Caroline Gipps en un discurso ante la Asociación Británica de Investigación Educativa escribió en 1993: “La investigación y la evaluación siguen basándose en agencias centrales, pero el trabajo se ralentiza a la hora de informar –si es que se informa-; la prensa local lo expresa de forma equívoca y en general lo ridiculizan; esto ha conseguido, me temo que con demasiada eficiencia, afirmar la primacía del conocimiento propio del sentido común sobre el conocimiento especializado, experto, que se ha visto desplazado (¿para siempre?) a un segundo plano”.
En México, advierto, sucede lo mismo con la intervención de la prensa en el tema de la evaluación y los resultados de la prueba PISA y, en su momento, con ENLACE. Pero la calidad o profesionalidad de la prensa va más allá de esos actos focalizados en que se coloca a la escuela pública, a los maestros y estudiantes en la picota y se les expone al escarnio con calificativos superficiales y sin mediaciones reflexivas, producto de análisis mal enterados o sin la consulta de expertos, fuentes de primera mano o la deliberación en sus redacciones.
Aunque se expresan allí las liviandades de la prensa, digo que van más allá, porque son comunes esos juicios planos, más propios de despachos destartalados de comunicación que redactados desde un periodismo fundado en la razón o la persecución de las verdades en juego.
En México, infaustamente, la educación no es una sección obligada de la prensa escrita o digital, con notables excepciones. En otros países su presencia es más común. Es curioso el hecho, pues tal ausencia solo ratifica que la educación no es un tema importante: no para los medios y tampoco para el público lector. Si los primeros se rigen por criterios de mercado, y dan al público lo que espera o pide, entonces, dan por sentado que temas educativos no son parte de esas preferencias. Y al público lector, en consecuencia, le preocupa muy poco.
En el caso de Colima, como hipótesis de un estudio que comenzamos recién en la Facultad de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Colima, sostengo que la educación en la prensa es visible en dos formas preponderantes: por un lado, como mala noticia, de escándalo, entre ellas, la exhibición de malos resultados en las pruebas nacionales o internacionales hechas a los estudiantes; la segunda, en forma de boletines de prensa de las instituciones educativas o de oficinas gubernamentales. Más allá de eso, poco encontramos en la prensa que nos descubra un debate público de envergadura.
¿Importa el hecho, es decir, la invisibilidad del tema educativo? Me parece que sí, que parte del problema central de la educación en México está relacionado con la ausencia de la participación social en el sistema educativo (marginal y de carácter más asistencial o populista) y con una escasa deliberación en medios sobre las escuelas, el comportamiento de las autoridades en la materia, las políticas educativas y los problemas de la escuela.
Desde la trivialidad, la superficialidad, los juicios muy primarios y en el fondo un desconocimiento profundo del sistema educativo, poco puede aportar la sociedad, es decir, la ciudadanía en términos de exigencia (y compromiso) por una escuela mejor, por una educación de buena calidad. Estamos, pues, ante otro de los renglones torcidos alrededor del sistema educativo, o en lenguaje de moda: una más de las áreas de oportunidad.
1k Víctor Manuel González Ventura
I think so, that the central problem of education in Mexico is related to the lack of social participation in the educational system
– Education in the press is visible on two main forms: first, as bad news, scandal, including the display of poor results in national or international competitions.
– Teachers and students in the pillory and they are exposed to the derision with no reflective surface descriptions and mediations.
– Education is not a required section of print and digital media, with notable exceptions. In other countries, their presence is more common.
1k Muñoz Osorio Alejandro
-In my opinion press doesnt have enough courage to said the truth
-The education is a very important topic
-The press said what is more atractive althougth
it doesnt be truth
-The education must be the central topic in the newspaper
arthur edwards
Muy buena reflexión. ¿No será esto una reflexión de la falta de preparación de los periodistas?
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
También lo es, así lo creo y lamento, estimado Arthur.
1J J1 Mejía Romero Fernando Rogelio
-Now that I realize, I never heard about PISA results.
-It looks like news will never have education like it’s main priority.
-Once more, I have written this several days later.
-It seems that these events hace occurred since more than teen years ago.
1 E Ceballos Miranda Olga Isela
• I believe that the journalism in Mexico is slightly reasonable, and rather he attends to the interests and persons’ priorities in spite of being able.
• México doesn’t do Reflexive measurements about education rather, superficial measurements.
• The public in general gives more priority to news of regular judgment than the education news.
• I agree with Yañez when he says that the problem of the education in Mexico there owes to small participation and priority that has.
1E - Alan Ulises Montes Rodríguez
1.- It’s weird for me that the press is not obliged to show topics about education.
2.- If education isn’t something that is considered important in this country then we will never get to improve it.
3.- About the ENLACE exam we were told we would receive some kind of ticket to check our results and they were never given to us.
4.- As with everything, the only way we could improve something is if we all work together as a society.
1E Arzate Ayala Pedro Antonio
– All the press in this country has always been purchased.
– They have never disclosed the true facts.
– The press shows what suits you.
– Always get the real data from the exams but sometimes change what is not good.
1E Jorge Luis Aguirre Martinez
-The education is thing that probably with effort and organization you can improve.
-The only way we could improve something is if we all work together as a society and do not expect the government to fix things.
–The Teachers and students in the pillory and they are exposed to the derision with no reflective surface descriptions and mediations.
-Not hopefully that the things change yes no,do personally with us and in our surroundings.
1 E Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez
1-We need to change our minds.
2-We have a problem in Mexico.
3-The teacher need to prepare more.
4-The students are the future for Mexico.
1E Alan Guadalupe Machuca Silva
-Now that I realize, I never heard about PISA results.
-Now that I realize, I never heard about PISA results.
-In my opinion press doesnt have enough courage to said the truth
-It seems that these events hace occurred since more than teen years ago.
1°K Marcos Antonio Avalos Galindo
1-Is difficult to change the minds of students.
2-We have a serious problem with education in Mexico.
3-Some teachers need to prepare more.
4-The education system in Mexico is not very good.
1 E Horacio Gerzaín Avalos Aguayo
-Some young people do not care about the exam and answer only what evil.
-Link exams are demonstrating the quality of the school.
-Should give more priority to education.
-In Mexico lack more priority to education.
1 K Arroyo Elizarraraz Leonel
Few good journalists, some threatened, for his work, is dangerous to spekl about the great Mr. Deputy House or something like that.
It is known that education in this far behind Mexico, but what to do when the majority of children have to work to survive, also in Mexico already are killed twice as many children… not to mention that they are more than 35% of the population…I wonder what happened to the speech that “children and (or) students are the future of Mexico” when is this killing both.
1k Víctor Manuel González Ventura
– In Mexico, infamously, education is not an obligatory section of print and digital media, with notable exceptions
– Education in the press is visible on two main forms: first, as bad news, scandal, treats including the display of poor results in national or international competitions.
– In Mexico, I notice, so with the intervention of the press on the subject of the evaluation and the results of the PISA
1E Rocio Rodriguez Niebla
• I agree with the mishandling of information brings unpleasant consequences.
• I think it should be better tools to analyze the issue of evaluation before reporting results.
• It is sad display education reporters in Colima as a “bad news” or “in the form of newsletters”.
• There are many things the education system we must inform us so that society can contribute.
1°K Paloma Torres Rodríguez
I agree with you, in the newspaper we read little bit about education.
More than anything they write about car or motorcycle crashes, bad news, works information, etc.
I don’t care much read the newspaper because, except some exceptions (forgive the redundancy), there are always bad news.
The newspaper became a little boring.
Méndez Amaro Ferjosev Isaac
-Is difficult to change the minds of some students.
-We need a mental revolution.
-The government is the enemy of the schools.
-In Mexico lack priority to education..
1K Valenzuela Luis Juan Maritza
It’s weird for me that the press is not obliged to show topics about education.
I think it should be better tools to analyze the issue of evaluation before reporting results.
The Teachers and students in the pillory and they are exposed to the derision with no reflective surface descriptions and mediations.
The students are the future for Mexico.