Casi todos los días viajo de mi lugar de trabajo, en el campus Villa de Álvarez de la Universidad de Colima, a la escuela de mis hijos. La ruta habitual en cierta hora pasa por la escuela secundaria Enrique Corona Morfín, y con frecuencia me detiene el tráfico de estudiantes que llegan o salen. A esas horas, en mediodías calientes y muy transitados, con la cabeza ocupada, acostumbro no perder la mirada en la avenida, y sólo en los altos observo el andar de gente y autos. La figura de hombres vestidos totalmente de negro, pertenecientes a la policía estatal, es parte del paisaje justo enfrente de la secundaria.
Los he visto muchas veces, parados en el camellón, con sus armas bastantes visibles, intimidantes, aunque nos hemos acostumbrado a esa postal que recuerda que no vivimos en una sociedad tan segura como desearíamos todos. Nunca reflexioné en ellos hasta hoy que el agente de vialidad me detuvo y esperé cuatro minutos a que pasaron los muchachos de ambos lados.
Estaba el policía de espaldas a mi auto, ancho, más alto de lo normal en estos lares. Mirándolo en esos fugaces momentos me vinieron preguntas a la cabeza, sombrías, desanimadas: ¿por qué nos hemos acostumbrado a verlos aquí, o en otros escuelas (supongo) a la hora en que salen o ingresan los niños de la escuela? ¿Somos conscientes de lo que significa su presencia allí? ¿Realmente nos dan seguridad, o simplemente constatan que la maldad sigue ganando la batalla, porque el miedo se instaló en lo más profundo de cada una, cada uno?
A muchos les dará seguridad; otros pensarán que el gobierno cumple su labor de cuidarnos, de persuadir a quienes querrían hacer daño a los estudiantes. Es verdad, eso hacen, y que lo hagan es su responsabilidad, su deber. También lo aprecio, pero no dejo de reconocer, con pesar, que la presencia mayor de policías y soldados en las calles, que los presupuestos desmesurados para combatir la violencia y los grupos delincuenciales, que la ola incesante de ejecuciones solo confirman que la sociedad sigue fragmentada, fisurada, podrida en fibras que unían el tejido social, y que a ese ritmo será imposible tener un policía por cada diez o cien personas, y que las patrullas no serán suficientes, que el dinero jamás alcanzará porque también alimenta industrias a las que conviene la delincuencia, y esas cosas que dicen los expertos.
A mí me pesa el destino a que nos conduce esta espiral imparable, y que en cada escuela deban existir policías o patrullas, porque significa que los ciudadanos seguimos perdiendo cruciales batallas por la libertad y los derechos a vivir tranquilos, a esperar a los hijos en casa o permitirles caminar la ciudad sin zozobras, como hicimos nosotros y nuestros abuelos.
1 E Ceballos Miranda Olga Isela
• The policeman made think Yañez about the insecurity in our society
• We live in a society dominated by the insecurity
• The citizens we continue allowing that the insecurity grows
• Policemen in the streets don’t means social security
1E Jorge Luis Aguirre Martinez
-The figure of mens dresses fully of black, belonging to the police state, is part of landscape just front of the secondary.
-We accustomed a see, At the police state with your weapons intimidating.
-Many give them security, others thinking that the government meets its work of caring.
-In my review , lived in one society where we have become a conformist citizens.
1E Arzate Ayala Pedro Antonio
-In our country there is a lot of crime.
-People sometimes think they can feel safe to see a cop.
-I personally feel that I run more risks when policemen nearby.
-But in a nutshell is his duty to be there and support in any emergency.
1E - Alan Ulises Montes Rodríguez
1.- Colima will never be the same as far as freedom goes.
2.- It is the job of the cops to protect us from the insecurity but they sometimes just don’t care.
3.- I also appreciate their work but they sometimes act like they have the right to do whatever they want, like parking on the sidewalk, etc.
4.- Only if we work together we could make this a better place to live, just as it was before.
1 E Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez
1- The policeman is a great man.
2- If there are any policeman in the streets there are no secure.
3- We need policemen in the streets.
4- Insecurity is a big problem.
1 E Horacio Gerzain Avalos Aguayo
-Yañez works on the campus of Villa alvarez.
-I agree, we live not in a society very safe.
-Safety is paramount for children.
-Yañez goes to school their children.
1E Orlando Arias Rodríguez
-There is too much insecurity and students should be well protected.
-Colima is one of the states with better security in the country is peacefully.
-It is normal to see officers on every corner trying to provide security.
-Cops try to make us feel good with his long arms, but only transmit fear.
1e- juan calvillo pelayo
1.-I think high schools should invest more in private security.
2.-appear to have high security I think that reduces potential attacks.
3.-Is best feigned or actual security.
4.-colima think has good security
1E- Jazmin Moreno Hernandes
-The increased security is lost
-Sometimes we see transits more security on the streets
-When we see policemen on the street sometimes does not give us the security proved necessary
-Every day there are more delinquency
1E López Morales Francisco Javier
We have not used the men dressed in black because they only intimidate us.
as a student I do not see how bad the cops are at the entrance of the schools do not like what is believed to be inferior to us and believe they can do whatever they want.
security has increased in recent years and is well you can tell if there colima security.
traffic on school schedules never change because we have no culture vial.
1J J1 Mejía Romero Fernando Rogelio
-So, there still is the huge traffic in Corona Morfín when the students get out, something just don’t change, huh?
-I have fear of gun fighting might become more frequent that it are already.
-In spite of the amount of cops around, Colima is not too safe.
-Yañez should try to use an alternative way. that avenue is slow at that time.
1J carlos misael ramirez mendoza
-in mexico should have security
-Colima is one of the states with better security in the country is peacefully.
-some cops are corrupt and do not trust
-I want live in a country without violence
1°K Avalos Galindo Marcos Antonio
1-There is much insecurity in Colima, which was not seen before.
2-The state of Colima is very insecure since 2000.
3-Cops out of schools children are scary.
4-Remember when I used to play at night with my friends for security.
1k Ricardo Tomas Regalado Guerrero
1- insecurity increases every day.
2- the police presence on the streets reveals the reality of life in Mexico.
3- on the other hand I prefer the police presence to sense the presence of thugs.
4- inequality levels reflect the levels of inequality in our society.
1K De Jesús Ceballos Fernando
•The fact that we need a babysitter to get peace it is just regrettable.
•We will not walk around the city in calm because even in the past we had crimes in every corner.
•We used to think that everything was safe. But it never was. The fact is this: Now everything it is viral.
•The policeman it is no there to take care of us, he just pretend.
1j Jose Manuel Gozalez Vazquez
1-People sometimes think they can feel safe to see a cop.
2-Insecurity in mexico is very high.
3-We may never again have segurridad.
4-If our parents better educate us better that insecurity would not exist.
1j Carlos Enrique Pizano Saucedo
-certainly there is too much traffic.
-is supposedly for security.
-I also think it only worsen.
-colima had better times.
1J Jesus Alejandro Gutierrez Santillan
-The police here are not reliable, just sometimes.
-The security in Mexico is good if you are part of the bandids.
-Sometimes the cops don’t make their Job.
-The cops should be more honest.
1J - Juan Enrique Delgado Martinez
1.-There is a lot of traffic in villa de alvarez.
2.-We live in a insecure place.
3.-also colima has a very hot weather.
4.-yañez says that there is a lot of police officers near the schools.
1°J Juan Antonio Rivera María
-We live in a society not very safe.
-Teens may be afraid of the policeman.
-For some it is a security.
-i think that Colima has changed.
1k Diaz Ortega Jose Ramon
1.Like society we need put more attention to this facts about insecurity
2.Everiday the insecurity increasse in Mexico
3.The education starts in home
4.We need more love and less weapons
1 J Edgar Ivan Alcantar Guerrero
– The crime now in colima isn´t like before.
– Apparently the crime in colima is little.
– Tthe people take it as normal thing.
-If the city have more security means have more crime.
1K Valenzuela Luis Juan Maritza
_I agree with what the author mentions, are always present the policemen however is not them doing their job.
_Insecurity in colima is increasing with time.
_We live in an unsafe place.
_Despite the fact that there are many policemen and soldiers for our safety all attain is that this society with something of fear.
1K Leonel Arroyo Elizarraraz
Poverty in Mexico is that there is no employment; I think that we don’t want to exploit our resources this country is very rich in all kinds of resources.
Most of the jobs are poorly paid.
Having a career is something rich, since education is expensive and there is little help.
Have a career you greater possibility to overcome you, but it is just that a possibility.
1K Gustavo Abraham Urbina Torres
1.-In schools there are police and soldiers guarding students.
2.-The soldiers and police are always armed.
3.-The cops will someday inadequate to cover everyone.
4. Society has lost battles to live in peace and freedom.
1k Víctor Manuel González Ventura
– To me weigh my fate that leads to this unstoppable spiral, and that each school should exist or police patrols, because it means that citizens continue to lose crucial battles for freedom and rights to live in peace
– That one part is right or the other wrong
– The safety advantage is having more students and teachers
– The disadvantage is that there are many more dangerous places if there should be patrols or police
1 k Luis Fernando Aguirre Reyes
1.-In our country there is a lot of crime.
2.-We live in a society dominated by the insecurity.
3.-Insecurity is a big problem.
4.-La sociedad in which we live is not safe, even though we have cops.
1k Muñoz Osorio Alejandro
-The insecurity is present in our state.
– Our state have a traffic problem on school days.
-We aren’t conscious of the insecurity.
– The state have enough troubles to have armed police in the streets.
1E Alan Guadalupe Machuca Silva
-The increased security is lost
-In our country there is a lot of crime.
– The crime now in colima isn´t like before.
-I also think it only worsen.
1E Rocio Rodriguez Niebla
• Increased police outside schools is a sign that something is wrong.
• I wonder, what will happen when the police are not sufficient?
• It is worrying that evil is winning.
• I think we are reaching the limit, and we must act immediately.
Méndez Amaro Ferjosev Isaac
-I also think it only worsen.
-The Insecurity is a problem for the people .
-We live in a insecure country.
-The education starts in home.