Esta tarde terminé la lectura de Escribir para la red. Reflexiones sobre la nueva (y vieja) escritura informativa ‘online’, libro colectivo coordinado por José Manuel Pérez Tornero y Santiago Tejedor, con el sello de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
La propuesta es muy interesante en el tratamiento de los temas y diseño. Resalto esa característica porque la forma suele no atenderse en el comentario de un libro, aunque la virtud mayor es la conjunción de esos y otros rasgos, como la brevedad, diversidad y practicidad.
En cada uno de los 41 capítulos hay conceptos, estrategias, ideas, consejos y recomendaciones bibliográficas sencillas y claras.
Obra valiosa para periodistas, o simples aficionados a la lectura y la escritura en esta era de redes sociales, marcada por la instantaneidad, fugacidad y escasez de tiempo para dedicarlo a textos farragosos y anticuados.
Retomo mi lectura de la biografía no autorizada de Eduardo Galeano (Galeano. Apuntes para una biografía, de Fabián Kovacic), un maestro del periodismo y la palabra precisa y preciosa. En una entrevista habría dicho: (Tengo) fe en el oficio de escribir, la certeza de que es posible hacerlo sin venderse ni alquilarse. La fe que la lucha por la dignidad humana vale la pena, aunque sea para perder.
1J Alejandra Peralta Escamilla
1.- Lately, everything is reading on internet.
2.- Writing is a powerful weapon.
3.- You only need a pencil and a paper to do it, you don’t need anything else, it’s a good way to express yourself.
4. I lost my faith in humanity.
1J Marco Antonio Diaz Navarro
1.Every now and it can be retrieved online
2.Nice Post
3.”And in the craft of writing , the certainty that is possible without sold or rented. The faith that the struggle for human dignity worth , if only to lose” A good phrase.
4.when you have a social network you lost your humanity
1J Yazmin Gutierrez Solorio
1-It is good to read books to learn better ways to write
2-it is good to make such books as writing counseling
3-I think it’s good to take those strategies but still do it your way
4-The best thing you can give is the greatest experience in books to improve
1E Velasco Rivas Rodrigo
1. We live in times where information spreads faster than light.
2. If that’s the case, quick writing methods are required so journalist can keep their jobs.
3. That’s a job much more demanding than it looks.
4. It’s good that there are book that are able to help people interested in this job.
1E Alan Fco. Sánchez Cazarez
1. That’s a good idea for people like me, that don’t usually grab a book and read it just for fun.
2. Everything is changing with technology nowadays.
3. It’s really impresive that you write so many books.
4. I would like to see some of your posts in the future.
1E Juan Manuel Brizuela Castillo
1. Is good to know that people still read books
2. Some books like this one seem to be really helpful to learn about writing.
3. Writing is not only an action, it’s an art… that’s where literature comes from.
4. I didn’t know that there’s an specific way to write online
1E José Juan Santillán Torres
1.- I will try to read the book.
2.- This post was very interesting.
3.- Reading on the internet is great.
4.- Nice post.
1. The people are addicted to the information.
2. I think that if all people writes sometimes we would have less crime.
3.It sounds interesting new book.
4.I wish writes a book.
1E Alejandro Buenrostro Romero
1. Yeah, it seems like everything we want is here, on the internet, it is amazing how much information we are able to find and how fast we can find it.
2. And not just information, we can find movies, documentaries, tv shows, animated series, sports, e-sports, EVERYTHING.
3. It’s so impressive how comunication has changed in the past 10 years, this change happened so fast, and I think it’s not stopping in a while.
4. I don’t think books will dissapear as many people say, you just can’t compare the sensation of having a book in your hands against having an e-book in your tablet or computer.
1k Mildred Nataly Silva Méndez
1.- Read. This custom is very complicated for the society.
2.- I love read in vacation.
3.- Mexican people don’t like read.
4.- The readers are a few on mexico.
1E Moreno Olmos Atzin
1. the subject is very interesting
2. It is an interesting proposal
3. a book is a teaching
4. It’s so impressive how comunication has changed in the past 10 years, this change happened so fast
1E Manuel Eduardo Ramirez Velasco
1.- Read books is very good for a good culture.
2.- Many Mexicans don’t read a book in their life.
3.- Now, the people spend more time on internet and social networks what reading a book.
4.- The Mexican must read a book at least one time for month.
1J Andrea Muñoz
1. Nowadays, write has become very hard because it has to consider a lot of criteria.
2. To increase the attention of the people for the articles that you write, you have to have a good concept in each article.
3. Writing online is a good way to share what a writer thinks.
4. José Manuel Pérez is a big writer that has an extensive knowledge for writing.
1J Calvario Silva Juan Carlos
1.- I will try to read the book.
2.- This post was very interesting.
3.- Reading on the internet is great.
4.- Nice post.