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Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

¿Cuál es la calidad general del sistema educativo en Colima? ¿Estudian todos los que deberían? ¿Cuál es la eficacia del sistema en retener a todos los alumnos? ¿Cuál es la calidad de la formación ofrecida?¿Colima es un punto de referencia nacional? ¿Cuáles son los problemas de la educación en la entidad? ¿Dónde se ubican sus progresos y dónde están sus zonas oscuras? ¿Cómo está la entidad, respecto al país?

Estas son las preguntas centrales del proyecto de investigación que realizo en la Universidad de Colima con el tema: la educación en Colima, de los derechos a los hechos. Pero son, también, algunas de las interrogantes que los ciudadanos, los periodistas podrían plantearse para conocer el nivel de salud pedagógica de las escuelas del estado. Son preguntas clave para analizar la calidad, más allá de las declaraciones oficiales.

Comprender la calidad, estimarla, medirla, juzgarla, es complejo, en términos conceptuales y empíricos, porque las opiniones divergen y no hay consensos, por ejemplo, si una prueba escrita (llámese Enlace o Planea) es la mejor forma de conocer la relevancia de los aprendizajes de los estudiantes; o si un examen es la vía más adecuada para decidir que una persona es idónea para ocupar plaza como docente.

En este y próximo artículo analizaré distintos indicadores para ofrecer una interpretación de la situación de Colima, sin otro ánimo que contribuir a la comprensión. Hoy la fuente de los datos es el tercer informe de gobierno del presidente de la república. Comenzaré con los que juzgo más relevantes del contexto nacional.

En el ciclo recién concluido (2014-2015) estudiaron 36.1 millones en la modalidad escolarizada, atendidos por dos millones de maestros en más de 260 mil escuelas. El promedio de escolaridad de la población de 15 años y más es de 9.1 en 2014, superior al 8.9 de 2012. El analfabetismo se redujo de 6.2% de la población mayor de 15 años, a 5.7% en el mismo lapso. Con el esfuerzo realizado, el analfabetismo pasó de 9.4 en 2000-2001 a 5.7 en el ciclo recién concluido.

Por su parte, en Colima hay un progreso notable en la reducción del analfabetismo, al pasar de un 6.4% en 2005, a 4.2 en 2014, con una estimación optimista de 3.7 para 2015.

En el país, para el ciclo 2014-2015 la cobertura para cada tipo educativo, de acuerdo con los grupos de edad correspondiente, fue así: la básica (preescolar, primaria y secundaria) es de 96.6%, la media superior (escolarizada) 71.5% y la superior 34.1%. Solo la licenciatura escolarizada (técnico superior, normal y licenciatura) comprende 3.3 millones, que significa una tasa de cobertura de 30.1% respecto al grupo de edad 18-22 años.

En Colima los indicadores se mueven alrededor de los promedios nacionales: en el tipo básico la cobertura es de 93; la media superior de 73% y en superior 41.6%, aunque en la siguiente tabla de los anexos, la reduce a 34%, al incluir solo modalidad escolarizada. Quiere decir que los indicadores de Colima no son sustancialmente mejores que en el país, aunque la evolución en los quince años previos es positiva.

La eficiencia terminal en el ciclo 2014-2015 fue para primaria de 98.2%; secundaria, 88.3%; educación media superior, 63.3% y superior, 71%. Con respecto al ciclo 2000-2001, en todos los casos hubo avances, sobresalientes en básica y media superior, y mínimos en superior, pero claramente insuficientes en todos los casos.

Estos son solo algunos indicadores, importantes pero parciales. Mi conclusión es que el derecho a la educación básica y media superior, a pesar de su obligatoriedad, son asignaturas pendientes en Colima. Siete de cada cien niños no tienen acceso a educación básica, y 27 de cada cien en bachillerato; una exclusión a la cual deben sumarse las preocupantes cifras de abandono por bajos niveles de eficiencia terminal sobre todo en secundaria y bachillerato.

En otras palabras: no estudian todos los que deberían, los que ingresan a las escuelas no terminan oportunamente, y la calidad de los aprendizajes, a juzgar por otros indicadores, no es plenamente satisfactoria. Aquí se delinean varias de las primeras tareas urgentes del nuevo gobierno estatal.


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  1. 1K Israel Alfonso Chavarín Castillo

    1.-True, very true, we need an improvement in these areas
    2.-Education is very important and should be taken more seriously
    3.-Although there is progress, it is still not enough
    4.-I hope that in the future, these errors do not exist

  2. 1J Andrea Muñoz

    1. I can’t understand why the students don’t take advantage of the studying oportunity at high school and quit the school.

    2. Also many people desert because the career that they chose isn’t as they thought it would be.

    3. It’s not only about getting into school, it’s all about taking the oportunity by studying hard.

    4. By last, the quality of the education depends in big part, from the students by themselves; anyone will study for them.

    Nice post.

  3. 1k oscar eduardo castrejon mejia

    1. if worrying level of education that we.
    2. it has been improving slowly
    3. fourtanately they have reduced illiteracy.
    4. unfortunately still you pay schools and it is impossible to reduce to one hundred percent illiteracy.

  4. 1J Alejandra Peralta Escamilla

    1. In my opinion, many people leave school because of lack of resources and lack of support by providing schoolarships.

    2. There can’t be a good education if students don’t take study seriously.

    3. In the current situation, a good education is needed to get ahead.

    4. It’s better the self-learning, even if it’s not certified.

  5. 1J Yazmin Gutierrez Solorio

    1.this good it decreases, illiteracy in Colima
    2.I think the government should do more to help those who can not afford to continue studying
    3.And I do not understand how the students that if they have resources, do not study
    4.unfortunately many people from Colima, has not resources for continue studying and that’s bad for them

  6. 1E Juan Manuel Brizuela Castillo

    1. Although Colima is improving it’s educational level, government still needs to keep applying it’s strategies to reduce the illiteracy to 0.
    2. Inefficiency levels in schools are not only teacher’s problem, of government problem, students should start giving all of them to be the bests. Parents are an important part in this process too.
    3. Government help students by giving them some “economic helps”, but they should have more accurate methods to find people who really need this help, because (I have seen this) people constantly say that they parents earn few money monthly, but they don’t specify that they are receiving money from an insurance, or things like that.
    4. There should be more opportunities for teens that still don’t have 18, because sometimes the money the parents earn is not enough for all the family, and we want to keep studying, but it’s really hard to improve grades in school, sleep and work.

  7. 1E Luis Alberto Robles Hernández

    1.- Im not conformed with the progress of the education in Colima.
    2.- High school level should be mandatory in all schools, at least of Colima, to find a better job.
    3.- We need to reduce the number of people that doesn’t go to the school.
    4.- We need teachers that are well capacitated

  8. 1E Carlos Alberto Vera Villegas

    1- agree with the statistics that can analyze a significant mind diminished literacy in Colima

    2- This is because a good social work but overall both mind many do not study for economic problems

    3 – statistically we are equal on average to the country which it means that we need to improve some things

    4- good article

  9. 1E José Juan Santillán Torres

    1.- The young should have more opportunity for progress of your education.
    2.- Sadly the education isn’t free and many teenagers don’t study because of it.
    3.- The percentages are good but not enough.
    4.- Continue your research.

  10. 1J Aylin A. Hernández Reyes

    1. I think that it is necessary to analyze the teaching methods in the schools.

    2. It is good that in Colima the education isn´t so bad and this inside the range.

    3. Also it should analyze the reason of school desertions.

    4. I believe that it can improve still more the school situation in Colima.


    1. I believe that lack progress in this aspect
    2. which would be the main cause of performance in students when they start in the labor question
    3. would fail government support or lack of knowledge in this area
    4. He considers that increased the number of greased for 2016

  12. 1E Luis Gerardo Galindo Luna

    1. It’s sad how education in Colima is so bad.
    2. What Mexico needs is better teachers and better teaching methods.
    3. I liked your post it was good.
    4. I agree with your ideas.

  13. 1 K Alan Cerna Olivares

    1.- the education is the principal way to chance Mexico
    2.- I belive that we cant change this situation in Colima
    3.- people that dont have the enough money are the people that really what to study.
    4.- its sad that the kids prefer work instead to go to the school

  14. 1E Juan Carlos Vazquez Heredia

    1.-In my opinion I feel that although the illiteracy rate will still much lower ignoracian in Colima.
    2.-As in the other reviews they say not everyone can afford to continue studying, and that is why stop studying.
    3.-Personally I feel that the quality of education in Colima is very good.
    4.-Excellent article discussing the decline of illiteracy in recent years.

  15. 1E Eduardo Martínez Santoyo

    1. It’s good to know that illiteracy has been reduced in Colima.
    2. Education can progress beyond what it actually is.
    3. It’s a shame that not everybody can’t study.
    4. The government should do more about illiteracy in the country.

  16. 1E Christopher E. Velázquez C.

    *Amazing the information that us tells
    *There will not be opportunities in colima while there evil alive
    *Colima has potential just need to push
    *I think that Colima is a good place for learn

  17. 1k Mildred Silva Méndez

    1. Education is the most important in Mexico.
    2. The government would do more grant to poor peoople.
    3. Maybe Mexico need to change the way to teach.
    4. I think is sad see how the education is so bad

  18. 1E Rogelio Oseguera de la Cruz

    1. I still think that the education in Colima isn´t the best, but we have the ways to make it better.
    2. The teachers should be better prepared in their profesions, without doing strikes that doesn’t allow the students knowledge to get better.
    3. the goverment should stop wasting money on their funcionarys and use it on education.
    4. we are a town like others but the goverment doesn’t allow resources to go to the education.

  19. 1k Francisco David Preciado Mendoza

    1. We do need an awareness by the state to improve the academic environments.
    2. As students we need to improve on their own, if we have the opportunity to not get stuck.
    3. While education has allegedly made in Mexico but in other countries just started crawling phase.
    4. If we were to regret the bad education by the state, there we were part of a dilemma that has years.

  20. 1E Moreno Olmos Atzin

    1. This topic is very interesting
    2. Colima there are young people who neither study
    3. An important factor is the economy
    4. There should be more scholarships

  21. 1E Omar Guadalupe Manriquez Bravo

    1. All the people deserve to chance to study.
    2. The goverment has to improve the education.
    4. Studying is the best way forward and offer a good future for our children
    5.People need to understand that without studies, they won’t get a finance liberty.

  22. 1 K Dámaso Benicio Rodríguez

    1.- It’s good to see how the educational system is going on well but the government system has to be improve as well
    2.- I think that the teachers need to have the passion to teach
    3.- It’s sad to see that many people quit studying because they don’t have the enough money
    4.- It’s a lie that the education is “free” in Mexico

  23. 1K Cesar Alejandro Ramirez Arreola

    1.-Education is very important and should be taken more seriously
    2.-Although there is progress, it is still not enough
    3.-I hope that in the future, these errors do not exist
    4.-True, very true, we need an improvement in these areas

  24. 1K Luis Armando Covarrubias Rincon

    1.-The quality should be a law!
    2.-Education is the only solution to the country’s problems
    3.-Do students commit themselves is another problem
    4.- Nice post

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