Domingo caluroso. Mediodía. Para el habitual asado en casa decidí prepararme una salsa criolla. Cuatro pimientos de distintos colores fueron lavados cuidadosamente, y luego, uno a uno, cortados lo más simétricos que mi natural torpeza en la cocina admite. Primero el rojo, luego el verde, y así. Cortar los pimientos es la parte más lenta de la tarea para quien no tiene a los cuchillos como extensión de la mano. Cuando llegué al tercero, el amarillo, de textura y cuerpo apetitosos, traviesas gotas de sudor me corrieron por la espalda y la frente; un cansancio en la pantorrilla derecha me recordó que la noche no había sido muy grata, ni larga en sueño, me recordó la edad y que cortar pimientos no es sencillo para un neófito en menesteres salseros.
Huyendo de los pensamientos negativos por el pimiento naranja y las rajas que me aguardaban con sus gotitas de agua transparentes, con el enésimo movimiento de pies varias ideas vinieron a la cabeza. Pensé en mi amigo el Che, Don Pedro, con quien he disfrutado la mejor salsa criolla, hecha con sus manos a los ya ochenta años.
en las muchas salsas y otros alimentos que naturalmente llegan a la mesa y uno ni siquiera repara en ellos, menos en quienes, con manos hábiles y dedicadas, las prepararon.
en las delicias que tenemos la suerte de probar sin jamás detenerse en su manufactura o creadores.
pensé también, por el cansancio de tan nimia labor, en el taxista que a la una de la tarde, a las siete o a las nueve de la noche, después de varias horas circulando en la ciudad con tremendo calor y hastío, debe seguir trabajando en la dirección que le indican sus clientes.
en los cargadores que esperan afuera de los supermercados para echarnos una mano con el carrito a cambio de unos pesos.
Y seguí con varios de estos oficios que se vuelven visibles solo en ese instante en que una lucecita nos ilumina y nos revela que ejecutarlos es un acto de valía sin par. Cortando pimientos en domingo redescubrí el enorme respeto que nos merecen todos aquellos oficios que no practicamos pero un día, o varios, nos regalan privilegios gastronómicos o salvan de los apuros en que nos metemos por voluntad u obligadas circunstancias. ¡Benditos sean!
arthur edwards
El placer de comer no se da sin que otros preparen la mesa primero!
1 E Ceballos Miranda Olga Isela
• Yañez make roasts in his house on Sundays
• Yañez is a bit awkward in the kitchen
• Yañez doesn’t spend much time in the kitchen
• Sometimes we do not value the work of the people who make good food.
1E Jorge Luis Aguirre Martinez
-The sunday last decided prepared a creole sauce.
-In the delights that we have the luck of try out without ever stopping in her manufacturing or creators.
-Cutting peppers in sunday rediscover the huge respect that we deserve all those trades that not practice.
-In my opinion all the works have her difficulty and deserve be respected.
1E Arzate Ayala Pedro Antonio
-This is a nice reflection by Yanez.
-Made me think of a time that we make this work but enjoyed.
-He noted that it was a lot of work to do things that did not make before.
-Some people do not see the effort that other people make for us.
1E - Alan Ulises Montes Rodríguez
1.- Good food is always made at home.
2.- I agree that people who work in these kind of things like a taxi driver should get more respect for what they do.
3.- In my opinion cooking requires a lot of practice and it isn’t something everyone can just start doing from a day to another.
4.- I think it is always better to eat in family than alone.
1 E Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez
1- Cooking is a hard job jaja.
2- All works need time and practice.
3- Yañez isn’t a good cook.
4- Taxi driver is a hard job.
1 E Horacio Gerzain Avalos Aguayo
-This looks delicious.
-Yañez practice some cooking on sunday.
-Don Pedro know do the best creole sauce.
-Yañez prepares to eat roast in domingo.
1E Orlando Arias Rodríguez
-The best salsa in my opinion is made with tomatoes.
-Everyone should learn to cook.
-Yañez is always very busy days.
-The supermarket is the easiest way to get our food.
1J J1 Mejía Romero Fernando Rogelio
-Reading this mede me feel kinda hungry.
-I should learn cooking.
-Sometimes my aunt puts cheese inside of the pepper and they are just tasty.
-It is a pity that I am writting this like a week later.
1J carlos misael ramirez mendoza
-I should learn cooking.
-yañez doesn’t know cook
– Yañez is a bit awkward in the kitchen
-Everyone should learn to cook.
1°K Avalos Galindo Marcos Antonio
1-Yañez is a good cook
2-Each and every one of us fulfill a role in society.
3-Yañez likes to prepare food on a Sunday.
4-This article is very interesting and made me hungry.
1k Ricardo Tomas Regalado Guerrero
1- Creole sauce is good but the homemade Mexican sauce is much much better.
2- as always prepared my food. I always appreciate.
3- Just read this article made me hungry.
4- I always wanted to be a chef … but I prefer computers.
1K De Jesús Ceballos Fernando
•Every worker is needed to make a function in our system.
•We should have in mind every little endeavor from the people amoung us.
•The most of the jobs nowadays are about make a low profile.
•The ones who aren’t discret, are they who make the worst acts.
1j Jose Manuel Gozalez Vazquez
1-We have to evaluate all trades.
2-We have to think of other people.
3-I something preparin my food.
4-We can learn a cooking.
1j Carlos Enrique Pizano Saucedo
-Hot is little.
-It seems that the kitchen ain’t your thing.
-Same thing happens to me in the kitchen.
-I think the same.
1E Rocio Rodriguez Niebla
I believe that cooking, we find the perfect time to reflect on important issues.
Being a beginner in the kitchen is difficult but if you spend time worth the result.
All jobs require a great effort, and often are essential to other people who are not experts in the subject.
Sometimes the meals we shared between loved ones create a beautiful memory.
1J Jesus Alejandro Gutierrez Santillan
This is very important for your health.
-You must know all that you eat.
-You have new cookings to know.
-This is very hot! But maybe is delicious.
1k Diaz Ortega Jose Ramon
1.Every job is a god job
2.The fact to have a bad job at the look of society, dont make you a bad person
3.We need to look every aspect in our live
4.Good sauce for my taste
1 J Edgar Ivan Alcantar Guerrero
-if the sauce isn´t spicy, it isn´t sauce.
– the people should valuate the work of others.
– any work is nice while you enjoy it.
– everybody should learn to cook.
1K Valenzuela Luis Juan Maritza
_We must know to appreciate the things that many times we see insignificant.
_All work is good.
_Yanez was a Creole sauce.
_We should enjoy our jobs.
1K Juan José AndradeAguilar
-I love cooking.
-The peppers look so colorful.
-The best job is the one that we enjoy.
-Nothing like enjoy the meal with the family.
1k Víctor Manuel González Ventura
– As a teacher it is good that some people do not study for some services that others do not say.
– But it is clear that all work is dignified and respected or matter that is cleaner aisles is respected.
– Some earn little but are very needy.
– Congratulations to everyone who makes some service, driver, driver, taco without the taco not a try the delicious tacos.
1k Muñoz Osorio Alejandro
-All jobs are honorable
-A job has to make you happy
-Work where you be satisfied
-In your job you can make happy other people
1E Alan Guadalupe Machuca Silva
– the people should valuate the work of others.
– But it is clear that all work is dignified and respected or matter that is cleaner aisles is respected.
-I think the same.
-It seems that the kitchen ain’t your thing.
Méndez Amaro Ferjosev Isaac
– Cooking is very fun.
– I love bery much cooking.
– I like the pizza.
– Is always better to eat in family.