

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

En el principio era el verbo. Y el verbo era vivir. Verbo imperativo, por el verbo y más allá del verbo. Así que cada mañana aquel hombre, que un escritor bondadoso calificaría como “buen hombre”, escribía en su agenda en primer lugar, con la mejor letra de su mano: VIVIR, en mayúscula, con toda la belleza y perfección que podía. Y a eso se dedicaba cada uno de los días de su vida, o por lo menos era el empeño. Las adversidades no eran pocas; la hora de las comidas le recordaban que la frugalidad de su mesa (o un rincón de su oficina) era en parte opcional y en buena medida dictadas por un magro salario, el que ganaba trabajando por lo menos ocho horas diarias, pero regularmente ocho horas 51 minutos, nueve horas y dos minutos, ocho horas con 26 minutos y trece segundos, y así. No era el suyo, tampoco, el mejor oficio del mundo. Su jefe, insensible y cínico, diría de él si alguien se lo pidiera: “un triste, taciturno, famélico empleado de la honorable burocracia estatal”.

A las horas de la comida que, sin embargo, también disfrutaba, había que sumarle las más de ocho horas en su oficina, y las tres horas que tardaba cada día entre la salida de su casa rumbo al transporte colectivo, caminar unas calles y llegar puntualmente a su oficina. Y por la tarde, cuando la noche asomaba, el vuelta atrás al hogar con pálidas luces, insonora y decaída. Del restante número de horas que le quedaban, siete dormía sin chistar, que eso era de lo más placentero, aunque aquel viejo colchón se empeñara en fastidiarle las costillas. Una de las horas leía el periódico del día, si habían sobrado unos pesos y la quincena iniciaba, o el de ayer o antier, que los analistas a veces no escriben artículos tan efímeros. Sus libros en casa los conocía todos y había leído algunos dos o tres veces. Cuando los pies no estaban tan cansados marchaba las once calles hasta la biblioteca municipal y pedía un libro para los siguientes cinco días. Eso le consumía una hora y energía eléctrica mientras cenaba con la sobriedad antes descrita.

Del sábado y domingo poco se sabe. Pasaba el tiempo encerrado, reparando los artefactos de casa, una silla, la pata de su cama, o limpiando el reducido espacio de casa, sacudiendo los libros. De mujeres no se supo demasiado en los años recientes. Deportes y actividades recreativas, pocas. Caminar un par de horas por el viejo parque le prodigaba tristezas, pues era el mismo viejo parque que conoció cuando niño, cuando sus padres y dos hermanos paseaban alborozados, igualmente pobres pero felices.

Era una vida poco más que miserable, podría decir un impiadoso escritor. La vida de un hombre gris, común y ordinario, que cada noche o cada mañana escribía en una agenda que pocos apuntes tenía, aquellas cinco letras, VIVIR, que, probablemente, fueran uno de los breves instantes de su cotidiana, pequeña, reposada felicidad, cuando se encendía la ilusión de ser un escritor, no grande ni mediano, solo uno que pudiera vivir de su pluma y sus palabras escritas en libros, revistas y congresos.

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  1. 1 E Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez

    1- Is a very sad story.
    2- A lot of people lives like this man.
    3- If you don’t want to live like this man needs study and work very hard.
    4- The man in this story maybe doesn’t deserve this life.

  2. 1E - Alan Ulises Montes RodrĂ­guez

    1.- I really liked the story, it’s kind of sad and makes me realize how much I have compared to him or how much I lack at the same time.
    2.- Many people think living is having money and a bunch of things that they think make them happy.
    3.- I actually think that people who have less are the ones who give the most.
    4.- Many people live like this in Mexico and probably other countries as well.

  3. 1 E Ceballos Miranda Olga Isela

    • It is a sad history, but also a sad reality
    • At present many people live like this
    • We can’t allow that a work enslave us
    • We can’t stop to live our happy lifes just for few coins

  4. 1E Jorge Luis Aguirre Martinez

    -One sad, taciturn, starved employee of the honorable bureaucracy state.
    -It was an old that longed live happy all days.
    -Their books in home the knew all and had readed some two o three times.
    -The man in this story it was sad and maybe doesn’t deserve this life so sad.

  5. 1E Arzate Ayala Pedro Antonio

    – The story is about a very passive writer.
    – Also note that almost every day to the same actions.
    – He almost did not practice much sports.
    – It is dedicated to writing books.

  6. 1 E Horacio Gerzain Avalos Aguayo

    -This story is not just of the man but of many.
    -The man has one life very hard.
    -The man prefer stay alone and work much.
    -The man has that leave more with family and enjoys life.

  7. 1E Orlando Arias RodrĂ­guez

    -There are many stories like this everyday.
    -Everyone should be happy.
    -There are people who are striving to do what they want.
    -Learn to live is the key to not having a sad life.

  8. 1E LĂłpez Morales Francisco Javier

    writers are highly respected, I’ve never seen one that is not.

    the story is very true since most of the writers they spend alone and happy for it.

    loneliness is never bad if seen from different points.

    live, always been a word clabe for the existence of all of us.

  9. 1J J1 MejĂ­a Romero Fernando Rogelio

    -Allright, this was just pretty interisting.
    -Sadly, there might be many pepople in the world who live like this man.
    -I ask myself if the words “el principito” have something to with the tale with the same name.
    -I never read “El principito”.

  10. 1J carlos misael ramirez mendoza

    -I ask myself if the words “el principito” have something to with the tale with the same name.
    -The man has one life very hard.
    -I actually think that people who have less are the ones who give the most
    -A lot of people lives like this man.

  11. 1°K Avalos Galindo Marcos Antonio

    1-This article treats with the daily lives of many men.
    2-This aticle is very sad.
    3-I think this article describes many people.
    4-All work is good, no fool who enjoys what he does.

  12. 1k Ricardo Tomas Regalado Guerrero

    1- any work involving bureaucracy is honorable.
    2- there are many people who live like this man and it’s sad.
    3- definitely a sad story.
    4- the word “live” no longer has much meaning in these times.

  13. 1K De JesĂşs Ceballos Fernando

    •The human as it is raised only thinks in himself.

    •We never look to how much the rest of the people need us.

    •You need to pay more atention to the things you have.

    •A little man needs a little to live too much.

  14. 1j Jose Manuel Gozalez Vazquez

    1-People care much every day.
    2-The old days were better.
    3-The people then were more cultivated.
    4-We have become materialistic.

  15. 1E Rocio Rodriguez Niebla

    I enjoyed the daily ritual of the character of this story.
    I think everyone should devote ourselves to LIVE every day.
    It is a good description of the people who struggle to live within the limits of everyday circumstances.
    A daily time is essential to delude ourselves and see life optimistically.

  16. 1J Jesus Alejandro Gutierrez Santillan

    -There is the reality for somebody.
    -Sometimes you should know the life of other people.
    -There are a lot of people with the same problem.
    -This is always a bad thing.

  17. 1J - Juan Enrique Delgado Martinez

    1.-a very interesting story.
    2.-yañez used to stay at home on weekends.
    3.-also he used to repair some home stuff.
    4.-this story talk about a man with a little miserable life.

  18. 1k Diaz Ortega Jose Ramon

    1.Life is good
    2.Live like this day is your last day
    3.Enjoy every moment of the day
    4.The autor describes a very sad person

  19. 1 J Edgar Ivan Alcantar Guerrero

    -enjoy life eventhough it look bad
    -need to be satisfied with the things we do
    -live is one of the things that everyone forgets to do
    -to feel alive you need to do what you like, otherwise you would not be living.

  20. 1K Valenzuela Luis Juan Maritza

    _Things change with the passage of time.
    _The past things are betther than now-
    _This story makes me feel sad.
    _A lot of people lives like this person.

  21. 1K Juan José AndradeAguilar

    -This is a sad story, but its very true.
    -I actually i think that people who have less are the ones who give the most.
    -Someone are gonna feel identified with the story.
    -We need to stop been materialist.

  22. 1k Víctor Manuel González Ventura

    – Life of a gray common and ordinary man, every night or every morning writing in an agenda that had few notes, those five letters, LIVE, you probably were one of the few moments of their everyday, small, relaxed happiness.
    – It was an old That longed live happy all days.
    – One hour a day reading the newspaper, if some money left over and started fortnight, or yesterday or the day before yesterday, analysts sometimes do not write as ephemera.
    – That one hour was consumed power while dining with the above described sobriety.

  23. 1k Muñoz Osorio Alejandro

    – I like what the character do daily
    -Every day is important y we have to live it
    -In this life we have to fight
    -He feels optimisti

  24. 1E Alan Guadalupe Machuca Silva

    -People care much every day.
    -I actually i think that people who have less are the ones who give the most.
    -There is the reality for somebody.
    -live is one of the things that everyone forgets to do

  25. MĂ©ndez Amaro Ferjosev Isaac

    – The people care much.
    – In this life we have to fight much.
    – Is a interesant history.
    – Bery nice Yáñes.

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