Tuve la fortuna de dirigir la educación media superior de la Universidad de Colima entre 1997 y 2004, en el periodo rectoral de Carlos Salazar Silva. Durante ese lapso desarrollamos un proyecto llamado “Reforma Académica del Bachillerato” (RAB), cuyo desenlace fue satisfactorio, aunque no se cumplieran todas las grandes metas. En el balance final los progresos fueron enormes.
Gracias al trabajo colectivo realizado la Universidad se convirtió en un punto de referencia nacional. Entre otros, algunos hechos lo atestiguan: nuestro liderazgo durante cinco años entre las universidades públicas con bachillerato, incluidas la UNAM, la UdeG o la UANL; la evaluación (y los recursos) en el primer programa público de financiamiento a la educación media superior; la coordinación del capítulo para el programa educativo nacional 2001-2006 y mi designación como asesor de la SEP en la Dirección General del Bachillerato.
Los ciclos terminan, y con la salida de Carlos Salazar Silva ocupé otras responsabilidades. Del periodo siguiente podría hacer algunos juicios sobre el rumbo del bachillerato universitario, porque me sobran información y argumentos, pero no me corresponde juzgarlo.
Con el rectorado en curso comparto personalmente algunas ideas sobre el destino que imprime a la media superior. Un análisis informado encontraría líneas de continuidad entre aquella reforma y la actual gestión: el bachillerato bilingüe era una de las metas de nuestra RAB, pero no fue posible porque en aquel momento no reuníamos el número de maestros que pudieran impartir los cursos de matemáticas, física o historia (por decir algunas materias) en inglés. Lo dejamos a un lado y hoy se retoma. Lo celebro.
También aplaudo la revitalización de las academias de maestros. Por otro lado, la flexibilización empezó a concretarse con el modelo del bachillerato semiescolarizado, que ahora cumple 15 años; pero pretendíamos y discutimos más opciones, que también ahora se afirman, como los cursos impartidos en periodos intersemestrales para que estudiantes en condiciones favorables puedan avanzar y concluir antes de los tres años.
En fin, estas son algunas de las medidas que hoy están en marcha y eran parte de las estrategias y metas de la RAB.
Hay que repetirlo con vehemencia: cualquier transformación sustancial en la Universidad de Colima debe comenzar en sus bachilleratos, por el peso de su matrícula y por la importancia numérica de sus egresados en la conformación de la matrícula de primer ingreso en licenciatura. Mejorar cualitativamente el bachillerato de la Universidad de Colima es, entonces, condición indispensable para su renovación.
1E aadfasfsdfsadf
1. I think that restructuring high schools is very important because in professional schools they represent the raw materials.
2. A bilingual high school is what we need to learn to speak English in a competitive world.
3. I don’t believe we can be very successful because most teachers cannot even speak English, much less teach classes in English dedicated to course content.
4. asfjñlksadjfñlaskjdfñlaskjdfñlksadjfñlkasdjfñlksadjfñlaksdjfñlksadjfñlk
1J Leslie Jordana Fernández Moreno
1.- The ideas put forward were very good, and I think it’s great that are being met.
2.- En mi caso que estudie en una preparatoria semi escolarizada pienso que tiene algo positivo y algo negativo.
3.- POSITIVE: It gives people time to study and work at the same time.
4.- NEGATIVE: Not the same quality of study, since there are sometimes the subject in depth.
1E Christopher E. Velázquez C.
1-As you said in the actuality there are many factors that we have to change
2-I think that from Elementary School It should be changed and not from high school
3-I really want that others states use this system.
4-Nice article
1E Carlos Alberto Vera Villegas
1- I think tha work un the university of colima in this moment is good.
2- in this year the university of Colima open the first bilingual in this town
3-sometimes it is better to start some things first university
4-Nice aticle
1E José Juan Santillán Torres
1.- I am liked your mentality about of work in the university of colima.
2.- I hope function good the project of bilingual high school.
3.- Also i hope they teachers are more prepared in the school.
4.- Evolution its change and the evolution its very important for progress.
1E Luis Gerardo Galindo Luna
1. I agree with your point of view there are many things that need to change.
2. The students also need and deserve better teachers.
3. I hope that someday good teachers and better staff arrive at all schools.
4. I also liked your ideas.
Rogelio Oseguera de la Cruz
1. Excellent! RAB transformed the University for the better.
2. This change positions us very well when compared to other universities.
3. The students support is appreciated.
4. I’m glad the measures taken in that moment are still being used.
Dámaso Benicio Rodríguez 1"K"
1-Great post keep working
2-It’s good to see how the university has changed for good
3-I agree that this university still needs a lot of things to be better but for now it’s ok
4-And of course we as students deserve more and better teachers… after all we are paying for that.
1E Rogelio Oseguera de la Cruz
1. Excellent! RAB transformed the University for the better.
2. This change positions us very well when compared to other universities.
3. The students support is appreciated.
4. I’m glad the measures taken in that moment are still being used.
1E Juan Carlos Vazquez Heredia
1.-It seems very good idea of what intersemestrales periods.
2.-The problem of wanting to do a bilingual school is that not every teacher can give their classes in English.
3.-The support you give to students with their articles is welcome.
4.-Good article.
1K Luis Armando Covarrubias Rincon
1.-Would be an excellent idea of high school bilingual, but must take into account that the level of English in lower grades is very poor and it would cost to make students to adapt is
2.-would be a great change
3.-I believe that some of these ideas should be implemented from lower levels
4.-Who teaches the classes is a point that you should consider
1k Francisco David Preciado Mendoza
1. It is best that were given with great impact, however critical the way bilingual proposal, because although the company is unable to assume responsibility for their own language, it was hoped that that idea remained like that It is now day, an idea.
2. The capabilities of different types of teachers are measured by their knowledge, I think it’s more important how the teacher can impregnate that knowledge in the student.
3. While semiescolarizado school was a good way to study while working, well at least I defend that was part of that school model, adapting to the University of Colima has been difficult for me, because it is not the same quality of teaching, without belittling the great teachers who taught me materials, is still problematic we need more progress in the field of education and less to celebrate.
4. Favoresco indudablamente the ezfuersos few do for education, I think that should be more grants and fewer students leaving university.
norma trujillo garcia "1K"
-I believe that some of these ideas should be implemented from lower levels
-The support you give to students with their articles is welcome.
-This change positions us very well when compared to other universities.
– I am liked your mentality about of work in the university of colima.
-I really want that others states use this system.
-It is best that were given with great impact, however critical the way bilingual proposal, because although the company is unable to assume responsibility for their own language, it was hoped -that that idea remained like that It is now day, an idea
-Who teaches the classes is a point that you should consider
-sometimes it is better to start some things first university
-I think that from Elementary School It should be changed and not from high school
-This article becomes to me interesting.
1k calleros Carrillo Luis Alberto
1• i like the proposición of High school whit posibility to learn ver y lenguage.
2• i like the states use this sistem.
3• el bachillerato semi escolarizado te cosas a favor
4•me gustaría que la facultad tenga semi escolarizado