¿Es posible que el Sistema Nacional de Bachillerato y las políticas de la Reforma Integral de la Educación Media Superior permitan alcanzar el objetivo de universalización en el ciclo 2021-2022? Si no se cumple, ¿qué sucederá?
Los problemas estructurales irresueltos hoy condenan a que millones y millones de niños y jóvenes no escapen de la maldición de “La triste historia de la cándida Eréndira y su abuela desalmada”, es decir, a pagar una condena por delitos no cometidos: la exclusión del derecho a la educación.
A ese grave problema agregaría otros desafíos pendientes en la promesa de extender la obligatoriedad del bachillerato.
Primero, construir proyectos educativos para sujetos diferentes, cuyas condiciones muchas veces ni siquiera conocemos. Estudiantes que trabajan, que tienen hijos, con deficiencias formativas detectadas por los propios instrumentos de medición oficiales y que no suelen atenderse ni en el currículum ni en las políticas educativas.
En dicho proyecto debe instalarse la colegialidad, los equipos, las academias de maestros para reflexionar y tomar decisiones sobre aspectos cruciales de su labor: el aprendizaje, las formas de enseñanza, la relevancia de los contenidos, la disciplina, el desarrollo de la autonomía, entre muchos. ¿Cómo hacerlo sin profesores de tiempo completo que puedan comprometerse?
Presumir que las reformas avanzan porque se cumplen las prescripciones formales (que los maestros sean sometidos a pruebas, por ejemplo) revela incomprensión de la función educadora. Los proyectos de transformación pedagógica tienen éxito cuando enriquecen cualitativamente la vida escolar. Los números alegres no equivalen a logros.
Otro tema es el reconocimiento de la diversidad del profesorado. Los maestros no son una categoría homogénea y debe empezar a reconocerse; no por los investigadores, que lo hacen, si no por las instituciones, que no construyen políticas sensibles a esta condición. Profesores diferentes por edades, formaciones, contrataciones, requieren políticas distintas. Para estos desafíos, la visión del modelo de competencias impuesto es insuficiente e ineficaz. Más retos habrá, pero no hay espacio, ni es el lugar para extenderse.
La educación media superior de calidad no puede ser atributo de unos cuantos, a cambio de conceder mala educación a muchos y pésima a otros tantos. Si la reforma educativa, el Marco Curricular Común y el Sistema Nacional de Bachillerato no transforman la vida en las aulas y la atmósfera pedagógica de la escuela, ya podemos escoger el epitafio que se leerá en otra tumba del panteón de las reformas estériles.
1E Eduardo Martinez Santoyo
1.-This reform is going to affect the all students.
2.-The students shouldn’t lose his right to the education.
3.-The education must have quality for all the students.
4.-This reform shoulnd’t be applied.
1E Robles Hernández Luis Alberto
1.- Im not agree that middle high school must be mandatory, because many people in Mexico are in poverty.
2.- This reform is not well structurated, i think that the objective of this, is to fire all teachers as the government can.
3.- We currently do not have a good quality of education, some teachers are not well prepared to teach students.
4.- I think the government should give a economic help to those students who are in poverty and need money to buy the materials and the inscription.
luis Alberto Calleros Carrillo 1"K"
1.here are people who can not afford to pay for school.
2.some young people leave because they parders or mothers.
3. He should have a quality education for all students.
4. This reform shoulnd’t apply.
1J Marco Antonio Diaz Navarro
1.The country’s problems prevent many people leave to study for the economy in which they are.
2.Good projects can take children out of that curse called ” The sad story of candida Erendira and Her Heartless Grandmother”.
3.This reform shoulnd’t be applied.
4.f reform was applied we would not come out of that curse
1E Velasco Rivas Rodrigo
1. I agree that most politicians brag about reforms doing what they promised they would do.
2. But, doing what they promised doesn’t mean their actions had any positive results at all.
3. People should think more about what reforms actually do.
4. In any case, this, along many other reforms, shouldn’t be applied.
1E Juan Manuel Brizuela Castillo
1.- Forcing people to study High school is too much for the mayority of mexico’s population.
2.- Reforms are meant for middle-hight social level, maybe that (might) work for them, but no for poor people
3.- We can take upgrades for our education if we don’t have solid bases.
4.- There are still a lot of things that have to be fixed in mexico’s educational system
1E Juan Carlos Vazquez Heredia
1.-The reforms affect students , as these can make it no longer meets certain capital into education.
2.-He should have a quality education for all students.
3.-Nice post.
4.-I like the way you express yourself , you’re way too good points of view of education.
1J Jiménez Santillán Roberto
1.-The education must have quality for all the students
2.-The reform don’t be apply
3.-This reform is going to affect the all students.
4.-Good post
1K Luis Armando Covarrubias Rincon
1.-This country requires a change in the entire educational system
2.-inequality in this country is notorious even in education
3.-I hope if the goal is met
4.- excellent post
1E Alejandro Buenrostro Romero
1. Yeah, sure as hell when they sign a new las about education that they say it’s going to change México for the good, but, will it actually work?
2. There’s a lot of misinformation about all these reforms and people should at least try to read them before expressing an opinion.
3. The quality of education here in México is not as good as other countries, making it almost completly obligatory is a good de decision, but again, will it work?
4. I would like to compare the North American educational system with ours, because I’ve read that College edication is like the most expensive thing over there.
1E Juan Plata Hernandez
1.-I hope if the goal is met.
2.-He should have a quality education for all students.
3.-This reform is going to affect the all students.
4. In any case, this, along many other reforms, shouldn’t be applied.
1E Juan Plata Hernandez
1.-I hope if the goal is met.
2.-He should have a quality education for all students.
3.-This reform is going to affect the all students.
4. In any case, this, along many other reforms, shouldn’t be applied.xd
1E Moreno Olmos Atzin
1.doing what they promised doesn’t mean their actions had any positive results at all.
2-The reforms affect students
3. Great posot
4 the subject is very interesting
1E Manuel Eduardo Ramirez Velasco
1.- In Mexico the education is poor.
2.- The educational system must be changed.
3.- The reform is only for steal money and various things to the fathers of family.
4.- Nice work.
kevin padilla
1. it is true that some teachers have to be changed
2. nice post btw
3. it is great to force students to be in a higher level
4. i hope it can be achieved
1E Christopher E. Velázquez C.
-Excellent article to reflect
-The education in Mexico should be strengthened in classrooms, not in reforms
-What future awaits our children?
-I hope more blogs as well
1J Jose Ricardo Mendoza Martinez
1. That’s the flaw on the mexican system.
2. They prefer a number.
3. Instead of real learning.
4. Most of the things that are in that reform, are impossible, at least now in Mexico.
1J Calvario Silva Juan Carlos
1.-This country requires a change in the entire educational system
2.-inequality in this country is notorious even in education
3.-I hope if the goal is met
4.- excellent post