readings to people that might be interested in them.

  23. 1J Calvario Silva Juan Carlos

    1.- Very nice words.
    2.- Read is promote the culture.
    3.- It has to be an obligation to the Universities to promote the reading.
    4.- A book is a world, this waiting to be read.

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