El 25 de noviembre se conmemoró (reclamó, reivindicó) la lucha contra la violencia que sufren mujeres y niñas.
Nadie cuerdo y responsable puede estar en contra de una batalla asĂ, pero me da por pensar que si ponemos toda la atenciĂłn en ella, corremos el riesgo de no mirar que ese cáncer social no daña solo a las mujeres. Que el problema es más grave, profundo y grande. Explico breve.
La mitad de la poblaciĂłn nacional viviendo en la pobreza es una brutal forma de violencia que priva de satisfactores materiales y simbĂłlicos. El analfabetismo es expresiĂłn de injusticia y violencia contra todavĂa varios millones de mexicanos.
Violencia sufren los niños (hombrecitos), que en lugar de estar en la escuela deben acompañar a sus padres a trabajos varios, en el campo o la ciudad, perdiendo la posibilidad incluso de la esperanza, pues su horizonte permanecerá oscuro casi fatalmente.
La explotaciĂłn laboral violenta que sufren millones de mexicanos no es guiño a la convivencia pacĂfica.
ÂżY la indignante condiciĂłn que sufren ahora mismo los adultos mayores de Colima, que no han recibido su pensiĂłn, no es acaso una manera de violentar derechos elementales (y la legalidad)? Â ÂżY la que sufren los indĂgenas o los migrantes centroamericanos?
No sé si es sensato colocar unas batallas encima de otras, unas más importantes. Lo que sà tengo claro es que ningún tipo de violencia es admisible y nos avergüenza como ciudadanos.
1E Velasco Rivas Rodrigo
1. I agree that violence exists, not only physically but in many forms.
2. And while it’s ok to concienticize people about violence against women, one should not forget about the many cases of violence in society, in all its forms.
3. It makes me think, if the goverment draws attention to a problem, it may be that people will forget about other problems related to (non physical) violence.
4. I wish people would be more concious about this.
1E Alan Fco. Sánchez Cazarez
1. I agree. The social media try to “sell” us something, but in reality everything is different.
2. I don’t think violence can be stopped completly.
3. I think most of the people suffer from violence everyday.
4. I also think violence and racism go hand in hand.
1J Aylin Hernánndez Reyes
1- It is amazing how many times we think that violence only occurs in the physical abuse, when there are plenty of types of violence.
2- I think that if we give more attention to violence toward women is because we do not want to face the reality in which we live.
3- Mexicans are hypocritical on many occasions, we tried to fight to improve some things, but we ignore other things just as important.
4- The day when in truth we make a difference in the country, it will be when taking care of all Mexicans alike.
1E Juan Manuel Brizuela Castillo
1.- I think that what you said is really important, the fact that poeple are only considerating violence against women, but there are a lot of people that are victims too of some kind of violence.
2.- Despite of that, it’s really good the fact that nowdays we celebrate women respect, because in the past, women were just men tools, they weren’t threated as humans.
3.- As part of Colima, citiziens have the right to tell the goverment our opinions, and i think that they should know that there are priorities in our state, and defenitely one event was not at the top.
4.- Unfortunately, goverment is trying to earn people’s respet, by giving them some events, just to make them forget the unfinished promises.
1E José Juan Santillán Torres
1.- The situation makes me sad.
2.- Like Mexicans we should support and try to bring an end to this situation.
3.- Education should reach all mexican children.
4.- Without education we’re nothing.
1J Marco Antonio Dìaz Navarro
1.Older people nesecitan the board and with that purchase drugs occupying
2.Children suffer because m ost are illiterate
3.Poverty is something that happened long.
4.Nice post
1. Mexicans are the most manipulative people in the world
2. The women confuse recognition as women free from violence, but leverage for libertismo and feminism
3.The government has undertaken to make us poor in all ways.
4.I dont like holidays,I prefer that this to be celebrate.
1J Jose Ricardo Mendoza Martinez
1. That’s the hypocrisy of the people, they say that they are fighting against something, but most of the time it’s only the top of the iceberg.
2. They know that, but they don’t do something about it.
3. Also, the violence is something that not only the women suffer, in fact men are more susceptible to this.
4. We need to erradicate that idea if we want to have real equality gender.
1E Alejandro Buenrostro Romero
1. I completly agree with you, there are so many ways of violence that it’s almost impossible to name all of them.
2. I think that preventing violence against women is an important deal that we all have to take care, but let’s not forget, there are also men who suffer violence from a woman, and I’ve been watching all this internet vĂdeos of men been yelled at in the street by his wife or girlfriend and all the people around is just laughing, and this makes me ask, if that situation were swapped, would they still been laughing?
3. Of course ignorance is a kind of violence, it is very upsetting and sad to see all those kids in the streets having to work to help their parents so they can get enough money to eat one more day.
4. Most of the time, when people see some kind of violence on the internet, they “try yo help” there are others who try to justify it (it depends on the situation), but when they see it in the real world, they turn around, or take out their phones and take a picture or a video so they can complain about it and feel like they are doing something, which is a huge and sad lie.
1K Luis Armando Covarrubias Rincon
1.-Violence is any way abuse towards any person
2.-I think that focus on violence towards one direction only is only a smokescreen
3.-It is difficult to combat violence in these times, but I think that the solution is obvious, the education!
4.-Change the mentality of the people and make them demand their rights is difficult in a culture so corrupted
1J Andrea Muñoz
1. The campaing against female violence is just an act to hide the real violence that we’re living nowadays.
2. It should be created a campaign against every kind of violence for people that really need it.
3. Although I wouldn’t like to accept this, violence is part of the human race, and we can’t avoid this at all.
4. To eradicate violence around the world, just start in your neighborhood and you will do a lot.
1E Manuel Eduardo Ramirez Velasco
1.- Violence exist always and this don’t stop.
2.- This happens because of bad leaders.
3.- People choose people who only steals.
4.- To change this, people need to improve their culture.
kevin padilla
1. there should be a campaign against violence in general, not just for some type of it
2. we need a change, lets start with ourselves
3. kids who are forced to work instead of studying are going to repeat this with their kids because they wont have anything to give them because they will need help too just as their parents do
4. it a very sad situation
kevin padilla
1. there should be a campaign against violence in general, not just for some type of it
2. we need a change, lets start with ourselves
3. kids who are forced to work instead of studying are going to repeat this with their kids because they wont have anything to give them because they will need help too just as their parents do
4. it a very sad situation
1J Jiménez Santillán Roberto
1.Children suffer because m ost are illiterate
2.It a very sad situation
3.Unfortunately, goverment is trying to earn people’s respet, by giving them some events, just to make them forget the unfinished promises.
4. I don’t think violence can be stopped completly.
1J Calvario Silva Juan Carlos
1.- The situation makes me sad.
2.- Like Mexicans we should support and try to bring an end to this situation.
3.- Education should reach all mexican children.
4.- Without education we’re nothing