Las comparaciones son inevitables. Pueden ser odiosas, como se afirma en la expresión tópica, pero también pueden ser ilustrativas si las inspira un propósito genuino de comprender avances propios contrastados con los de otros, en un marco de razonable exigencia.
Los hechos recientes en el Instituto Politécnico Nacional y con los estudiantes normalistas de Guerrero, inauditamente desaparecidos después de una semana, son un argumento muy fuerte para sostener que en México tenemos un largo camino por recorrer para ventilar públicamente los temas de interés colectivo en los medios más poderosos y abiertos a la ciudadanía, especialmente la televisión. Un camino que ni siquiera está trazado, pues los dubitativos pasos muestran ganas de ocultar, más que de abrir esos grandes medios a fines distintos a los de la diversión banal y engrasada por jugosas componendas comerciales y políticas.
Para ser más claro y conciso en lo que quiero decir voy al grano. Durante los meses que pasé en Argentina a lo largo de 2013 me tocó vivir varios episodios de movilización social en torno a asuntos educativos, en donde estaban protagónicamente implicados maestros y estudiantes. Para quienes deseen consultar las fuentes, citaré tres casos en Buenos Aires: las manifestaciones públicas y paros hechos por docentes en favor de un aumento salarial, el paro de estudiantes de colegios secundarios y la inconformidad de padres y madres de familia por el sistema de inscripciones electrónicas que dejó fuera en principio a muchos niños de los colegios públicos.
Los casos, cada uno con sus particularidades, no son el objeto, sino la participación de los medios de prensa y los canales de televisión argentina. En los periódicos, los temas ocupaban espacios extensos, lejos de la reproducción de los boletines oficiales de prensa; los segundos, los canales de TV, fueron para mí un aprendizaje inestimable. Acostumbrado a la modorra o el desdén de la televisión por los temas de la vida pública nacional, me sorprendió la cobertura que tenían en los casos citados. Los reporteros transmitían en vivo desde las ruedas de prensa, en las marchas, en los sitios donde se manifestaban los inconformes, y se daba voz a los distintos personajes, a los maestros, a los estudiantes, a las madres, no solo a las autoridades; se juzgaba, sí, pero las partes tenían voz. No se encapsulaban las notas en cortos de tres minutos, fragmentarios y superficiales, como es usual en los noticieros mexicanos más vistos.
Además de los espacios en los noticieros, las cadenas televisivas, las privadas del poderoso Grupo Clarín y las públicas del gobierno nacional, o de otras organizaciones, tienen sus programas de análisis político en horarios estelares y no hasta la media noche, con participación de expertos e implicados. Un ejercicio en las pantallas lo más cercano a una escuela para la democracia mediante la formación de una ciudadanía informada, inteligente, deliberante. Es otra cultura política, otro nivel de politización, es verdad. Y tampoco es la perfección, pues junto a sus programas diarios de análisis político hay muchísimos segmentos para la farándula y el fútbol, pero en todo caso esa diversidad no la conocemos en México.
Los hechos que ahora ocurren en México, en el Politécnico y en Guerrero, me hicieron inevitable la comparación entre las coberturas mediáticas de acontecimientos de esa naturaleza allá y acá; me hacen ponderar y admirar lo positivo que puede haber en estos lares, y lo que nos falta para acercarnos a lo que hay por aquellos pagos, lo que tenemos como televisión y sus compromisos disímiles con la vida pública y con la construcción de una auténtica democracia.
1 E Ceballos Miranda Olga Isela
• Mexico has a long way that to cross to speak with the truth about the education and many ambits.
• Yañez lived in Argentina for three months.
• The Argentinians have voice and vote in their country and they make use of this to build a better society.
• The Argentinians exercise democracy from the screens.
1E Jorge Luis Aguirre Martinez
-It’s another political culture , another level of politicization , it is true.
-During the months I spent in Argentina throughout 2013 I’ve experienced several episodes of social mobilization around education issues , where they were involved as protagonists teachers and students.
-An exercise in as close to a school for democracy by forming an informed , intelligent, deliberative citizenship screens.
-The events now taking place in Mexico , at the Polytechnic and Guerrero, did ponder a yañez.
1E Arzate Ayala Pedro Antonio
-In Mexico, most of information and communication media misinform people according to the convenience of the government.
-The trouble is that most people believe in what is said.
-In our country there would be less ignorant if devoted to investigate the credibility of the news.
-This country should have an information system such as Argentina.
arthur edwards
Precisamente, no existe la opción de informarse criticamente por analistas y estudiosos que exponen diversas perspectivas en horas convenientes en los medios más fuertes del pais. No existe un compromiso ético-político para complir con ek compromiso de indormar y apoyar a la educación de la gente. Triste.
1E - Alan Ulises Montes Rodríguez
1.- The government is always trying to censor most of the stuff that gets broadcasted on the TV.
2.- Many people believe most of what they see on the TV and this is making us go backwards instead of forward as a society.
3.- The government is actually raising the insecurity instead of lowering it in my opinion.
4.- Other countries don’t do this and that’s why they keep growing while we don’t.
1 E Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez
1- Argentina is different than mexico in many aspects.
2- The tv in Mexico doesn’t say to much about the schools problems.
3- We need to be more like Argentina.
4- In Argentina are more democracy.
1E Orlando Arias Rodríguez
-Always pass this gravity situations and nobody does anything.
-The TV never tells the truth of events.
-All countries have problems like Mexico.
-The representatives of Mexico can not handle the country.
1e- juan calvillo pelayo
1.-TV gives good news and keeps us
2.-Sometimes tv is a very serious distractor
3.-If we could make good use of the TV would be a great help
4.-In Mexico there is no educational tv
1E- Jazmin Moreno Hernandes
-En mexico muchos estudiantes hacen protestas a causa de ciertos problemas en sus planteles.
-La falta de compromiso de los amestros hacia sus estudiantes es muy notoria.
-A causa de ayuda al estudiante en diversas universidades se presta a motines.
-Emitir este tipo de enfrentamientos entre estudiando dandoles la atencion nesesaria.
1E- Jazmin Moreno Hernandes
-In mexico many students make protests because of certain problems in their schools.
-The lack of commitment to their students amestros is very noticeable.
-Because student aid at universities is given to mutinies.
-Issue such clashes between studying giving them the attention proved necessary.
1 E Horacio Gerzain Avalos Aguayo
-I believe censored on TV what really goes on in mexico.
-the tv does not have as much censorship Argentina and Mexico.
-The tv in Argentina supported the student.
-I think the tv in Mexico should be like that of Argentina, supporting student movements.
1E López Morales Francisco Javier
-on television just take what they want and most important because not always want to cover the government we have.
-I agree with you. mexico but remember that broadcasters are large monopolies to control the government itself to see and control us.
-in mexico we have witnessed many marches in which they have a purpose, and the television, the only thing is to make people believe that they are just lazy and they just ocacionan problems
1J J1 Mejía Romero Fernando Rogelio
-Television is not a option to get precise information.
-It is hard to know when a new is truthful or just a cover for something else.
-I’m startint to think that Yañez has traveled to many places.
-I forgot to write the comments and I have just commented like 5 or 6 post this morning, sorry :(.
1J J1 Mejía Romero Fernando Rogelio
-Television is not a option to get precise information.
-It is hard to know when a new is truthful or just a cover for something else.
-I’m startint to think that Yañez has traveled to many places.
-I forgot to write the comments and I have just commented like 5 or 6 post this morning, sorry :(.
1J carlos misael ramirez mendoza
-The trouble is that most people believe in what is said
-In mexico many students make protests because of certain problems in their schools.
-If we could make good use of the TV would be a great help
-In Mexico, most of information and communication media misinform people according to the convenience of the government.
1J carlos misael ramirez mendoza
-In Mexico, most of information and communication media misinform people according to the convenience of the government.
-The trouble is that most people believe in what is said.
-In mexico many students make protests because of certain problems in their schools
In Argentina are more democracy.
1j - Juan Enrique Delgado Martinez
1.-yañez saw conflicts with the students in Argentina.
2.-this notice was posted in newspapers and tv shows.
3.-tv is not always the best way to have information.
4.-this problems in argentina now are showing in mexico.
1°K Avalos Galindo Marcos Antonio
1-The tv is a great distraction for students.
2-Yañez step for Argentina for a few months.
3-True information not revealed on TV.
4-is very tragic what is happening in Mexico.
1k Ricardo Tomas Regalado Guerrero
1- definitely the media are guilty of misinforming the people of mexico
2- the fact is that as in Argentina in mexico teachers are underpaid
3- the misinformation causes that injustices go unpunished
4- politics distorts everything that is good
1K De Jesús Ceballos Fernando
•We don’t need to be a genius to notice the problematics in our educational system.
•The media will always favor the hand with more money.
•The entire world works that (sad) way. If you want money, you will have to be corrupt.
•The politic make the things at his favor. If the people wake up then they will be in trouble.
1j Jose Manuel Gozalez Vazquez
1- We compared with other countries are more influenced telenovelas on really important things.
2-In other countries the telvision is more educated layers in mexico.
3-Sometimes tv is very serious distraction.
4-In mexico the television sometimes misinforms us.
1 j carlos enrique pizano saucedo
-It’s true that comparisons it´s bad.
-however this certainly mexico.
-There is always the distortion of information.
-few months you lived in Argentina?.
1k Víctor Manuel González Ventura
– Not everything that is said in the news is true.
– Some or all political parties including the president to put the reporter buy what suits them.
– I wish they would honest journalists like those of Argentina.
– When given the news well, no lies, they can save many lives.
1°J Juan Antonio Rivera María
Television hides many things to the public.
Protests in schools never stop because government is bad.
Argentina is very different than Mexico in many ways.
It is sad what is now lives in Mexico.
1J Jesus Alejandro Gutierrez Santillan
There are a lot of Corruption in México.
-The people in México should be More Honest.
-Some “important” people in México are there because they have money, no because they must be there.
-Sometimes the News hide the truth because they are part of the bad news.
1k Diaz Ortega Jose Ramon
1.Mexico doesnt hace good security
2.We need more unity in Mexico for resolves the problems
3.The media hidding information
4.We need more information and not just the opinion of a few people
1 J Edgar Ivan Alcantar Guerrero
-the government manipulates the television.
– the students in mexico are very important.
– television ignore the democracy.
– people only believe what you see on tv.
1K Leonel Arroyo Elizarraraz
The State does not have to treat bad to students and managers do not have to make less effort of students, is a pity what lives today in Mexico. Television only hides the events. It is to admire the manifestation “cleaned” of the National Polytechnic Institute, an example for all those protesters.
1K Valenzuela Luis Juan Maritza
_Not always compare is nice however if done to improve at something can be considered.
_To compare as it is a country with other we realize that everyone has problems, not to be advanced shall have no.
_The author live for three months in other country.
_Not everything what is shown on tv is true.
1K Gustavo Abraham Urbina Torres
1. In Mexico Broadcasters prefer not to show the student movements.
2. Cover what happens to the polytechnic are mediocre.
3.- In other countries the coverage of the movements are shown to the entire public.
4.- Broadcasters in Mexico take part in democracy.
1K Juan José AndradeAguilar
-The news doesnt shows us all the real news.
-Also the tv can stole us a lot of time.
-We use the tecnology for other things than to learn more.
-All countries also have problems.
1 k Luis Fernando Aguirre Reyes
1.-Mexico has a long way that to cross to speak with the truth about the education and many ambits.
2.-TV not gives good news.
3.-Television is not a option to get precise information.
4.-The tv is a great distraction for students.
1 k Luis Fernando Aguirre Reyes
1.-The media will always favor the hand with more money.
2.- Not everything that is said in the news is true.
3.- Many people believe most of what they see on the TV.
4.- not everything is in the tv.
1k Muñoz Osorio Alejandro
-Uninformed people equals dominated.
-Education is the foundation for your life.
-That means a bad teacher affects your performance.
-Training people with petencial for real change.
1E Alan Guadalupe Machuca Silva
-It’s another political culture , another level of politicization , it is true.
-The media will always favor the hand with more money.
– I wish they would honest journalists like those of Argentina.
– the misinformation causes that injustices go unpunished
1E Rocio Rodriguez Niebla
• Illustrations despite being annoying can be very useful.
• I agree that “in Mexico we have a long way to go to publicly air the problems of collective interest” in the media.
• The media in Argentina really are responsible for reporting on the needs of the people.
• I think Mexico should give more importance to the political culture.
Méndez Amaro Ferjosev Isaac
-Now the TV is a bad medium of communication.
-In the tv there are much disinformation.
-The internet is the next revolution of the communication.
-Now i not watch the tv more.
Norma Mercedes Trujillo Garcia "1K"
1.- An exercise in as close to a school for democracy by forming an informed , intelligent, deliberative citizenship screens.
2.- Now the TV is a bad medium of communication.
3.- Not everything that is said in the news is true.
4.-This country should have an information system such as Argentina.